Thammana Invitational

2022 — Portland, OR/US

Interp Prose/Poetry

Abbreviation INT
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Interpretive prose/poetry consists of both prose and poetry pieces. In poetry, using three or more poems, students provide an oral interpretation of poetry around a central  theme. The interpretation is eight minutes long (typically including memorized transitions  between each piece). Students may choose traditional poetry, often characterized by rhyme or  rhythm, or nontraditional poetry, which often has a rhythmic flow but is not necessarily  structured by formal meter. Students may not use prose or drama (plays) in this category. 

In prose, using a published work of prose (short story, novel excerpt, etc.) that is either fiction or  nonfiction, students provide an oral interpretation of a selection of materials. The  interpretation is eight minutes long (including a 30-second memorized introduction) and is  given directly from a manuscript. Prose corresponds to common speech patterns and may  combine elements of narration and dialogue. Students may not use poetry or drama (plays) in  this category.