Warriors Invitational
2023 — Online, CA/US
LD Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideArushi, she/her, MSJ '24, arushisinghdinker@gmail.com for email chain
LD for 2 years, 1 year lay and 1 year circuit, I'm familiar enough with PF and MSPDP to judge rds
policy >>> T/theory > phil > K >>> niche phil/Ks you don't explain until the 2nr/2ar or fall apart in cx >> tricks
good debating trumps prefs (minus tricks)
do whatever makes you comfortable :D
argument = claim + warrant + impact
backfile dump can easily be beat by smart analytics & empirics
comparative weighing & embedded clash best
love clash over prepared points of engagement! I'm fine for most things here
a bit harder to convince me that consult cps are mutually exclusive with the aff
if you're going for a perm explain it please. even a short line in the 1ar of what the perm would look like or why it's preferrable/solves is better than "perm do both and perm do cp"
tech > truth obviously but truth k2 ethos and I truth lean (gasp!) more if I'm evaluating novice
weigh!!! even in extinction v extinction, why is your impact more likely? why does your extinction scenario mean more pain? what does even a risk of your impact mean vs your defense on their impact?
comparative impact calc is crucial, why is your weighing standard better?
links that turn the case are my FAVORITE, if you're doing impact turns case then have a blip about why you o/w on timeframe or come first
impact turns like dedev are cool, I'm a bit less inclined to vote for spark but I might with good evi & debating, the farther you stray from truth on impact turns (disease good) the less I buy
I might buy no vtl but good yes vtl debating will usually trump, critiques of extinction/link scenario are much better than saying it's ok if 7 bil people die because cap dehumanizes workers in squo
default: judge kick, squo > risk of aff harm
if you run nebel T and can't explain how the resolution functions through the upward entailment/adverb test during cx ... uh
evi for normal means please
explain why your definitions are semantically or norm-wise superior, don't just spam 5 Wikipedia entries
if you're going for limits please have a caselist, don't just say they explode limits, say allowing this aff means you allow x & y affs which means i have to research x & y which is bad because z
explain functional limits check don't just throw it around as a buzzword, why is allowing x & y affs good? or why would that not be possible without good lit
substance debates best on this
default: predictability best standard, norms > semantic trash
if i can't flow your friv/hidden theory shell i won't vote on it. if it isn't in the doc it should be clear enough and not 2 sec of "vote neg if they defend their plan" under your breath
looking at me/your opp in the eyes while saying theory shells/voter issues not in doc is +0.4 speaker
just saying x is a voter issue does not mean you can blow it up in the next speech, even if it's stupid there needs to be a warrant, consult cps aren't a voter just because you said so they're a voter because they explode limits
can't believe I have to say this but yes I will buy an RVI
i'm more receptive to condo bad than most circuit debaters
I will not vote on shoes or stuffed animal theory. only pre-round based shell I will evaluate is disclosure.
running disclosure on novices is kinda sad but as long as you're also winning on substance or something your speaks are safe
defaults: no RVI, reasonability, DTA
good phil debates are great
love sophia tian esque phil debating, asking questions or making arguments in layman/simple terms
ex: your moral theory is following evolution, so what is the moral significance of wisdom teeth?
being able to question the assumptions that moral theories rely on (nazis v kant) and also being able to properly respond to those questions results in very high speaks
i'll buy syllogisms that aren't carded only if they're general like kant, if you're reading virtue ethics please have some actual evi, don't just rely on tricks to win
theory in response to phil is.. interesting.. i'll vote on it if it makes sense
if you can explain your framework and it's developed off the bat I am happy to evaluate it
default: util?
it's unlikely I'll ever vote on a floating pik, but sweep for them anyway
identity debates will never not be awkward, I'll still evaluate args but I lean moral hazards
vote for me because I'm x marginalized identity or give me the ballot to rectify harm against x marginalized group are in the top 10 worst debate arguments
new 2nr explanations are evaluated as such, i strongly dislike arguments that make no sense in the 1nc and I even more dislike lacking explanations in cx. if you can't explain your thesis until you have a time advantage it probably isn't very good. aff should point this out.
will buy impact turns against these (cap/heg/liberalism good)
post facto ROBs make no sense and opp should point this out
i am bad for ROB is to reject the aff or vote aff/neg
K affs are an uphill battle, please be creative and not just impact turn all neg standards
limits/fairness > clash/edu for 2nr
default: case gets to be weighed
don't! :)
I am unlikely to vote for dropped "kick them because they're aff" args if I couldn't flow them
i will buy theory on tricks bad
I will never vote for "evaluate the debate after x speech." I evaluated the debate before the 1AC.
clipping sucks and I always have the doc open so I wouldn't recommend trying it
if you're pressed for time cut the card after your warrant and press enters while reading so you can send the updated doc after your speech
as someone who sucks navigating word, sending your docs isn't prep as long as it's obvious you're just looking through your files and not typing anyls
yes you can write down your order while saying it aloud, that's not prep
asking your opponent about what they did/didn't read if they don't send a marked doc is not prep! what?? but obviously clarifying what they went for/they read outside the doc is
extra cx time is NEVER prep. flex prep is asking your opp questions during your prep
slowing down on anyls/anything not in doc +0.2 speaker and increases the chance of me actually flowing it
in gen please slow down on warrants/important arguments, why you would spread by your strongest points is beyond me, if they are likely to win you the debate make sure I flow them
arguments need warrants. if I can't comfortably explain why I voted for an argument/position in my RFD I'm unlikely to consider it
yes they dropped x, but what does that mean? explain the warrant
unless you're doing embedded clash, keep overviews short
embedded clash & being organized >>>
"they said condo bad. that's untrue because condo is good..." <
numbering arguments is ok and sometimes preferable but I'm totally ok with just top down
as someone who had to debate toc qualifiers as a novice i am not as "omg how dare they spread 4 offs against a novice!" as some circuit debaters, expect to be treated like the division you are debating in. but, running disclosure theory against someone whose school isn't even on the wiki or being super rude to a novice who doesn't know buzzwords kills ethos (also i hate buzzwords)
racism/sexism/homophobia etc is so cringe and 100% will not get you the ballot!
(they said util which implies future generations which is homophobic because gay people can't have babies is not an independent reason for me to drop you but yelling "gay people suck" during cross is)
microaggressions/condescending tones/being rude might not be an auto loss but they will definitely kill your ethos and make it that much harder for me to give you the ballot no matter how much u outtech
putting the name of any twice b-side as the header of one of ur offs is +0.3 speaks
if you debate the entire round without technology, you'll receive auto 30s
for everything else, please refer to rahil pasha's paradigm
I coach withDebateDrills - the following URL has our roster, MJP conflict policy, code of conduct, relevant team policies, and harassment/bullying complaint form: https://www.debatedrills.com/club-team-policies/lincoln-douglas-team-policy
Shrey, he/him, MSJ '24, UPenn '28, 3x TOC qual, 7 career bids, shreyraju.debate@gmail.com for email chain.
I consider myself to have been a flex debater, but I primarily dabbled in phil/theory and debated the least in Ks and tricks.
I don't care what arguments you read, just do them well. As long as I can flow your arguments and coherently explain them back to you in my rfd, I'll vote on it.
I'll give extra speaks for in-round humor, but tank speaks if it ends up being mean or toxic. I'll also slow or clear you as much as needed, but the more I have to do it, the worse your speaks will be.
Good luck!
A working list of random thoughts I have about debate rounds that will keep building up as I judge more and more:
- Regarding paradigm issues, I default whatever the debaters implicitly assume and am 100% willing to change any of these assumptions. If there are no implicit assumptions, I default theory is drop the argument, no rvi, and competing interps. I also default the ROB as voting for the better debater and permissibility/presumption negate. CPs are condo but not judge kicked.
- If an argument is conceded, you still need to extend a warrant and judge instruction on what to do with the argument in order for me to vote on it. In other words, don't say "they conceded induction fails" and stop there — say "induction fails because xyz which takes out util because abc."
- I won't vote on "independent voting issues" absent a reason to drop the debater in the speech presented. Calling it an IVI without further warranting isn't sufficient even if it is conceded.
- Please time yourselves.
Hi! I'm Saranya, I debated for MSJ for 4-ish years, 2x TOC qual and 5 career bids.
I prefer file share. Email: saranyasingh926@gmail.com
Follow my bird on Instagram! @donthecockatiel
Novice: Making smart arguments > speaking nicely. Weigh! Have fun and don't be afraid to ask questions!
Tech > Truth, I don't care what you read
Quick Prefs (order of comfort):
Policy - 1
Stock Ks (set col, cap, afropess) - 1.5
Phil - 2
Theory/T - 2
High theory/more complicated Ks - 3
Trix - 4
Default to competing interps, drop the debater, no RVIs.
Policy: One of my favorite types of debate and the one I probably did the most often. I enjoy tricky CPs, a good util debate, a strong politics DA, etc. Generally lean neg on CP theory
Stock Ks: I mostly read set col but I'm familiar with other stock Ks. If you read the security K without case defense I will be sad
Phil: I like to think I have some experience with phil and I think I would enjoy judging these debates. I have the most experience with Kant and virtue ethics (Shrey Raju credits). Explanation is gonna be key in these debates.
Theory/T: I don't have an issue with going for frivolous shells but I ranked it lower because I think I'm not great at evaluating these debates. I often find the standards level unresolvable so weighing and paradigm issues will get you ahead. Caselists win championships.
High theory: Okay
Speaks: Speaks based on strategy. If you make me laugh, I'll laugh but it won't be reflected in the speaks because I'm not funny and I'm salty about it.
If you're mean I'll be sad :( and sometimes sad people accidentally give 20 speaks oops
I debated a bit, for Mission San Jose High School.
Hi! :) Please add me on the email chain: yuvrajw628@gmail.com.
+1.0 speaker points for every CLEVER taylor swift reference. if someone gives an entire speech in song form, auto 30s for your team.
General: Any argument is fine. Just make sure you you give proper warrants and impacts; read content warnings with anonymous opt out if necessary. Definitely don't make any racist, sexist, purposefully misgendering, etc. comments though, otherwise I'll drop you for it. If you're unsure about something, don't say it.
PF Debate:
- tech > truth but please pay special attention to the the latter
- not super well versed in Ks, FW, or tricks debate; run at your own risk
- speed is NOT fine. As mentioned, I am lay judge. (aka please don't speak fast, I'm okay with it but would prefer not to see a speech doc)
Extending: Frontlines and extensions should be in second rebuttal. Anything I need to vote on should be brought up in both summary AND final focus. Defense isn't sticky.
DAs/Overviews: I love overviews, especially if you can make a clever implication. disads are fake.
Ks: I would love to watch a K round. Please make sure to explain and warrant really well; I'll keep an open mind.
Tricks/Theory: These debates are fun to watch. I'm open to all types of theory and tricks (including frivolous!).
Paraphrasing: I love paraphrasing ???????? and believe it's a good norm. however: if you paraphrase, please make sure everything is fully cut and ready (like < 1 min to send). I'm also very open to Para theory, on both sides.
Weighing/Impact Calculus: Start weighing/impact calc early in the round and extend it throughout the entire debate. Makes it easier to collapse and also get an idea on how to evaluate the round early on.
Misc stuff:
- Feel free to make any jokes or make the debate more entertaining. Debates is too serious
- I love signposting. if you do it i will love you
- Unless I say otherwise, I'm always ready!