38th Annual Stanford Invitational
2024 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
LD - TOC Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideEmail - Maxinekyadams364@gmail.com
1 - k/performance****, traditional
2 - theory
4 - larp
no tricks.
-i am very flow centric (flow cross ex even)- tech matters a lot
-impacts are important to me. please give me framing and comparison, tell me the story of your impacts and how they outweigh.
-case debate - be very clear when you're cross applying arguments to the case flow - 2nr and 2ar must go to the case page and isolate what you're winning
-FW - ill vote on it if you win it.
More thoughts
- please collapse by the 2n/2a and use judge instruction.
- good analytics > bad cards
- Debating cannot be separated from rhetoric, as such, I expect to be persuaded during a round and I do believe this will occur more efficiently when speakers enunciate their words. Simply put, please adjust your speech pace to one I can follow so I do not miss salient points.
- While I appreciate debate terminology, I suggest that their usage be minimal. This owes to the fact that these terms are usually a means of pointing out to the judge what a speaker is aiming towards at a particular time. If I do not understand the term, there's a possibility that I will then be unable to follow your contentions as you are directing me to. However, if complex and essential debate terminologies must be employed, invest a short sentence towards explaining what they entail.
- I weigh Impacts on various mechanisms. It will bode the speaker well to explicitly mention the mechanism with which they outweigh their opponent.
- Do not merely cite authorities, make an effort to tell me why that authority is a reliable one.
- When referring to your opponent's speech, clearly point out the contention you are addressing. Additionally, when you say that your opponent conceded to a point, do mention what it is and how that occurred, if necessary.
- Be respectful during a round.
- By all means, persuade me by telling me why your contention is true, via comprehensive analysis; give me the impact(s) of said contention(s) and why that outweighs those of your opponent.
- Finally, do enjoy your rounds and aim at learning after each one.
Forensics is a speaking competition in which the art of rhetoric is utilized - speaking effectively to persuade or influence [the judge].
Socrates' remarks in Plato's Apology is the basis of my judging: "...when I do not know, neither do I think I know...I am likely to be wiser than he to this small extent, that I do not think I know when I do not know" (Ap. 21d-e).
My paradigm of any round is derived from: CLARITY!!!
All things said in the round need to be clear! Whatever it is you want me to comprehend, vote on, and so forth, needs to be clearly articulated, while one is speaking. This stipulation should not be interpreted as: I am ignorant about debate; contrarily, I am placing the burden on the debater to debate - it is the responsibility of the debater to explain arguments presented. Arguments have a criteria; therefore, clash, at the substantive level, is a must!
1) I follow each debate league's constitution, per the tournament.
2) General information, for any debate types:
A) Speed: As long as I can understand you well enough to flow the round, since I vote per the flow!, then you can speak as slow or fast as you deem necessary. I do not yell clear, for we are not in practice round, and that's judge interference.
B) Case: I am a tab judge; I will vote the way in which you explain to me to do so; thus I do not have a preference, or any predispositions, to arguments.
Set a metric in the round, then tell me why you/y'all have won your metric, while your opponent(s) has lost their metric and/or you/y'all have absorbed their metric.
The job of any debater is to persuade the judge, by way of logical reasoning, to vote in his or her favor, while maintaining one's position, and discrediting his or her opponent's position. Good luck to all!
Ask any other clarification questions before the round.
I am a student at The George Washington School of Law and I spend most of my time reading contracts, cases, legal statutes, and law journals. I believe judges should do their best to remove political/ideological biases from the debate round. I will judge the debate based on what I see and what I write down.
In high school, I received many 'bids' to the TOC. I will understand your vernacular, but what I really care about is precision, persuasion, and logicality. Speak quickly at your own risk.
If anyone has any questions you can email me at siraofla@gmail.com.
I am a new parent judge. Be quiet, talk stable. Have fun!
For the life of me I can't figure out where the heading or font size options are. I apologize in advance for this paradigm looking like it was formatted by an 8 year old.
Paul Aldrich (he/him) paulLOVESdebate@gmail.com put me on the email chain pretty please.
If you have any questions pre-round, don’t hesitate to text me @ +1 (832) 314-1370
You deserve a good RFD. If you disagree with my decision, I highly encourage you to post-round me. Even if you agree with my decision, I think asking additional questions is pivotal in becoming a better debater. I put a lot of thought and effort into making the best decision possible, and you post-rounding me shows that you understand that and are willing to test me on my decision. I had some pretty diabolical arguments with judges when I was debating so never worry about me making a character judgement about you based on your post-rounding.
TLDR; I'm a former circuit LD debater with a fair few tournaments judged. There aren't any arguments that I patently won't evaluate (unless they're just blatantly bigoted), but bad responses are sufficient to answer bad arguments.
Who I am-
1] Slightly above average circuit debater (broke at TFA State)
2] S tier local stomper (like a dozen local wins LOL)I kept going to tournaments post-qual to help our novices and kept winning LOL
3] Pretty decent coach and judge (at least hopefully a good judge for your sake !)
Pref Shortcuts (based on how qualified I am to judge these rounds)
Keep in mind these are all self-referential. I am only as qualified as my experience.
1 - Theory, Phil, Generics
2 - Util, Tricks
3 - Kritiks w/o dense jargon, K’s that have stupid alts that don’t do anything
4 - Kritiks w/ dense jargon, Performance K’s
(I promise I like Kritiks)
Notes on specific arguments that people have asked me about (text me pre-round to be featured here !)
Disclosure - Disclosure is good. You should do it. Read your disclosure shell. Anti-disclosure K debaters are somewhat convincing. Anti-disclosure non-K debaters are just trying to be special.
Tricks - Logical tricks fine. Substantive tricks okay. Framework tricks love. Tricks that start from patently false statements like “one grain of sand doesn’t make a sound” are bad. Hidden tricks between cards are stupid – one of my favorite quotes from any paradigm, “I won't catch it, your opponent won't catch it, so it probably doesn't exist.” That being said I have voted on all of these, but if you make me vote on something hidden or a one line a-priori I'll probably dock your speaks (and cry).
Friv Shells - I’ll vote on anything that has a claim warrant and impact, but by their very nature frivolous shells will be hard to win since they are… well… frivolous. If you think u can win “Fun is a voting issue” then go for it but I’m going to evaluate it the same as any other shell. If you’re getting killed on it then I’m not voting on it.
Reps K’s - I <3 disparaging perfectly respectable authors. That is not sarcasm. I love reps K’s. However, I find that winning a DTD implication on them is sometimes difficult, but I will definitely vote on them.
Plan Affs - Cool. Despite coaching a handful of T debaters, I literally never debated T so I’m very neutral on it.
CPs - Cool. I like CP theory so just keep in mind you’re probably not going to get away with 18 conditional pics but if you like the theory debate then go for it. Textual competition is the bare minimum, functional competition is best.
Advantages/Disads - Not much to say. If a judge cant evaluate these they should probably be euthanized.
I don’t keep up with a lot of the plan affs or util garbage because it changes so quickly between topics and I frankly don’t judge enough to bother to keep up. This means:
1] Don’t assume I know your weird geopolitical terms
2] If you’re using abbreviations then please say at least on the first one what it means (and say it slowly PLEASE!). If you assume that I know that LEOSSC means low earth orbit starlink satellite configuration I’m going to lose my mind.
3] Maybe pref me a bit lower if your A strategy is dumping five trillion cards on case, not because I can’t evaluate it but because I’ll probably spend an hour trying to figure out what half the tags mean and it’ll give me a headache.
I’m a bit of a phil nerd so I will definitely like these debates
Phil is always fun but most of it (Kant, hobbes, you know the ones) are extravagantly overdone. Spice it up with a couple triggers or something interesting so I'm not voting on the same 3 calc indicts every round and I’ll be jumping for joy.
Implicate your metaethic PLEASE - so many times I’ll hear (util debaters mostly) concede their metaethic and just nobody cares. Non-naturalism and util can’t both be true!!
There’s just really not that much to say about phil. It’s fun, I like it, I’ll vote on it. ‘nuf said.
Theory, like most procedurals, precedes all other arguments unless otherwise clarified
Unless previously warranted I won’t vote on new 2NR shells. It’s the 2NR not the 2NC. If the 1AR has to justify it y’all do too.
Weighing is your best friend - 99% of theory debates are won through weighing.
All arguments need an extended claim, warrant and impact and theory is no different. If you just extend a standard without impacting it out, you didn’t extend the shell (boooo)
IVI’s need more of an implication than “X is an independent voting issue”. We need impacts!!
Ctrl+F “Friv Shells” under “Notes on Specific Arguments”
World's okay-est K judge
Crystalize, Crystalize, Crystalize!! Your 2NR/2AR should be significantly simpler than your 1AC/1NC
Your standard Escalante Cap K is fine and very easy to evaluate, once we start getting closer to Deluzian tyrannical social-democratic state is where my head starts to spin.
I’m going to need more explanation and impact weighing than most judges will.
Link contextualization is what separates good and bad K debaters. 4mins of overview extensions off of a doc about “the structures they’re implicitly upholding” will probably make me cry.
The biggest issue I find with most kritiks is they lack some sort of framing mechanism, or fail to link their offense back to that framing mechanism. Tell me why I should care as a judge
I assume procedurals come before a kritik unless otherwise articulated
Non-T Affs
1] I am relatively agnostic as to whether T is a voting issue or not. However I often find myself asking why you need me to vote for you.
2] The 2AR needs to answer 2 questions a) why do I, as a judge, care about your aff b) what does my ballot do
3] I also often find it questionable as to why we need to discuss your aff in particular as opposed to the 1,000,000s of other non T issues we could be discussing, so maybe answer that one too
Miscellaneous Opinion Based Items
These are all just preference and won’t change how I evaluate the round. This paradigm just needed some more personality :)
What I DON’T like to see -
1] People being rude. I understand that it’s a competitive event, but I promise being a dick to your opponent isn’t going to be winning any points from me.
2] Stomping novices. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try against a novice, but I am saying that you should tone back the 7 billion wpm spreading and whatnot. Trying to win is one thing, making rounds inaccessible is another.
3] Judging the same aff 18 rounds in a row. I know this one is often unavoidable and it’s very strategic to be in a prep group, I just like to complain about it.
4] Changing what you read for a judge << Changing how you read it for a judge. Do not read tricks and theory in front of me just because I have them at a 1. I promise I will always prefer a good debate over a bad debate regardless of style.
5] Staking the round on evidence ethics. I promise you I do not care enough to go read the actual article you cut it from. Debate the theory shell or don’t read garbage evidence.
What I DO like to see -
1] Horrible Strategies. No this is not a joke. Nothing will make my day like hearing someone stand up and say “yea so the order is going to be 12 off then case” and having 6 of the 12 be tricks and other assorted garbage. Is it a good idea? No. Is it strategic? Also no. Would I do it? Absolutely.
2] Being prepared BEFORE the round starts. I know y’all try and spend all your time prepping (and then some), but if the round is more than 5mins late and we have all the debaters in the room I’m going to tweak out.
3] Unique and/or new arguments. Don’t get me wrong I love reading the same determinism NC on every topic as much as the next guy, but sometimes you can cut a new card or make a new kritik or shell. It’s fun for everyone !
4] Hail Marry 2NR/2ARs. I would always rather you go for some tiny argument or new spin you’re somewhat winning than watch you try to beat back 6mins of defense on an argument you're getting killed on.
Speaker Points!
If you're prefing judges for speaks you should be more confident in yourself... you won't get 4-2 screwed if you just go 5-1 !
I give high speaks, don’t worry.
Start at roughly a 28-28.5 but it’s MUCH easier to gain points than to lose them
Hi guy's my Name is Javin. I am a college student at Sacramento city college herein Sacramento, I have family that lives in the bay area. I love the sport of debate wish I have taken it when I was in school, but I taken a different course. All in all I am a solid judge to get to know. Happy debating !! Also please slow down enough so I can follow along with the topics discussion.
If you read an interesting case/off - or have unique and good weighing you will get good speaks
Email:Add taha.amir575@gmail.com
Defaults: I default to Drop the Argument, Competing Interps, and Yes RVIS - that can be changed with a word. (However please at least somewhat warrant your paradigm issues). I default to Util and the ROTB is “To vote for the better debater” unless otherwise said in round. Presumption/Permissibility flows neg. If I have to presume on value topics I will flip a coin and whoever wins the coinflip I vote for. If you think there's no offense in the round please make even one presumption warrant, I'll buy it.
General Thoughts on Debate:I think debate is a game and any argument and strategy is on the table as long as it is warranted. I will always be tech > truth. Although I prefer certain norms, nothing is absolute in the debate and if you want to change something about my paradigm - just warrant it.
Speed:Speak as fast as you want, but always send a doc with all your evidence prior to your speech. Slow down on analytics. I was a pretty fast debater so if I can usually follow along.
Substance:You need to extend your arguments in the summary and final focus, but my bar for a sufficient extension is pretty low. I like the debate to focus on clash, so good, intricate weighing is the best way to win my ballot. I loved reading extinction impacts, and my favorite debates was doing smart link weighing in extinction v. extinction debates. You should write your ballot for me, tell me exactly where to vote and why 'X' weighing on 'Y' argument means you specifically win the round. Some thoughts I have about regular substance debates:
Turns aren't defense, if you want me to vote for one, explain why your link is better than theirs.
Impact turns/DA's in rebuttal are pretty underutilized and also good, I'll vote for dedev, spark, etc.
Do not leave anything up for intervention - If you have mitigation on your case but are winning the weighing debate or vice versa, explain in speech why you should be winning the debate as a whole, i.e. why is the mitigation more important or why is the weighing more important.
I think it's sometimes strategic for teams to concede what they are clearly losing instead of bluffing their way out of it - it makes comparisons between arguments a lot easier and clearly delineates the flow a lot better. No one is falling for your rhetoric so just save it.
Theory:Theory is apriori but I'll vote for X comes first arguments (even substance). I think full text disclosure is good, paraphrasing is bad, and I’m neutral towards open source. I won’t hack for anything, however. The shell needs to be extended in every speech, but don't read the shell word for word (only the interp). Weigh the net benefit against the standards, there's almost no weighing in theory debates and it makes them hard to evaluate. That includes Meta theory: Meta theory comes before theory naturally but there needs to be a basic warrant why in the speech. Friv theory is fine, do what you need to win. I don’t have any preconceived notions nor any ‘higher thresholds’ for any stupid theory arguments - debate is a game so I’ll evaluate it like any other (However simple arguments are easier to understand and naturally require less explanation). Education and Fairness aren't voters until you tell me why. Can be as simple as "only portable skill of debate" or "sways the evaluation of the ballot"
K/K Aff:My thoughts on the K/K Aff. Your K needs a link, impact, an alt, and usually, a Role of the ballot. K affs need an advocacy if they're not advocating for the resolution. If that advocacy isn’t topical, T is a very good strategy against K affs, and I think its true. That doesn’t mean I’m not perceptive to K affs, just that if you hit one, read T. Even if you lose the link, if you win the ROTB you can win the round pretty easily by making a lot of claims about attempting to link into the ROTB or you're the only risk of linking into the ROTB. Explain your jargon-y high theory phil/k arguments, im probably not familiar with it and cross is a good time to explain it since I'll be listening in. I can't vote for what I don't know (but I'm familiar with common K args like cap, security, etc). This includes the nuanced arguments of basic philosophers like Kant (I don’t know what a ‘categorical imperative is.’
Tricks: They're really funny and I love running them. Go ahead and read them. However, Most tricks that deny the resolution on a truth level need a truth testing framework along with them or I won't vote on them. Always send docs and delineate the tricks within the docs, if its a bunch of text in a block I won't flow.
I am currently a student at the university of Michigan. I am currently studying finance with a data science concentration alongside public policy. Throughout my debate career I have debated mainly Road schools to be a long side policy and Lincoln Douglas.
** Stanford 2/12/2024: FIRST TIME JUDGING THIS TOPIC!!!! Break it down for me.
Assistant coach for Lawrence high school
No longer k hack lol but feel free to read a k I’ll be receptive
debated for 3 years in high school and a year in college.
I am comfortable with spreading, but lets be real its been a few years since I have debated and it may be in your best interest to slow it down for me lol-- I will never clear you
I believe in quality over quantity, reading as many off args as you can is just going to take away from the having a substantial learning opportunity in the round.
Not much else to say other than have FUN !!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOOO☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
HI. You can call me Aaron. Currently a Senior at UT and I did LD at Northland Christian School in Houston, tx for 3 years and competed on the national circuit my last 2. I stuck to mostly DAs, CPs, T and Theory, but I've been exposed to a lot at this point. Please note I've been removed from debate for a WHILE. I judge a couple national circuit tournaments a year, so I haven't completely lost all knowledge. But err on the side of over explaining and slowing down some on important arguments/tags. (Don't assume I know the entirety of an argument from a phrase of jargon, tag the arg then explain por favor) If you're off the doc prob don't go full speed and make sure you're clear mostly because I haven't heard people speak fast since last february.
Add me to chain please: abarcio@utexas.edu
Quick Notes:
- BE CLEAR. I haven't judged in about a year so if it's early in the tournament let me get warmed up. Go a little slower on tags, card names, and especially blocks of analytics.
- If you're going to blitz through analytics please send them. If you don't, I'll probably miss some which hurts you.
- Please do framework interaction.
- Collapse and your speaks will be happier and less margin for error on decision
- The less I have to wait before the round begins the happier I will be
Pref Shortcut:
tech>truth (but won't vote off an argument that is incomprehensible---probably won't be an issue)
1- T/Theory
2/3 - Ks (don't expect that I know the lit tho, explain)
3 - phil (I'm fine w the more common stuff like kant, hobbes, etc., but anything more nuanced pls explainnnn) Likely if you really know what you're talking about, I'll be able to catch on.
4 - tricks (I can probably evaluate them ok just never read tricks in high school so explain well)
*If any questions feel free to ask me before rd or email/facebook message me.*
National Circuit
- 29-30 : makes the strategic decision when collapsing, good explanation, writes out the path to the ballot (I think you should break)
- 28-28.9 : either makes the strategic decision or has good explanation and the one you didn't do isn't horrendous (you're on the bubble to break)
- 27-28 : don't make strategic decisions and explain poorly
- 26 : defend something racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, etc.
Local (I'm pretty lenient I think)
- I'll likely give speaks by the 0.5
- 29-30 : speak clearly, sound knowledgeable about the topic, and make good arguments
- 28-29 : don't do one of the above
- 27-28: don't do two of the above
- +1 to speaks if you don't use all your prep time (by like a decent amount)
I am currently coaching teams at lamdl and have picked up an ld student or 2.
I do have a hearing problem in my right ear. If I've never heard you b4 or it's the first round of the day. PLEASE go about 80% of your normal spread for about 20 seconds so I can get acclimated to your voice. If you don't, I'm going to miss a good chunk of your first minute or so. I know people pref partly through speaker points. My default starts at 28.5 and goes up from there. If i think you get to an elim round, you'll prob get 29.0+
Evidence sharing: use speechdrop or something of that nature. If you prefer to use the email chain and need my email, please ask me before the round.
What will I vote for? I'm mostly down for whatever you all wanna run. That being said no person is perfect and we all have our inherent biases. What are mine?
I think teams should be centered around the resolution. While I'll vote on completely non T aff's it's a much easier time for a neg to go for a middle of the road T/framework argument to get my ballot. I lean slightly neg on t/fw debates and that's it's mostly due to having to judge LD recently and the annoying 1ar time skew that makes it difficult to beat out a good t/fw shell. The more I judge debates the less I am convinced that procedural fairness is anything but people whining about why the way they play the game is okay even if there are effects on the people involved within said activity. I'm more inclined to vote for affs and negs that tell me things that debate fairness and education (including access) does for people in the long term and why it's important. Yes, debate is a game. But who, why, and how said game is played is also an important thing to consider.
As for K's you do you. the main one I have difficulty conceptualizing in round are pomo k vs pomo k. No one unpacks these rounds for me so all I usually have at the end of the round is word gibberish from both sides and me totally and utterly confused. If I can't give a team an rfd centered around a literature base I can process, I will likely not vote for it. update: I'm noticing a lack of plan action centric links to critiques. I'm going to be honest, if I can't find a link to the plan and the link is to the general idea of the resolution, I'm probably going to err on the side of the perm especially if the aff has specific method arguments why doing the aff would be able to challenge notions of whatever it is they want to spill over into.
I lean neg on condo. Counterplans are fun. Disads are fun. Perms are fun. clear net benefit story is great. The sept/oct topic really made me realize I never dabbled in cp competition theory (on process cps). I've tried to fix that but clear judge instruction is going to be very important for me if this is going to be the vast majority of the 2nr/2ar.
If you're in LD, don't worry about 1ar theory and no rvis in your 1ac. That is a given for me. If it's in your 1ac, that tops your speaks at 29.2 because it means you didn't read my paradigm.
Now are there any arguments I won't vote for? Sure. I think saying ethically questionable statements that make the debate space unsafe is grounds for me to end a round. I don't see many of these but it has happened and I want students and their coaches to know that the safety of the individuals in my rounds will always be paramount to anything else that goes on. I also won't vote for spark, trix, wipeout, nebel t, and death good stuff. ^_^ good luck and have fun debating
Tabula Rasa; I judge on the flow--don't make assumptions about the validity of any information in the round, you need to defend your evidence. I can handle speed and technical terms, just give clear roadmaps and state where you are on the flow when you're doing rebuttals.
My pronouns are he/him.
Saint Louis UDL policy debater in high school (2015-2018). Former president of NPDA parli debate at Tulane (graduating Dec '21). I began judging LD and PF in 2018. I now work full time as a housing specialist for a Permanent Supportive Housing program.
Email chain: liv.berry014@gmail.com (also email me here if you have any questions or accessibility needs)
If you feel unsafe at any point in a round or during a tournament, let me know (either in person or via email) and I will do everything I can to get you out of the situation and get the issue handled w tab/equity office/tournament directors etc. Your safety comes first, always
I clap at the end of rounds
Please put cards in docs instead of the body of the email. I don't care if it's just one card - I want a doc.
Spring 2023 Update:
- I no longer think it is particularly useful to list all of my thoughts and preferences on specific arguments and debate styles in my paradigm. It shouldn't matter to you or affect the way you choose to debate. You should debate in a way that feels fun, educational, and authentic to you. I will judge the debate in front of me.
- I am not as involved in debate as I once was. Judging is now a special treat that requires taking off work. This could be good for you or it could be bad for you. Either way, it means I'm genuinely thrilled to be here.
- Be mindful when it comes to speed and jargon. I don't know the all the acronyms or buzzwords and I don't know community consensus or trends when it comes to things like counterplans or topicality.
Some general thoughts:
- TLDR: Read what you like and have fun with it! Whether you're reading a rage aff without a plan text or nine off in the 1NC, if you're into it, I'm into it.
- The best part of debate is the people. Be kind.
- I see my role as a judge as an educator first and foremost
- The best way to win my ballot is to filter arguments through impact framing. Why is your model/disadvantage/advocacy/etc more important? What does it mean to mitigate/solve these impacts in the context of the debate? Why is the ballot important or not important?
- Every speech is a performance. How you choose to perform is up to you, but be prepared to defend every aspect of your performance, including your advocacy, evidence, arguments, positions, and representations
- Tell me why stuff matters! Tell me what I should care about and why!
- If you are a jerk to novices or inexperienced debaters, I will tank your speaks. This is an educational activity. Don't be a jerk
- I don't know what "tricks" or "spikes" are. I judged a round that I'm told had both of these things, and it made me cry (and I sat). Beyond that, I've judged lots of traditional, kritikal, and plan rounds and feel comfortable there.
I graduated from Cypress Bay in 2020, and have coached their LD squad since.
I would like to be on the chain: garrett.bishop2577@gmail.com
I'm probably pretty good for anything.
In order:
K, LARP, existentialism, other philosophy, theory-dense positions.
> Post-Yale update: You gotta understand that it's like, K > Policy >>>>>>>> Existentialism >>>>>>>>>>> Other philosophy >>>>>>> theory-dense positions.
Yes, I'm probably good for it, but it seems like I voted twice on phil positions and suddenly everybody has me down as a phil judge
>Bronx 24:If disclosure theory is a part of your main strategy, i should not be a high pref for you. it's a true argument but oh my god im so tired of listening to it. i'm also absolutely just about never persuaded by 1ac disclosure theory.
>SUNVITE 24: I'm in the policy pool. I am not often in the policy pool. I haven't done anything with the current topic. You should presume I know nothing (I don't know anything). I'm better for the K than for policy. I love the impact turn.
My disclosure of speaks depends entirely on my mood at the time, and if you ask me after I've already closed my laptop, I will not tell you (I forget about speaks, give or take, a single second after I submit my ballot).
If you care, I'm more of a high theory guy than an identity politics guy.
If you're super fast, feel free to tell me that I should flow on paper (before the round). I recently started flowing on my computer and I'm not super fast with it yet.
I've only made one decision that I didn't entirely agree with, and I'm unlikely to make a second.
I don't care what you read, as long as you read it well. If you expect me to judge your debate based on my circuit experience, then you should probably try to meet my circuit expectations. This means I'm particularly persuaded by disclosure and paraphrasing theory. The Bronx update doesn't really apply here - it isn't yet a norm in public forum to disclose and it definitely should be, so it's above my threshold of importance in this event.
nothing is sticky
This is kind of where my heart is tbh. I'm good to go for whatever goofy argument you want to read.
Any other event (speech)
I'm a big debate guy, please treat me like a parent lol.
Old paradigm here
the big cheese
TL;DR mostly trad flow judge. Can judge circuit stuff, rankings go phil (NOT TRICKS PHIL)>LARP=K’s>theory>tricks, i did some PF in HS u can trust me for that as well
I do college debate (BP) which has increased my appreciation for reasonable debate (still tabula rasa tho).
I don’t want to HAVE to flow off of the doc but put me on the email chain. It is emblem@stanford.edu
I have adhd and thus some auditory processing problems so if you are a fast spreader go about 80% of full speed especially if it isn’t on the doc. If you’re a clear spreader a lot of problems go away lol.
Hey! I go by she/her pronouns. I’m an FYO who did pretty well at traditional debate and qualified to the TOC my senior year. Not gonna make my paradigm a list of accomplishments because that is lame, just know that I know how debate works.
General stuff (pls read at least this before you have me as a judge):
Round safety is a first priority for me. I had a really traumatizing situation in a final round because of the lack of trigger warnings. If it's a very egregious violation I don’t care if your opponent runs theory or not, your speaks are getting tanked and I may stop the round. This is stolen from my past debate coach’s paradigm (Eva Lamberson), who many of my debate opinions are stolen from, “If you are feeling unsafe in a round, please feel free to email or FB message me and I will intervene in the way you request.”
I like snarky and relaxed debate. If you make me laugh, that's a win. People need to be less afraid to add some spice to the round. Just don’t be mean. This includes being aware of societal imbalances in debate rounds, the level of snarkiness can feel very different based on different power dynamics.
I don’t care what type of argument you run as long as it isn’t offensive.
I try my best to be tabula rasa and tech>truth. Let me be tech by explaining why you win. To do the whole tech thing I want to do I need to know what the warrant is how it functions and why I care.
One more stolen thing from Eva here because I am too lazy to type my own version “Rounds should be accessible to your opponent. This means that you should, of course, use inclusionary language, correct pronouns, content warnings if necessary, etc. but also means that you should not spread complex Ks or tricks or anything otherwise unnecessarily high level against novices, lay debaters, etc. If you do this I will be supremely annoyed and you will be very unhappy with your speaks. What is the point of winning a debate round if your opponent never has a chance to compete?”
Circuit stuff:
Tricks - They annoy me and I probably won’t catch them
Policy/LARP - Go ahead I understand it and like it. Please just do it well. Give me evidence AND give me warrants. If there isn’t analysis or reasoning and you spit cards at me I won’t be happy. I have no strong opinions on condo when it’s small amounts of cp’s but once it gets to like 5 I start thinking it’s defintely bad.
Kritiks - I actually quite enjoy K’s. BUT, I am not super well versed in them. I probably won’t know the nuances of your literature. I will happily vote off of basically any K if you explain it well. I still need the same things as for every argument, warrants and why I care. Performance and non-t stuff is on the table just be very clear about how it functions in the round. Don’t use non-t stuff as an excuse to not have warrants, use it as an excuse to be even clearer.
Phil - I ran some heavier frameworks in high school and feel pretty comfortable with a range of philosophy. Just don’t run it wrong, it will annoy me. Even though I will know a fair amount of philosophies, please still explain clearly to me how I’m supposed to use it to weigh the round. People apply things differently, if you just say your philosophy without explaining you can’t be mad when I don’t use it to weigh exactly how you want me to. So just tell me.
Theory/T - Use sparingly and be very clear. I have very minimal experience with theory and will get confused very easily. I will mess up judging complicated theory. I am not a good judge for you if this is your strat. I know and understand TW and disclosure theory well so those you can definitely feel comfortable running in front of me. If you are running any theory (it most often is disclosure…) as a time suck I will be very very very unhappy. This does not mean I won’t vote off of theory besides those two I listed. I just am not the best judge for evaluating the nuances of those types of rounds.
I find myself to be as flow as it gets for traditional rounds. I care about the warrants and interactions on individual arguments but make sure you tell me why I care at the end. Give me the claim warrant impact and why that impact matters the most under the framework of the round. If you give me those things you are on track for a win as so many traditional debaters are missing one of those things.
On framework, you can run any traditional framework in front of me. Call it like it is though. Don’t give some fake name to util that makes it sound like a completely different framework. Also don’t forget that framework is a lens to view the arguments in the round through, link your arguments back to framework please. I’m always extra happy to watch a traditional debater run an interesting framework in a smart and strategic manner!
General: I am an 'old-school' former LDer so I judge rounds based on the values and substance of the arguments. Evidence is important but I am not going to be swayed if all you can say regarding an opponent's contention is "they only presented two cards of evidence but i clearly have three" or "my evidence is clearly better because it came from this scientific journal as opposed to this one." Unless the source of the evidence is clearly unreliable, I expect debaters to address the substance of the underlying arguments. At the end of the day, LD is about value propositions not plans or statistics and that is what I will base my decisions on. In other words, LD should prioritize the WHY not necessarily the HOW.
Pacing: You may speak as fast as you need to but please be understandable. If you go so fast that I cannot understand what you are saying, I will not flow it and if I do not flow it, I will not be able to judge you for it.
Roadmaps: I do allow off-time roadmaps - just be clear you are offering one before you start so I don't trigger my speech timer. Once that timer begins, I do not stop it. Similar to my comment about pacing, it's important that you are clear about where on the flow your comments/arguments/rebuttals are being directed. If I have to guess at what you are responding to, I may put in the wrong spot on my flow. This can lead to situations where arguments appear dropped or don't appear to truly rebut what it was flowed with. Providing clear signposts during your speech can save everyone a lot of headaches here.
End of Speech Cut-offs: When I tell you time, you may finish your sentence quickly. If you attempt to abuse this by stretching out your sentence or quickly fitting in more than the end of your sentence, I will suspend this privilege and, depending on how egregious the attempt, dock speaker points.
Who to Address in Speeches: Remember that you should be addressing me (ie the judge) during your speeches, NOT your opponent. At the end of the day, your arguments are being presented to me for judging so avoid things like "You said..." during your speeches.
Note: Things that are bolded in my paradigm are things I think people are generally looking for or I think are worth noting about my preferences. Read the bottom for my speaks paradigm; the TLDR paradigm is the third paragraph in this top section. Everything in this paradigm has a logical justification; ask me if something doesn't make sense and I'll be happy to explain.
Intro: Hi I'm Austin. I mainly debated LD in high school, but I'm familiar with most other event formats. I graduated from Northland Christian HS in 2020 and UT Austin in 2022 with a psych major phil minor. I'm currently a 3L at Texas Law. I competed on the local and national circuit all four years of high school (and have been judging/coaching consistently since graduating), so I like to think I'm pretty up to date on the technical nuances of LD. Add me to the chain at abroussard@utexas.edu. Feel free to email me with specific questions before the round or thoughts on how I could improve my paradigm!
TLDR paradigm: I really love highly technical debates especially on a theoretical layer but I'm good with evaluating policy, kritik-al debate, etc.; by nature (even outside of debate) I default erring on the side of the person who is most logically consistent which means I will not vote for you unless you are ahead on a technical level; my opinion on anything in this paradigm can change, just make the proper arg. Please see "important" section below.
Important Stances that May Deviate from the Norm:
- I default args must be immediately sequential and/or allow for a sequential response ("new 2nr args permissible" and "new 2ar args impermissible outside of answers to new 2nr args" are some noteworthy implications to this); this is my default because any other standard allows for the 2ar to always win by either answering arguments from the 1nc conceded by the 1ar/extended in the 2nr in the 2ar or by making new 2ar uplayers (i guess this means my actual default is against any paradigmatic stance that theoretically allows either side to win every debate because that defeats the purpose of the ballot/there being an adjudicator); please ask me about this point if there is any confusion before the debate starts (also note this is not a rigid stance, just a default)
- every claim needs a warrant, even conceded arguments (I don't presume conceded arguments are true); alternatively, if you don't want to extend the warrant for conceded claims, an explanation of why conceded arguments should be considered true is acceptable (there's no justification for the claim without the extension of a warrant or an explanation of why concessions matter)
- if you go for substance and don't read a fw/both debaters are winning offense under their fw but neither explain which fw comes first/no one extends a fw/both debaters are winning unweighed offense under a fw, I'll vote on presumption absent an uplayer (same goes for t/theory in the context of standards/voters/paradigm issues; I'll just devolve to a lower layer of the debate)
- I presume: neg if it's aff v squo (bc the post-fiat world of the aff changes the squo); aff if it's aff v most generic post-fiat cps/alts (bc the post-fiat world of the neg is further from the squo); neg if it's aff v pic or "reject the aff"/pre-fiat advocacy (bc the post-fiat world of the aff is further from the squo). If neither debater has an advocacy by the end of the debate (both aff and cp are kicked or similar squo v squo scenario), I'll vote for the debater whose most recent advocacy is closest to the squo (ig I'll judge unkick the last advocacy read by both debaters and then presume; idk this has only happened once).
- if you don't extend your plan text/advocacy in some way it's kicked; in other words, you must extend your advocacy/plan text if you are going for a postfiat link/impact turn (one commonly applicable implication of this is if the 2ar goes for postfiat link/impact turns without extending the advocacy/plan text, it no longer defends the plan nor accesses offense from the turns)
-I will NOT make arguments for you because I believe judge intervention is the antithesis of debate; consequently if your opponent does something that propels a model of debate that is sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic/abelist or something similarly discriminatory I will not drop them unless you say something about it. It can be as simple as "they said/did x and that makes debate less accessible so they should lose." Otherwise the only thing I have jurisdiction to do is report them to tab after the round and give them god awful speaks. Just call them out for being unethical.
- tech>>>truth
- I will vote on literally anything when given a framing metric and justification
- you don't have to ask me to flow by ear; I promise I'm both listening and reading your doc (to clarify, I'll catch extemporized blippy analytics)
- Weighing makes me happy, as well as a strong fw tie/explanation
- For ethics challenges/evidence ethics calls, reference the NSDA guidelines for this year; if the guidebook doesn't make a speaks claim I will either evaluate them myself given the speeches read (if any) or default normal round evaluation (meaning speaks spikes are viable)
- I don't have a default on disclosure at the moment but in debate I defaulted disclosure bad; regardless of my default it doesn't affect my ability to listen to either stance and adjudicate accordingly
- My ability to understand spread/speed is pretty good; feel free to go as fast as you want but please be clear
- Please please please ask your opponent if your practices are accessible before the round so you are 1. not exclusionary and 2. not susceptible to an easily avoidable independent voter; if you don't ask and end up doing something inaccessible you'll probably lose (provided they make it a voting issue); this includes giving trigger warnings
- flex prep and joint cross examination are fine
- have a localized recording; absent one, you risk losing whatever content was missed due to tech error (ig hope your opponent is cool with a redo)
Pref Shortcuts (by my confidence in my ability to adjudicate and 1 being most confident 5 being least):
Theory/T/Tricks- 1
Phil/High Theory- 1
K- 1 or 2 (depending on density)
LARP- 2 to 3 (depending on density)
Pref Shortcuts (by my desire to see them in round and 1 being most desirable 5 being least):
Theory/T/Tricks- 1
Phil/High Theory- 1
K- 2
note: I will be happy to adjudicate LARP, it's just not my highest preference
- Love these please know what your own plan says though
- Honestly severance is cool with me but if they point it out and make a theoretical reason to drop it could be hard to beat back
- the solvency section is important for plans, if you don't have one it's gonna be rough
- These are cool but better if they're actually competitive; read as many as you want just know anything more than one is hard to justify theoretically especially if it's not uncondo (although I love multiple cp debates)
- Any cp is cool (including actor, process, etc.) just make sure the 2nr extension is sufficient to vote on
- I default condo bad but don't let that discourage you from utilizing it as I think condo is super strategic (which is good for speaks), you just have to be technically ahead on the theory debate; feel free to read like 8 condo cps just know it's an uphill theoretical battle (but certainly not impossible)
- I treat perms like condo advocacies because they always seem to be extended as such but it is really up to you
- Probably my least favorite position because they all seem to go down the same path towards the 2nr, but a good explanation and coupling with a competitive cp makes this position much better
- the more unique the da the more I'll like listening to it (please don't make me listen to a basic three card econ disad unless you don't plan on going for it)
Phil/High Theory
- I used to read a few high theory positions but that doesn't mean my threshold for explanation on those positions is lower/higher than any other argument
- I'm hesitant to say this but I did read a decent amount of Baudrillard just know there is a reason why I stopped lol feel free to still read it though I love hearing it as well as any other high theory author
- I especially love hearing new philosophies that are either obscure or that I just haven't heard of yet; phil debate is one of my favorite parts of ld
- poems/music/art/performance can be offense and if you don't respond to it your opponent can extend it as conceded (I have no problem voting on conceded performance offense with the proper framing mech)
- should have a ROB and/or ROJ
- if your opponent asks you a specific question about the framing of your kritik and you cannot give them a cohesive answer it's gonna look bad
- please don't read links that you yourself link into
- Having specific rhetoric from the aff itself or your opponent is great and much better than just topic/omission links
- I am comfortable voting off state/omission links, they're just boring
- you must have them and they must be unique; please do weighing as well because k impacts don't always contextualize themselves
- explain plz; It doesn't have to be explained super well if your opponent doesn't press the issue but I need to have a basic understanding of what I'm voting on i.e. what the world of the alt looks like (unless a set col type arg is made about imagining the alt being a move to settlerism, etc.)
- please don't make the alt condo/dispo if your k is about some sort of oppression, it looks bad
- I LOVE these they make it easier to evaluate the line by line because all the big picture issues are out of the way
- Please make sure the overview is not just line by line in disguise (I was guilty of this) but is instead framing the ways I need to evaluate offense
- literally my favorite the more you read the more I'll enjoy the debate as long as you know what you're doing
- friv is fantastic
- be careful of your wording; poor wording leaves you susceptible to easy i meets/indicts
- have them and extend them in the next speech
- there are really only like four good standards that the rest fall under categorically but it's whatever
- the more the merrier
- if you do fairness and education linkage inside the standard block I'll be happier
Voters/paradigm issues:
- I generally default competing interps unless otherwise specified
- you must justify voters independently of the standards section (i.e. explain why fairness, education, fun, etc. matter)
- I evaluate these arguments like any other (if they have a claim/warrant/impact you're good)
- I think a block of text is funny but definitely annoying as far as the organization of your spikes/tricks so preference is at least numbering but it's really not a big deal if you can explain them well
- These arguments are generally so bad but if you don't respond or spend too much time messing with them the round becomes significantly more difficult/potentially imnpossible to win for you
- I'm fine with indexicals, condo logic, log con, paradoxes, afc, acc, aprioris, etc. (idk how else to say i'll vote on literally any trick/arg generally)
- I will grant a 30 speaks spike (i.e. give both/one of the debaters 30 speaks for x reason) as long as it's extended (or reasons are made as to why an extension isn't necessary)
- if no ties are allowed on the ballot I technically am unable to perform "give both debaters 30 speaks" and i'll evaluate like i normally would; if you know no ties are allowed/are uncertain if ties are allowed, spec 30/29.9 rather than 30s bc that's always permissible on tab (and i'll give the 30 to whoever would be ahead under my typical speaks evaluation unless told otherwise)
- I generally give speaks based on strategic decision making>fluency (and will try to justify the deductions if asked, although ultimately they're always on some level arbitrary)
- Anything that you do that purposefully makes your opponent uncomfortable, expresses discrimination/oppression, or generally makes the debate space unsafe will result in your top speaks being a 25 and more likely will result in a 0 or whatever the lowest allowed speaks value is/report to tab
- for locals I generally give 28-30 and for nat circuit 27-30 unless the tournament has a specified structure; occasionally if the round is super underwhelming I'll evaluate a local like I would a nat circuit
- more leniency for novice debates
- I'll clear twice without a speaks deduction and definitely have more lenience in the online format (i hardly ever clear anyways)
Hi, I'm Scott. My background is in policy debate (2004-2018) but I have primarily coached LD since 2018.
Debate is a communication activity - as such:
1) You do not need to include me in the email thread.
2) I will call for any evidence I may need to inspect after the debate has concluded. I do not refer to the speech documents until after the debate if necessary.
3) My primary source of information is what I flow from what you say in your speeches. I flow all the speeches including the entire AC, NC, plan texts, CP texts, perm texts, interpretations, advocacy statements, etc. I flow on a laptop in a google sheets template I created where I try to maintain the line-by-line and try to more-or-less transcribe the debate.
I am a great judge for technical, mechanical line by line debate. Clarity and judge instructions are axiomatic.
Debate is for the debaters. I will vote on any argument that has a valid reason and an explanation as to why that argument wins you the debate. I do not have a preference for how you debate or any particular argument, form, content, or style. I will leave the role of the ballot and the role of the judge up to the debaters to decide in the round. I will try my best to evaluate the debate using the least amount of intervention possible.
Updated 1/5/25 Pre-Sunflower Swings
Hi everyone, I'm Holden (They/He)!
University of North Texas '23, and '25 (Go Mean Green!)
If you are a senior graduating this year, UNT has debate scholarships and a program with resources! If you are interested in looking into the team please contact me via my email listed below and we can talk about the program and what it can offer you! If you are committed to UNT, please conflict me!
I would appreciate it if you put me on the email chain: bukowskyhd@yahoo.com
Most of this can be applied to any debate event, but if there are event specific things then I will flag them, but they are mostly at the bottom.
Debate is about you, not me. I think intervention is bad (until a certain point, those exceptions will be made obvious), and that letting the debaters handle my adjudication of the round as much as possible is best. I've been described as "grumpy," and described as an individual "that would vote on anything," I think both of these things are true in a vacuum and often translate in the way that I perceive arguments. However, my adherence to the flow often overrides my desire to frown and drop my head whilst hearing a terrible argument. In that train of thought, I try to be as close to a "no feelings flow bot" when adjudicating debates, which means go for whatever you want as long as it has a warrant and isn't something I flat out refuse to vote on (see rest of paradigm). I enjoy debates over substance surrounding the topic, it's simulated effects, it's adherence to philosophical principles, and it's critical assumptions, much more than hypertechnical theory debates that aren't based on things that the plan does. Bad arguments most certainly exist, and I greatly dislike them, but the onus is on debaters for disproving those bad arguments. I have voted for every type of argument under the sun at this point, and nothing you do will likely surprise me, but let me be clear when I encourage you to do what you interpret as necessary to win you the debate in terms of argumentive strategy.
I take the safety of the debaters in round very seriously. If there is ever an issue, and it seems like I am not noticing, please let me know in some manner (whether that be through a private email, a sign of some kind, etc.). I try to be as cognizant as possible of the things happening in round, but I am a human being and a terrible reader of facial expressions at that so there might be moments where I am not picking up on something. Misgendering is included in this, I take misgendering very seriously and have developed the following procedure for adjudicating cases where this does happen: you get one chance with your speaks being docked that one time, more than once and you have lost my ballot even if an argument has not been made related to this. I am extremely persuaded by misgendering bad shells. Respect people's pronouns and personhood.
Tech > Truth
Yes speed, yes clarity, yes spreading, will likely keep up but will clear you twice and then give up after that.
Debate influences/important coaches who I value immensely: Colin Quinn.
Trigger warnings - they're good broadly, you should probably give individuals time to prepare themselves if you delve into discussions of graphic violence. For me, that includes in depth discussion of anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicide.
I flow on my laptop, and consider myself a pretty good flow when people are clear, probably a 8-8.5/10. Just be clear, number your arguments, and slow down on analytics please.
Cheating, including evidence ethics and clipping, is bad. I have seen clipping become much more common and I will vote you down if I feel you have done so even without "recorded" evidence or a challenge from another debater.
For your pref sheets (policy):
Clash debates - 1
K v K debates - 1
Policy throwdowns - 1/2 (I can judge and am fairly confident in these debates but have less experience in this compared to others and need a bit more hand holding)
For your pref sheets (LD):
Clash debates of any kind (Policy v K, K aff v framework, phil v k, etc.) - 1
K - 1
Policy - 1
Phil - 1
T/Theory - 1/2
Tricks - 4
Trad - 5/Strike
I'm serious about these rankings, I value execution over content and am comfortable judging any type of debate done well.
The Long Version:
Who the hell is this person, why did my coach/I pref them?
Hello! My name is Holden, this year will mark my 9th year in debate. I am currently a communication studies graduate student at the University of North Texas, where I also got my bachelors in psychology and philosophy. During my time as a competitor, I did policy, LD, and NFA-LD. My exposure to the circuit really began my sophomore year of high school, but nothing of true note really occurred during my high school career. College had me qualify for the NFA-LD national tournament twice, I got to octas twice, broke at majors, got gavels, round robin invites. I now coach and judge exclusively, where I have coached teams that have qualified to the NDT, qualified to outrounds of just about every bid tournament, gotten several speaker awards, have accrued 30+ bids, and made it to elimination rounds and have been the top speaker of the TOC.
I judge a lot, and by that I mean a lot. Currently at 700+ debates judged since I graduated high school in 2020. Those (probably too many) debates have ranged everywhere from local circuit tournaments, the TOC, and to the NDT, but I would say most of my time judging is in national circuit LD, with college policy debate coming in right behind that. I think the reason I judge so much is because I think judging is a skill, and one that gets better the more you do it, and you get worse when you haven't done it in a while. I genuinely enjoy judging debates because of several reasons, whether that be my enjoyment of debate, the money, or because I enjoy the opportunity to help aid in the growth of debaters through feedback.
I do a lot of research, academically, debate wise, and for fun. Most of my research is in the kritikal side of things, mostly because I coach a bunch of K debaters. However, I often engage in policy research, and enjoy cutting those cards immensely. In addition, I have coached students who have gone for every argument type under the sun.
Please call me Holden, or judge (Holden is preferable, but if you vibe with judge then go for it). I hate anything more formal than that because it makes me uncomfortable (Mr. Bukowsky, sir, etc.)
Conflicts: Jack C. Hays High School (my alma mater), and the University of North Texas. I currently consult for Westlake (TX). Independently, I coach Berkeley Carroll JH, Jasper SG, Plano West AR, Plano West NS, Plano West RC, and Riverside Independent JD.
Previously, I have been affiliated with Jordan (TX) institutionally, and with American Heritage Broward CW, Barrington AC, Bellevue/Washington Independent WL, Clear Springs EG, Clear Springs MS, Cypress Woods MM, East Chapel Hill AX, Greenhill EX, McNeil AS, and Vestavia Hills MH.
What does Holden think of debate?
It's a competitive game with pedagogical implications. I love debate immensely, and I take my role in it seriously. It is my job to evaluate arguments as presented, and intervene as little as possible. I'm not ideological on how I evaluate debates because I don't think it's my place to determine the validity of including arguments in debate (barring some exceptions). I think the previous sentence means that you should please do what you are most comfortable with to the best of your ability. There are only two concrete rules in debate - 1. there must be a winner and a loser, and those are decided by me, and 2. speech times are set in stone. Any preference that I have should not matter if you are doing your job, if I have to default to something then you did something incorrect.
To summarize the way that I think about judging, I think Yao Yao Chen does it best, "I believe judging debates is a privilege, not a paycheck. I strive to judge in the most open-minded, faor, and diligent way I can, and I aim to be as thorough and transparent as possible in my decisions. If you worked hard on debate, you deserve judging that matches the effort you put into this activity. Anything short of that is anti-educational and a disappointment."
I’ve been told I take a while to come to a decision. This is true, but not for the reason you might think. Normally, I know how I’m voting approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute after the debate. However, I like to be thorough and make sure that I give the debate the time and effort that it deserves, and as such try to have all of my thoughts together. Believe me, I consider myself somewhat comprehensible most times, I find it reassuring to myself to make sure that all my thoughts about the arguments in debate are in order. This is also why I tend to give longer decisions, because I think there are often questions about argument X on Y sheet which are easily resolved by having those addressed in the rfd. As such, I try to approach each decision from a technical standpoint and how each argument a. interacts with the rest of the debate, b. how large of an impact that argument has, c. think through any defense to that argument, and d. if that argument is the round winner or outweighs the offense of the opposing side.
If it means anything, I think most of my debate takes are in camp "2N who had to be a 2A for a while as well so I think mostly about negative strategy but also think that the aff has the right to counter-terrorism against negative terrorism."
What does Holden like?
I like good debates. If you execute your arguments in a technically impressive manner, I will be pleased.
I like debates that require little intervention, please make my job easier for me via judge instruction, I hate thinking.
I like well researched arguments with clear connections to the topic/the affirmative.
I like when email chains are sent out before the start time so that 1AC's can begin at start time, don't delay the round any more than it has to be please.
I like good case debating, this includes a deep love for impact turns.
I like it when people make themselves easy to flow, this includes labeling your arguments (whether giving your arguments names, or doing organizational strategies like "1, 2, 3" or "a point, b point, c point, etc."), I find it harder to vote for teams that make it difficult for me to know who is responding to what and what those responses are so making sure I can flow you is key.
I like debaters that collapse in final speeches, it gives room for analysis, explanation, and weighing which all make me very happy.
I like it when I am given a framing mechanism to help filter offense. This can takes place via a standard, role of the ballot/judge, framework, fairness v education, a meta-ethic, impact calculus, or anything, I don't care. I just need an evaluative lens to determine how to parse through impact calculus.
What does Holden dislike?
I dislike everything that is the opposite of the above.
I dislike when people make problematic arguments.
I dislike unclear spreading.
I dislike messy debates with no work done to resolve them.
I dislike when people say "my time will start in 3, 2, 1."
I dislike when people ask if they can take prep, it's your prep time, I don't care just tell me you're taking it.
I dislike when debaters posture too much. I don't care, and it annoys me. Debate the debate, especially since half the time when debaters posture it's about the wrong thing. There is a difference between being firm, and being performative.
I dislike when debaters are exclusionary to novice debaters. I define this as running completely overcomplicated strategies that are then deployed with little to no explanation. I am fine with "trial by fire" but think that you shouldn't throw them in the volcano. You know what this means. Not abiding by this will get your speaks tanked.
I dislike when evidence exchange takes too long, this includes when it takes forever for someone to press send on an email, when someone forgets to hit reply all (it's 2024 and y'all have been using technology for how long????). If you think email chains aren't vibe then please use a speechdrop to save all of us the headache.
I dislike topicality where the interpretation card is written by someone in debate, and especially when it's not about the specific terms of art in the topic.
I dislike 1AR restarts.
How has Holden voted?
Since I started judging in 2020, I have judged exactly 706 debate rounds. Of those, I have voted aff exactly 52% of the time.
My speaks for the 2024-2025 season have averaged to be around 28.504, and across all of the seasons I have judged they are at 28.523.
I have been a part of 208 panels, where I have sat exactly 12.5% of the time.
What will Holden never vote on?
Arguments that involve the appearance of a debater (shoes theory, formal clothing theory, etc.).
Arguments that say that oppression (in any form) is good.
Arguments that contradict what was said in CX.
Claims without warrants, these are not arguments.
Specific Arguments:
Policy Arguments
Contrary to my reputation, I love CP/DA debates and have an immense amount of experience on the policy side of the argumentative spectrum. I do good amounts of research on the policy side of topics often, and coach teams that go for these arguments predominantly. I love a good DA + case 2NR, and will reward well done executions of these strategies because I think they're great. One of my favorite 2NR's to give while I was debating was DA + circumvention, and I think that these debates are great and really reward good research quality.
Counterplans should be functionally and textually competitive with germane net benefits, I think that most counterplans probably lose to permutations that make arguments about these issues and I greatly enjoy competition debates. Limited intrinsic permutations are probably justified against counterplans that don't say a word about the topic.
I am amenable to all counterplans, and think they're theoretically legitimate (for the most part). I think that half the counterplans people read are not competitive though.
Impact turn debates are amazing, give me more of them please and thank you.
I reward well cut evidence, if you cite a card as part of your warrant for your argument and it's not very good/unwarranted then that minimizes your strength of link/size of impact to that argument. I do read evidence a lot in these debates because I think that often acts as a tie breaker between the spin of two debaters.
Judge instruction is essential to my ballot. Explain how I should frame a piece of evidence, what comes first and why, I think that telling me what to do and how to decipher the dozens of arguments in rounds makes your life and my job much easier and positively correlates to how much you will like my decision.
I enjoy well researched and topic specific process counterplans. They're great, especially when the evidence for them is topic specific and has a good solvency advocate.
I default no judge kick unless you make an argument for it.
Explain what the permutation looks like in the first responsive speech, just saying perm do both is a meaningless argument and I am not filling in the gaps for you.
For affs, I think that I prefer well developed and robust internal links into 2-3 impacts much more than the shot gun 7 impact strategy.
Explanation of how the DA turns case matters a lot to me, adjust your block/2NR accordingly.
Thoughts on conditionality are in the theory section.
Say it with me everyone, Holden does not hack for the kritik. In fact, I've become much more grouchy about K debate lately. Aff's aren't defending anything, neg teams are shotgunning 2NR's without developing offense in comparison to the 1AR and the 2AR, and everyone is making me feel more and more tired. Call me old, but I think that K teams get too lost in the sauce, don't do enough argumentative interaction, and lose debates because they can't keep up technically. I think this is all magnified when the 2NR does not say a word about the aff at all.
This is where most of my research and judging is nowadays. I will be probably know what you're reading, have cut cards for whatever literature you are reading, and have a good amount of rounds judging and going for the K. I've been in debate for 8 years now, and have coached teams with a litany of literature interests, so feel free to read anything you want, just be able to explain it.
Aff teams against the K should go for framework, extinction outweighs, and the alt fails more.
For aff teams answering the K, going for framework does not automatically make the risk of the link zero, especially when there is no judge instruction on why your interp would exclude their link arguments. That necessitates that you need to answer the link most often time, especially if there's a turns case argument. I have had too many debates where the 2AR was just framework with no link defense, and I end up voting neg quickly because of conceded link turns case arguments that the 2NR say directly affect the plan's implementation.
Framework only matters as much as you make it matter. I think both sides of the debate are doing no argument resolution/establishing the implications of what it means to win framework. Does that mean that only consequences of the implementation of the plan matter, and I exclude the links to the plans epistemology? Does that mean that if the neg wins a link, the aff loses because I evaluate epistemology first? Questions like these often go unresolved, and I think teams often debate at each other via block reading without being comparative at all. Middle ground interps are often not as strategic as you think, and you are better off just going for you link you lose, or plan focus. To sum this up, make framework matter if you think it matters, and don't be afraid to just double down about your interp.
My ideal K 1NC will have 2-3 links to the aff (one of which is a link to the action of the aff), an alternative, and some kind of framing mechanism.
I have found that most 2NR's have trouble articulating what the alternative does, and how it interacts with the alts and the links. If you are unable to explain to me what the alternative does, your chance of getting my ballot goes down. Example from both sides of the debate help contextualize the offense y'all are going for in relation to the alternative, the links, and the permutation. Please explain the permutation in the first responsive speech.
I've found that most K teams are bad at debating the impact turn (heg/cap good), this is to say that I think that if you are against the K, I am very much willing to vote on the impact turn given that it is not morally repugnant (see above).
I appreciate innovation of K debate, if you introduce an interesting new argument instead of recyclying the same 1NC you've been running for several seasons I will be extremely thankful. At least update your cards every one in a while.
Please do not run a K just because you think I'll like it, bad K debates have seen some of the worst speaks I've ever given (for example, if you're reading an argument related to Settler Colonialism yet can't answer the 6 moves to innocence).
K tricks are cool if they have a warrant, floating piks need to be hinted at in the 1NC so they can be floating.
For the nerds that wanna know, the literature bases that I know pretty well are: Afro-pessimism, Baudrillard, Beller, Deleuze and Guattari, Grove, Halberstam, Hardt and Negri, Marxism, Moten and Harney, Psychoanalysis, Reps K's, Scranton/Eco-Pessimism, Security, Settler Colonialism, and Weheliye.
The literature bases that I know somewhat/am reading up on are: Abolition, Accelerationism (Fisher, CCRU people, etc.), Agamben, Bataille, Cybernetics, Disability Literature, Puar, and Queer pessimism.
A note on non-black engagement with afro-pessimism: I will watch your execution of this argument like a hawk if you decide to go for it. Particular authors make particular claims about the adoption of afro-pessimist advocacy by non-black individuals, while other authors make different claims, be mindful of this when you are cutting your evidence/constructing your 1NC. While my thoughts on this are more neutral than they once were, that does not mean you can do whatever. If you are reading this K as a non-black person, this becomes the round. If you are disingenious to the literature at all, your speaks are tanked and the ballot may be given away as well depending on how annoyed I am. This is your first and last warning.
These are fine, cool even. They should defend something, and that something should provide a solvency mechanism for their impact claims. Having your aff discuss the resolution makes your framework answers become much more persuasive, and makes me happier to vote for you, especially since I am becoming increasingly convinced that there should be some stasis for debate.
For those negating these affs, the case debate is the weakest part of the debate from both sides. I think if the negative develops a really good piece of offense by the end of the debate then everything else just becomes so much easier for you to win. I will, in fact, vote for heg good, cap good, and other impact turns, and quite enjoy judging these debates.
Presumption is underrated if people understand how to go for it, unfortunately most people just don't know how. Most aff's don't do anything or have a cogent explanation of what their aff does to solve things and their ballot key warrant is bad, you should probably utilize that.
Marxism will be forever underrated versus K affs, aff's whose only responses are "doesn't explain the aff" and "X explains capitalism" will almost always lose to a decent 2NR on the cap k. This is your suggestion to update your answers to challenge the alternative on some level.
Innovation is immensely appreciated by both sides of this debate. I swear I've judged the exact same 2-4 affs about twenty times each and the 1NC's just never change. If your take on a literature base or negative strategy is interesting, innovative, and is something I haven't heard this year you will most definitely get higher speaks.
Performance based arguments are good/acceptable, I have experience coaching and running these arguments myself. However, I find that most times when ran that the performance is not really extended into the speeches after this, obviously there are some limitations but I think that it does give me leeway for leveraging your inevitable application of the performance to other areas of the debate.
In my heart of hearts, I probably am very slightly aff leaning on this question, but my voting record has increasingly become negative leaning. I think this is because affirmatives have become quite bad at answering the negative arguments in a convincing, warranted, and strategic manner. If you are an aff debater reading this, my response to you is to innovate and to try to emphasize technical debate rather than posturing, you have an aff and you should definitely use it to help substantiate your arguments.
It may be my old age getting to me, but I am becoming increasingly convinced that fairness is a viable impact option for the 2NR to go for. I think it probably has important implications for the ballot in terms of framing the resolution of affirmative and negative impact arguments, and those framing questions are often mishandled by the affirmative. However, I think that to make me enjoy this in debates negative teams need to avoid vacuous and cyclical lines of argumentation that often plague fairness 2NR's and instead
Framework isn't capital T true, but also isn't an automatic act of violence. I think I'm somewhat neutral on the question of how one should debate about the resolution, but I am of the belief that the resolution should at least center the debate in some way. What that means to you, though, is up to you.
Often, framework debates take place mostly at the impact level, with the internal link level to those impacts never being questioned. This is where I think both teams should take advantage of, and produces better debates about what debate should look like.
I have voted on straight up impact turns before, I've voted on counter-interps, and I've also voted on fairness as an impact. The onus is on the debaters to explain and flesh out their arguments in a manner that answers the 1AR/2NR. Reading off your blocks and not engaging specific warrants of DA's to your model often lead to me questioning what I'm voting for because there is no engagement in either side in the debate.
Counter-interpretations seem to be more persuasive to me, and are often underutilized. Counter-interpretations that have a decent explanation of what their model of debate looks like, and what debates under that model feature. Doing all of the above does wonder.
In terms of my thoughts about impacts to framework, my normal takes are clash > fairness > advocacy skills.
"Fairness is good because debate is a game and and we all have intrinsic motivation to compete" >>>> "fairness is an impact because it constrains your ability to evaluate your arguments so hack against them," if the latter is more in line with what your expalantion of fairness is then 9 times out of 10 you are going to lose.
Topicality (Theory is it's Own Monster)
I love T debates, they're absolutely some of my favorite rounds to adjudicate. They've certainly gotten stales and have devolved to some model of T subsets one way or another. However, I will still evaluate and vote on any topicality violation. Interps based on words/phrases of the resolution make me much happier than a lot of the LD "let's read this one card from a debate coach over and over and see where it gets us" approach.
Semantics and precision matter, this is not in a "bare plurals/grammar means it is read this" way but a "this is what this word means in the context of the topic" way.
My normal defaults:
- Competing interps
- Drop the debater
- No RVI's
Reasonability is about your counter-interp, not your aff. People need to relearn how to go for this because it's a lost art in the age of endless theory debates.
Arbitrary counter-interpretations that are not carded or based on evidence are given significantly less weight than counter-interps that define words in the resolution. "Your interp plus my aff" is a bad argument, and you are better served going for a more substantive argument.
Slow down a bit in these debates, I consider myself a decent flow but T is a monster in terms of the constant short arguments that arise in these debates so please give me typing time.
You should probably make a larger impact argument about why topicality matters "voters" if you will. Some standards are impacts on their own (precision mainly) but outside of that I have trouble understanding why limits explosion is bad sans some external argument about why making debate harder is bad.
Weigh internal links to similar pieces of offense, please and thank you.
I have judged numerous theory debates, more than the average judge for sure, and certainly more than I would care to admit. You'll most likely be fine in these debates in front of me, I ask that you don't blitz through analytics and would prefer you make good in-depth weighing arguments regarding your internal links to your offense. I find that a well-explained abuse story (whether that be potential or in-round) makes me conceptually more persuaded by your impact arguments.
Conditionality is good if you win that it is. i think conditionality is good as a general ideology, but your defense of it should be robust if you plan on abusing the usage of conditionality vehemently. I've noticed a trend among judges recently just blatantly refusing to vote on conditionality through some arbitrary threshold that they think is egrigious, or because they think conditionality is universally good. I am not one of those judges.If you wanna read 6 different counterplans, go ahead, but just dismissing theoretical arguments about conditionality like it's an afterthought will not garner you any sympathy from me. I evaluate conditionality the same no matter the type of event, but my threshold of annoyance for it being introduced varies by number of off and the event you are in. For example, I will be much less annoyed if condo is read in an LD round with 3+ conditional advocacies than I will be if condo is read in a college policy round with 1 conditional advocacy.
Sure, go for whatever shell you want, I'll flow it barring these exceptions:
- Shells abiut the appearance and clothing of anoher debater.
- Disclosure in the case in which a debater has said they can't disclose certain positions for safety reasons, please don't do this
- Reading "no i meets"
- Arguments that a debater may not be able to answer a new argument in the next speech (for example, if the 1AR concedes no new 2AR arguments, and the 2NR reads a new shell, I will always give the 2AR the ability to answer that new shell)
Independent Voters
These seem to be transforming into tricks honestly. I am unconvinced why these are reasons to reject the team most of the time. Words like "accessibility," "safety," and "violence" all have very precise definitions of what they mean in an academic and legal context and I think that they should not be thrown around with little to no care. Make them arguments/offense for you on the flow that they were on, not reasons to reject the team.
I will, however, abandon the flow and vote down that do engage in actively violent practices. I explained this above, but just be a decent human being. Don't be racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.
Evidence Ethics
I would much prefer these debates not occur. If you think there is a violation you either stake the round or don't make an argument about it.If you stake the round I will use the rules of the tournament or whatever organization it associates itself with. Debater that loses the challenge gets a 25, winner gets a 28.5.
For HS-LD:
I have realized that I need more explanation when people are going for arguments based on getting into the weeds of logic (think the philosophy logic, IE if p, then q). I took logic but did not pay near enough attention nor care enough to have a deep understanding or desire to understand what you're talking about. This means slow down just a tiny bit and tone down the jargon so my head doesn't hurt as much.
My thoughts about tricks can be summarized as "God please do not if you don't have to, but if you aren't the one to initiate it you can go ham."
I can judge these debates, have judged numerous amounts of them in the past, and have coached/do coach debaters that have gone for these arguments, I would really just rather not deal with them. There's little to no innovation, and I am tired of the same arguments being recycled over and over again. If you throw random a prioris in the 1A/1N do not expect me to be very happy about the debate or your strategy. If I had to choose, carded and well developed tricks > "resolved means firmly determined and you know I am."
Slow down on the underviews, overviews, and impact calc sections of your framework (you know what I'm talking about), Yes I am flowing them but it doesn't help when you're blitzing through independent theory argumetns like they're card text. Going at like 70% of your normal speed in these situation is greatly appreciated.
Be straight up about the implication and warrant for tricks, if you're shifty about them in cross then I will be shifty about whether I feel like evaluating them or whether I'm tanking your speaks. This extends to disclosure practices, you know what this means.
Tricks versus identity-based kritikal affirmatives are bad and violent. Stop it.
I love phil debates. I coach plenty of debaters who go for phil arguments, and find that their interactions are really great. However, I find that debate has trended towards a shotgun approach to justifying X argument about how our mind works in favor of analytical syllogisms that are often spammy, underwarranted, and make little to no sense. I prefer carded syllogisms that identify a problem with ethics/metaphysics and explain how their framework resolves that via pieces of evidence.
The implication/impact of the parts of your syllogism should be clear from the speech they are introduced in, I dislike late breaking debates because you decided to hide what X argument meant in relation to the debate.
In phil v phil debates, there needs to be a larger emphasis on explanation between competing ethics. These debates are often extremely dense and messy, or extremely informational and engaging, and I would prefer that they be the latter rather than the formr. Explanation, clear engagement, and delineated weighing is how to get my ballot in these debates.
Hijacks are cool, but once again please explain because they're often just 10 seconds long with no actual warrants.
Slow down a bit as well, especially in rebuttals, these debates are often fast and blippy and I can only flow so fast
For those that are wondering, I'm pretty well read in most continental philosophy, social contract theorists, and most of the common names in debate. This includes the usual Kant, Hobbes, Pragmatism, Spinoza, and Deleuze as well as some pretty out of left field characters like Leibniz and Berkeley.
I have read some of the work regarding Rawls, Plato, Aquinas, Virtue Ethics, ILaw, Particularism, and Constitutitionality as well.
I know I have it listed as a phil literature base, but I conceptually have trouble with people reading Deleuze as an ethical framework, especially since the literature doesn't prescribe moral claims but is a question of metaphysics/politics, proceed with caution.
- Comparative worlds > truth testing
- Permissibility negates > affirms
- Presumption negates > affirms
- Epistemic modesty > confidence in skep debates, confidence > modesty in phil v phil debates
Trad/Lay Debate
I mean, sure, why not. I can judge this, and debated on a rather traditional LD circuit in high school. However, I often find these debates to be boring, and most definitely not my cup of tea. If you think that you can change my mind, please go ahead, but I think that given the people that pref me most of the time I think it's in your best interest to pref me low or strike me, for your sake and mine.
Everything above applies.
Don't think I'm a K hack. I know my background may suggest otherwise but ideologically I have a high threshold for execution and will punish you for it if you fail to meet it. Seriously, I've voted against kritikal arguments more than I've voted for them. If you are not comfortable going for the K then please do not unless you absolutely want to, please do not adapt to me. I promise I'll be so down for a good disad and case 2NR or something similar.
"It's against NFA-LD rules" is not an argument or impact claim and if it is then it's an internal link to fairness. Only rules violation I will not roll my eyes at are ethics challenges.
Yes non-T affs, yes t - framework, yes cap good/heg good, no to terrible theory arguments like "must delineate stock issues."
Why are we obsessed with bad T arguments that do not have an intent to define words in the topic in the context of the topic? Come on y'all, act like we've been here.
I don't consider myself super stingey or a speaks fairy, though I think I've gotten stingier compared to the rest of the pool.
I don't evaluate "give me X amount of speaks" arguments, if you want it so bad then perform well or use the methods I have outlined to boost your speaks.
Here's a general scale I use, it's adjusted to the tournament as best as possible -
29.5+ - Great round, you should be in late elims or win the tournament
29.1-29.4 - Great round, you should be in mid to late elims
28.6-29 - Good round, you should break or make the bubble at least
28.1-28.5 - About the middle of the pool
27.6-28 - You got some stuff to work on
27-27.5 - You got a lot of stuff to work on
Anything below a 27: You did something really horrible and I will be having a word with tab and your coach about it
Email: Mburke594@hotmail.com
My name is Matt Burke, my pronouns are he/him, and I am a parent judge.
In round, I wish to hear clear and concise arguments. I expect debaters to have evidence to back up most of their claims. Direct responses to opponents and their arguments/ evidence is essential as well. If your opponent does not respond to a piece of your evidence or argument I expect you to extend it through the round.
Regarding that I have not judged many LD debate rounds, I wish that debaters speak and present their arguments slowly.
At the end of the debate, make it clear to me why you should win and summarize the debate to me in your favor. This makes my decision a lot easier.
Please be respectful to your opponent during the debate. Have fun !
Darrian Carroll
5 Year Debater at the University of North Texas
Ceda Double-Octafinalist, 7th speaker (2015)
NDT Qualifier (2016)
University of Las Vegas Nevada Masters (2018)
Assistant Professor, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Introduction: My debate experience much like this philosophy is less than exhaustive and ever evolving. In what follows I am attempting to provide Heuristics for how I view debate. I use the term heuristic because this is not meant to be a binding document, but instead a set of guidelines that may help one that is preparing to debate in front of me or deciding if they want to debate in front of me.
The short of it: Am I good for the K: Probably, I have quite a bit of experience dealing with K debate as a debater so I am more likely to know the nuances of the strategy and be able to provide fundamental feedback on how to better deploy it. Am I good for policy arguments: mediocre, I have more than a working knowledge of the intricacies of counterplan theory, F/W, Topicality (are those the same thing?), Presumption theory and the best methods to deploy disadvantages. I attempt to judge debate mostly on the merits of what and how it is presented in the debate, HOWEVER there are some exceptions to this regarding things “a reasonable person” (I use reasonable in the legal sense) would find absurd. I believe that debate can be many things but exists in a less static form. I do believe debate can be liberatory for some and a game for others.
The long of it: K about Identity- LOVE it. I think that these are some of the most intriguing debates. I am also highly critical of the way that these ideas get deployed. The caveat here would be do it, but do it well.
K about anything else: I’m pretty well versed in a good portion of the contemporary critical literature. With that said I believe for all arguments people need to explain what they mean in terms outside of their literatures conception. IE You should explain what simulacra means just as much as people should explain what ontology means.
CP: I’m fine with it. My caveat here is that I’m not a fan of cheating counterplans. IE your delay, consult cps are viable but know I’m on the AFF’s side for the theory debate.
DA: I’m great for it. Nothing like a good case DA -debate (LINKs in my mind are mostly DA’s). I am a fan of DA’s that are more realistically possible. When that is not possible I’m also okay with it, however I will be clear that I’m on the side of the logical realistic argument about policy making more than the debate is a game so we get a DA framing.
T: I love it. Went for it all the time early in my career. I am unique in that I do not think Ground and limits are impacts but instead internal links to a larger educational framework you hope to engage in. T when read as a procedural argument Is an okay strat in front of me but not my favorite thing to listen to.
This the bonus this the bonus
The information in this section may or may not be helpful, but it may also be extremely helpful. A. If you can end a final rebuttal with ‘doing well dog’ or some other popular rap lyric it may improve your speaker points. B. When thinking about debate people that I most often think of to guide my thoughts are Martin Osborn, Ignacio Evans, and Steve Pointer. All of these people are very different so this may not be helpful, but it is true. C. my preferred email is thefutureunt@gmail.com Ask me if I want to be on the email chain.
If you want my judging record look my name up in tabroom. "thefutureunt@gmail.com"
For IE events: Organization. Dynamic Delivery. Argumentation. Everything Else.
College Parli: NPDA National Champion (2015) | KCKCC
College Policy: CEDA Semi-Finalist, NDT 2x ('14-15), Kentucky RR ('12), Weber RR ('14) | Emporia ('12), KCK ('13-'15)
High School Policy: 3 TOC Bids, NE State CX Champ, Berkley Semi-Finalist ('12) | '09-'12 @ Millard South
I am a somewhat expressive judge. I can be stoic as a default, but if I am nodding along, it means I understand you, and if I'm being quite expressive, then I think you are making a good argument.
I may ask for paper to flow; it's my preferable flowing method. Sorry and thank you in advance.
I have my background and biases,but I want to see the best debater win.
I was primarily a Kritik debater in high school and a Performance/Method debater in college.
No matter the form or content that you are presenting, there are disads, permutations, impact turns, links, no-links, internal links, framework, topicality, sequencing, evidence comparison, and all that jazz to be had.
I am most comfortable in a Clash Of Civilizations (Traditional Vs. K) or K Vs. K debate, but I am open to adjudicating outside of my comfort zone, weighing all kinds of arguments, barring horrendous ones.
I find myself voting on framing, impacts, and internal links as a default. Clash - or contrast - matters.
I love unique spins on resolutions and flipping the script on debate conventions (be unique) while also *using* debate conventions (offense vs. defense, evidence, claim + warrant, comparisons, ethos/pathos/logos).
I have judged over a decade of LD (and even PF) at this point but it is still not my forte. Your jargon, or even how you view the debate in front of us, may be lost on me at times. Assume the worst and hedge, and we can get back on track.
For all debate styles: A good speech is a good speech. A great speech is an art form. And the epic totality of all your speeches should feel fresh, immersive, and have levels to it.
By the end of the debate, it's helpful for me if you emphasize clarity and substance above over-extending yourself on the flow, though you should 100% cover what you need on each flow.
Examples rock. Paint a picture. I'm a visual learner who benefits from repetition.
Show me the debater you are, and I will do due diligence to adapt. Play to your strengths.
Truth over tech (the line-by-line), but tech still matters greatly unless and until a cluster of arguments is formed and won that sets and sways the rhythm, tone, and flow of the debate.
Extend your arguments and evidence, not just your taglines, authors, and dates. Address when your opponent does the bare minimum.
I find that some teams don't capitalize enough on concessions or "moments" in debates, or they do so in a way that is merely surface-level. Use it to frame them out of the debate. Go all in (your mileage may vary).
Interact with the crux of their arguments - the best version of what they are saying - directly on the line-by-line and put offense and defense on the flow. Tilt the scales every chance you get. Control the line-by-line.
I try to flow cross-ex, but no guarantees. This is typically my favorite part of the debate.
Speed is fine. Whether it's good for your precise, situationally-dependent speech, or even just the point you are on, is an entirely other thing.
Clarity over speed, always. Especially for the last 3 speeches.
Seriously, slow down on taglines and analytics. Time constraints? I would rather you be strategic with your time than speed/throw everything at the wall, with the risk that little, if any, of it sticks.
I reward debaters via speaks when they a) start their rebuttal speeches with (valuable) overviews, b) take risks (bonus points when they pay off), c) keep the flows in order or at least mitigate the chaos of a million tiny arguments, and d) have great cross-ex's and bring that same energy and clarity for speeches.
I will disclose speaks if asked.
Don't let the debate get close.
I find that strategic usage of time in rebuttals can make or break a ballot, so I might suggest taking a breath to emphasize key factors in your debate.
Don't out-spread yourself by trying to out-spread the opponent. A few well-developed, top-level arguments are better than a few blippy, under-developed shadow-extensions. Take that extra second to strategize the big picture before you dive in.
Of course, you could convince me to defer against my default paradigm.
Role Of The Ballot (ROTB) debates are more than just a blip; I invite both teams to interact with framework arguments in a meaningful way because they become lenses for evaluating everyone's impacts organically.
Consider informing me what my ballot does, and how I should evaluate the debate in front of us. Help me feel it with the weight and rhythm of your arguments. Be proactive on this front.
I want to be able to use what you said in your last speech to genuinely help me make - and explain - my decision. Spend time on the arguments that you are legitimately going for.
Going too fast is just as bad as going too slow.
Yes, you can ask questions during prep. Yes, open cross-ex is fine.
Please run your own prep time. Please keep track of your own prep time.
I generally think that ethics violation arguments are a time suck, but I could vote on this if you go for it like a real argument - and win - instead of treating the violation like a forgone conclusion.
Email chain is preferred for sharing cards. I may ask for you to send key cards from your last rebuttal.
Email: mattc743@gmail.com
Most of all, just try to have fun.
I have a Ph.D degree in Political Economy from The University of Texas at Dallas (1994). I am alert to all current social, political, and economic issues around the world.
Your argument does not need to always be the truest thing, and I value your strategy and live performance the most. I do not have a preference for what arguments you would like to read.
No spreading for me. I rather you make clear, convincing arguments with good evidence and extend them well in rebuttals.
Affs: I want to hear how you frame and defend your argument.
Negs: I want to hear how you attack and frame your argument.
This is debate tournment, not a practice round, you are here to win! Person who performed well will win my vote.
Good luck!
Coach at Bellaire High School (TX)
Separately conflicted with: Heights High School, Archbishop Mitty SM, Carnegie Vanguard KF, Cypress Ranch KH, Langham Creek SB, Woodlands SP
Set up the email chain before the round starts and add me.
If I'm judging you in PF:bellairedocs.pf@gmail.com
If I'm judging you in LD: bellairedocs.ld@gmail.com
If I'm judging you in Policy: bellairedocs.policy@gmail.com
I debated for Timothy Christian School in New Jersey for four years. I graduated from Rice University, spent 10 years coaching LD, Policy, and WS at Heights High School, am currently a teacher at Bellaire, and coach a variety of debate formats: my program competes through the Texas Forensic Association and the Houston Urban Debate League.
Pref Shortcuts
- Policy: 1
- T/Theory: 1-2
- Phil: 2
- Kritik (identity): 2
- Kritik (pomo): 3
- Tricks: Strike; I can and will cap your speaks at a 27, and if I'm on a panel I will be looking for a way to vote against you.
- Absent tricks or arguments that are morally objectionable, you should do what you are best at rather than over-adapting to my paradigm.
- Tech > Truth
- I will try to be tab and dislike intervening so please weigh arguments and compare evidence. It is in your advantage to write my ballot for me by explaining which layers come first and why you win those layers.
- I won't vote on anything that's not on my flow. I also won't vote on any arguments that I can't explain back to your opponent in the oral.
- Not the judge for cowardice. That includes but is not limited to questionable disclosure practices, taking prep to delete analytics, dodgy CX answers, and strategies rooted in argument avoidance.
- It is unlikely that I will vote on a blip in the 2NR/2AR, even if it is conceded. If you want an argument to be instrumental to my ballot, you should commit to it. Split 2NR/2ARs are generally bad. Although, hot take, in the right circumstances a 2NR split between 1:00 of case and the rest on T can be strategic.
- I presume neg; in the absence of offense in either direction, I am compelled by the Change Disad to the plan. However, presumption flips if the 2NR goes for a counter-advocacy that is a greater change from the status quo than the aff. It is unlikely, however, that I will try to justify a ballot in this way; I almost always err towards voting on risk of offense rather than presumption in the absence of presumption arguments made by debaters.
- If you want to ask your opponent what was or was not read, you need to take prep or CX time for it.
- I'm colorblind so speech docs that are highlighted in light blue/gray are difficult for me to read; yellow would be ideal because it's easiest for me to see. Also, if you're re-highlighting your opponent's evidence and the two colors are in the same area of the color wheel, I probably won't be able to differentiate between them.Please don't send cards in the body of emails; Word docs only. Don't read a shell on your opponent if they don't follow these instructions though - it's not that serious.
- You don't get to insert rehighlighting (or anything else, really); if you want me to evaluate it, you have to read it. Obviously doesn't apply to inserts of case cards that were already read in the 1AC for context on an off-case flow.
- Not fond of embedded clash; it's a recipe for judge intervention. I'll flow overviews and you should read them when you're extending a position, but long (0:30+) overviews that trade-off against substantive line-by-line work increase the probability that I'll either forget about an argument or misunderstand its implication.
- I spent much of my career coaching policy debate, so I am probably most comfortable adjudicating these rounds, but this is your space so you should make the arguments that you want to make in the style that you prefer.
- You should be cutting updates and the more specific the counterplan and the links on the disad the happier I'll be. The size/probability of the impact is a function of the strength/specificity of the link.
- Terminal defense is possible and more common than people seem to think.
- I think impact turns (dedev, cap good/bad, heg good/bad, wipeout, etc.) are underutilized and can make for interesting strategies.
- If a conditional advocacy makes it into the 2NR and you want me to kick it, you have to tell me. Also, I will not judge kick unless the negative wins an argument for why I should, and it will not be difficult for the affirmative to convince me otherwise.
- I default to competing interpretations.
- I default to no RVIs.
- You need to give me an impact/ballot story when you read a procedural, and the blippier/less-developed the argument is, the higher my threshold is for fleshing this out. Labeling something an "independent voter" or "is a voting issue" is rarely sufficient. These arguments generally implicate into an unjustified, background framework and don't operate at a higher layer absent an explicit warrant explaining why. You still have to answer these arguments if your opponent reads them - it's just that my threshold for voting for underdeveloped independent voters is higher.
- Because I am not a particularly good flower, theory rounds in my experience are challenging to follow because of the quantity of blippy analytical arguments. Please slow down for these debates, clearly label the shell, and number the arguments.
- Disclosure is good. I am largely unimpressed with counterinterpretations positing that some subset of debaters does not have to disclose, with the exception of novices or someone who is genuinely unaware of the wiki.
- "If you read theory against someone who is obviously a novice or a traditional debater who doesn't know how to answer it, I will not evaluate it under competing interps."
- I will not evaluate the debate after any speech that is not the 2AR.
- I have a solid conceptual understanding of kritks, given that I teach the structure and introductory literature to novices every year, but don't presume that I'll recognize the vocabulary from your specific literature base. I am not especially well-read in kritikal literature.
- Pretty good for policy v k debates, or phil v k. Less good for k v k debates.
- I appreciate kritikal debates which are heavy on case-specific link analysis paired with a comprehensive explanation of the alternative.
- I don't judge a terribly large number of k-aff v fw debates, but I've also coached both non-T performative and pure policy teams and so do not have strong ideological leanings here. Pretty middle of the road and could go either way depending on technical execution.
Philosphical Frameworks
- I believe that impacts are relevant insofar as they implicate to a framework, preferably one which is syllogistically warranted. My typical decision calculus, then, goes through the steps of a. determining which layer is the highest/most significant, b. identifying the framework through which offense is funneled through on that layer, and c. adjudicating the pieces of legitimate offense to that framework.
- You should assume if you're reading a philosophically dense position that I do not have a deep familiarity with your literature base; as such, you should probably moderate your speed and over-explain rather than under.
- I default to epistemic confidence.
- Better than many policy judges for phil strategies; I have no especial attachment to consequentialism, given that you are doing technical work on the line-by-line.
- Speed is generally fine, so long as its clear. I'd place my threshold for speed at a 9 out of 10 where a 10 is the fastest debater on the circuit, although that varies (+/- 1) depending on the type of argument being read.
- Slow down for and enunciate short analytics, taglines, and card authors; it would be especially helpful if you say "and" or "next" as you switch from one card to the next. I am not a particularly good flower so take that into account if you're reading a lot of analytical arguments. If you're reading at top-speed through a dump of blippy uncarded arguments I'll likely miss some. I won't backflow for you, so spread through blips on different flows without pausing at your own risk.
- If you push me after the RFD with "but how did you evaluate THIS analytic embedded in my 10-point dump?" I have no problem telling you that I a. forgot about it, b. missed it, or c. didn't have enough of an implication flowed/understood to draw lines to other flows for you.
Speaker Points
- A 28.5 or above means I think you're good enough to clear. I generally won't give below a 27; lower means I think you did something offensive, although depending on my general level of annoyance, it's possible I'll go under if the round is so bad it makes me want to go home.
- I award speaks based on quality of argumentation and strategic decision-making.
- I don't disclose speaks.
- I give out approximately one 30 a season, so it's probably not going to be you. If you're looking for a speaks fairy, pref someone else. Here are a few ways to get higher speaks in front of me, however:
- I routinely make mental predictions during prep time about what the optimal 2NR/2AR is. Give a different version of the speech than my prediction and convince me that my original projection was strategically inferior. Or, seamlessly execute on my prediction.
- Read a case-specific CP/Disad/PIC that I haven't seen before.
- Teach me something new that doesn't make me want to go home.
- Be kind to an opponent that you are more experienced than.
- If you have a speech impediment, please feel free to tell me. I debated with a lisp and am very sympathetic to debaters who have challenges with clarity. In this context, I will do my best to avoid awarding speaks on the basis of clarity.
- As a teacher and coach, I am committed to the value of debate as an educational activity. Please don't be rude, particularly if you're clearly better than your opponent. I won't hack against you if you go 5-off against someone you're substantively better than, but I don't have any objections to tanking your speaks if you intentionally exclude your opponent in this way.
Baylor '25
Email: shahinadebates@gmail.com
I did policy at Colleyville Heritage in high school and am currently debating at Baylor
Try to make the subject of the email chain: "Tournament - Round # - School 1 (AFF) v School 2 (NEG)" or something similar
I'm not going to do work for you. That being said, you should write my ballot in the 2NR/2AR and tell me what I’m voting on -- this means these speeches need to be heavy on judge instruction.
Evidence quality matters a lot more than evidence quantity -- a more technical and organized debate is easier to vote on than a card-heavy debate.
Clash is good. Line by line is good. You should interact with the debate you're actively in.
I will not judge kick unless told to do so.
I start the round with a 100% presumption of a risk of the DA. This means I need impact calc... Do the risks matter? Do they outweigh the aff's impacts? I don’t know, you tell me.
The same 5 affs and disads on every topic gets boring -- a good impact turn debate is much more interesting to evaluate than people just reading ev at each other.
Tech>Truth is probably the most applicable here.
You need to explain why it solves better than the plan. Don't just say "counterplan solves" and expect me to vote on it.
Well thought out PICs/PIKs (especially out of k affs) are fun and strategic when debated correctly
I was a K debater throughout high school and now more flex at Baylor, so I'm probably still a good judge for you if you want to go for the K
I've debated/researched a lot of Asian Identity, Psychoanalysis, Pessimism, Logistics/Racial Capitalism and some Settler Colonialism if that is important to you.
Try not to go for things you're not familiar with -- you're missing out on critical substantive debate when you're reading something just for the sake of it
K debates get muddy if there aren't specific links to the aff, so you should probably find some sort of link that is specific enough to the AFF (or at least attempt to contextualize it). That being said, I’ll vote on a generic link if it's insufficiently answered or dropped.
Tell me what the world of the alt looks like; I'm not going to vote for an alt that I can't conceptualize.
I think the aff gets to weigh the plan, but the neg should also get residual links of reps to the plan -- I can be convinced otherwise, though.
K Affs:
I don't care what kind of Aff you read.
I think your Aff needs a topic link at the very least (unless you have a cohesive answer as to why you don't have one).
T debates are my favorite when done well. I love good T debates and hate bad T debates. Don't make this a bad one.
Case lists + examples of ground loss + a good interp = a good T debate.
I really like nuanced T debates against policy affs. I think a lot of these affs get away with WAY too much than they should (like fiating away literally everything) which is why I really appreciate fun arguments like extra T and effects T being impacted out in the 2NR.
Topicality is a question of models of debate, not THIS debate. I would rather you go for an education or portable skills/testing impact as opposed to procedural fairness.
I think that condo is probably the only theoretical reason to reject the team, even then, please come prepared with robust explanations of your theory arguments. For all other theory arguments, you should err on the side of over explanation and more judge instruction.
FW v K AFFs:
I've been on both sides of this debate, so I'm comfortable with evaluating either side.
I think a lot of teams have trouble with TVAs and SSD, both on the aff and the neg. Your TVAs should have clear plan texts and SSD arguments should be able to solve the content of the aff as well as the 2AC's answers to framework.
I tend to err neg on the fairness question absent specific aff answers as to why FW can resolve aff offense via the TVA/SSD debate.
I think presumption is SUPER underutilized in these debates. K affs are usually very vague in terms of explaining the advocacy/solvency and I think that presumption is probably a winning strategy against K Affs 9/10 times.
Set up an email chain before the round.
My thoughts about PF are basically Judy and Katelynne's paradigms combined -- look there if you have any lingering questions. Email me if you're still confused.
I think Dave Huston's thoughts on progressive PF are probably a good answer to a lot "Ks" that PFers try to read. I'm not against progressive PF BUT you have to make a strong case for why you're reading what you are. Don't tell Dave that I agree with him (he doesn't need to know that I think he's right)
I appreciate sass/assertiveness, but be somewhat respectful. Use your critical thinking skills to decide what you want to read in front of me.
If you're interested in debating at Baylor, please reach out! You can send me an email or find me in person if you have any questions.
add me on the email chain! lexcynthiayc@gmail.com
I competed in LD for Lexington High School from 2014 to 2018, and have been away from debate until late 2023. So, if I don't remember certain types of arguments (IVIs, etc.), it's because I'm old and rusty. I've been told that my facial expressions give away what I'm thinking, so you should probably use that to your advantage. Speed is fine, but I will ask you to slow down on T/theory/UV/tricks. I flow by ear, and I'll say "clear" twice. If I still can't understand you, I'll stop flowing. I'm most comfortable with K's (I love a good non-topical K aff), T/theory, LARP, phil is ok. My defaults: condo good (unless you're going for >3 offs), no RVIs, drop debater, CIs, theory highest layer.
For Preferences:
K - 1
LARP - 1 (LARP v LARP tends to get very messy and hard to evaluate, please collapse appropriately and not go for every single argument in your last speech, extinction impacts are boring, LARP v K is fun)
Theory/T - 1
Phil - 2/3 (I don't understand high theory stuff like Baudy/Deleuze, read at your own risk)
Traditional - 2 (how i feel about trad is how i feel about a plain bagel - lukewarm but I'll still eat it)
Tricks - 4 (only evaluated indexicals, if you go for tricks, please only collapse to one and explain it very well)
on speaks:
how to get a 30: give me an overview, collapse appropriately, don't read > 3 offs (my favorite roadmap is "1 off case"), and sign post clearly
how to boost speaks: being funny, being nice to your opponent, email chain already set up, conceding prep/speech time (tell me how much), smart CX
how to get <25 speaks: going on your phone (beyond setting a timer), telling someone that "they don't look black so therefore they can't read afropess" (yes, this did happen), aggro^2 (i love sassy cx/rebuttals, but do not be problematic)
I have a soft spot for non-topical K affs, performance is fun, give me warrants as to why it's good for debate. You should have some solvency, clear ROB, and framing. Don't read a K in front of me because I like them, I have heard some problematic extensions and I will not be afraid to dock speaks. Buzzwords need to make sense and you should absolutely know your lit if you read it in front of me. Feel free to impact turn on T/theory.
From Sai Karavadi's paradigm:
"Update-- you know -- I am slowly getting the ick regarding how people are instrumentalizing literature of specific groups for ballots -- if you are not part of a community and decide to read the literature anyways, but you clearly have a surface level understanding of it, I will be unhappy -- I am tired of cishets using queer pessimism, able-bodied people reading disability pessimism, and white people reading afro-pessimismwithout any real engagement with the literature -- and I don't think non-indigenous people reading settler colonialism is somehow distinct, nor do I think that non-black people reading other structural criticisms about antiblackness is distinct enough for it to mean that you are somehow using images of suffering more ethically. I am vexed with the inauthentic way that y'all are reading this literature, so I am watching with a very close eye regarding CX answers, the way you structure the K, the authors you read, and the 2N explanations. I won't auto-drop you or anything, but I do reserve the right to drop you on the ick if it's obvious you are not taking the literature seriously. I have had conversations with other judges and coaches who feel similarly, so read things at your own risk from now on. I still think you can read them, but I need you to do it at a level where it is clear you care and know what you're talking about."
This is fine. Plans/CPs/DAs/PIC/Ks cool. My issue with judging LARP is that oftentimes the impact is extinction with the most generic cards (Avery/Pummer with util framing). Make sure you have a clear link story and that UQ is there (like within the last year, ideally the last few months). I think consult/communication CPs are lazy and don't make for good debate.
I really,really don't like frivolous theory (think spreading/condo bad). Disclosing is chill (aff should disclose 30 min prior to round, don't need to disclose if new - like actually new new, not just one card being changed). I'm not fully convinced you need full doc to be able to engage, tags + author + cite + first and last 3 words of card is good enough for me. If it's blatantly obvious that you are the more experienced debater in the round and you choose the lazy path like disclosure theory, I will be very unhappy (ceiling for speaks is probably a 26).
Also from Sai Karavadi's paradigm:
"Side note -- if you impact spreading bad or other shells to ableism, maybe think about that -- debate is of course extremely ableist, but I find it paternalistic to generally claim that disabled debaters are unable to debate able-bodied debaters who spread or speak fast. That's not to say I won't vote on it or that I don't think there is some truth to the claim, but I do think you should watch how you phrase the argument at least -- i.e., "disabled debaters cannot debate unless you disclose early cause they have to think on their feet" -- this sounds problematic and like you're saying that disabled people can't critically think in the moment, but "it is better to not spread to encourage access for people with certain disabilities" -- this sounds more agreeable. Be very careful when you talk about ableism because I have heard very problematic collapses that I am not happy with."
Most rounds have util as framing, which is fine, though I'm not convinced it's a great ethical theory. Comfortable with eval kant v util, all that good stuff.
Competed on national circuit for PF 2019-2021.
Email: daniel.basispf@gmail.com
Never competed in LD before. Treat me as Lay.
Assume I know nothing about the topic. Will probably like PF-style arguments
For PF and LD when applicable:
Standard Tech over Truth (for substance)
- Please weigh often and early
- Defense is adhesive and I presume 1st speaking team
- Strong logic > weak evidence
- Not great with speed, progressive args, and theory. Not voting for something I don't understand.
- Not looking at speech docs/email chains unless a team specifically asks me to or if there is an evidence dispute. All cards must be read in speeches coherently
Feel free to ask any other questions before the around and lightly postround.
Hi! I'm Iris (any pronouns) - Harvard-Westlake LD (2019-23), TOC qual 2x, mainly read policy args.
I coach with DebateDrills. This URL has our roster, MJP conflict policy, code of conduct, relevant team policies, and harassment/bullying complaint form.
For email chain (or any questions): irischen2536 at gmail dot com (fileshare/speechdrop are also fine)
I'll try to evaluate the round based on what the debaters assume. If that's unclear to me, then:T > theory > everything else, competing interps, no RVI, DTA unless I can't (T/condo/disclosure), comparative worlds, epistemic confidence, presumption = side of least change
Safety (misgendering, accessibility, etc): I will be checking my email throughout the round- please send a message if you feel uncomfortable for any reason. I would strongly prefer this (or you directly asking to stop the round) over a theory shell being read.
For transparency - I follow along with the doc for the 1AC/1NC off-case positions and flow on Excel starting from the 1NC case page. I make an effort to line up arguments and responses if the speeches do. I generally don't read cards unless someone tells me to, but I will reference the doc for plan/CP/interp texts. I don't flow CX but I am paying attention, you can .
Not clearing/slowing down after someone says clear/slow is -0.1 in speaker points.
You must read the full texts of interpretations and advocacies, i.e. don't "CP: do the aff except ..," "insert perm text," "we'll defend the violation"
Impact turns and counterplans that are specific to theaff are probably some of my favorite things in debate
Judge kick if the 2NR says so – arguments against it must be introduced in the 1AR
Inserting re-highlightings is good
2NR cards must be directly responsive to 1AR arguments
Decently involved in topic prep/probably have an ok amount of background knowledge, but this does not mean you don't have to explain your scenarios.
Cap/IR Ks/set col are ok, anything else will probably confuse me. Mitigate the risk of case (either disprove that the aff is a good idea or explain—robustly—why you don't have to)
Non-T affs: probably biased in favor of framework (fairness/clash > skills/movements) – presumption is also good
Debate over definitions in the literature are much more interesting than "haha nebel 19 go brrrrr” – that being said, if you have a semantics-based T argument contextual to the resolution’s wording and explain it correctly I will be very happy
Like: well-written offensive/defensive caselists, fleshed out descriptions of how the topic should look, size-of-internal-link weighing, good definitions comparison
Dislike: education outweighs fairness/fairness outweighs education, 12-point AT PICs that gets progressively more incoherent, treating semantics and pragmatics as if they're entirely separate concepts, "JUDGE THERE ARE 512 AFFS!!!," "interp the aff may not spec and the neg may not read PICs"
Topic-based spec and reasonable disclosure args are fine – most other things will probably annoy me/I have a relatively low tolerance for nonsense (obv situation dependent – if it's the cleanest option or abuse is egregious, go ahead)
Ev ethics as a shell is fine, I will eval based on NSDA/tournament rules if you stake the round
Competing interps/reasonability are about the counter-interp, normsetting/in-round abuse are about the specific instance
Things that are not arguments: "affirming/negating is harder [doesn't explain why that justifies your model]," "they can't make X combination of args because it's hard to respond to :(((," "they can't contest X part of my 1AC/1NC because defending it is hard :(((," eval X after Y, RVIs on T, most "independent voting issues," 3 second long paragraph theory
Plan affs / counterplans with unique philosophical offense are quite cool
Ks of philosophy can be very interesting but should present an alternative that does not boil down to "consult X minority about ethics"
Would prefer skep/permissibility to be leveraged as a framework justification (X fwk triggers skep so it's wrong) rather than a reason to affirm/negate because there are no obligations
If reading util and going for extinction outweighs, be sure that your ev substantiates an extinction impact
Speaker points
Will try to adjust based on tournament context (bid level, geographic location, etc)
Being funny, knowing your arguments well, strategic vision, being clear, good CX (but not aggressive/mean), and trolling/making fun of bad arguments will boost speaks
Note about docs - nothing inherently wrong with them (in fact, they are sometimes necessary e.g. dense phil/critical arguments) – however, if I can tell that you are clearly reading off a doc for the entire 2NR (probably because it's my third time hearing the same speech word for word), I am not going to assign speaks as if you were the one who came up with the arguments
Debate is a game – play to win, be kind and try to have fun :)
Parent judge with a couple of years of judging experience.
I will vote on any argument with a claim, warrant, and impact but you should error on the side of over-explaining things if you’re concerned I won’t pick up on something.
I determine speaker points based on clarity, creativity, research quality, rebuttal explanation, and organization.
Parent Lay Judge since 2023
Please speak slowly and clearly, english is second language so please avoid jargon.
Please keep the debate simple and slow and make your points clear. Speaks are 27-30
I prefer they/them pronouns.
Hello! For email chain: meitianku.db8@gmail.com <3
I'm a policy debater from GMU, so that's what I know best. I flow everything the best that I can, and I can catch most args, it doesn't mean I'll immediately know what they mean so make sure to explain them well.
An important thing for me is clarity>speed, as I have trouble processing audio, so please slow down on analytics, especially if we're online! ^^
Impact calculation is extremely important, tell me why you're winning and why your arguments outweigh. Overall, well thought out and explained arguments are much better than multiple bad arguments!!
I love K debates, however, please make sure you're actually explaining the links, what the alt does, and how the alt solves clearly. I don't really care if it's a K aff or if it's one being read on the neg, I just need you to be able to know what you're talking about.
For theory, I tend to be aff leaning on T and neg leaning on condo. These aren't hard set of course, and aren't very strong preferences, but just a general guideline.
Be clear about when you're moving on, try to stay organized, messy debates are very complicated and very annoying to untangle.
Overall, have fun and yay debate! Please be nice and respectful to your opponents and your partner. Anything exclusionary of any sort will be voted down and you will be given low speaks.
WSD: As you can see, all of my experience is in policy debate, so not a lot of this is very applicable, but I want to stress to please be cognizant of the fact that this is an online debate and that may warrant putting more effort in coming off clear (which I'm sure is already a concern for style).
Please keep your arguments consistent and frame the debate properly with the arguments you're winning on and why that outweighs, but please do so concisely.
I think the last speeches are the most important in a round, so try to write my ballot for me in a way that makes sense (it is consistent with the debate/its development, doesn't have new arguments, properly explains how and why you win)
Now that that friendly introduction is over:
Email: maanik.chotalla@gmail.com
I'll disclose speaks if you ask.
Background: I debated LD for four years for Brophy College Preparatory in Arizona. Graduated in 2016. Current LD coach for Brophy College Preparatory.
TOC Update: I haven’t updated my paradigm in a few years and while my attitude towards debate hasn’t fundamentally changed the activity and norms within it have very much changed so I felt a need to write an update. At its core, I do believe this activity is still about speaking and so I do still value debaters being able to articulate and deliver. Yes I will still vote tech but I have very little patience for debaters who refuse to adapt and articulate. My preference is to not be reading your rebuttal off a document, if it isn’t on my flow I can’t vote for it. All that said—my advice to you is to go slightly below your max speed with me. I believe every judge embellishes their flowing ability to a degree and while I’m not awful at flowing I am certainly not as good as I used to be and I also have no competitive incentive like you do to be perfect on the flow. I will do my best but I am certainly going to be a cut under most judges that were former TOC competitors. I am simply in a spot in where debate is no longer my whole life (just a large part of it) and I have not been able to keep up with everything. Will do my best but if you are expecting a robot judge you will be disappointed.
Crash Course version:
-Go for whatever you want, I like all forms of argumentation
-Have fun, debate is an evolving activity and I'm all for hearing creative well-warranted arguments
-The round belongs to the debaters, do what you want within reason
-Tech > truth, extend your warrants, do impact analysis, weigh
-I default to competing interps but will go for reasonability if you tell me to
-For Ks please be prepared to explain your obscure lit to me, don't assume I'll know it because I promise you I won't. It will benefit you if you give an overview simplifying the K.
-If you run a theory shell that's fine but I don't really like it when a shell is read as a strictly strategic decision, it feels dirty. I'll probably still vote for you if you win the shell unless it's against a novice or someone who clearly had no idea how to respond to it.
-Default to epistemic confidence
-Good with speed
-Don't like tricks
-Don't be rude, the key to this activity is accessibility so please don't be rude to any debaters who are still learning the norms. This activity is supposed to be enjoyable for everyone
For the LARP/Policy Debater:
-You don't necessarily have to read a framework if you read a plan but if your opponent reads a framework I'm more likely to default to it unless you do a good job with the framework debate in the 1AR.
-If you run a framework it can be either philosophically or theoretically justified, I like hearing philosophy framing but that is just a personal preference
-Utilize your underview, I'm guessing you're reading it for a reason so don't waste your time not extending it.
-Running multiple counterplans is okay, prefer that you provide solvency
-Make sure your counterplan does not link yourself back into your DA, please
For the K Debater:
-Please label each section of your K (link/framing/impact/alt) it makes it more clear to me how the argument is supposed to function
-If you aren't running a typically organized K then please just explain the argument properly as to how I should evaluate it
-If your ROTB is pre-fiat you still need to respond to post-fiat framing to completely win framework debate
-Feel free to ask more questions before the round
For the traditional debater/Philosophy Debate/everyone else
-Crash course version should cover everything. I have more below for the people who really want to read it but you can always ask more questions beforehand
More details:
1. General
I like debates which are good. Debaters who are witty, personable, and I daresay good speakers usually score higher on speaker points with me. I'll vote on any argument (So long as it isn't blatantly offensive or reprehensible in some way). I'm a big believer that the round should belong to the debaters, so do with the debate space what you wish.
I like framework debate a lot. This is what I did as a debater and I believe that it makes the round very streamlined. I always like hearing new and cool philosophies and seeing how they apply, so run whatever you want but please be prepared to explain them properly.
Please slow down on impacts and pause between tags and authors!! Yeah, I know everyone has the case right in front of them nowadays but I still want you slowing down and pausing between your authors and tags. Finally, for both of our sakes, please IMPACT to a weighing mechanism. I have seen too many rounds lacking impact analysis and weighing. It's possible it will lead to a decision you don't like if you don't impact well. I don't particularly care what weighing mechanism you impact to so long as you warrant to me that it's the more important one.
2. Theory/T
Run whatever shells you would like but nothing frivolous, please. I wouldn't recommend reading theory as strictly a strategic play in front of me but I will still evaluate it and vote on it if you prove there is actual abuse in round. I default to competing interps but will go with whatever you tell me. In general, I think you should layer theory as the most important issue in the round if you read it, otherwise what was the point in reading it?
Shells I will likely not vote on:
-Dress Code theory
-Font size theory
-Double-win theory (I'll probably just drop whoever initiated it)
-Frivolous shells unrelated to debate (i.e. lets play mario kart instead)
-Comic Sans theory
-This list will grow with time
3. Tricks
I don't like them. Don't run them. They make for bad debate.
4. Ks
I myself was never a K debater but I've now found myself really enjoying hearing them as an argument. I'd appreciate if you could label your K or section it off. I wasn't a K debater so I don't automatically know when the framing begins or when the impacts are etc. The biggest problem I usually see with Ks is that I don't understand the framing of the argument or how to use it as a weighing mechanism, so please help me so I can understand your argument as best as I can. I have dropped Ks because I just didn't understand the argument, err on the side of me not knowing if it is a complex/unconventional K.
5. Miscellaneous
I don't time flashing/making docs during the round but I expect it to take no longer than 30 seconds. Try to have a speech doc ready to go before each round. I'm good with flex prep. I don't care if you sit or stand. I'll hop on your email chain. Don't be rude, that should go without saying. Lastly, and I mean this seriously, please have fun with it. I really prefer voting for debaters who look like they're having a good time debating.
If you have any questions feel free to ask before the round or contact me via email
last updated: 12/4
Ammu Christ (they/them/their)
Midlothian '22
UT Austin '26
please addgraduated@gmail.com to the chain
active conflicts: idk now
**Follow the bolded portions of the paradigm if you need to skim.
LHC/UH/Churchill 2024 Update:
Hi I have been out for like a good 9 months since TFA State
don't assume I know anything about your topic or the current state of norms now
don't assume i can intuitively guess what your embedded clash is - make it as clear as the sun and collapse
most of my thoughts on debate probably haven't changed
Sure you can spread but let my ears adjust/attune to it first, I'll let out clear a few times and if you don't adapt I'll get a bit annoyed and flow a lot less/give up
my brain flows warrants a lot better - this means focus on your explanation more than the formalities of tags/authors
it would be awesome to send me a music or book rec just for funsies
yay debate
post-TFA State 2024 updates:
The state of LD has always been in a desolate state, but this past weekend has been extraordinarily disappointing. The frequency of judging beyond this point is up to my wellbeing and being compensated beyond minimum wage.
1 - I'm not sure why debaters feel the need to be cutting necessary corners to explain and win their arguments sufficiently well. It disservices you from winning by underexplaining your arguments and hoping I can make
2 - Be considerate when you're postrounding your judges. Many of us are paid well below minimum wage and volunteer/prorate lots of hours into the activity with little to no return in favor of keeping the community having adequate judging. I'll do my best to explain how I reached my decision and answer clarifying questions, but if you expect me to automatically change my decision, its too late, try again next time.
3 - I am not your babysitter and will give you a stern look if you or any person in the room acts like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Especially things such as grabbing another debater's laptop without their permission and turning it towards the judge.
4 - I hold absolutely no sympathy for individuals that don't make a concerted attempt for disclosure (ie explicitly refuse to send their cases over, not disclosing on opencaselist dot com) and then read some 2000s-esq theory shell saying they are unable to engage with the 1AC. Go argue with your coach, not me.
5 - It should go without saying that if I find out that you attempt to make a structural/ontology claim (or analogously use some grammar of blackness) through cutting a sui**de note as your basis, you will get the lowest speaks possible and I will contact your coach either by the RFD or directly. Absolutely ridiculous.
I would best describe myself as a clairvoyant when it comes to judging. I have no strong feelings when it comes to how I evaluate arguments, and feel that I agree with a wide spectrum of opinions and debate takes, even the usual divide that exists within educational/“non-educational” forms of debate.
I will vote up anything except anything morally repugnant (see: racism, homophobia, sexism, etc) or out of round issues. Some arguments require a lot more instruction than others in front of me, choose accordingly.
General takes:
- Evidence determines the direction of argument quality - Bad arguments will either have little to no evidence, but it is possible to spin smart arguments from bad evidence. Arguments without evidence is definitely doable, but then again, y’all are high schoolers.
- To win an argument, you need to sufficiently win that it has a claim, impact, and warrant.
- The 1AC will “set the topic” (whether it adheres to the resolution or not), the 1NC will refute the 1AC in any form. I am inclined to vote affirmative if the affirmative world is more preferable than the status quo or a different world proposed by the negative.
- Debate is a communication activity. It may or may not have “spillover” into the real world. I am of the opinion, by default, we probably don’t. I can be convinced either way, though.
- My ballot is solely a decision on which debater was more persuasive. Being persuasive requires a bundle of strategy, tech, charisma, and ballot-painting.
- At bare minimum, I need to get submit my ballot in before tournament directors nag on me. Other than that, do whatever other than being violent.
- As a neurodivergent person, it is sometimes a bit hard for me to follow implications/strategies of things as well as deciphering rebuttals. My favorite type of rebuttals will respond to things top-down in the order of the previous speech and/or group and do sub-debates in specific areas on my flow. Your speed when it comes to the rebuttals should be 70% of the speed of the constructive.
- I care a lot about form and content. The 2NR/2AR must isolate and collapse to one argument (most of the time). I am very receptive to arguments that specifically complicate the reading of multiple conflicting positions in the rebuttal. (See: a non-T aff going for condo, collapsing to multiple Phil positions and a util advantage, etc). This doesn’t really apply if conflicting positions are read before the rebuttals.
- I default no judgekick.
- I think I’m pretty good at nearly transcribing most speeches. My typing speed spikes anywhere between 110-140 words per minute. I tend to flow more and try to isolate warrants since my brain tends to forget immediately if I don’t write down full warrants/explanations for things. Not a you problem, just a neurodivergent thing. In terms of speed, not a problem, just need clarity and will clear you if it is not present or give up not typing anything if I can’t legibly type anything.
- Speaks are based on execution, strategy, collapse, and vibes. 28.2-28.6 is the cume for average. 28.7-28.9 means you’re on the cusp for breaking. 29-29.3 means you’ll break and reach early/mid slims. 29.4+ means you will go deep elms and/or win the tournament. Not all speaks are indicative of this, but normally they will try to follow this guideline.
LD specific takes:
- Pref guide:
- I feel best apt to evaluate K, non-T, policy, Util/Kant debates.
- I can adequately evaluate theory. I find that these debates aren’t impossible, but I definitely will be thinking a lot more harder in these debates.
- Exercise caution around tricks and “denser phil” (anything not Util or Kant). I can still evaluate these, but I find in these debates I need arguments overexplained in terms of strategy for me to follow.
- I default comparative worlds over truth testing. I think offense under either form of argument evaluation is doable, but I need that blatantly explained to me.
- I’ve changed my thoughts on tricks. I think that I was formerly being dogmatic by saying they don’t hold “educational value”. I actually don’t care now. Read them if you fancy these arguments, but I require a lot more judge instruction to understand strategy/collapse.
- As formerly for tricks, I’ve also changed my thoughts on theory. A shell must have a violation to be legitimate. See below in a later section about specifics with theory offense.
- A caveat for evidence ethics theory. I do not find this shell convincing at all. In order to win with this shell in front of me, the alleged violation must prove that there was malicious intent with the altercation of evidence. I will also ask if both debaters would like to stop the round and stake the round on evidence ethics. If the person who read the shell says no, my threshold for responses on the shell automatically goes down to the lowest possible amount of responses. The threshold to win the argument at this point becomes insanely steep.
- If I haven’t made it clear already, please spend more time explaining function and implications of these arguments if you want to win my ballot. I find that I am following these arguments more better than I was like a year ago, but you should do more work to overexplain to me to win. I don’t know to make that more obvious.
- I default competing interpretations, no RVIs, and drop the debater on theory shells.
- I am willing to zero out a theory shell’s offense if there is no real violation. It is up to the person reading the shell to prove that there is either a textual or functional violation in the first place. No amount of competing interpretation justifications will matter if there is no violation to the shell. I don’t care if the violation is textual or functional, I just need one to grant offense to the shell in the first place.
- I find that paradigm issue debates are sailing ships in the night — you should really group them whenever they’re spread across multiple pages. If the warrants to your paradigm issues are the same I’ve heard over the past year and a half, I will flow them as “dtd, c/I, no rvi” (and vice versa when responding)
- I enjoy unique warrants to paradigm issues, but find non-T offs trying to come up with their own warrants sort of fall flat if they reject a conception of debate.
- IVIs need an impact when introduced. Will not vote on these without one.
- I default theory > K >= content FW > content — this is a rough diagram and open to different justifications for weighing.
- You can find any other relevant thoughts on the K and policy here in the archive for December 2023. My thoughts really haven’t changed as much for the K nor policy. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-KidiW8WJQi0-PWf2lx33GPi9kiRySLl1TbV_fGZ1PY/edit?usp=sharing
You can request a copy of your flow at any point after the RFD is given.
Good luck! :>
Please add me on the email chain:amandaciocca@gmail.com
Update: Poor round vision is making me sad, stop splitting the 2N/2A because its killing me.
Ex-varsity college policy debater for UMW who read primarily Policy and K's. Been judging for 5 years so Im slowly becoming more cranky about bad debates. FSU grad with a Bachelor in Intersectional Women's Studies and Media/Comm, currently a MA student in the Women Studies program. I competed in LD for four years, mostly read soft-left policy stuff and fem/ borderlands Ks.
Refer to me in round however you'd like, my pronouns are she/her. Some people hate being called judge but unless you feel comfy referring to me as Amanda then do whatever you want idgaf <3
Im fairly flex at this moment in my judging career so realistically I'm fine with most args. Just dont say morally repugnant stuff. Any questions just ask.
Pref guide:
Ks (General) : 1
K Affs and Performance: 1
Policy: 1
Phil: 3 (more comfy w Kant, Hobbes, Rawls, Butler)
Trad: 5
Theory: 2
Tricks/Skep: 4
Here's the most important things to know:
1. Learn how to flow. Im tired of debaters answering stuff that wasn't read. Im THIS close to just not looking at the doc at all because y'all are just docbots.
2. Don't be racist/homophobic/sexist/ or just problematic. Any instances of BLATANT verbal discrimination/ harassment of an opponent then Im giving you an L 20 and will hard stop the round reporting you to tab.HOWEVER, if you just are slightly big headed and/or arrogant idc. You do you, but just be respectful to other people in the room. Please use proper pronouns!!
3. Your pre-written analytics SHOULD BE GENDERLESS. Im ripping my hair out at the fact that people still aren't removing he/him/she/her from docs.
4. I'm expressive af. I will be actively making faces, most of them aren't actually directed at you. Also I do have an RBF so don't take it personally.
5. Do what you are best at.
6. Weigh.
7. Give me judge instruction.
Updated Preferences Stylistically:
Policy-I've started really loving good policy debate. Policy-making is cool, do whatever you want. Plan texts need a solvency advocate, idc what ur coach says. CP's are cool, make sure there is some sort of net benefit and also if you don't answer the perm I'll be very sad. DA's are fun as long as there is a clear link to the aff, also for the love of god weigh. Your UQ needs to be from like two days ago PLEASE, enough of UQ from five years ago.
K-K's are groovy. I think non-t k affs are cool, just need clear explanation why that is good for debate. Don't like when it creates assumptions about your opponents identity because that just creates hostile rounds (that I have definitely had and they are not fun). Intersectional Fem Lit was my jam, everyone can read fem (it's not a framework that is meant to exclude people from reading it, love a good fem debate :)) Please extend the text of the ROTB, I need some framing when extending. Please refer to my tricks section to see my opinion on K tricks.
Performance-I have a pretty decent ability to judge a performance debate and I think they are pretty dope. However, I don't think that debaters need to degrade their opponent during a round to "get the point across" especially because I think that ruins the integrity of the round itself. If you are going to engage in an in-round performance, please extend it in rebuttals or else I fail to understand how it is important to the aff/neg.
Traditional-I am perfectly alright with traditional debate. I loved it as a freshman and sophomore. I value debaters making strats accessible for all debaters. Make sure that you are weighing and using that short 1AR/2AR to crystalize and extend your arguments. Nothing is ever implied, please use well-warranted args. I have so much respect for strong traditional debaters on the circuit but I will hold you to the same standards as I hold progressive kiddos.
Phil-I love good phil debates, I'm comfortable with standard Util v Kant and more abstract framework debates. I think if you go this route you need to win why your paradigm is ethically relevant, and then be able to win offense/defense underneath that framing mech. Love Derrida, Hooks, and anything that has a little philosophical spice.
Theory: I've been enjoying it a lot more. Used to really hate 1AC disclo but have recognized its necessity sometimes I guess. Also have started to really enjoy a good theory debate but PLEASE read paradigm issues on your shells!I've voted recently on ROTB Spec, ASpec, Disclo, and CSA. Let that guide your prefs however you'd like.
Tricks-This is probably my weakest place in regards to judging but that doesn't mean I won't try. If you want to pref me and read tricks then just make sure they are clear and there is an explanation somewhere in the round about how it functions in the round and I'll try my best to judge accordingly.I hate debates that are just sloppy tricks debate, if this applies to you then dont pref me at all like please don't pref me if you just want to meme around.
Skep-This is probably morally repugnant. Only chance I vote in this is when it is completely conceded and I can get a nice slow 2NR explaining the syllogism. I DONT enjoy these debates and would much prefer other things. I've voted on skep twice and somehow a entire tourney decided I should be struck in elims <3 tldr: dont read it unless its an easy debate, if you make me think even just a little about it then you'll probably lose.
Affiliations - Present:
The Harker School
2023-2024 Updates:
- Everyone should slow down. Debate would be better. Does this mean you might have to read less in the 1NC? YES! Does this mean that 2As might have to make less/better answers? YES! Does this mean you need to slow down on prewritten extensions and analytics? YES! I want to fully grasp EVERYTHING in the debate and not just get the gist of things. If you do not want to adapt to this, then you have prefs and strikes. I suggest you use them accordingly ...
- Debaters that flow and give speeches from their flows, as opposed to their prewritten speech docs, are the gold standard.
- Great debaters use the full spectrum of human emotion to persuade judges. Anger, sadness, humor, fear, hope, love, and all the other things we feel, connect us to the arguments we're making. If your debates only have one emotion (or none), then it will probably be pretty boring.
Top Level Stuffs:
1. Speech docs: I want to be included on any email chains; however, I will be flowing based on what I hear from year speech and not following along with the speech doc. I will use my flow to determine the decision, which can be different from speech docs, especially if you aren't clear and give me enough pen time. Also, I never was the best flow as a debater and I still am not as a judge!
2. All of you are smarter than me. I'll work hard to be a good judge, but I won't promise I will get everything that is happening in the round. Your job will be to explain very complex concepts to a very simple mind.
3. I'm an only-parent of two young children. Always a chance that something happens where I have to take a few minutes of judge prep. I'll work hard to minimize these instances, but cannot promise they will not happen.
4. The "ideal" number of off-case positions in a round for me when I am in the back of the room is anywhere from 0-5. You can absolutely read more, but I get angrier as the number of counterplans in the 1NC rises. I think 1-2 counterplans in a 1NC is reasonable. I prefer 1NCs without throwaway positions but still have a lot of block/2NR optionality. Basically, I am a fan of clash and vertical spread.
If you still think it's good to have me in the back of the room after you know this, then continue reading and see if you still feel that way when you're done.
Argument Feelings:
Topicality: It is up to the debaters to determine how I evaluate topicality. I tend to default to reasonability. Slow down a tick on T or you will make me sad. I cannot keep up with you reading your 2NC/1NR blocks at full speed.
Counterplans: The more specific the better, but I’m game for whatever. Consult CPs are fine. Delay is fine. Conditioning is cool tooI. PICs are the bees knees. However, I am open to theory arguments that any of these should not be allowed. I do not like counterplans with a lot of planks that the negative can jettison at will. Such counterplans will leave me sympathetic to affirmative theory arguments.
Counterplan Theory: Sketchy counterplans should lose to theory. However, theory violations should be well developed and it is up to the affirmative to prove why I should reject the team and not the argument. It's no secret that I am not the quickest flow, so slow down for me on theory debates. I'm more favorable to limited forms of conditionality and/or no conditionality compared national trends.
Theory in General: I almost always think that education > fairness, but ... I think negatives are getting away with too much. People can run multiple contradictory counterplans/advocacies all they want in front of me and I will not automatically vote them down for it. However; I am sympathetic to well articulated theory arguments as to why it is a bad educational practice, as well as sympathetic to affirmatives that use negative shenanigans to justify affirmative shenanigans. Play dirty pool at your own risk in front of me…aff or neg. I do not like cheap shot theory. I try to not vote for cheap shot theory arguments, even if they are dropped. However, I will use cheap shot theory arguments as a way out of difficult rounds in which both teams were making my job painful. I try not to let cheap shots determine the outcome of rounds that are well debated on both sides. I reward good smart debate. No New AFFs is not a good arg in front of me. Pref Sheet Disclosure is not a good arg in front of me.
**** If you're reading this as an LD'er: I am a very bad judge for Tricks debate. Very bad ...
Disads: The more specific the better. I prefer 1 or 2 good uniqueness cards to 10 bad uniqueness cards. I prefer 1 or 2 good warrants to 10 bad uniqueness cards. Disads are great and are a fundamental part of policy and/or critical strategies. Yayy DAs!
Criticisms: The more specific the better. You probably know more about your specific criticism than I do. However, debate is not about who knows the most about a topic; it is about how much you can teach me within the time limits of the round. If I cannot explain your position back to you at the end of the debate, then I cannot vote for it. I believe that AFFs get perms, even critical AFFs. I believe that Ks can win based on winning 100% defense, so, yes ... you can kick the ALT and go for presumption in front of me. On framework, I default to a "middle of the road" approach where NEGs get ALTs & links to whatever, but AFF gets to weigh their 1AC as defenses of their ontology/epistemology/axiology. Only get "links to plan" or "ALT must be competitive policy option" is an uphill battle. Same goes for "you link, you lose" or "they can't weigh their AFF!" For me, those questions are best resolved on link level, alt level, and theory of power level.
Framework: Sure. You can go that route, but please slow down. I prefer substance to theory, meaning that I almost always believe education > fairness. I don't find the procedural fairness stuff that persuasive. Institutions good and training is a much better route with me in the back. TVAs are persuasive to me. So, will I vote on framework? If it is based on why you have a better educational model, then absolutely! If it is based on procedural fairness, then I might still vote on it, but it's an uphill battle. Most of the time I vote on procedural fairness it is a result of some AFF concessions, which is why it's important for me to have a good flow if this is your strategy. I almost always think the better approach is just to take them up on the case page or offer a counterplan.
Performance/Nontraditional/Critical AFFs: I’m cool with it. I don't find your argument persuasive that these AFFs shouldn't get perms. If I can't explain your AFF back to you then it will be really hard for me to vote for you. I have no problem voting NEG on presumption if I don't know what you do or if the NEG has a compelling argument that you do nothing. Honestly, I think that NEGs versus various critical approaches are in a better position with me in the back to go for case turns and solvency arguments. K v K is wonderful, too! This is just my heads up to the policy teams that want my ballot - case, DAs, & CPs are more strategic when I'm in the back than FW.
Case: I honestly think that a well developed case attack (offense and a heck of a lot of good defense) with a DA and/or critique are much more effective than a big off 1NC. Case debate is good and underrated. This is true for policy debaters and k debaters. This is true for policy AFFs and K AFFs.
I’m open to any kind of argument you have as long as it is intelligent, arguably true, and not problematic.
My Idiosyncrasies:
One thing that everyone should know is that I naturally give a lot of nonverbal (sometimes verbal) feedback, even in the middle of rounds. If I think your argument is really smart then you will probably see me smiling and nodding. If I think your argument is not smart or just wrong, my face will look contorted and I will be shaking it in a different direction. If this happens…do not freak out. Use it to your advantage that you know which arguments I like and do not like. Other times, I look unhappy because I am in pain or very hungry (my health ain't the best), so this might throw you off ... sorry! Debate tournaments are hard on all of us. I'm not going to pretend like I'm a machine for longer than two hours while I judge your round.
I will also intervene in cross x if I think that a team is being particularly evasive on a point that needs to be clarified to conduct a good clean debate. I do not believe that the gold standard for judging is to avoid intervention at all costs. I believe intervention is almost always inevitable ... I'm just one of the few people who are willing to say that out loud. Interventions, like the type above, are very rare. I am fully willing and happy to led debaters take the lead and let me render a decision based on the round that happened without me saying a word until the RFD.
Additionally, I usually make fairly quick decisions. I don't scour through evidence and meticulously line up my flows all the way until the decision deadline. Sometimes I will do that if it is warranted to decide the round. However, for me, it doesn't usually require that. I believe that debate is a communication activity and I judge rounds based on what is communicated to me. I use my flows to confirm or deny my suspicions of why I think someone is winning/losing at the conclusion of the debate. Typically, I am making my mind up about who is winning the round and in which ways they might lose it after every speech. This usually creates a checklist of what each team would need to do to win/lose. While listening to 2NRs/2ARs, I go through my checklist & flows to see which ones get marked off. Sometimes this is an easy process. Sometimes it takes me a lot longer to check those boxes ...
I KNOW that you all work VERY HARD for each and every round. I take that very seriously. But, me deciding rounds quickly is not dismissive of you or your work. Instead, my "thoughtful snapshots" of rounds are meant to give some sort of fidelity to the round I witnessed instead of recreating it post hoc. Some people go to concerts and record songs to remember the experience later. I don't. That's not out of disrespect to the artists or their art, rather, it's my own version of honoring their efforts by trying to honor the moment. Some of y'all think that is some BS justification for me to do "less work" after a round, and that's fine, you're entitled to that opinion, as well as where you place me on your strike sheets.
Finally, I am unabashedly human. I am open to the whims of fatigue, hunger, emotions and an overwhelming desire to do what I think is right, no matter how inconsistent and possibly misguided at the time. I try desperately to live my life in a way where I can look in a mirror and be okay with myself (not always successfully). I do the same thing when I am a judge (again, not always successfully). This is just a fair warning to any of you that will be inevitably upset if my decision seems to vary from this judging philosophy. I'm not a robot and sometimes my opinions about my role and this activity changes while judging a round. The truth is that y'all are good at what y'all do, and sometimes you make me change my mind about things. These are the facts of having me in the back of the room, and these facts, no matter how fact-y they might be, are facts that y'all have to deal with :-)
Debate is fun…at least it should be. If it's not, you're doing it wrong!
I'm 100% a game judge, the flow is like a chess board and it is your job to navigate it with whatever tools you have at your disposal. You can run anything; Theory, Topicality, Ks, CP, DA/AD/Plans/KPlans but for all of those you need to give a "why" and impact calc for everything, fail to do that and you will lose the round.
That being said stock issues are inherent to an argument, if you don't solve for anything or you can't show significance then you will also lose. Topicality is loose for me but again if you fail to solve for something or show it's significance then you lose.
Spread as fast as you want, I was reading at 340 wpm once upon a memory. If you turn into a mumble rapper like Post Malone then you are not communicating effectively and you'll have stuff drop on the flow. Clear and fast is fine, murmuring quickly is not fine. When in doubt slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Too often debaters are reliant on judges reading their card for them to put them on the flow rather than conveying the information. If there is something in the debate that is the razors edge that will make or break the round then I will evaluate it but that is rarely ever the case (I have only seen it once, same source cut two different ways).
My default settings:
I will hear theory arguments if you are deeply against any of the following but otherwise this is how I vote.
Disclosure has to be consensual prior to the round but when you are giving the constructive what are you really gaining from not exchanging? Plus it is in the NSDA manual you have to produce evidence for your opponent at their request.
Aff gets fiat for world building otherwise the debate can't happen.
Neg gets conditionality to truth test with multiple worlds.
General sportsmanship should be observed. I was a debater, I promise you I know abuse when I see it. If your opponent checks it and you don't have some good reason for trying to push that envelope you'll lose. Be excellent to each other.
I do private coaching but I also care deeply about the debate community so please feel free to reach-out with questions after your rounds. coachmike@citronoline.org
Private Coaching Link
B.S. Ecology from Arizona State University
M.L.S. Environmental Law from Sandra Day O'Connor Law College
M.S. Geospatial Intelligence from Johns Hopkins University
Certified Fraud Examiner
Debate Director of the Citron Online Speech and Debate District
Dartmouth '24
amadeazdatel@gmail.com for the email chain
I debated in college policy for three years at both Columbia and Dartmouth, winning a few regionals and clearing at majors. In high school, I debated primarily local LD with some national circuit experience my senior year. I'm currently an Assistant Coach at Apple Valley and coach a few independent LDes, and am the former Director of LD at VBI.
General thoughts
Online debate: I flow on my computer so I won't be looking at the Zoom and don't care whether your camera is on or not. You should locally record all your speeches in case your WiFi cuts out in the middle.
Tech > truth. My goal is to intervene as little as possible - only exception is that I won't vote on args about out-of-round practices, including any personal disputes/callouts (except for disclosure theory with screenshots). I probably come across as more opinionated in this paradigm than I am when evaluating rounds since non-intervention supersedes all my other beliefs about debate. However, I still find it helpful to list them so you can get a better idea of how I think about debate (and knowing that it's impossible to be 100% tech > truth, so ideological leanings might influence close rounds).
Debates over evidence quality are great and re-highlighted ev is always a plus.
Evidence matters but spin > evidence - don’t want to evaluate debates on whose coaches cut better cards.
Extra-topical planks and intrinsicness tests are theoretically legit and an underutilized aff tool vs both DAs and process CPs.
I don't think a risk of extinction auto-outweighs under util and err towards placing more weight on the link level debate than on generic framing args unless instructed otherwise - this also means I place less weight on impact turns case args because they beg the question of whether the aff/neg is accessing that impact to begin with.
Soft left affs have a higher chance of winning when they challenge conventional risk assessment under util rather than util itself.
Zero risk exists but it's uncommon e.g. if the neg reads a politics DA about a bill that already passed.
Case debate is underrated - some aff scenarios are so bad they should lose to analytics.
Impact turns like warming good, spark, wipeout, etc. are fine - I'm unsympathetic to moralizing in place of actual argument engagement (also applies to many K practices).
Smart, analytic advantage counterplans based on 1AC evidence/internal links are underrated.
Immediacy and certainty are probably not legitimate grounds for competition, but debate it out.
Textual competition is irrelevant (any counterplan can be made textually competitive) and devolves to functional competition.
I'll judge kick unless the aff wins that I shouldn't (this arg can't be new in the 2AR though).
I like good T debates - lean towards overlimiting > underlimiting (hard for a topic to be too small) and competing interps > reasonability (no idea what reasonability is even supposed to mean) but everything is up for debate.
Generally think precision/semantics are a prior question to any pragmatic concerns - teams should invest more time in the definition debate than abstract limits/ground arguments that don't matter if they're unpredictable.
Plantext in a vacuum seems obviously true - this does not mean that the aff gets to redefine vague plantexts in the 2AC/1AR but rather that both sides should have a debate over the meaning of the words in the plan and their implications.
I care a lot about logic (and by extension predictability/arbitrariness impacts) - this means that competition should determine counterplan legitimacy and arguments that are not rooted in the resolutional wording or create post hoc exceptions for particular practices (like “new affs justify condo” or “process CPs are good if they have solvency advocates”) are unpersuasive to me. That said, I err against intervention - I dislike how judges tend to inject their ideological biases into T/theory debates more than substance debates.
I default to theory being a reason to reject the arg not the team, except for condo.
I don't see how condo can be anything but reject the team - sticking the neg with the CPs is functionally the same since they conceded perms when they kicked them. Infinite condo is the best neg interp and X condo should lose to arbitrariness on both sides - either condo is good or it’s not. I personally think infinite condo is good but don’t mind judging condo debates.
I think competition drives participation in debate and procedural fairness is a presupposition of the game - the strongest opinion in this paradigm.
While I’ve voted for Ks, I don’t think they negate - the best 2AR vs the K is 3 minutes on FW-neg must rejoin the plan with a robust defense of fairness preceding all neg impacts. Affs lose when they over-allocate on link defense and adopt a middle-of-the-road approach that makes too many concessions/is logically inconsistent.
Line by line >> long overviews for both sides.
Ks that become PIKs in the 2NR are new args that warrant new 2AR responses.
K Affs
See above - while I think T-FW is just true, I'll vote for K affs/against FW if you out-tech the other team.
For the neg, turns case arguments are helpful in preventing these debates from becoming two ships passing in the night. TVAs are the equivalent of a CP (in that they're not offense) and you don't always need them to win. SSD shouldn't solve because most K affs do not negate the resolution.
For the aff, impact turning everything seems more strategic than defending a counter interp - it’s hard to win that C/Is solve the neg’s predictability offense and they probably link to your own offense.
Topic DAs vs K affs that are in the direction of the topic can also be good 2NRs, especially when turned into uniqueness CPs to hedge back against no link args.
K v K debates are a big question mark for me.
LD Specific
Tricks, phil, and frivolous theory are all fine, with the caveat that I have more policy than LD experience so err on the side of over-explanation. Phil that doesn't devolve into tricks is great. Some substantive tricks can be interesting but many are unwarranted, and I might apply a higher threshold for warrants than the average LD judge.
I’m a good judge for Nebel T - see the T section above.
1AR theory is overpowered but 1AR theory hedges are unpersuasive - 2NRs are better off with a robust defense of non-resolutional theory bad, RTA, etc. that take out most shells. RTA in particular is underutilized in LD theory debates.
There are too many buzzwords in LD theory that don’t mean anything absent explanation - like normsetting/norming (which debaters generally use to refer to predictability without explaining why their interp is more predictable), jurisdiction (which devolves to fairness because it begs the question of why judges don’t have the jurisdiction to vote for non-topical affs), resolvability (which applies to all arguments but never actually seems to make debates impossible to adjudicate), etc.
Presumption and permissibility are not the same and people should not be grouping them together. I default to permissibility negating and to presumption going to the side that advocates for the least change.
Conceding a phil FW and straight turning their (often underdeveloped) offense is strategic.
Speaks - these typically reflect a combination of technical skills and strategy, and depend on the tournament - a 29 at TOC is different than a 29 at a local novice tournament.
Judge adaptation is important! It is a major variable of debate.
I am a parent judge who has become a coach and have been judging debates for many years now. I have mostly judged Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum with experience in Congress. I see my role as a judge is to determine who has won the debate. I weigh the framework in LD most. If the debate evolves into a contention level debate, I largely determine who wins by who has presented the best case with factual evidence. In short, convince me your side is right. It is important to provide evidence and absolutely critical to think on your feet and exploit holes in the opposing debaters evidence. Most LD/PF debates are won or loss in CX/Crossfire (and what you do with this information later in the debate). Providing evidence isn’t enough though, it must be used effectively to support arguments. This is where the heart of debate is for me. I am not influenced by my personal opinion on the topic nor do I weigh debaters personal stories, although heartfelt, into the decision. I listen to what is said and do not make conclusions beyond what is communicated. I am fine with speed provided it is clear. If I am unable to understand the debater due to speed of speech or failure to enunciate, I am unable to use that portion of the debate in my decision. It is your responsibility to speak clearly. In most cases, less words with more thought will be more effective with me than cramming all you can into your time limit. I want to see you truly debate your opponent and not just read a case.
I will keep time but will not manage it for debaters. When time is complete, I will allow thoughts to be finished but do not factor in communication past time limits into my decision.
Speaker Points-I treat speaker points uniformly within a tournament based on the talent but am not consistent from tournament to tournament. What I mean by that is that in tournament A, I’ll likely provide the best speaker a 29 or 30 but in tournament B, that same speaker may have only earned a 28 due to stiffer competition. I rarely score below a 27.
Kritiks – I’m okay with Ks. I find they take skill to run and when run effectively are powerful but when run poorly are difficult and tend to be easily defeated.
Philosophy-I'm good with philosophy and can follow it.
Flow-I do not flow rounds. I do take notes. Just because your point is extended, it doesn’t mean it carries significant weight or you’ll win the round.
Attitude-There is a fine, but clear, line between confidence and contemptuousness. I am fine with aggressive debate but bullying an opponent isn’t acceptable.
Have fun. This activity will provide you tons of benefits but not if you are hating it. Enjoy your time.
My ultimate goal is to serve you well. Every debate has a winner and a loser; sometimes the difference is extremely minor. Celebrate your wins and learn from your losses. Compete against yourself and look to be better every round. There are three variables in every debate, you/your case, your opponent/their case and the judge. I won’t be perfect but there will be other judges a lot like me.
2017-2019 LAMDL/ Bravo
2019- Present CSU Fullerton
Please add me to the email chain, normadelgado1441@gmail.com
General thoughts
-Disclose as soon as possible :)
- Don't be rude. Don't make the round deliberately confusing or inaccessible. Take time to articulate and explain your best arguments. If I can't make sense of the debate because of messy/ incomplete arguments, that's on you.
-Speed is fine but be loud AND clear. If I can’t understand you, I won’t flow your arguments. Don’t let speed trade-off with the quality of your argumentation. Above all, be persuasive.
-Sending evidence isn't prep, but don't take too long or I’ll resume the timer. (I’ll let you know before I do so).
Things to keep in mind
-Avoid using acronyms or topic-specific terminology without elaborating first.
-The quality of your arguments is more important than quantity of arguments. If your strategy relies on shallow, dropped arguments, I’ll be mildly annoyed.
-Extend your arguments, not authors. I will flow authors sometimes, but if you are referencing a specific card by name, I probably don’t remember what they said. Unless this specific author is being referenced a lot, you’re better off briefly reminding me than relying on me to guess what card you’re talking about.
-I don’t vote for dropped arguments because they’re dropped. I vote on dropped arguments when you make the effort to explain why the concession matters.
- I don’t really care what you read as long as you have good reasoning for reading it. (ie, you’re not spewing nonsense, your logic makes sense, and you’re not crossing ethical boundaries).
Specific stuff
[AFFs] Win the likelihood of solvency + framing. You don't have to convince me you solve the entirety of your impact, but explain why the aff matters, how the aff is necessary to resolve an issue, and what impacts I should prioritize.
[Ks/K-affs] I like listening to kritiks. Not because I’ll instantly understand what you’re talking about, but I do like hearing things that are out of the box.
k on the neg: I love seeing teams go 1-off kritiks and go heavy on the substance for the link and framing arguments. I love seeing offense on case. Please impact your links and generate offense throughout the debate.
k on the aff: I like strategic k affs that make creative solvency arguments. Give me reasons to prefer your framing to evaluate your aff's impacts and solvency mechanism. The 2ar needs to be precise on why voting aff is good and overcomes any of the neg's offense.
[FW] Choose the right framework for the right aff. I am more persuaded by education & skills-based impacts. Justify the model of debate your interpretation advocates for and resolve major points of contestation. I really appreciate when teams introduce and go for the TVA. Talk about the external impacts of the model of debate you propose (impacts that happen outside of round).
[T/Theory] I have a higher threshold for voting on minor T/Theory violations when impacts are not contextualized. I could be persuaded to vote on a rebuttal FULLY committed to T/theory.
I am more persuaded by education and skills-based impacts as opposed to claims to procedural fairness. It’s not that I will never vote for procedural fairness, but I want you to contextualize what procedural fairness in debate would look like and why that’s a preferable world.
[CPs] CPs are cool as long as you have good mutual exclusivity evidence; otherwise, I am likely to be persuaded by a perm + net benefit arg. PICS are also cool if you have good answers to theory.
[DAs] I really like DAs. Opt for specific links. Do evidence comparison for me. Weigh your impacts and challenge the internal link story. Give your framing a net benefit.
I am more persuaded by impacts with good internal link evidence vs a long stretch big stick impact. Numbers are particularly persuasive here. Make me skeptical of your opponent’s impacts.
Wake Forest University 2025
Debated In College and HS
Yes Email Chain: lcandersoncx@gmail.com -- please format the subject As “Tournament Name -- Round # -- Aff School [team code] vs Neg School [team code]. Example: “Berkeley -- Dubs -- AFF Archbishop Mitty DR vs NEG Interlake GQ”
Conflicts: Barstow, LC Anderson, Oakridge, Archbishop Mitty
* Updated for Shirley*
Although I largely debated more critically in college, I have coached and have a background across a swath of styles of debates.
At the end of the rebuttals -- I start by looking at what the teams have flagged as the most important pieces of offense. 2NRs and 2ARs rarely do enough judge instruction. The best type of RFD is where I don't have to do too much work and I can parrot back to you what the rebuttals said.
I want to see and will reward with increased speaks the following: argument innovation, specificity, quality ev, jokes/good vibes, good cx, examples, and judge instruction.
Call Tab is a silly argument in framework blocks
Note: Please send out all interp texts and perm texts in the email chain
Insert or Read: All portions of evidence that has already been introduced into the debate get to be inserted. This is a way to provide an incentive for in depth evidence comparison while also creating a strategic incentive to read good quality cards. Any portions of evidence that hasn’t already been introduced into debate should be read.
K Affs:Pretty agnostic here. My one pet peeve are affirmatives that define solvency mechanisms solely around not doing something ie. vote affirmative because we have refused the rez. The easiest way to lose reading a K aff in front of me is just saying buzzwords in the overview without unpacking what the aff does -- I am not scared to say I vote neg on presumption because I don’t know what the aff does.
I think that in debates vs FW both the counterinterp or pure impact turn strategy are viable. I think counterinterp debating is vastly undervalued and if done right can severely mitigate their internal links while providing uniqueness for aff offense on framework. Usually ev defining what the core controversy ought to be provides these strategies with more traction. My hesitancy with impact turn strategies is that it gives the full weight to their limits + predictability horror story. In my mind these strategies make the most sense when you have a good ballot proximity argument and against heavy debate doesn't shape subjectivity + fairness is axiomatically good debates. In debates where I end up voting neg in impact turn debates is when the 2AR does not package how the ballot resolves the impact turn.
Love good K V K debates!
FW vs K affs:Despite my reputation, I have found myself increasingly voting for framework while judging. I think that teams that deploy framework the must successfully are ones that engage the most with the affirmative teams offense explicitly rather than filling in blanks from generic blocks. I think its less valuable now to say is fairness an impact yes or no than how fairness is packaged. It is an impact that requires impact comparison with the affirmatives impact that they have gone for. When teams win on fairness in front of me it is usually coupled with a big push about why its the only thing my ballot can resolve and mitigatory defense to the affirmative's solvency claim for the scope of its impact. For clash debates the question of ballot solvency matters significantly less to me than about questions of models of debate. In these debates, internal link debating matters more about the specifics of their counter interp why is it unlimiting and unpredictable and why does a preclusion of that clash turn the ability for their model to access the benefits. I think on a climate topic, there is additional room for clash to be externalized to an impact about climate ethics and how organizers should navigate the climate debates they inevitably get into.
Topicality: I think a lot of teams do not put enough practice into debating T, making it one of the most strategic arguments for neg teams. I probably lean towards competing interps -- reasonability is a defensive argument for filtering how I evaluate interps. 2NR’s and 2AR’s shouldn’t go for every argument on the T page but collapse to one impact and do thorough weighing. I am a huge sucker for a precision 2NR/2AR.
Counterplans: Love em -- go for em. Cheaty Counterplans are cheaty only if you lose the theory debate. Having a solvency advocate or core of topic cards will go a long way to helping you win that debate. No strong predispositions on counterplan theory -- its up to the debaters.
Disads: Yes -- Do them. Teams don’t do enough of link turns case analysis.
Kritiks: My decisions tend to start from the framework debate and this guides how I evaluate the other parts of the flow. This determines the threshold needed for link UQ, whether the aff gets to be weighed, etc.. Always extend an alt -- it doesn't need to be always like "movements solve" or "fiated" but needs to frame both my ballot and how I should frame the debate.K teams should do more link turns case analysis. If not make sure you make persuasive framing arguments about why the case doesn’t outweigh. Aff teams benefit from spending less time on framework (unless they are one-tricking the fiat k) and more time engaging with the links + thesis of the K.
Pronouns: He/Him
Hi, I am a parent judge. Please set up an email chain before the round (email: duggaraju@gmail.com) and send me documents.
While speeding is ok, I would prefer that you not spread and instead use word economy and vocabulary to convey the same.
Hello Everyone!
I am Aayush Dwivedi, and I competed in traditional public forum and Lincoln-Douglas debate at Step by Step School from 2019 to 2023.
I am a competent judge and feel very comfortable evaluating all kinds of arguments. Please ask me for my paradigms before the round for more information if necessary.
Please ensure that all evidence exchange processes occur quickly and succinctly.
Please add me to the email chain @aayushd@g.ucla.edu
Good luck!
Isidore Newman '23 and Wake Forest '27
Debating for Wake + Coaching/Cutting Cards for Greenhill LD
send docs - elizabethelliottdebate@gmail.com & greenhilldocs.ld@gmail.com
Be a decent human being.
To vote on an argument, I must understand it and it must be on my flow. I flow and evaluate every speech. I flow straight down and do not flow author names. I never flow from the doc. However, I will randomly choose to follow along in the doc for clipping. You will like my decision more if you slow down.
Tech >>> truth, but your speaks are mine. I will do my best to decide the debate to minimize intervention. Judge instruction helps a lot with deciding in your favor.
Post-rounding is good. If I make a decision you disagree with, please ask questions. It makes the activity better and forces judges to pay attention.
Feel free to email me with questions (just make sure someone else (preferably a coach) is cc'ed for safety reasons).
You can insert rehighlightings of cards and perm texts.
Arguments have a claim, warrant, and an impact. I will only vote on complete arguments, I believe this to be as true for disadvantages as much as I do for one-line blips.
I think zero risk is possible. I evaluate things probabilistically except for debates about models which are yes/no questions.
I protect the 2NR more than the average judge, AFF teams should make sure to either justify new arguments they are making or make sure they can vaguely be traced to earlier speeches (minus impact calc/ev comparison). However, if the negative reads new cards/makes brand new arguments in the 2NR, the 2AR both gets new cards and new arguments to answer the new cards. Either read complete positions that can sustain AFF responses, or take your bets against a new 2AR.
Evidence quality matters a lot, if cards are highlighted like poems, please point it out.
DA/Plan AFFs: Turns the DA/Case is better with carded evidence. Impact calculus/comparison matters a lot. Explain how arguments interact / what it means to win broad theoretical claims. Err on the side of overexplaining dense econ things.
CP: Have perm texts for anything other than 'do both' or 'do the cp.' I will not judge kick unless instructed to by the negative. 1AR deficits should be tied to impacts. Counterplan theory as the 'A Strat' never makes much sense to me. I would much rather see theory debates as competition debates.
K: Middle of the road in these debates. Framework debates are a question of models. I will decide the framework debate as a yes/no question and not a middle ground---this makes the framework page (regardless of which side you are on) very important in front of me. I am good for K tricks as long as they are made clear in earlier speeches.
T: Caselists matter a lot to me. Make sure you extend your interpretation/counter-interpretation. Weighing between standards usually decides these debates in front of me. I am pretty bad for 'reasonability' absent judge instruction, implicating thresholds for what offense matters, etc.
Theory: I lean negative on most forms of CP theory as a general statement but given the state of LD, I will happily vote on condo/other theory arguments if well-executed/well-developed. The more frivolous the shell, the more likely I am to look for ways to vote against you, the more sympathetic I am to reasonability, and the worse your speaks will be.
Tricks/Frivolity/Phil: I would rather not. I will vote on it, but the more confused I am the worse your speaks will be. That being said if you are a phil debater I would rather you read a phil aff then pull a random aff off the wiki - just err on the side of overexplanation. Examples + the more you make me feel like I am in a K debate, the more likely you are to win. You need to go slower than you think you do...I will vote on presumption if your 1AC is unflowable.
Speaks: I am unpersuaded by a 30-speak spike. Ways to boost your speaks: doc organization, judge instruction, clarity, numbering, line by line, and argument innovation. I give more low-point wins than most judges, this usually stems from one of 3 issues: lack of debaters resolving arguments/judge instruction, lack of clarity/delineation between arguments, or major strategic blunders in other portions of the debate.
Debating Novices/People with Less Experience: You should do what you need to do to win the debate, but make the debate as accessible as possible ie. slow down, explain things, be nice, etc. If you are clearly ahead either go for the winning argument and sit down or have a debate your opponent could engage with. I am uninterested in hearing 6 minutes of a K that was dropped.
Online Debate: I have no preference between camera on vs. off. You should locally record speeches in the event you cut out. The less I think you are stealing prep the better.
"New AFFs" are affirmatives that have not been read by you, a teammate, your prep group, or another school. To be read as 'new,' none of the evidence in the AFF should have been read before. If evidence has been read before, the evidence should be disclosed to your opponent. Changing tags/how a card is cut does not make an affirmative new. If you break 'New' and your affirmative is not new - your speaks are capped at a 25 in prelims and I will have a very low bar for voting against you on disclosure in elims.
Ev Ethics: I would rather exist in a world where evidence ethics is not used as a case neg. If someone is reading miscut evidence and you notice it before the debate, email them about it. If there is purposeful manipulation of evidence I will happily vote on it, but making a mistake in the citation or a link not working seems to be something that you can communicate before the debate.
trad parent judge.
truth > tech to some extent, i don't vote for obviously untrue or undeveloped arguments. this doesn't mean you can drop a whole contention and win.
no tricks, no incomprehensible spreading, speed talking (think podcast on 2.0) is good. kritiks, theory, and phil are fine if you can explain them in a way a toddler would understand and be extremely persuasive while doing it. very few debaters are capable of this, so i would suggest just not running them.
i'm fine with theory that i think is warranted. be warned that i have a very high bar for warranted (think 'went two minutes overtime for prep and dropped my entire case' rather than 'actor spec'). predictability > education >>> fairness. i need you to thoroughly explain which layer of the debate i should evaluate your theory on and how it should be weighed against substance. i default to dta and it's very difficult to convince me otherwise.
responding to theory-- i don't need a counter-interp. the majority of theory shells can be defeated via a twenty second explanation of reasonability.
i'll vote on ANYTHING if you're persuasive enough. if you can convince me that spreading six conditional counterplans and a floating pik against a novice at their first tournament is predictable, educational, and fair, i'll vote on it.
confidence is key, talk well and there's a decent chance you'll have my ballot. in speaks, i usually give 29 to the winner of a round and 27-28 to the loser.
i make a point to put my full effort into every round. i think this is an activity that takes a lot of effort and you all should be proud of yourselves for even showing up to tournaments.
Two primary beliefs:
1. Debate is a communicative activity and the power in debate is because the students take control of the discourse. I am an adjudicator but the debate is yours to have. The debate is yours, your speaker points are mine.
2. I am not tabula rasa. Anyone that claims that they have no biases or have the ability to put ALL biases away is probably wrong. I will try to put certain biases away but I will always hold on to some of them. For example, don’t make racist, sexist, transphobic, etc arguments in front of me. Use your judgment on that.
I predict I will spend a majority of my time in these debates. I will be upfront. I do not think debate are made better or worse by the inclusion of a plan based on a predictable stasis point. On a truth level, there are great K debaters and terrible ones, great policy debaters and terrible ones. However, after 6 years of being in these debates, I am more than willing to evaluate any move on FW. My thoughts when going for FW are fairly simple. I think fairness impacts are cleaner but much less comparable. I think education and skills based impacts are easier to weigh and fairly convincing but can be more work than getting the kill on fairness is an intrinsic good. On the other side, I see the CI as a roadblock for the neg to get through and a piece of mitigatory defense but to win the debate in front of me the impact turn is likely your best route. While I dont believe a plan necessarily makes debates better, you will have a difficult time convincing me that anything outside of a topical plan constrained by the resolution will be more limiting and/or predictable. This should tell you that I dont consider those terms to necessarily mean better and in front of me that will largely be the center of the competing models debate.
These are my favorite arguments to hear and were the arguments that I read most of my career. Please DO NOT just read these because you see me in the back of the room. As I mentioned on FW there are terrible K debates and like New Yorkers with pizza I can be a bit of a snob about the K. Please make sure you explain your link story and what your alt does. I feel like these are the areas where K debates often get stuck. I like K weighing which is heavily dependent on framing. I feel like people throw out buzzwords such as antiblackness and expecting me to check off my ballot right there. Explain it or you will lose to heg good. K Lit is diverse. I do not know enough high theory K’s. I only cared enough to read just enough to prove them wrong or find inconsistencies. Please explain things like Deleuze, Derrida, and Heidegger to me in a less esoteric manner than usual.
CP’s are cool. I love a variety of CP’s but in order to win a CP in my head you need to either solve the entirety of the aff with some net benefit or prove that the net benefit to the CP outweighs the aff. Competition is a thing. I do believe certain counterplans can be egregious but that’s for y’all to debate about. My immediate thoughts absent a coherent argument being made.
1. No judge kick
2. Condo is good. You're probably pushing it at 4 but condo is good
3. Sufficiency framing is true
Nah. If you were looking for this part to see whether you can read this. Umm No. Win debates. JK You can try to get me to understand it but I likely won't and won't care to either.
Just like people think that I love K’s because I came from Newark, people think I hate theory which is far from true. I’m actually a fan of well-constructed shells and actually really enjoyed reading theory myself. I’m not a fan of tricky shells and also don’t really like disclosure theory but I’ll vote on it. Just have an actual abuse story. I won’t even list my defaults because I am so susceptible to having them changed if you make an argument as to why. The one thing I will say is that theory is a procedural. Do with that information what you may.
Their fine. I feel like internal link stories are out of control but more power to you. If you feel like you have to read 10 internal links to reach your nuke war scenario and you can win all of them, more power to you. Just make the story make sense. I vote for things that matter and make sense. Zero risk is a thing but its very hard to get to. If someone zeroes the DA, you messed up royally somewhere.
YAY. Read you nice plans. Be ready to defend them. T debates are fairly exciting especially over mechanism ground. Similar to FW debates, I would like a picture of what debate looks like over a season with this interpretation.
Default neg. Least change from the squo is good. If the neg goes for an alt, it switches to the aff absent a snuff on the case. Arguments change my calculus so if there is a conceded aff presumption arg that's how I'll presume. I'm easy.
LD Specific
Nah. If you were looking for this part to see whether you can read this. Umm No. Win debates. JK You can try to get me to understand it but I likely won't and won't care to either.
Digital Debate #1 Update:
- I prefer using email for file share, 1AC shouldnt be sent out at round time, you can at a minimum send to me 5 min before and then cc your opponent before beginning of speech. I drop your speaks for inappropriate uses of time in online tournaments (out of prep and going to get water, going over prep, starting late). If you are having internet issues, adapt by sending docs beforehand.
- First tournament of season so you should probably start slow.
- Just as a general overview, I really hack towards simple arguments that tend to flow on higher levels (if you were to take a % of rounds where X arg is top layer). I have theory as my highest pref bc its intuitive and usually results in the best clash... theory v K rounds make my head hurt bc neither prefiat implication is ever explained in detail to me relative to the opposing impact.
- If you have questions you need to ask beforehand. No guarantee I will see the email before start time but its best if you are confused or think i might not be the judge for you.
- HAVE FUN!!! A loss here isn't the end of your debate career or life in general, there is more to life after debate and there is more ways to be involved in debate after debate!
Auburn ‘16-‘20
Auburn University ‘22-‘26
1 - theory
2 - larp
3 - trix
4 - k
5 - phil
Strike me if you are a traditional debater.
- My name is Michael Fain (please refer to me as judge, Mr. Fain, or Michael, in that order). I competed in LD for 3 years and have been judging/coaching for the past 4. My background as a competitor was entirely based around hacky arguments, trix, and baiting theory. As a judge I have gone through many different phases of what I like to get out of rounds and what I am most comfortable listening to. For the longest time I was a hack for trix, this is no longer the case seeing as trix debaters use this to run relatively dense phil and not explain it. The pref chain above is accurate and should be used for big tournaments. As a judge I evaluate the round according to how I flowed it based off of the information that was given to me. I fully believe that a close round with many different layers of offense with 11 of the most qualified judges will result in some sort of judge split. I believe that I side in favor of the majority in these rounds as my squirrel rate in tech rounds is something like 1/100. That being said, I will score the round in my rfd’s about what I think the split would be, and could provide reasons why my contemporaries might vote the other way. All judges value different things, we all hear the round differently, so as long as its close on the flow there is always the potential for a split ballot.
Performative - I am hard of hearing in my left ear, this does not affect round outcome, however, you are responsible for being a mindful debater and positioning yourself in the room to be heard.
I am traditional insofar as debaters ought not look at each other when speaking, should formally address the judge, should stand to speak if able, and should appropriately use their prep time (see below). (IRL ONLY)
Strategic - My voting record and past RFDs indicate a few tendencies. I am comfortable voting on very small issues with little to no risk (best examples would be like ivis on reps, conceded spikes indicting speech validity, any accessibility arg). For some reason this tends to mean I vote neg more often.
After having almost 30 different iterations of my paradigm I have settled on this being the only relevant section that ought to be read before a round, anything else can be asked via shared email chain between myself and the competitors before the round. Proper LAYERING and weighing is the only thing that matters when it comes to my ballot. It is your responsibility to defend your offense as the highest layer in the round, and if your offense functions on the same layer as an opponents, why your impact should be weighed as greater. Too many times is there floating offense on different layers where the procedural “rules” of debate force theory to come before substance. Maybe I don’t judge enough but it appears that gone are the days of policymaking good frameworks dueling against the K. I do not need to be scratching my head at the end of a round asking myself whether or not the K or T is top level. The battleground of the round is normally not on a link level in the rounds I judge, and if it is, enough time is not spent explaining it. The real clash is on which offense flows above the other, youd be best suited to spend your time on that.
I judge many different formats, see the bottom of my paradigm for more details of my specific judging preferences in different formats. I debated for five years in NPDA and three years in NFA-LD, and I've judged HS policy, parli, LD, and PF. I love good weighing/layering - tell me where to vote and why you are winning - I am less likely to vote for you if you make me do work. I enjoy technical/progressive/circuit-style debates and I'm cool with speed - I don't evaluate your delivery style. I love theory and T and I'll vote on anything.
Please include me on the email chain if there is one. a.fishman2249@gmail.com
Also, speechdrop.net is even better than email chains if you are comfortable using it, it is much faster and more efficient.
CARDED DEBATE: Please send the texts of interps, plans, counterplans, and unusually long or complicated counterinterps in the speech doc or the Zoom chat.
TL:DR for Parli: Tech over truth. I prefer policy and kritikal debate to traditional fact and value debate and don't believe in the trichotomy (though I do vote on it lol), please read a plan or other stable advocacy text if you can. Plans and CP's are just as legitimate in "value" or "fact" rounds as in "policy" rounds. I prefer theory, K's, and disads with big-stick or critically framed impacts to traditional debate, but I'll listen to whatever debate you want to have. Don't make arguments in POI's - only use them for clarification. If you are a spectator, be neutral - do not applaud, heckle, knock on desks, or glare at the other team. I will kick any disruptive spectators out and also protect the right of both teams to decline spectators.
TL:DR for High School LD: 1 - Theory, 2 - LARP, 3 - K, 4 - Tricks, 5 - Phil, 99 - Trad. I enjoy highly technical and creative argumentation. I try to evaluate the round objectively from a tech over truth perspective. I love circuit-style debate and I appreciate good weighing/uplayering. I enjoy seeing strategies that combine normal and "weird" arguments in creative and strategic ways. Tricks/aprioris/paradoxes are cool but I prefer you put them in the doc to be inclusive to your opponents
TL:DR for IPDA: I judge it just like parli. I don't believe in the IPDA rules and I refuse to evaluate your delivery. Try to win the debate on the flow, and don't treat it like a speech/IE event. I will vote on theory and K's in IPDA just as eagerly as in any other event. Also PLEASE strike the fact topics if there are any, I'm terrible at judging fact rounds. I will give high speaks to anyone who interprets a fact topic as policy. I try to avoid judging IPDA but sometimes tournaments force me into it, but when that happens, I will not roleplay as a lay judge. I will still judge based on the flow as I am incapable of judging any other way. It is like the inverse of having a speech judge in more technical formats. I'm also down to vote on "collapse of IPDA good" arguments bc I don't think the event should exist - I think college tournaments that want a less tech format should do PF instead
TL:DR for NFA-LD - I don't like the rules but I will vote on them if you give if you give me a reason why they're good. I give equal weight to rules bad arguments, and I will be happiest if you treat the event like one-person policy or HS circuit LD. I prefer T, theory, DA's, and K's to stock issues debate, and I will rarely vote on solvency defense unless the neg has some offense of their own to weigh against it. I think you should disclose but I try not to intervene in disclosure debates
CASE/DA: Be sure to signpost well and explain how the argument functions in the debate. I like strong terminalized impacts - don't just say that you help the economy, tell me why it matters. I think generic disads are great as long as you have good links to the aff - I love a well-researched tix or bizcon scenario. I believe in risk of solvency/risk of the disad and I rarely vote on terminal defense if the other team has an answer to show that there is still some risk of offense. I do not particularly like deciding the debate on solvency alone. Uniqueness controls the direction of the link.
SPEED: I am fine with speed, but I think you slow down if your opponents ask you to. I am uncomfortable policing the way people talk, which means that if I am to vote on speed theory, you should prove you made an effort to get them to slow down and they didn't. Otherwise it can be difficult to prove a violation, but I do think speed bad arguments can be necessary in situations where one team is deliberately weaponizing speed as a tool of exclusion.
THEORY/T: I love theory debates - I will vote on any theory position if you win the argument even if it seems frivolous or unnecessary - I do vote on the flow and try not to intervene. I'll even vote on trichot despite my own feelings about it. I default to fairness over education in non-K rounds but I have voted on critical impact turns to fairness before. Be sure to signpost your We Meet and Counter Interpretation.
I do care a lot about the specific text of interps, especially if you point out why I should. For example, I love spec shells with good brightlines but I am likely to buy a we meet if you say the plan shouldn't be vague but don't define how specific it should be. RVI's are fine as long as you can justify them. I am also happy to vote on OCI's, and I think a "you violate/you bite" argument is a voter on bidirectional interps such as "debaters must pass advocacy texts" even if you don't win RVI's are good
I default to competing interpretations with no RVI's but I'm fine with reasonability if I hear arguments for it in the round. However, I would like a definition of reasonability because if you don't define it, I think it just collapses back to competing interps. I default to drop the debater on shell theory and drop the argument on paragraph theory. I am perfectly willing to vote on potential abuse - I think competing interps implies potential abuse should be weighed in the round. I think extra-T should be drop the debater.
Rules are NOT a voter by themselves - If I am going to vote on the rules rather than on fairness and education, tell me why following rules in general or following this particular rule is good. I will enforce speaking times but any rule as to what you can actually say in the round is potentially up for debate.
COUNTERPLANS: I am willing to vote for cheater CP's (like delay or object fiat) unless theory is read against them. PIC's are fine as long as you can win that they are theoretically legitimate, at least in this particular instance. I believe that whether a PIC is abusive depends on how much of the plan it severs out of, whether there is only one topical aff, and whether that part of the plan is ethically defensible ground for the aff. If you're going to be dispo, please define during your speech what dispo means. I will not judge kick unless you ask me to. Perms are tests of competition, not advocacies, and they are also good at making your hair look curly.
PERFORMANCE: I have voted on these arguments before and I find them interesting and powerful, but if you are going to read them in front of me, it is important to be aware that the way that my brain works can only evaluate the debate on the flow. A dropped argument is still a true argument, and if you give me a way of framing the debate that is not based on the flow, I will try to evaluate that way if you win that I should, but I am not sure if I will be able to.
IMPACT CALCULUS: I default to magnitude because it is the least interventionist way to compare impacts, but I'm very open to arguments about why probability is more important, particularly if you argue that favoring magnitude perpetuates oppression. I like direct and explicit comparison between impacts - when doing impact calc, it's good to assume that your no link isn't as good as you think and your opponent still gets access to their impact. In debates over pre fiat or a priori issues, I prefer preclusive weighing (what comes first) to comparative weighing (magnitude/probability).
KRITIKS: I'm down for K's of any type on either the AFF or the NEG. The K's I'm most familiar with include security, ableism, Baudrillard, rhetoric K's, and cap/neolib. I am fine with letting arguments that you win on the K dictate how I should view the round. I think that the framework of the K informs which impacts are allowed in the debate, and "no link" or "no solvency" arguments are generally not very effective for answering the K - the aff needs some sort of offense. Whether K or T comes first is up to the debaters to decide, but if you want me to care more about your theory shell than about the oppression the K is trying to solve I want to hear something better than the lack of fairness collapsing debate, such as arguments about why fairness skews evaluation. If you want to read theory successfully against a K regardless of what side of the debate you are on, I need reasons why it comes first or matters more than the impacts of the K.
REBUTTALS: Give me reasons to vote for you. Be sure to explain how the different arguments in the debate relate to one another and show that the arguments you are winning are more important. I would rather hear about why you win than why the other team doesn't win. In parli, I do not protect the flow except in online debate (and even then, I appreciate POO's when possible). I also like to see a good collapse in both the NEG block and the PMR. I think it is important that the LOR and the MOC agree on what arguments to go for.
PRESUMPTION: I rarely vote on presumption if it is not deliberately triggered because I think terminal defense is rare. If I do vote on presumption, I will always presume neg unless the aff gives me a reason to flip presumption. I am definitely willing to vote on the argument that reading a counterplan or a K alt flips presumption, but the aff has to make that argument in order for me to consider it. Also, I enjoy presumption triggers and paradoxes and I am happy to vote for them if you win them.
SPEAKER POINTS: I give speaker points based on technical skill not delivery, and will reduce speaks if someone uses language that is discriminatory towards a marginalized group
If you have any questions about my judging philosophy that are not covered here, feel free to ask me before the round.
RECORDINGS/LIVESTREAMS/SPECTATORS: I think they are a great education tool if and only if every party gives free and enthusiastic consent - even if jurisdictions where it is not legally required. I had a terrible experience with being livestreamed once so for the sake of making debate more accessible, I will always defend all students' right to say no to recordings, spectators, or livestreams for any reason. I don't see debate as a spectator sport and the benefit and safety of the competitors always comes first. If you are uncomfortable with spectators/recordings/livestreams and prefer to express that privately you can email me before the round and I will advocate for you without saying which debater said no. Also, while I am not comfortable with audio recordings of my RFD's being published, I am always happy to answer questions about rounds I judged that were recorded if you contact me by email or Facebook messenger. Also, if you are spectating a round, please do not applaud, knock on tables, say "hear, hear", or show support for either side in any way, regardless of your event or circuit's norms. If you do I will kick you out.
If there is no flex time you should take one POI per constructive speech - I don't think multiple POI's are necessary and if you use POI's to make arguments I will not only refuse to flow the argument it may impact your speaks. If there is flex, don't ask POI's except to ask the status of an advocacy, ask where they are on the flow, or ask the other team to slow down.
I believe trichotomy should just be a T shell. I don't think there are clear cut boundaries between "fact", "value", and "policy" rounds, but I think most of the arguments we think of as trichot work fine as a T or extra-T shell.
I judge PF on the flow. I do acknowledge that the second constructive doesn't have to refute the first constructive directly though. Dropped arguments are still true arguments. I care as much about delivery in PF as I do in parli (which means I don't care at all). I DO allow technical parli/policy style arguments like plans, counterplans, theory, and kritiks. I am very open to claims that those arguments should not be in PF but you have to make them yourself - I won't intervene against them if the other team raises no objection, but I personally don't believe PF is the right place to read arguments like plans, theory, and K's
Speed is totally fine with me in PF, unless you are using it to exclude the other team. However, if you do choose to go fast (especially in an online round) please send a speech doc to me and your opponents if you are reading evidence, for the sake of accessibility
I think policy is an excellent format of debate but I am more familiar with parli and LD and I rarely judge policy, so I am not aware of all policy norms. Therefore, when evaluating theory arguments I do not take into account what is generally considered theoretically legitimate in policy. I am okay with any level of speed, but I do appreciate speech docs. Please be sure to remind me of norms that are specific to what is or isn't allowed in a particular speech
I am not fond of the rules or stock issues and it would make me happiest if you pretend they don’t know exist and act like you are in one-person policy or high school circuit LD. However, I will adjudicate arguments based on the rules and I won’t intervene against them if you win that following the rules is good. However, "it's a rule" is not an impact I can vote on unless you say why following the rules is an internal link to some other impact like fairness and education. Also, if you threaten to report me to tab for not enforcing the rules, I will automatically vote you down, whether or not I think the rules were broken.
I think the wording of the speed rule is very problematic and is not about accessibility but about forcing people to talk a certain way, so while I will vote on speed theory if you win it, I'd prefer you not use the rules as a justification for it. Do not threaten to report to tab for allowing speed, I'll vote you down instantly if you do. I also don't like the rule that is often interpreted as prohibiting K's, I think it's arbitrary and I think there are much better ways to argue that K's are bad.
I am very open to theory arguments that go beyond the rules, and while I do like spec arguments, I do not like the vague vagueness shell a lot of people read - any vagueness/spec shell should have a brightline for how much the aff should specify.
Also, while solvency presses are great in combination with offense, I will rarely vote on solvency alone because if the aff has a risk of solvency and there's no DA to the aff, then they are net beneficial. Even if you do win that I should operate in a stock issues paradigm, I am really not sure how much solvency the aff needs to meet that stock issue, so I default to "greater than zero risk of solvency".
I don't believe in the mission of IPDA and if I have to judge it I will not vote on your delivery even if the rules say I should, and I will ignore all IPDA rules except for speech times. Please debate like it is LD without cards or one-person parli. I am happy to vote on theory and K's unless there is an argument made in round that they are bad for accessibility (which I am open to especially for students from teams that don't do other formats). I'll even let debaters debate a topic not on the IPDA topic list if they both agree.
Bravo '20, CSULB OF '24, LAMDL 4eva
Coach Huntington Park High School
Debate how you want:
I appreciate rebuttals that start big-picture overviews identifying what you have won, where the opponent has messed up, and what should be the core issues that decide the debate. After that, efficient and technical line-by-line.
The flow decides how I vote, not my biases. Usually, the argument that has more structure (framing / claim / warrant / reasoning) is more likely to win against an incomplete argument (missing one of those). When debates get close, it is because both sides have made complete arguments. In that scenario, I look at the evidence and decide based on who has better support. My last resort is to resort to my understanding of what is "true."
There are only 3 biases I do hold about debate:
Critical affirmatives need a solid counter-interpretation over impact turn strategies in the 2AR.
Policy teams need to defend their "reps" instead of just saying "extinction brr i need fiat look at my case"
K v. K debates need to bridge the gap between high-theory jargon and how offense manifest to material violence.
hi my name is nicholas (u can and should call me nick/ nick ford) i did ld for niceville high school in nwfl my senior year on the circuit & am currently a second-year at columbia studying comparative literature; if you are planning on applying there, feel free to ask me questions about it/ the application (ik college apps are hard lol)
email: nicevilledebates@gmail.com -- email chain > speechdrop unless there's like, a lot of people in the room
*for anything EXCEPT docs, pls contact me through my personal email (nicholasaford2@gmail.com)
quick prefs:
*to clarify: these are based on how comfortable i am in evaluating these types of arguments -- i will evaluate anything, but i'm less good at evaluating certain things
k/performance - 1
theory - 1
friv theory/trix - 1/2
LARP - 3
common phil positions (kant/util) - 3
other phil - 4/5
if you have any questions email me/ reach out over fb messenger etc.
just be clear -- if i can't flow the argument you probably shouldn't go for it
tech>truth, extend arguments and warrants so that i can eval them
not evaluating 30 speaks.
the way I think about safety in debate has changed over the past year. i will intervene if i believe that one or both debaters is making the round unsafe in any way, shape, or form. i believe that there is a difference between an ivi for safety (e.g., 'kant is racist, their endorsement of kant is a reason to vote them down to reject racism') and making a round unsafe (e.g., repeated misgendering, using slurs inappropriately).
i will not evaluate 'tabroom solves' for the latter.
i will evaluate 'tabroom solves' for the former.
if you feel as though a safety violation has occurred and i have not stopped the round, you need to explicitly say to me "can we stop the round, i do not feel safe" or something similar and we will proceed from there.
easy ways to get higher speaks with me:
bring me an energy drink (the brightline to an energy drink is 80mg+ caffeine; speaks are a sliding scale based on caffeine content but bringing me a bang will give you negative speaks.) **does not apply for lex
be funny/clever/do something unique and interesting
easy ways to get lower speaks with me
wasting my time
being generally unstrategic
sending files as google docs/ pdf
identity ks are cool; non-identity ks are cool. like technical k debate; don't like you expecting me to know your lit base. lbl>>>long overviews. extremely bored by k debaters who don't do lbl work and expect to win when they don't answer key args.
no theory is friv. answer standards. do weighing. fine for the rvi. no defaults. extend paradigm issues.
totally good for tricky rounds, but i think they can get very messy very quickly. implicate things on the flow. arguments need warrants.
LARP(policy) and lay:
fine for this, but extremely bored by lay debate. be nice to novices/ debaters going to their first circuit tournament. no i wont nuke your speaks for reading theory/k/trix against a lay/novice debater.
i never read phil so i'm significantly less familiar with these arguments. i'm probably okay for kant but tend toward over-explanation when reading less common phil positions like deleuze, heidegger, etc.
note for PF: not a pf judge. good for the kritik. maybe good for theory. great for trix (altho not sure what tricks exist in pf lmao)
All chains: pleaselearntoflow@gmail.com
and, please also add
HSPD: dulles.policy.db8@gmail.com
HSLD: loyoladebate47@gmail.com
please have the email sent before start time. late starts are annoying. annoying hurts speaker points.
Dulles High School (HSPD), Loyola High School (HSLD), University of Houston (CPD) - if you are currently committed to debating at the University of Houston in the future, please conflict me. If you're interested in debating at UH, reach out.
please don't call me "judge", "Mr.", or "sir" - patrick, pat, fox, or p.fox are all fine.
he/him/his - do not misgender people. not negotiable.
"takes his job seriously, but not himself."
safety of debaters is my utmost concern at all times. racism, transphobia, misogyny, etc. not tolerated - I am willing to act on this more than most judges. don't test me.
debated 2014-22 (HSPD Oceans - NDT/CEDA Personhood), and won little but learned lots. high school was politics disads and advantage counterplans with niche plans. college was planless affs and the K, topicality, or straight turning an advantage. i'm a 2N from D3 - this is the most important determinant of debate views in this paradigm.
every judge thinks arguments are good or bad, which makes them easier or harder to vote on, usually unconsciously. i'm trying to make it clear what i think good and bad arguments are and how to debate around that. on average, happiest in debates with lots of cards for a disad or K + case vs aff with a plan, but high-quality, well-warranted arguments + judge instruction >>> any specific positions - Kant, planless affs, process counterplans, and topicality can be vertically dense, cool debates. they can also be total slop. i'm a full time coach and i judge tons of debates, but my topic/argument knowledge won't save bad debating. i flow carefully and value "tech" over "truth", but dropped arguments are only as good as the dropped argument itself - i don't start flowing until i hear a warrant, and i find i have a higher threshold for warrants and implications than most. i take offense/defense very seriously - debating comparatively is much better than abstractions.
Wheaton's law is axiomatic - be kind, have fun. i do my best to give detailed decisions and feedback - debaters deserve no less than the best. coaches and debaters are welcome to ask questions, and i know passions run high, but i struggle to understand being angry for it's own sake - just strike me if you don't like how i judge, save us the shouting match.
"act like you've been here."
- evidence: Dallas Perkins: “if you can’t find a single sentence from your author that states the thesis of your argument, you may have difficulty selling it to me.” David Bernstein: “Intuitive and well reasoned analytics are frequently better uses of your time than reading a low quality card. I would prefer to reward debaters that demonstrate full understanding of their positions and think through the logical implications of arguments rather than rewarding the team that happens to have a card on some random issue.” Richard Garner: "I read a lot of cards, but, paradoxically, only in proportion to the quality of evidence comparison. Highlighting needs to make grammatical sense; don’t use debate-abbreviation highlighting"
- organization: good (obviously). extend parts your argument as responses to theirs. follow the order of the previous speech when you can. hard number arguments ("1NC 2", not "second/next"). subpointing good, but when overdone speeches feel disjointed, substitutes being techy for sounding techy. debating in paragraphs >>> bullet points.
- new arguments: getting out of hand. "R" in 1AR doesn't stand for constructive. at minimum, new args must be explicitly justified by new block pivots - otherwise, very good for 2NRs saying "strike it".
- inserting cards: fine if fully explained indict of card they read – new arguments or different parts of the article should be read aloud. will strike excessive insertions if told if most are nothing.
- case debates: miss them. advantages are terrible, easily link turned. solvency can be zero with smart CX and analytics. executing this well gets high speaker points.
- functional competition: good, makes sense. textual competition: silly, seems counterproductive. positional competition: upsetting. competing off of immediacy/certainty: skeptical, never assumed by literature, weird interpretation of fiat and mandates. plank to ban plan: does not make other non-competitive things competitive. intrinsicness: fine, but intrinsic perms often not actually intrinsic. voting record on all these: very even, teams fail to make the best arguments.
- process counterplans: interesting when topic and aff specific, annoying when recycled slop. insane ideas that collapse government (uncooperative fedism), misunderstand basic legal processes (US Code), and don't solve net benefit (most) can be zero with good CX. competition + intuitive deficits > arbitrary theory interps.
- state of advantage counterplan texts is bad. should matter more. evidence quality paramount. CX can make these zero.
- judge kick: only if explicitly told in a speech. however, splitting 2NR unstrategic – winning a whole counterplan > half a counterplan and half a case defense. better than most for sticking the neg with a counterplan, but needs airtime before 2AR.
- "do both shields" and "links to net benefit" insanely good, underrated, require a comeback in the meta. but, most permutations are 2AC nothingburgers, making debates late breaking - less i understand before the block = less spin 1AR gets + more lenient to 2NR. solve this with fewer, better permutations - "do both, shields link" = tagline, not argument.
- uniqueness controls link/vice versa: contextual to any given arg. extremist opinions ("no offense without uniqueness"/"don't need uniqueness") seem silly.
- impact turns: usually have totalizing uniqueness and questionable solvency. teams should invest here on top of impact debate proper.
- turns case/case turns: higher threshold than most. ideally carded, minimally thoroughly explained for specific internal links.
- impact framing: most is bad, more conceptual than concrete. "timeframe outweighs magnitude" sometimes it doesn't. why does it in this debate? "intervening actors check" who? how? comparing scenarios >>> abstractions. worse for "try or die" than most - idk why 100% impact x 2% solvency outweighs 80% link x 50% impact. specificity = everything. talk about probability more. risk matters a lot.
- the K: technical teams that read detailed evidence should take me high. performance teams can also take me - i've coached this with some success, and i'm better for you than i seem. good: link to some 1AC premise/mechanism with an impact that outweighs the net benefit to a permutation, external impact that turns/outweighs case, a competitive and solvent alternative. bad: antonio 95, "fiat illusory", etc. devil's in the details - examples, references to aff evidence, etc. delete your 2NC overview, do 8 minutes of line-by-line - you will win more.
- aff vs K: talk about the 1AC more, dump cards about the K less - debate on your turf, not theirs. if aff isn't built to link turn, don't bother. "extinction outweighs" should not be the only impact calculus (see above: impact framing). perm double bind usually ends up being dumb. real permutation and deficit > asserting the possibility of one - "it could theoretically shield the link or not solve" loses to "it does neither" + warrant.
- framework arguments: "X parts of the 1AC are best basis for rejoinder/competition because Y which means Z" = good, actually establishes a framework. “weigh the aff”/“reps first” = non-arguments, what does this mean. will not adopt a “middle ground” interp if nobody advances one – usually both incoherent and unstrategic. anything other than plan focus prob gives the negative more than you want (e.g: unsure why PIKs are bad if the negative gets “reps bad” + "plan bad"). consequently, fine with “delete plan”, but neg can win with a framework push that gives links and alt without doing so.
- clash debates: vote for topicality against planless affirmatives more often than not because in a bad debate it’s easier for the negative to win. controlling for quality, I vote for the best K and framework teams equally often - no strong ideological bent. fairness or a specific, carded skills impact >>> “clash”. impact turns and counterinterps equally winnable, both require explanation of solvency/uniqueness and framing against neg impacts + link defense. equally bad for "competition doesn't matter" and "only competition matters". language of impact calculus (“turns case/their offense”, higher risk/magnitude, uniqueness, etc) helps a lot. both sides usually subpar on how what the aff does/doesn't do implicates debates. TVA/SSD underrated as offense, overrated as defense - to win it, i need to actually know what the aff/neg link looks like, not just gesture towards it being possible.
- best rounds ever are good K v K, worst ever are bad ones. judge instruction, organization, specificity key. "turns/solves case" >>> "root cause", b/c offense >>> defense. explaining what is offense, what competes, etc (framework arguments) >>> "it's hard to evaluate pls don't" ("no plan, no perm"). aff teams benefit from "functional competition" argument vs 1NCs that spam word PICs and call it "frame subtraction". "ballot PIK" should never win against a competent aff team. Marxism should win 9/10 negative debates executed by a smart 2N. more 2NRs should press case - affs don't do anything. idk why the neg gets counterplans against planless affs - 2ACs should say this.
- critical affs with plans/"soft left" should be more common. teams that take me here do hilariously well if they answer neg arguments (the disad doesn't vanish bc "conjunctive fallacy").
- topicality: for me, more predictable/precise > “debatable” - literature determines everything, unpredictable interpretations = bad. however, risk is contextual - little more precise, super underlimiting prob not winner. hyperbole is the enemy - "even with functional limits, we lose x and they get y" >>> "there are 4 gorillion affirmatives". reasonability: about the counterinterpretation, good for offense about substance crowd-out and silly interps, bad for "good is good enough". plan in a vacuum: good check against extra/fx-topicality, less good elsewhere. extra-topicality: something i care less about than most. extremely bad for arguments about grammar/semantics.
- aff on theory: “riders” to the plan, plan being "horse-traded" - not how fiat works. counterplans that fiat actors different from the plan (includes states) - a misunderstanding of negation theory/neg fiat. will probably not drop more than the argument. neg on theory: literally everywhere else. arbitrariness objection strong. conditionality is a divine right bestowed by heavenly mandate, so i defend it with religious zeal. RVIs don't get flowed. LD-esque theory shenanigans: total non-starter.
- disclosure: good, but arbitrary standards bad. care little about anything that isn't active misclosure. new unbroken affs: good. "disclose 1NC": lol.
- LD “tricks”: disastrously bad for them. most just feel like defense with extra steps. nobody has gotten me to understand truth testing, much less like it.
- LD phil: actually pretty solid for it. well-carded, consistent positions + clear judge instruction for impact calculus = high win-rate. spamming calc indicts + a korsgaard card or two = less so. i appreciate straight turn debates. modesty is winnable, but usually a cop-out + incoherent.
- if the above is insufficiently detailed, see: Richard Garner, James Allan, J.D. Sanford (former coaches), Brett Cryan (former 2A), Holden Bukowsky, Bryce Sheffield (former teammates), Aiden Kim, Sean Wallace, (former students) and Ali Abdulla (best debate bud).
procedural notes
- pretty bad hearing damage in my left ear (tinnitus) + don’t flow off the doc. still quite good at flowing, but clarity matters a lot – 2x "clear", then I stop typing. debaters go through tags and analytics too quickly – give me pen time, or i will take pen time. you can ask to see my flow.
- terrible poker face. treat facial expressions as real-time feedback.
- i have autism. i close my eyes or put my head down during a speech if i feel overstimulated. promise i'm still flowing. i make very little eye contact. don't take it personally.
- card doc fine and good, but only cards extended in final rebuttals – including extraneous evidence is harshly penalized with speaks. big evidence enjoyer - fire cards get fire speaks, but only when i'm told.
- CX: binding and mandatory. it can get you very high or very low speaks. i flow important things. "lying by omission" is smart CX, but direct dishonesty means intervention (i.e: 1NC reads elections, "was elections read?", "no" = i am pausing CX and asking if i should scratch the flow).
- personality is good, but self-righteousness isn't really a personality trait. it's a game - have fun. aggressive posturing is most often obnoxious, dissuasive, and betrays a lack of appreciation for your opponents. this isn't to say you can't talk mess (please do, if warranted - its funny, and i care little for "decorum"), but it's inversely related to the skill gap - trolling an opponent in finals is different from bullying a post-nov in presets.
- prep time ends when the doc is sent. prep stolen while "sending it now" is getting ridiculous. if you are struggling to compile and send a doc, do Verbatim drills. i am increasingly willing to enforce this by imposing additional prep time penalties for excessive dead time while "sending the extra cards" and such.
- there is no flow clarification time – “what cards did you read?” is a CX question. “can you send a doc with the cut cards marked” is fine, “can you take out all the cards you didn’t read” means you weren't flowing, so it'll cost you CX or prep. not flowing negatively correlates with speaks. be reasonable - putting 80 case cards in the doc and reading 5, skipping around randomly, is bad form, but objecting to the general principle is telling on yourself. flow.
- related to above, if you answer a position in the doc that was skipped, you are getting a 27.5. seriously. the state of flowing is an atrocity. you should know better. flow.
- speaks: decided by me, based on quality of arguments and execution + how fun you are to judge, relative to given tournament pool. 28.5 = 3-3, 29+ = clearing + bidding, 29.5+ = top 5-10 speakers + late elims, 30 = perfect speech.
- not adjudicating the character of minors I don’t know regarding things I didn’t see.
- when debating an opponent of low experience, i will heavily reward giving younger debaters the dignity of a real debate they can still participate in (i.e: slower, fewer off, more forthcoming in CX). if you believe the best strategy against a novice is extending hidden aspec, i will assume you are too bad at debate to beat a novice on anything else, and speaks will reflect that. these debates are negatively educational and extremely annoying.
- ethics challenges: only issues that make continuing in good faith impossible are worth stopping a debate. the threshold is criminal negligence or malicious intent. evidence ethics requires an impact - omitting paragraphs mid-card that conclude neg changes the argument; leaving out an irrelevant last sentence doesn't. open to alternative solutions - i'd rather strike an incorrectly cited card than not debate. ask me if i would consider ending the round appropriate for a given issue, and i will answer honestly. clipping requires a recording to evaluate, and is an instant loss (no other way to resolve it) if it is persistent enough to alter functional speech time (criminal negligence/malicious intent, requires an impact). inexperience grants some (but minimal) leniency. ending a debate means it will not restart, all evidence will be immediately provided to me, and everyone shuts up - further attempt to sway my adjudication by debaters or coaches = instant loss. loser get an L0 and winners get a W28.5/28.4. all this is out the window if tabroom says something else.
- edebate: it still sucks. i keep my camera on as much as possible. if wifi is spotty, i will turn it off during speeches to maximize bandwidth, but always turn it back on to confirm i'm there before speeches. assume i am not present unless you see my face or hear my voice. if you start and i'm not there, you don't get to restart. low-quality microphones and audio compression means speak slower and clearer than normal.
closing thoughts
i have been told my affect presents as pretty flat or slightly negative while judging - trying to work on this - but i truly love debate, and i'm happy to be here. while i am cynical about certain aspects of the community/activity, it is still the best thing i have ever done. debate has brought me wonderful opportunities, beautiful friendships, and made me a better person, and i hope it can do the same for you. i am very lucky i found it.
take care of yourself. debaters increasingly present as exhausted and malnourished. three square meals and sleep is both more useful and better for you than overexerting yourself. people underestimate how much even mild dehydration impacts you. it's a game - not worth your well-being.
i like music. i listen to a very wide range of it. HS debaters can recommend me a song to listen to during prep or decision time - enjoyable music gives everyone in the room +0.1. music i dislike receives no penalty.
good luck! have fun!
- pat
University of Central Florida Alumnus
Four years of LD for Fort Lauderdale HS and former policy debater for UCF.
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: delondoespolicy@gmail.com
***Avoid graphic explanations of gratuitous anti-black violence and refrain from reading radical Black positions if you are not Black.***
If you're rushing to do prefs here's a rough cheat sheet:
1- K and performance debates
2- framework debates, general topical debates
3- LARP debates and util debates
4- Theory/ Tricks debates
I will evaluate any argument so long as they are not morally repugnant, actively violent, or deeply rooted in foolishness. I can handle speed but please go slower than you usually do for tags. Also, be sure to properly extend and impact out your arguments in the debate as well, saying "extend X" and moving on doesn't really do much. In short, tell me why your arguments matter and why I should vote on/evaluate them. At the end of the day do what you do best—unless it's tricks and/or frivolous interps (unless explained extremely well)— and have fun doing it.
Debated 2 years at Downtown Magnets High school and 1 Year in College. I am familiar with both LD and Policy Debates.
Email: sebastiangandionco@gmail.com
I'm not the most experience debater, but I have a grasp of most concepts in debate. Explain at the end why your winning the debate.
· Add me in the email chain before the round starts
· I will not keep track of time and flashing evidence is not considered prep time, but don’t be slow
· I am experience enough, but find the middle ground in speed for important arguments later in the round.
· Flush out arguments and explain high theory well including the importance of the debate
· I’m more techy
· I like performance and K’s and T
· Framework needs to be clear and concise.
I like performances and kritikal affirmatives, that’s basically summarizes my preference on K-affs. I am not well versed in most hard theory kritiks. I ran Cap K mostly, but I’m fine with any other kritik’s if you explain them. Don’t be intimidated to run any hard theory kritik’s, but take the time to explain the arguments.
Policy Affs:
I like all policy aff’s except the most generic ones. The more unique the affirmative is the more likely I will like the aff and probably vote on it.
DA’s CP’s:
Disadvantage links is what I focus a lot on. The structure for the DA should stay the same and answering them should stay the same not tangled in a mess. I will consider who has a more a updated Uniqueness card. Uniqueness is the foundation of the DA, so the card must be relevant. I like all Cp’s even consult, Cp w/ planks, and 2nc cps are okay. Give me a good reason why to outweigh the Cp against the aff and answer the perm. A good net benefit could be the very reason you win on the CP.
Any theory is fine. Topicality is one of my favorite arguments so make sure to extend interpretation and counter-interps. I want to see both negative and affirmative topicality to be contested. If you run T as a time skew that is also fine. Debate is all about strategy and using the tools you have.
I dislike trick debate
My RFD's can sometimes be unclear so ask questions
Don’t be toxic. (less speaks). I always give high speaks so don’t worry about speaks to much
Starting in 2025 as a notable unbiased judge
Email: blessingnkojo@gmail.com
You can catch me sparing at ALDD (speechforces) when I'm not Coaching at RSUDS
Crucial points about my philosophy on debate:
- Equity:
I believe that the fairest debates are those where there is no discrimination or use of derogatory language towards opponents or their arguments. Every argument should be respected and considered.
Things to avoid:
1. Do not classify any argument as nonsensical or stupid.
2. Do not make generalizations based on identity, race, or gender, as this can be stereotypical and provoke retaliation.
Things to do:
1. Be specific when analyzing people or places to avoid generalizations.
2. Approach every argument with a critical lens, refer to it, engage with it, rebut it, and respectfully counter-propose. Now that this is clear,
please read before speaking if I am judging you…
Typically, I start evaluating during the second speech in any debate round. Therefore, I am more impressed by students who demonstrate topic knowledge, line-by-line organization skills (supported by careful note-taking), and intelligent cross-examinations, rather than those who rely on speaking quickly, using confusing language, jargon, or recycling arguments.
I have become more open to philosophy-style arguments in the past year. However, I have not extensively studied any specific literature bases. Philosophy arguments solely used to trick opponents will not win my vote. However, I am open to well-developed philosophy strategies. Since I am an ordinary intelligent voter, you need to ensure that your explanations are clear and robust in explaining how to evaluate your arguments.
Counter Proposals: Especially in policy debates, but not limited to them, counter-proposals that aim to change the focus of the prompt (resolve) will be disregarded as they do not meet the necessary criteria. Use a counter proposal only if it is essential or aligns with the debate's spirit. My evaluation of a good counter-proposal is just as important as my evaluation of the original prompt.
coaching on the debatedrills club team - please click here to access incident reporting forms, roster, and info regarding mjp’s and conflicts.
blake update: i don't know the topic & haven't been caught up with anything. please go slower and explain.
tldr -
- disclosure is good.
- don't be offensive and arguments must have warrants to meet a threshold for evaluation. saying "no neg analytics, cuz of the 7-4, 6-3 time skew isn't sufficient" you need to justify why no neg analytics compensates for the time skew. won't vote on conceded claims.
- time yourselves.
- do impact calculus.
- be clear please
-Debated 4 years LD, graduating in 2013; qualified to TOC twice and reached Quarterfinals my senior year.
-Have coached for 10 years; am currently the Head Debate Coach at Lynbrook High School.
+0.2 speaks for starting early when possible
-Have a debate about the standard.
-Come up with and articulate your own responses against your opponent's positions rather than hiding behind cards, and don't be blippy.
-Be very clear. Your spreading should be clear. Your explanations should be clear. It should be very clear in your last speech what my RFD would be if I'm voting for you. A good final speech makes me sign the ballot immediately because there is no ambiguity about how the round is breaking down.
-Start doing argument comparison as soon as possible. When responding to an argument, explain why your response is better/makes more sense than the original argument (leaving all of this work until the 2NR/the 2AR will require judge intervention on my part to resolve the debate. Also keep in mind that argument comparison is different than merely weighing impacts).
-I don't vote on disclosure theory. I don't like the concept of everyone knowing the full content of everyone else's positions in advance -- I think it leads to pre-scripted debates and has turned LD into an activity that focuses too much on evidence as opposed to analytic argument generation, which was a skill that LD used to be very good at training.
-I also don't vote on any theory or kritik that only links because of something that happened outside of the round.
-There are some concepts from policy-style debate that I plainly don't understand. Textual and functional competition, germane versus non-germane net benefits, how process cp's work... Explain yourself, and don't use jargon.
-1AR theory: if you want to be able to go for it later, you have to invest time developing it and pre-empting the 2NR. I very rarely vote on 1AR theory, not because I'm opposed to it, but because the 2AR almost always sounds new.
-I almost never read cards after the round. If you say insert rehighlighting without reading the card out loud, there is a 0% chance that the argument will have anything to do with my ballot.
Speaks: I usually give between 28 and 29.
Pre-round paradigm
Hello! I am good with pretty much any argument as long as it is developed as an actual argument. I much much much prefer clash to avoiding argumentation. Something isnt an argument just because you say it is, it has to actually be an argument.
Prefs paradigm
Please put me on the email - Harvanko11@gmail.com - but I probably wont be reading ev during the debate I enjoy all types of debates as long as they are done well, I will try my best to be tab and adapt to whatever style of debate you are used to rather than having y'all poorly adapting to what i am used to. I am fine with most things as long as you take your opponent seriously. go at like 70% of top speed. I obviously do have opinions on things as everyone does so the rest of this will be trying to be transparent about what those are. None of this is set in stone and I will try my best to rid myself of any ideological bias during the round.
For quick prefs i hate you if u read tricks and will happily evaluate everything else
I enjoy all of them from the most stock aff on a topic to an in-depth process aff as long as they are debated well and I am given a clear story of the advantages/what the aff does to solve them.
Go for it, I would much prefer if the aff had *some* relationship to the topic either being "in the direction" or telling me why I shouldn't like the topic (and more importantly why that means I should vote aff) and I do not really like an aff that is just something that can be entirely recycled every topic. With the framework debate I probably err towards a well thought out counter interp than just straight impact turning everything but both can be viable and winning strategies.
This is what i have debated with, read, and coached the most so this is where I am most familiar (and subsequently hold harder lines for explanation). I enjoy innovations in critical literature quite a bit so long as it can be well explained.
For both, if you are not black, do not read afropessimism. I will not vote for you. I will generally have a strong predisposition against you if you read it in other rounds and change it in my round. I think that this is unique to afropessimism given how strongly the authors are have addressed the theory being uptaken by non-black scholars.
I have at least some experience in most philosophies. I have a hard time believing that all the philosophies that y'all claim don't care about consequences actually don't care about them (kant is an obvious exception). With a policy against a phil debate, I would prefer having some spin as to why your offense is relevant under their framework than just going all in on their framework being wrong or yours being normatively true but either can be a winning strategy.
I really enjoy a good counterplan so long as I know both how it competes and what the net benefit is (competition from net benefits is competition enough but there can be more). I really really enjoy process counterplan debates as long as I understand its distinction from the aff.
Counterplan theory is pretty much the only theory that I am wholeheartedly for. I come from LD originally and have moved into policy so my thoughts on condo aren't really clear yet, for LD I can be easily convinced of either side.
I don't really have any strong opinions about disads. I would like a lot of impact and turns case analysis if the disad is the only thing in the 2nr. I don't think I would be comfortable voting on a disad if the aff has a comparable impact without some level of solvency push by the negative.
I can get behind most theory debates as long is there is actual abuse. I know I know, reasonability is arbitrary but I think there are affs that clearly are not abusive. I think that fairness is a good internal link but not an impact in and of itself (and I imagine that that will be hard, but not impossible, to convince me of). I actually find myself hating judging theory debates nowadays because they are usually way to fast for me, so with that, I would prefer if you slowed down quite a bit if you're going to be making hella quick analytic args (this is generally true but especially true for theory debates). I really don't like disclosure in most cases unless the aff has been broken but isnt disclosed online and isnt disclosed in person before the round.
Go for it, I am predisposed to think that t isn't an RVI but can potentially be swayed otherwise. The more contextualized definitions are to the topic the more I like them. I think t can be incredibly persuasive against k affs as well (not as a framework position but actually going for t)
I've come around, maybe tricks aren't that bad, but only if everyone there is able to know what is going on. I do not like hidden arguments in the middle of a block of analytics and i probably won't vote on the resolved apriori but I think that a lot of phil arguments (e.g. skep, trivialism, etc.) get a bad rep and aren't evil and are sometimes interesting to ponder thru. This is a philosophical forum after all. This is all to say: please don't read rapper trix, you can go for kant is the only way to resolve skep and maybe that skep argument is a presumption/permissibility trigger.
- CX is binding but I probably wont write anything down unless you explicitly direct me to in the moment.
- Speaks start at around a 28.5 and I look to go up or down from there based on strategy, efficiency (not time efficiency but if you are too repetitive on an argument), and clarity.
- Please ask me questions before the round if you are unsure of anything!!!!!
- I welcome you all to post round me, we are all in debate for a reason and i love to argue
Hi! I'm Amy.
I last debated LD about 25 years ago in high school. This means I am not familiar with any progressive arguments, and I will deduct speaker points if I do not understand your argument.
Please no spreading. I would greatly prefer you annunciate clearly instead of speed.
I do not expect spreading, please use more traditional arguments (I am not familiar with K's, CP's, theory, etc.)
Please please please talk at a normal conversational speed. Any faster and I will not be able to understand your arguments at all. This is extremely important!!!!!
Voters! I expect voters clearly explaining why you have won the debate. Voters are essential to my understanding and help me make my decision. Voters are a must.
TLDR; I am a parent judge so please no progressive arguments, no spreading, stay respectful towards your opponent, and always do voters!
Thank you and good luck in your round!
I am Avery Horton, and I use she/they pronouns.
I did LD for 3 years and policy for 1. I'm a Freshman at Willamette University, and I'm part of the debate union doing parli.
put me on the email chain: ashorton@willamette.edu
I promise I'm not a K hack, despite how this paradigm reads.
Pref (this is just over what I like to see in round, I'll vote off anything):
K - 1
Performance/K affs - 1
Theory - 1/2
LARP - 1/2
Phil - 1/2
Tricks - 3
tech > truth
I'll vote on basically anything, just run what you're best at.
Just run whatever case is strategic against your opponent as long as the strategy isn't JUST outspreading them.
Please put your framework at the top of your case -- I won't dock you for having it at the bottom, but its pointless and it bugs me.
I love K's but I don't hack for them, especially since a lot of (TOC) debaters don't know what they're doing and don't actually understand the arguments they're making.
I'll vote on basically any theory if its not directly violent
Be interesting. I'll vote for larp, just debate well and know your case well.
I'm most likely to vote off arguments that are really towing the line between tricks and friv theory, like make sure you have actual warrants that can be contested. I'm most prone to buying moral a prioris (especially when in the framework and not an underview).
I hate tricks walls and think they're abusive. Don't run more than like 5 tricks args in a speech, and even then its iffy.
Good luck.
I am blank slate, tabula rasa. What I hear is how I judge.
I want to understand you while speaking (I’m in sales) and I want you to debate each other for the topics presented in the round. I will not read any files unless there is a clear distinction of misunderstanding.
Hello Speakers,
I look for the following elements in your speech.
1. Always have a claim, warrant, and impact; make sure to specify them
2. Support your argument with data and empirics
3. Speak clear and confident; do not be too fast and keep a positive debate environment!
My average speaks are around 27. If you speak really well then I will go up from there. If you need to be clear and have more developed arguments, then I will go down from there.
Good luck and have fun!
Progressive arguments--read at your own risk
Since I judge a lot more Public Forum now than the other events, my paradigm now reflects more about that activity than the others. I've left some of the LD/Policy stuff in here because I end up judging that at some big tournaments for a round or two. If you have questions, please ask.
NONTRADITIONAL ARGUMENTS: These arguments are less prevalent in PF than they are in other forms. The comments made here still hold true to that philosophy. I'll get into kritiks below because I have some pretty strong feelings about those in both LD and PF. It's probably dealt with below, but you need to demonstrate why your project, poem, rap, music, etc. links to and is relevant to the topic. Theory for theory's sake is not appealing to me. In short, the resolution is there for a reason. Use it. It's better for education, you learn more, and finding relevancy for your particular project within a resolutional framework is a good thing.
THEORY ARGUMENTS IN PF: I was told that I wasn't clear in this part of the paradigm. I thought I was, but I will cede that maybe things are more subtle than they ought to be. Disclosure theory? Not a fan. First, I am old enough that I remember times when debaters went into rounds not knowing what the other team was running. Knowing what others are running can do more for education and being better prepared. Do I think people should put things on the case wiki? Sure. But, punishing some team who doesn't even know what you are talking about is coming from a position of privilege. How has not disclosing hurt the strategy that you would or could have used, or the strategy that you were "forced" to use? If you can demonstrate that abuse, I might consider the argument. Paraphrasing? See the comments on that below. See comments below specific to K arguments in PF.
THEORY: When one defines theory, it must be put into a context. The comments below are dated and speak more to the use of counterplans. If you are in LD, read this because I do think the way that counterplans are used in LD is not "correct." In PF, most of the topics are such that there are comparisons to be made. Policies should be discussed in general terms and not get into specifics that would require a counterplan.
For LD/Policy Counterplan concepts: I consider myself to be a policy maker. The affirmative is making a proposal for change; the negative must demonstrate why the outcome of that adoption may be detrimental or disadvantageous. Counterplans are best when nontopical and competitive. Nontopical means that they are outside of the realm of the affirmative’s interpretation of the resolution (i.e. courts counterplans in response to congressional action are legitimate interpretations of n/t action). Competitive means there must be a net-benefit to the counterplan. Merely avoiding a disadvantage that the affirmative “gets” could be enough but that assumes of course that you also win the disadvantage. I’m not hip deep sometimes in the theory debate and get frustrated when teams choose to get bogged down in that quagmire. If you’re going to run the counterplan conditionally, then defend why it’s OK with some substance. If the affirmative wishes to claim abuse, prove it. What stopped you from adequately defending the case because the counterplan was “kicked” in the block or the 2NR? Don’t whine; defend the position. That being said, I'm not tied to the policy making framework. As you will see below, I will consider most arguments. Not a real big fan of performance, but if you think it's your best strategy, go for it.
TOPIC SPECIFIC ARGUMENTS: I’m not a big “T” hack. Part of the reason for that is that persons sometimes get hung up on the line by line of the argument rather than keeping the “big picture” in mind. Ripping through a violation in 15 seconds with “T is voting issue” tacked on at the bottom doesn’t seem to have much appeal from the beginning. I’m somewhat persuaded by not only what the plan text says but what the plan actually does. Plan text may be topical but if your evidence indicates harm area, solvency, etc. outside of the realm of the topic, I am sympathetic that the practice may be abusive to the negative.
KRITIKS/CRITIQUES: The comments about kritiks below are linked more to policy debate than LD or PF. However, at the risk of being ostracized by many, here is my take on kritiks in PF and maybe LD. They don't belong. Now, before you start making disparaging remarks about age, and I just don't get it, and other less than complimentary things, consider this. Most kritiks are based on some very complex and abstract concepts that require a great deal of explanation. The longest speech in PF is four minutes long. If you can explain such complex concepts in that time frame at a comprehensible speaking rate, then I do admire you. However, the vast majority of debaters don't even come close to accomplishing that task. There are ways you can do that, but look at the section on evidence below. In short, no objection to kritiks; just not in PF. LD comes pretty close to that as well. Hint: You want to argue this stuff, read and quote the actual author. Don't rely on some debate block file that has been handed down through several generations of debaters and the only way you know what the argument says is what someone has told you.
Here's the original of what was written: True confession time here—I was out of the activity when these arguments first came into vogue. I have, however, coached a number of teams who have run kritiks. I’d like to think that advocating a position actually means something. If the manner in which that position is presented is offensive for some reason, or has some implication that some of us aren’t grasping, then we have to examine the implications of that action. With that in mind, as I examine the kritik, I will most likely do so within the framework of the paradigm mentioned above. As a policymaker, I weigh the implications in and outside of the round, just like other arguments. If I accept the world of the kritik, what then? What happens to the affirmative harm and solvency areas? Why can’t I just “rethink” and still adopt the affirmative? Explain the kritik as well. Again, extending line by line responses does little for me unless you impact and weigh against other argumentation in the round. Why must I reject affirmative rhetoric, thoughts, actions, etc.? What is it going to do for me if I do so? If you are arguing framework, how does adopting the particular paradigm, mindset, value system, etc. affect the actions that we are going to choose to take? Yes, the kritik will have an impact on that and I think the team advocating it ought to be held accountable for those particular actions.
EVIDENCE: I like evidence. I hate paraphrasing. Paraphrasing has now become a way for debaters to put a bunch of barely explained arguments on the flow that then get blown up into voting issues later on. If you paraphrase something, you better have the evidence to back it up. I'm not talking about a huge PDF that the other team needs to search to find what you are quoting. The NSDA evidence rule says specifically that you need to provide the specific place in the source you are quoting for the paraphrasing you have used. Check the rule; that's what I and another board member wrote when we proposed that addition to the evidence rule. Quoting the rule back to me doesn't help your cause; I know what it says since I helped write most or all of it. If you like to paraphrase and then take fifteen minutes to find the actual evidence, you don't want me in the back of the room. I will give you a reasonable amount of time and if you don't produce it, I'll give you a choice. Drop the evidence or use your prep time to find it. If your time expires, and you still haven't found it, take your choice as to which evidence rule you have violated. In short, if you paraphrase, you better have the evidence to back it up.
Original text: I like to understand evidence the first time that it is read. Reading evidence in a blinding montone blur will most likely get me to yell “clear” at you. Reading evidence after the round is a check for me. I have found in the latter stages of my career that I am a visual learner and need to see the words on the page as well as hear them. It helps for me to digest what was said. Of course, if I couldn’t understand the evidence to begin with, it’s fairly disappointing for me. I may not ask for it if that is the case. I also like teams that do evidence comparisons. What does your evidence take into account that the other teams evidence does not? Weigh and make that claim and I will read the evidence to see if you indeed have made a good point. SPEECH DOCUMENTS: Given how those documents are currently being used, I will most likely want to be a part of any email exchange. However, I may not look at those electronic documents until the end of the debate to check my flow against what you claim has been read in the round. Debate is an oral activity; let's get back to that.
STYLE: As stated above, if you are not clear, I will tell you so. If I have to tell you more than once, I will give much less weight to the argument than you wish me to do so. I have also found in recent years that I don't hear nearly as well as in the past. You may still go fast, but crank it down just a little bit so that this grumpy old man can still understand the argument. Tag-team CX is okay as long as one partner does not dominate the discussion. I will let you know when that becomes the case. Profanity and rude behavior will not be tolerated. If you wish me to disclose and discuss the argument, you may challenge respectfully and politely. Attempts at making me look ridiculous (which at times is not difficult) to demonstrate your superior intelligence does little to persuade me that I was wrong. My response may very well be “If I’m so stupid, why did you choose to argue things this way?” I do enjoy humor and will laugh at appropriate attempts at it. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. Make them specific. Just a question which starts with "Do you have a paradigm?" will most likely be answered with a "yes" with little or no explanation beyond that. You should get the picture from that.
I did policy debate for four years at the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA High School) before graduating in 2020. I debated over 80 debates per school year, with around 50 of them on the national circuit. I now coach and judge for LASA sporadically.
If there’s an email chain, please add me at i.sruthi13@gmail.com
Do what you do best. I would rather listen to you debating your strongest argument than you adapting to my preferences. Having said that, I’m most comfortable judging CP + DA debates, since that is the literature base I know best. Write my ballot in the 2NR/2AR and tell me what I’m voting on. Your speaks will thank you. Tech > Truth.
For novices: The most important thing is to have fun! It’s important to remember that debate is a process, not a product. Focus on learning as much as you can from these debates, instead of focusing on the results. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask me or send me an email. I promise I’m not scary!! Yes, I’m okay with speed (as long as you are clear). No, flashing and emailing are not prep (unless it’s excessive). Yes, I’m okay with open CX.
For LD: I coached LD in the 2020-2021 season. Since my background is in policy debate, I am most comfortable judging LARP and kritiks (to a lesser extent). I'm not the judge for you if you specialize in phil/theory/tricks.
I went for framework a LOT. This doesn’t mean I hate all K affs, but it does mean I subconsciously look at these debates through the lens of a 2N. I find myself going for fairness as an impact in some debates, so I can definitely be persuaded to vote on it. Don’t forget impact calculus! It’s not enough to extend the impact of the aff on the case page. Explain how it implicates framework and why it outweighs the Limits DA (or whatever the negative team goes for). In that same vein, make sure you are not just extending arguments. Explain the broader implication of winning that argument and why it means you win the debate. "I find it really hard to explain why the act of reading framework in and of itself is violent or bad." -- Mason Marriott-Voss. Retweet.
Going for topicality was my jam in high school. These debates come down to the execution of your standards. Quality of your definition matters, especially if you are going for a precision or predictability impact.
“Reasonability is a debate about the aff’s counter-interpretation, not their aff.” -- Yao Yao Chen. Retweet. Topicality is a question of models of debate, not THIS debate.
I’ve dabbled in the fem K and the cap K, but I have very little expertise in critical literature. If you want to go for another kritik, by all means, do it. Just be clear with your explanations. The more case-specific your link is, the more likely you are to get my ballot. I find myself questioning what the purpose of framework is in these debates. If your 2NR/2AR strategy relies on winning framework, explain what winning framework gets you in terms of the rest of the debate. Floating PIKs must be clearly made in the 2NC. If you bust one out in the 2NR, I’m probably not a great judge for you.
Theory debates are fantastic. I lean affirmative on process CPs (consult, delay, etc.). I lean negative on PICs. I don’t have a preference on conditionality, 50 state fiat, or international fiat.
I find evidence quality matters a lot more than evidence quantity, especially in politics debates and impact turn debates. Evidence comparison is under-utilized.
I will not vote on any argument that endorses racism, sexism, homophobia, or otherwise offensive ideologies. I will also not listen to any arguments that endorse self-harm, suicide, or purposeful death. I will vote you down and it will be completely on you for not reading this paradigm.
This paradigm is definitely a work in progress because I’m still figuring out how I think about debate. Yao Yao Chen has probably influenced my thoughts on debate the most. Check out his paradigm here if you want to.
Debated policy in high school and parli at Columbia University
judging for over 4 years
email: cyrusjks10@gmail.com
pronouns: he/him
2/17/24 EDIT:
Quick Prefs:
1) Ks/KAFFS/Performance
3) Phil
4) T/Theory
5) Tricks (unless tied to social advocacy)
IHSA 2022 Update:
Debate Philosophy: Generally, I default to voting for the team that has done the better debating, in terms of proving the merit of the arguments they make against some comparative (opponent's arguments, status quo, etc.). Offense is always appreciated, and I normally vote for the team that has the best warranted / impacted out offense.
UK Digital TOC Speech & Debate #2 Edit:
What debaters should do more of: give roadmaps, sign post, slow down on taglines, do impact calculus/weigh, do line-by-line analyses, compare evidence, collapse on key args in final rebuttal speeches, and say why you are winning/get the ballot (write my ballot for me)
What debaters should avoid doing: spreading through overviews and theory shells (if need to spread please send out a doc), saying they have proved something to be true, bringing up that something was dropped/conceded without explaining why it matters or is a critically important to evaluating/framing the round, jumping all over the flow (please sign post so I can accurately flow/ keep track of your arguments), and sending out speech docs that can't be downloaded or copied from. ALSO please no postrounding and no sending me emails before a round is scheduled to occur nor after a round has occurred, as judges are not allowed to have contact with debaters except during a round.
1/7/22 EDIT:
Quick Prefs:
2) Ks/KAFFS/Performance
3) Phil
4) T/Theory
5) Tricks
Kritiks I like to hear (in order): Afropess/antiblackness, afrofuturism, set col, cap,
I'm a parent judge. I was an active member of my university debate team. I prefer clear sound arguments based on facts/data and constructive rebuttal.
My email is chasiaj@gmail.com Please include me in any email chains
If your go-to strategy before even seeing who you're paired against is T/Theory please don't pref me. I do understand theory args, but look first to reasonability. If I feel no in round abuse occurred, I will most probably ignore the shell. If abuse did occur, I will consider competing interps if args are made for them. You won't like me as a theory-heavy judge, and I won't enjoy judging your theory-heavy round.
-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,ABOUT ME/GENERAL NON ARG BASED NOTES-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,
Hi y’all! My name is Chasia (she/they) and I’m currently a PhD student in Culture and Theory at UC Irvine. I received my BA in Law, History & Culture with a minor in Gender & Social Justice from the University of Southern California in May 2021 and attended Harvard Westlake for High School where I competed in Lincoln Douglas Debate for four years. I also competed in Parli debate in middle school and coached and judged middle school parli during my high school career. My graduate research utilizes Black feminist theory, critical race theory, affect theory, poetic theory, legal theory, disability theory to study the narratives and experiences of Black women, resistance, community, and ideas of irrationality.
It would be a lie to say my life experiences as a low-income, chronically, and mentally ill, Black woman don’t affect my judging. However, I will do my best to evaluate the debate round based solely on the arguments made in the room. That being said, tell me how you want me to evaluate your arguments and why. I generally look to a comparative worlds standard and don't vote on presumption.
Before I get into specifics of arguments, please don’t be a jerk. I don’t care how many bids you have, you can and should still be a kind person. While I won’t necessarily vote against you for being a jerk, I will dock speaker points and won’t feel bad about it. If you are obviously more advanced than your opponent, please don’t make my round the place where you crush someone’s debate dreams. Be kind and hopefully it can be a positive (maybe even fun!) learning experience for everyone. Please respect one another.
That being said after the round if you have questions about your arguments or performance, I would be happy to discuss (given tournament rules allow). However, this kindness rule extends to me. I’m a sensitive human. As soon as I feel disrespected, I will not engage with you anymore. There are respectful and kind ways to disagree.
While I do understand “spreading” and did spread when competing. I am hard of hearing so please, speak up. I will say clear, slow, or louder, but if I miss something, and it isn’t on my flow, I won’t consider it when evaluating the debate. The issue is usually the volume rather than the speed as many debaters mumble or whisper when spreading.
I'm fine with flex prep. I don't care if you sit or stand. I don't care where you sit. You can time on your phone. You can read a poem as your case, etc.. Just debate how you are comfortable debating. Do what you think you can do best.
-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,GENERAL NOTES FOR ARGUMENTS-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-
I will evaluate nearly any argument granted that it is not completely illogical and doesn’t dehumanize anyone inside or outside of the debate space. Don't be sexist, ableist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, etc. Otherwise, If it makes sense in the round, and you tell me how I should evaluate the argument, I will most probably evaluate and accept the argument. It’s your opponent’s job to convince me not to accept the argument. I will do my best not to intervene/use my own outside knowledge to evaluate the round. The sky is green until your opponent tells me it’s not. Your opponent dropping an argument is not sufficient for you to win the debate. Tell me why that dropped argument is so important that you have won.
Run whatever you want as long as you defend it well under whatever framework/ROB is determined in the round, unless it is morally repulsive (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) or you're a jerk in round. However, if your arguments are dehumanizing and offensive to marginalized folks I will not accept them. Don’t waste your time making them. In this case, I will vote for the other debater, make up an "educational" RFD for why you lost, and not think anything of it. You can be passionate and aggressive without being mean. Otherwise, as long as you’re being a decent human being, read whatever you want. Read what you can argue best, not what I like best.
I will vote off of what you tell me to, even if I know something is factually wrong, etc. If both debaters agree to a FW/ROB I will evaluate the round off of that, not who has more turns or more unanswered arguments. If no one agrees on a FW/ROB, I'll just pick one that holistically encompasses the round. I actually do care about what you are saying and will flow, but I'm ill and usually hungry and sleepy, and hate hurting people's feelings unless I already have a vendetta against you (in which case I would just conflict you), so please tell me exactly how to vote. Write my RFD for me, paint a picture in the 2AR/NR, wrap the debate like a pretty present, whatever metaphor floats your boat. Please tell me where to vote and what to look to.
-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,ARGUMENT SPECIFIC NOTES-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,.-,.-,-,
Traditional Arguments: Sure.
Plans/CP/DAs: Go for it.
Ks & K Affs: I LOVE THESE! I ran these all the time! Please make me an anti-ethical decision maker if you want, I'm pretty good at it. I understand a lot of critical literature/positions fairly well. Don't run a K unless the other case actually links and unless you know what you are doing. Don't run it just because I'm your judge. Please don't just add a police brutality tag to your case because I'm your judge. If you are going to run these types of arguments, you should have been running them anyways and know what you're talking about. They should be important to you. You should be passionate about it. The only thing worse than a bad K is theory. However, if you don’t understand/like K debate, please don’t run a K just because I’m judging you. I understand other arguments well. Also, you can definitely win on other layers of the debate even if a K is run.
T/Theory: I understand these arguments but I really don’t like them. Usually, they are jerk moves to not engage in the issue of the topic/debate at hand. If the argument applies, run it. If it’s frivolous, I would prefer you didn’t but go ahead and run it. That being said your speaker points might suffer. I will vote off of reasonability and then competing interps. So, basically, if I deem that there is actual in round abuse, then I will look to competing interps, but most theory nowadays is frivolous and annoying. That is how I am going to evaluate the theory debate should I have to. If they are actually being a buttface, then go for it, I will probably think they are a buttface too and vote off of it. Also, please don't make the entire round theory. If you run theory please tell me how it relates to the arguments being made and how I should evaluate it in the debate. Please don’t leave me alone with a T/Theory case. Spikes in the underview about how you want the round to function are fine.
Dense Philosophy: While I understand most philosophical positions, please take the time to explain these positions well. Tell me how your FW affects how I can evaluate the round.
Skepticism/Tricks: No.
I debated policy as a 1A/2N out of Heights High School for 3 years, graduating in 2021. I am currently a student at Prairie View A&M University studying computer engineering. I started my career competing through the Houston Urban Debate League and dabbled in my local TFA and UIL circuits.
I have not judged a round since the end of last season, and am largely out of debate. I have done no topic research and am likely best at this point for a slow, relatively traditional round. Pref accordingly.
The extent of my competitive success was qualifying to UIL State, TFA State, and making it to the semifinals of the HUDL City Championships. I had limited exposure to the national circuit, outside of going to a few bid tournaments for policy and debating LD at UH my senior year because my partner was unavailable. I am a multi-year alumni of the TDC Student & Teacher's Institute and my views are heavily influenced by my coach, Isaac Chao. I am generally in agreement with his paradigm, although do feel free to ask me specific questions.
Add me to the chain: jolivettehoust@gmail.com
I am usually fine with most arguments in debate but here’s a pref cheat sheet:
- LARP: 2
- T/Theory: 3-4
- Phil: 4
- Identity Kritiks: 2-3
- Pomo Kritiks: 4-5
- Tricks: Strike
Some general thoughts:
- Again, remember that I have not judged a great deal in general, and also have not picked up a ballot since May of last year.
- I read mostly policy-style arguments with a kritik here and there, but was never deep enough in the lit to be a one-off team.
- If I were to rate my threshold for speed 1-10 (10 being the fastest debater in the circuit) I would probably be at a 6.
- I am an exceptionally rusty flow; please be clear and not too blippy. I have not judged a round since May of 2023.
- I do not have strong presuppositions about whether the affirmative needs to defend a topical plan. While I never read a non-topical k aff, I debated with teammates who did.
- I strongly believe that debaters should not read any arguments making ontological claims of violence toward a group of people they do not belong to.
- Disclose or not, it's up to you. I'm sympathetic to Black debaters who refuse to disclose, however.
For specific positions:
- LARP/ Policy - I was the 2N and I usually ran combinations of disads/counterplans along with a kritik mixed in here and there.
- Theory - Theory is fine; we read theory a lot. Frivolous theory is also fine just as long as it makes sense and you sell it to me. I wasn't super technical on this flow though, so if it gets messy or too fast then I'm not a great judge for these debates.
- Phil - is fine as long as you explain it to me well. I probably won't have read your literature though, so slow down on the spreading when you’re explaining the argument and break it down.
- Kritiks - I'm more familiar with identity kritiks (i.e Afro-Pess, Afro-Futurism, Cap) than post-modern kritiks; have read essentially no pomo literature.
- Tricks - I’d rather you not because no. If you do I can assure you that I won’t flow the round right.
[[ ]] new: policy teams have, for some reason, decided the only thing they want to read in the 1ar vs negative kritiks is framework. generally, this strategy tends to lose in front of me. if framework is true, the alternative still exists and you probably need to do other things to answer a potential materialism push. usually the negative gets the link and the aff gets to weigh the case.
[[ ]] I was told my old paradigm was too long, so I've shortened it considerably. I still agree with everything that was there broadly, and you can read the archived versionhere.
[[ ]] About Me
- affiliations: dulles (current), plano west (grad 2021), mcneil (2023-2024)
- Debated in HS and won some stuff, had a brief stint in NDT/CEDA policy and won no stuff, haven't competed since early 2022. shouldn't matter to anyone anymore especially what is now like 4-5 years down the line.
- Disinterested in judging vacuous non-arguments and listening to kids be jerks to each other. Be nice. Violence in front of me is an L0 and a talk with your coach. The target of this violence decides what happens with the debate. Yes, this includes misgendering. its probably best to avoid gendering whoever ur debating as a good rule of thumb. i expect mutual kindness, respect, and professionalism.
- MUCH WORSE FOR E-DEBATE. It's too draining and I zone out a lot. Pref me online at your own risk. i wont punish you for debating online or anything like that, but i dont personally trust my own ability to judge as effectively in that environment so its important that ur aware of that.
- I want to be on the email chain, and I want you to send docs in Word doc format: djdebatedocs@gmail.com.i strongly prefer an email chain to speechdrop.
- Yes speed, if you have to ask though you're likely unclear and I urge you to correct it.
- Yes, clash. No to arguments that are specifically designed to avoid engagement
- tech and truth both matter. truth informs how technically difficult an argument is to win. more willing to believe that grass is green than 2+2=5 but both are winnable, just a matter of threshold.
[[ ]] Specfic Arguments
- tl;dr is that I think every decision is interventionist to some degree, but I try to be as predictable and open about my preferences as possible.
- yes policy; counterplans, disads, etc. are fine. Zero risk is probably a thing. I think it's more interventionist to vote on unwarranted arguments unjustified by the evidence than to read evidence after the debate without being prompted. My BS detector is good and if you're lying about evidence, I'll probably know. i will not judge kick unless you justify it, and i can probably be persuaded it's bad to do so. neg leaning on most counterplan theory and condo, but its not an unwinnable battle for the aff. condo is definitely an uphill fight though.
- yes kritiks, but I lean more toward policy these days. this is not because of anything paradigmatic but rather because i've found most kritikal debates to be overwhelmingly generic lately. these next two sentences might seem paradoxical, but I assure you they are not. I am deeply interested in poststructuralist positions and think I will be the best for you if this is your thing. you should defend something material and do something. preference for speeches that contain the alternative and do something material instead of heavy framework dumps with "reject the aff." To clarify, framework and a link is a fine 2nr but the important part is a link. If I don't know what the aff is doing that is actively bad I cannot vote it down even under your framework interp. the negative will always get the link, the aff gets the plan, not much will change that.
- yes planless/creatively topical/critical affs, but again I lean more toward policy these days. justify why reading your aff in a space where it must be negated and debated against is good, not just why it's good in a vacuum. talking about the resolution is a must - you should not be recycling backfiles from a different topic and saying nothing about the resolution. Talk about the entire resolution and don't abstract from words or modifiers. if I don't know what the aff does, I'm not voting for it. I'm a big sucker for presumption.
- yes T-FWK. fine for both fairness and clash, although if you're going for fairness as an internal link, you're probably better set going for clash as an impact itself. Talk about the aff, don't just debate past it. letting the aff win that they resolve xyz impact turn with conceded warrants from case usually means you will lose.
- yes non-framework topicality arguments. i am the antonin scalia of topicality and am a diehard textualist. precision is very important to me
- i dont think ive ever voted for "disclosure bad" or similar arguments. unless its new, if the aff isnt disclosed, you lose. sorry. i am reasonable and i think taking proactive or good faith steps to disclose is sufficient. any interp more specific than "must disclose" is unlikely to be a winner. if you have the aff reasonably close to 30 minutes before, it satisifies the must disclose requirement.
[[ ]] LD Specific:
- Phil: sometimes. I understand these arguments theoretically considering it's what I'm studying and I know what people like Kant, Levinas, Spinoza, and Hegel say. I don't understand the debate application of these folks. Be clear and overexplain. wont vote on skep if normatively justified.
- Tricks: strike me.
[[ ]] PF: tl;dr im technical but rather disinterested in hearing progressive arguments. strong preference to not hear diet policy debates b/c speech times make it so that the more things you have to explain the less likely you will win.
If you have questions email me, although the archived version of my paradigm at the top will likely answer them. Good luck!
Hi, my name is Sreenivasulu Kankanala.
I am a flow parent judge, so please avoid spreading and make sure you weigh a lot in your final speeches. Please add me to the email chain.
Email: skankan@gmail.com
In my judging, I prioritize three things.
- Speaking Clearly. Make sure you speak clearly and slow down for taglines so I understand your case. If you want to go a little faster, make sure you send your cases and speech documents to my email.
- Arguments. Have well fleshed out arguments where you explain the warrants and have a logical link chain.
- Final speeches. Always weigh. Ensure that you always talk about what argument your are going to refute in your rebuttals. Move cleanly from 1 contention to another and try not to jump around on the flow. Do not bring up new arguments in your final speech.
Debate is supposed to be a safe space. Don't bully anybody. Have fun debating!
I am a debate coach at Little Rock Central. Please put both on the email chain: jkieklak@gmail.com; lrchdebatedocs@gmail.com
I believe that my role is to listen, flow, and weigh the arguments offered in the round how I am persuaded to weigh them by each team. I will listen to and evaluate any argument. It is unacceptable to do anything that is: ableist, anti-feminist, anti-queer, racist, or violent.
I think debates have the lowest access to education when the judge must intervene. I can intervene as little as possible if you:
1) Weigh your impacts and your opponents' access to risk/impacts in the debate.
2) Actively listen and use your time wisely. Debaters miss each other when distracted/not flowing or listening. This seems to make these teams more prone to missing/mishandling arguments by saying things like, "'x' disad, they dropped it. Extend ____ it means ____;" yet, in reality, the other team actually answered the argument through embedded clash in the overview or answered it in a way that is unorthodox but also still responsive/persuasive. Please be clear.
3) Compare evidence and continuously cite/extend your warrants in your explanations/refutation/overall argumentation. Responses in cross that cite an individual warrant or interrogate their opponents' warrants are good ethos builders and are just in general more persuasive, same in speeches.
4) You fully explain your perms/responses to perms. I am less persuaded by blippy arguments (especially the perms), and I am more persuaded when perms and are either: explained in detail or carded.
5) "Be mindful of your maximum rate of efficiency" (AT). Speed isn't typically a problem, but do be realistic about how fast you think I can type your responses that you want me to flow verbatim (perms, blippy disads, etc.) and not reconstruct.
Debate has changed the way that I believe about certain policies and policymaking. I believe that debate can do this for other people too.
I value persuasive judge instruction, and I would like my RFD to reflect key moments/lines in the 2AR and 2NR. Line by line is important.
For Stanford Invitational:Do not assume that I know the topic.
Email: annadebatekim@gmail.com (include on all chains + email me if I am not in room by time)
I did LD in high school but I know how the rest of the formats work. If it helps I was a K/F AFF debater and got a bid senior year
Currently attending Brown University and debating APDA.
Please read what you are most comfortable reading. I will most likely vote for the debater that is able to give me a straight path to the ballot. This means that a. give me the role of the ballot and b. tell me directly what matters in round.
K/K Affs ---- 1
Larp/T --- 2
Theory --- 3
Phil --- 3
Tricks --- strike
K debate
I obviously loved the K debate when I was in high school. It definitely gave me the chance to explore literature base that is often times overlooked by many people in the community. I have come to find out K v K debates are the most interesting to me but I will obviously evaluate any arguments against the K. I think there are a lot of creative arguments that can be made against Ks but teams tend to rely on generic arguments. But regardless of how important I think K debate is I will not be your “K hack”. I will not fill in the blanks for you. This means you have to give a solid overview on top, link chain, and explain why your alt/fw works. I prefer if you relate it back to the topic but if not I will listen to you but at a far higher standard.
When doing the K debate, please either choose to go for either framing or the alt. I have found that debaters trying to do both will end up under covering both of them. For framework in particular, give me a reason why education outweighs fairness and you will find yourself in a far better position to win the round.
Try to be creative in your answers and standards. I am kind of tired of hearing the same generic fairness and education arguments. Explain to me why your specific case matters and what my role is to further either fairness and education. I think deliberation and spill over are underutilized as impacts on the T/FW page.
Policy/LARP debate
This section accounts for any type of DAs/CPs. If none of the sides give me a way to weigh your impacts I will default to util. Please weigh your impacts at the end or give me a clear link chain. If I don’t understand how x country doing y policy will lead to extinction you will not get my ballot. This means I will default neg on presumption. The AFF needs to present me with a reason why 1% risk outweighs everything else in this round.
I honestly don’t have anything else to say about this type of debate other than if you are planning to run PICs be warned that I lean more in favor of PIC bad theory.
The only “controversial take” I can think of is that if it is obvious your opponent does not know what the wiki is and you run disclosure on them your speaks will be 27 even if you win. In short don’t be mean to novices and don’t run frivolous things. I will unfortunately evaluate them but your speaks are going to reflect my unhappy state.
Didn’t see it a lot at tournaments and will appreciate you for running things. I would just be careful in running niched or jargony things because you will lose me. Otherwise have fun - a lot of the takes on the K section will apply here as well.
No. Just no. Please don’t.
Be nice to your opponents (especially if they are a novice).
Tech > Truth
Competing interps > Reasonability
Fairness vs Education who really knows what’s better depends on the round
Will stake the round on ev ethics (Also if I or the opponent notices you contacting coaches and teammates during round your speaks will be severely impacted)
Know your case. Prove to me you know it in CX and I’ll boost your speaks.
Try not to read the same generic stuff that your coaches wrote for you and embrace just going for what you know.
Will stop the round if anyone is being raciest/homophobic/sexist etc. and you will receive a L15 and you will be reported to the tournament director
Paradigm for LD at MSHSL Sections, State and Southern MN Qualifiers
Judging debates is inherently an interpretive activity, and your role as a debater is to persuade me that you won the debate. When judging, I try to start with the metrics that are set up by the debaters in their speeches while making my decision. That means that I tend to reward debaters who do strong framework debating, impact calculus and judge instruction. Debaters who craft their strategy by thinking about their win conditions and their opponents' win conditions will be successful in front of me.
The value and value criterion is generally where I start my evaluation of debates. I will determine which criterion is the winning lens for me to view the round, and then determine which side wins more offense under that criterion.
Speed of delivery: I have no problem with any speed of delivery, as long as you are clear. However, if your opponent requests that you speak at a conversational speed, I expect that you honor that request.
A note on "national circuit" arguments:
The role of the affirmative is to prove the resolution true and the role of the negative is to prove the affirmative false. I don't expect debaters at sections and state to be able to engage with "national circuit" style arguments like I would if this were a TOC-bid distributing tournament, given that it is not the norm of our circuit.
I'm open to any substantive argument that debaters chose to make. This means that arguments that function like counterplans and kritiks can be fair game if the negative debater explains why they fulfill the resolutional burden.
A note on evidence:
Per MSHSL rules, I cannot request to look at evidence unilaterally. Thus, if there is a dispute in the round over what a piece of evidence says, you should explicitly instruct me to read evidence so that I can call for it after the round.
Debaters have the right to examine evidence introduced by the other side. If you are debating off paper, you need to provide a copy of your evidence to your opponent if requested. If you are debating off a laptop, you should either be prepared to share a speech document with your opponent or give them your computer to examine evidence during prep.
Other argumentative notes:
The plain meaning of the resolution implies that the affirmative can fulfill its burden either by proving that becoming party to UNCLOS is desirable, or that becoming party to the Rome Statute is desirable. I am exceedingly unlikely to be persuaded by arguments that the affirmative must prove both.
Non-consequentialist frameworks are currently underutilized. More debaters should be taking advantage of this.
"No burden to prove solvency" is a silly argument if you are using a consequentialist criterion. If you are arguing that morality is determined by the consequences of actions, you have the burden of proving that you mitigate the problems that you are talking about.
No spreading; pref me if you're a trad debater or lay debater or new debater or a v/c debater
Email Chains
My email is kraftgabrielle@gmail.com
I won’t be following along on the document; if there’s substantial and consequential disagreement on what a card says, I’ll take a look, but that’s about it. Feel free to email me after the round if you have questions or concerns
Former LD debater; ran mostly trad cases locally and on the nat circ; I’m familiar with all the terminology but not very familiar with any of the topics this year
Non-case stuff
- No spreading. I have Sensory Processing Disorder and will get sad and very lost which is bad for all of us
- Hateful speech (homophobia, racism, misogyny, among others) is not acceptable in any form
- Be nice!!! I enjoy a bit of snappiness and wit but do not be actually mean to your opponent
Case stuff
- Clash, please. Don’t just read your case— engage with your opponent’s case as well
- Not all arguments are created equal: I’d rather you have two really strong contentions than ten weak ones
- Analytics can be evidence and can be stronger than some random and unwarranted card
- Disclose your case if asked, but I probably won’t vote on disclosure theory unless you are actively trying to disadvantage the other debater
- Impact out your case; please don’t make me assume that y happens because of x
- I’m not a strong theory judge; I don’t understand the presumption stuff, and I don’t want to. Use theory sparingly and in good faith
- I'm bad at judging T. I can do it and will do it, but I would take great lengths to avoid this
- I like CPs! A competitive and unique CP is great; I treat it as a reason not to do the Aff (and not as a real neg advocacy). Perms are also welcome but must be explained
- Do not pref me if you are a hardcore K debater. I have a high threshold for Ks not because I don’t understand them but because rarely are they understood by the person running them. I also don’t think most Ks can be run if the debater isn’t spreading through it, which is not something you should do if I’m judging.
- I will vote on them!!!! But sparingly.
yay you read my paradigm!!!! extra speaks if you email me a silly little drawing before the round starts. can be anything but MUST be silly and little.
Stanford Note: I haven't judged in 4 months. Be clear and go slower than usual. I don't know anything about the topic.
What's up. I'm Lukas/Luka (either is fine, they/them). Yes, I do want to be on the email chain. Lukrau2002@gmail.com, but I prefer using the fileshare option on NSDA campus, or speechdrop. If you would like, I am happy to send you my flow after the round.
Important Warning: the longer the tournament goes the worse I become at judging. If I've judged like 10+ debates be prepared for short rfds and be clear so I don't misflow you and make things obvious so I dont do illogical things.
I will listen to any argument, (yes, including tricks, nebel T, intrinsic perms, extra T, K affs of any type, listing these as they are supposedly the most "controversial") in any event, against any opponent, with the exception of the obviously morally objectionable arguments (use common sense or ask), arguments attempting to change the number of winners/losers, and arguments attempting to take speaker points out of my hands. With those exceptions, my only dogma is that dogma is bad. If you are confident in your ability to beat your opponents on the flow, pref me high. If you have certain arguments you dogmatically hate and are terrible at debating against, it is probably in your best interests to pref me low, because I will almost certainly be willing to evaluate those arguments no matter how silly you find them.
I believe that paradigms should exclusively be used to list experience with arguments, and that judges should not have "preferences" in the sense of arguments they dont want to evaluate. We're very likely being paid to be here to adjudicate the debates the debaters want to have, so the fact that some judges see fit to refuse to evaluate the fruit of some debaters' labor because they personally didn't like the args when they debated is extremely frustrating and frankly disrespectful to the time and effort of the debaters in my opinion. So below is my experience and a quick pref guide, based not on preference, but on my background knowledge of the arguments.
Experience: HSLD debate, Archbishop Mitty, 2018-2021; TOC qual 2020, 3 career bids. VBI camp instructor - Summer of 2021, Summer of 2022, Summer of 2023. Private coaching - Fall 2021-2022 (no longer actively coaching). Happy to talk about math stuff, especially topology!
Pref guide - based on experience as a debater and judge, not personal arg preference
1 - Weird/cheaty counterplans
1 - Policy Args
1 - Phil
2 - Ks (queer theory, cap)
2 - Tricks
2 - Theory
2 - Ks (other Ks, not high theory)
3 - Ks (high theory)
Again, I cannot stress enough that this is solely based on my knowledge of the lit bases, not my love for the arguments. I read and enjoyed judging many a deleuze aff as a debater and more recently judge. The amount of reading I did to read those affs was very minimal and I mostly just stole cards, so would I say I actually know the args very well? Probably not. Would I enjoy evaluating them? Absolutely.
Below are purely procedural things
Ev ethics note: I will evaluate ev ethics claims the way the accusing debater wants me to out of 2 options: 1] stake the round on the egregiousness of the ev ethics claim, if the violation meets my arbitrary brightline for egregiousness I will drop the debater with bad ev ethics, if not the accusing debater will lose 2] if you read it as a theory shell I will evaluate it as a theory shell. If you're unsure about my arbitrary brightline for staking the round, note that such ev ethics violation need to be reasonably egregious (to auto end the round, I would prefer to see malicious intent or effect, where the meaning of the evidence is changed) - whereas my brightline for voting on it as a theory shell is much lower, and given the truth of the shell you will likely win on the shell, regardless of effect or intent. This means if you have an edge case its better to debate out the theory because you'll probably win simply bc those theory shells are pretty true but I'm pretty adverse to auto dropping ppl so you might not if you stake. If it is obvious and egregious though feel free to stake the round I will definitely vote against egregious miscuttings.
CX is Binding. This means with respect to statuses, etc, your arguments must abide by the status you say in either the speech you read the argument, or the status you say the argument is in cross X. If you say an arg is uncondo in CX, but attempt to kick it in a later speech, & I remember you saying it was uncondo in CX, I will not kick the arg.
But I take this notion farther than just argument statuses. If your opponent asks you "what were your answers to X", you may choose to list as many arguments as you like. You may say "you should've flowed" and not answer, that's your prerogative. But if you DO choose to answer, you should either list every argument you read, or list some and explicitly say that there were other arguments. If your opponent asks something like "was that all," and you choose to say yes, even if I have other args on my flow I won't evaluate them because you explicitly told your opponent those were your only responses. DO NOT LIE/GASLIGHT IN CX, even by accident. Correct yourself before your opponent's prep ends if you've said something wrong. I will not drop you for lying but I WILL hold you to what you say in CX.
My personal beliefs can best be described via Trivialism: https://rest.neptune-prod.its.unimelb.edu.au/server/api/core/bitstreams/3e74aad4-3f61-5a49-b4e3-b20593c93983/content
** Please do not choose me if you are progressive debater , I do not understand the nuances to effectively judge**
I am an experienced parent judge (6th year judging). Please don’t spread. I’ll say “clear” for you to slow down if I don’t understand. I will score you based on sound reasonable arguments, connected with good evidence and the flow of thought. All things remaining equal, I prefer to judge on evidence based structured arguments and responses to your opponents contention (rather than frameworks and technical procedures).
I judge based on the arguments presented, not on my own convictions. Apart from listening to first affirmative and negative constructs carefully, I pay close attention to cross examination, rebuttals, and timings before voting.
I am based out of East Bay, California.
I have been judging for past 8 years (in fact earlier than that).
Stanford 2024 update -I don't seriously participate, coach or judge in the debate anymore. i would pref me one rank below what you have me based on my paradigm. i also have zero topic knowledge besides my previous knowledge on the MENA region
Please have the email chain or speech drop set up before round –yoyolei.debate@gmail.com
1- policy/ks/k affs
5- trad/phil/tricks
~treat me like a policy judge who will buy almost if not all ld positions~
I do disclose speaks
Please send analytics that are being spread
--------- GENERAL --------
I felt like my original paradigm was too convoluted and drawn out, so I decided to move it to a google docs that is linked at the end. Otherwise the tldr should be enough if you're just doing preround prep or prefs (if you are preffing, consider preffing me lower because I have been out of commission for so long). feel free to look at my essay of a paradigm if you desire, it just elaborates on my stances above.
I am pretty generous with speaks as well as just general debater nonsense in round. With that being said, please be a kind person, I have very little patience for people who are rude without reason.
[FOR K DEBATERS SPECIFICALLY] Please do not use jargon while explaining your theory of power, you should be able to tell me the story of your k, either in cx or in your overview without using words that only a PhD candidate would understand. I've been googling what words mean in round and that shouldn't happen so please dumb down your speech at least 20% for me, thx!
Email: Briajia.l@gmail.com
Bri (She/her)
Policy/LD rounds
Background- Debated policy for 6 years. LD/Policy judge over 6 years.
Spreading is fine, please be sure to slow down on the tagline and when quoting evidence so I can properly flow the arguments in the round. I also recommend that debaters share the files before each speech just in case I miss anything on flows during the speeches. I also do not recommend fully spreading in the rebuttal rounds. At the end of the day, just try to be as clear as you are able to.
Adjudicating rounds
I am very traditional when it comes to policy debate and my judging style is very straight forward. If you are Aff please convince me how the Aff solves for its impacts. Be very cautious to extend solvency and impacts throughout the round. I would also recommended an overview at the beginning of the second affirmative speech.
Neg team should be careful not to be abusive and run frivolous off case arguments only as a time advantage. When there is multiple off case arguments in a round, the neg needs to let me know what they want me to vote on. Make sure all off case arguments have the components needed to win, a dis ad needs a strong link and impact and a counter-plan needs to have a net benefit for me to vote on it.
Kritik Rounds
I am open to non traditional Affs but are very hesitant to vote on them if they are not ran properly or explained in a way that I am able to understand. I think it is very important for the team to explain to me why running non traditional Aff is a better move than policy. Other than that I am open to all arguments and case types, as long as I have something to vote on at the end of the round. I really enjoy fun and creative K affs. I am very big on solvency and even though an Aff may not be policy it still needs to solve in some way. Please run what you like, it just needs to be clear. I have heard K affs for the first time that have completely changed my perspective on judging/debate. If you feel confident in your K aff then please run it. I always keep an open mind.
Neg teams that run Ks need to do a good job at explaining the K, also if there is an alt , you must convince me how the world of the alt solves and there needs to be very clear explanation. In other words, the alt needs to make sense. I do not recommend running a K that you do not fully understand, it will likely cause you to lose the round.
Assigning Speaks
I assign speech based on the clarity of the debaters in the round and the overall quality of the speeches from each debater. Debaters who are more convincing and strategic are more likely to get higher speaker points.
I sometimes doc speaker points if debaters are rude to each other in cross ex, there is nothing wrong with being aggressive or strategic in cross x but it needs to have a purpose. Let's have fun and be respectful.
Kritiks I like to hear: Afropess/antiblackness, settler colonialism, Security, Cap K, Anarchy, Disability K, Black Fem
FYI-(Please do not send me emails outside or after a tournament, Judges are only allowed to have contact with debaters during a round/tournament.) it’s fine to ask questions after a round on clarification or how to improve but please don’t post round me, especially coaches! Please be respectful. Decisions are final and I’ve already submitted the ballot before giving feedback per tournament rules.
add me to the chain - stephenlewisdebate@gmail.com
damien '23, msu '27
whether new arguments are allowed in the last rebuttals is for the debaters to point out and decide. unless its the 2AR. then you get no new arguments.
tag team cx is fine for answering but not for asking - more geared towards novices, if you're varsity do what you want (if you are constantly talking over your partner/opponent and being rude your speaks will suffer dramatically.) be aware that the less able you are to ask/answer cx questions will impact my ability to give you speaker points.
tech > truth
generally feel comfortable evaluating and keeping up with any style of debate whether it be a KvK debate or a very detailed and probably monotonous counterplan competition debate. obviously i have argumentative preferences, but i would never insert those into a debate i was judging and would consider myself incredibly flow centric which means if you think there is an argument that you think will win you the debate, you should ensure i have it on my flow by balancing clarity with speed.
i don't really feel the need to give some long explanation about how I feel about every little thing in debate, simply because I feel debates should purely be judged and decided by what was communicated to me. chances are i understand what's going on, and if you have sufficiently explained why you should win in the context of most debate arguments, you will win. so, if you're trying to pref me and decide not to because I didn't give you a paragraph explanation about whether or not i think fairness is an impact, sorry I guess.
LD addendum
not familiar with anything in LD that doesn't resemble policy debate. this includes tricks, phil, or whatever. i'll evaluate anything, but the likelihood i give a decision that makes sense starts to severely decline the farther away you go from traditional policy/k debate.
don't be annoying. that includes being overly aggressive/rude (there's a pretty clear bright line between being assertive/confident and being annoying), racist, sexist, or what have you. in the event that something of this nature occurs, i will nuke your speaks or intervene with tab if i feel it's necessary.
above all else, have fun. making me laugh will help your speaks.
+0.1 points if you make fun of omar darwish in an actually funny way
feel free to post round
Hello! I am a parent judge but I have judged some traditional rounds since 2022. My email is catchup.liang@gmail.com if needed for questions / the email chain.
Please refrain from using extreme debate jargon and stick to more policy-esque positions since I'm rather unfamiliar with judging others.
Also, please speak slower so that I can flow well and avoid spreading.
Finally, please be kind to each other and be respectful (don't cut each other off, etc.)
Equity and Fairness
- This is my number one priority. Please notify me (if you feel comfortable doing so) if you feel discriminated against, uncomfortable with someone or something, or need help.
- I am okay with you timing yourself and will not penalize you for glancing at your clock from time to time (as long as it does not heavily impede your performance) if you are an online competitor.
- Depending on the event, I would like a cohesive story that compels me to feel a certain way (sad, mad, caring, aware of an issue, happy, etc.)
- Hand gestures and walking appropriately are a must (walking between points, appropriate hand gestures during scenes/arguments, etc.)
- Extemp: refer to my congress paradigm for how I like argumentation in this context, I appreciate humorous/informative introductions and conclusions that wrap around to it. Walking from point to point is very important in exempt, same with recent sources.
- Interp/OO: I want to feel motivated after hearing your speech (do so with passion in your tone, dramatic/overemphasized facial expression and gestures, etc.)
- If your speech includes an argument, see my congress paradigm and the constructive portion of my debate paradigm.
- I understand and will work through technical difficulties with you! I am committed to upholding equity in rounds, and if there is a way I can help with that, please let me know!
World Schools, Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas
- I want to see warrant level refutation in the majority of refutation points you have (claim level will be discarded on the flow and data level refutation should clearly explain why their data is flawed/not representative of the analysis they are attaching to it).
- Don't spread :)
- LD and PF: you can use technical jargon with me. I ask that you don't if you know you have a lay judge on a panel with me (again, for accessibility). WSD: this is a more relaxed debate format and tech isn't as important for me when I vote.
- Cross: I judge using cross (and POIs for WSD). I won't ignore this and I want to see really thought-provoking and challenging questions. I will follow your question in terms of noticing when you set traps. Don't use this as an opportunity for extra speaking time though, make sure the questioning gets to the point. Also, be polite!
- Constructive material: Little pre-refutation on the aff, please. Neg is okay to have refutation in the first constructive speech, but I still want the vast majority of the speech to be constructive. Please try and connect your constructive material to your opponents (blend your arguments with refutation of theirs- I LOVE when debaters cross apply).
- I flow everything, so please be organized in every speech and make it clear where you are (roadmap and taglines please). I expect clear voters for the final speech in around for both sides and a clear understanding of what you are doing in a speech. (Ex: "I'm going to do a line-by-line, first addressing my opponent's constructive, then their refutation of my own arguments, followed by the round's voters"; then during the speech, you can say, "moving on to their rebuttals of my first constructive"). Make sure you give a quick summary of your opponents' argument before you refute it though.
- Impacts/Impact Calculus: I'm fair game for all impact jargon. Make sure when you are weighing you bring in quantification (if applicable) for magnitude/severity and you clearly explain based on a weighing mechanism (probability, severity, magnitude, etc.) why your argument wins.
- Argument format: Claim, Warrant, Data, Impact. If you miss any of those, I will likely drop your argument.
- Data: I prefer quantification when they are applicable. Please state at least the month and year of cards (if you can) and the institution they are from. I treat evidence challenges seriously, so don't hesitate to call an opponent out if you can't find their card or think it is faked/unfairly misrepresented. I also can smell when sources are bad (especially if it's a topic I have debated before), so please do not make up or misquote sources for your own sake.
- There is so much more I can say, but the TLDR is that I'm down for advanced debate stuff (speed, jargon) and that I value good and thorough refutation above most things.
- Most importantly, I VALUE REFUTATION SPEECHES. Judges in congress too easily disregard late-round ref/crystal speeches. For this reason (and because it takes major skill to do this) I emphasize ref/crystal speeches. If you give a good one, you will be rewarded heavily in my rankings.
- I want to see all of your skills, so don't just fill one role during the round(don't only give ref speeches or only constructive).
-Quality is better than quantity for questions(I listen to them)
- POs: I will be keeping recency and precedence for questioning (if it's direct) and speeches. I like good POs. If you are considering POing, make sure you know how to run an amendment properly.
- Organization: Constructive speeches should usually have this format: Introduction, 2 points (claim, warrant, data, analysis, data, impact), and conclusion. Make sure I can understandably follow your arguments.
- Refutation: Same as in my debate paradigm, but if this is ref being added to a constructive speech, make sure you integrate this into your points. If you give a point similar to someone on the other side, I expect you to refute them in order for your point to have validity.
- Half-refutation speeches are great, so is impact calculus
- While I am a much more debate-oriented judge, please have solid and rhetorical introductions and conclusions. Speak at a nice pace (I will understand you if you go fast, but you shouldn't in Congress) and try to mitigate fluency breaks.
- Walking: Walk from your introductions to your points and back for your conclusions. Please don't sway if you can.
- A lot of the same stances for debate and congress, so please read my other paradigm too (the difference with Congress is I also judge based on speaking ability pretty much).
Looking forward to seeing you perform/debate!
I am a "lay" judge. Please speak clearly, avoid speed, explain thoroughly and do not make assumptions about my knowledge of the topic. I prefer well articulated argumentation. Please don't be too tech-y with me, I don't know what Ks or T or phil are.
tldr - do what you do best; i'll only vote for complete arguments that make sense; weighing & judge instruction tip the scales in your favor; topic-specific research is good; disclosure is good; i care about argument engagement and i value flexibility; stay hydrated & be a good person.
about me:
i coach policy debate at damien-st. lucy's
My strongest belief about argumentation is that argument engagement is good - I don't have a strong preference as to what styles of arguments teams read in front of me, but I'd prefer if both teams engaged with their opponents' arguments; I don't enjoy teams who avoid clash (regardless of the style of argument they are reading). I value ideological flexibility in judges and actively try not to be someone who will exclusively vote on only "policy" or only "k" arguments. I am good for teams that do topic research and bad for teams whose final rebuttals sound like they could be given on any topic/against any strategy.
if i'm judging you in LD -- scroll to the bottom for LD-specific thoughts.most of my thoughts about policy debate are probably still applicable
Topic Knowledge: I don't teach at camp but I do keep up with the topic. I'm involved in the Damien-St. Lucy's team research.
email chains:
damiendebate47@gmail.com and nethmindebate@gmail.com
if i am judging you in ld -- don't add the team email please!
if you need to contact me directly about rfd questions, accessibility requests, or anything else, please email nethmindebate@gmail.com (please don't email the team email for these types of requests)!
1 - speech times - constructive are 8 minutes, rebuttals are 5, each partner must give one constructive and one rebuttal, cx cannot be transferred to prep.
2 - evidence ethics is not a case neg - will not vote on it unless you can prove a reasonable/good-faith attempt to contact the other team prior to the round.
3 - clipping requires proof by the accusing team or me noticing it. i'll vote on it with no recording if i notice it.
4 - i will not evaluate out-of-round events. this means no arguments about pref sheets, personal beef, etc. i will evaluate disclosure arguments.
flowing: it is good and teams should do it
stolen from alderete - if you show me a decent flow, you can get up to 1 extra speaker point. this can only help you - i won't deduct points for an atrocious flow. this is to encourage teams to actually flow:) you must show me your flows before i enter the ballot!!
on a related note, i will never flow from the speech document.
Some general notes
Accessibility & content warnings: Email me if there is an accessibility request that I can help facilitate - I always want to do my part to make debates more accessible. I prefer not to judge debates that involve theory arguments about accessibility and/or content warnings. I think it is more productive to have a pre-round discussion where both teams request any accommodation(s) necessary for them to engage in an equitable debate.
Speed/clarity – I will say clear up to two times per speech before just doing my best to flow you. Going fast is fine, being unclear is not. Going slower on analytics is a good idea. You should account for pen time/scroll time.
Online debate -- 1] please record your speeches, if there are tech issues, I'll listen to a recording of the speech, but not a re-do. 2] debate's still about communication - please watch for nonverbals, listen for people saying "clear," etc.
Disclose or lose. Previously read positions must be on opencaselist. New positions do not need to be disclosed. "I do not have to disclose" is a losing argument in front of me 100% of the time.
Evidence -- it matters and I'll read it. Judge instruction is still a thing here. Don't just say "read this card" and not tell me why. Ev comparison is good. Cutting good cards is good. Failing to do one or both of those things leaves me to interpret your bad cards in whatever way I want -- that's likely to not be good.
Speaker points:
Speaker points are dependent on strategy, execution, clarity, and overall engagement in the round and are scaled to adapt to the quality/difficulty/prestige of the tournament.
I try to give points as follows:
30: you're a strong contender to win the tournament & this round was genuinely impressive
29.5+: late elims, many moments of good decisionmaking & argumentative understanding, adapted well to in-round pivots
29+: you'll clear for sure, generally good strat & round vision, a few things could've been more refined
28.5+: likely to clear but not guaranteed, there are some key errors that you should fix
28+: even record, probably losing in the 3-2 round
27.5+: winning less than 50% of your rounds, key technical/strategic errors
27+: winning less than 50% of your rounds, multiple notable technical/strategic errors
26+: errors that indicated a fundamental lack of preparation for the rigor/style of this tournament
25-: you did something really bad/offensive/unsafe.
Extra points for flowing, being clear, kindness, adaptation, and good disclosure practices.
Minus points for discrimination of any sort, bad-faith disclosure practices, rudeness/unkindness, and attempts to avoid engagement/clash.
Opinions on Specific Positions (ctrl+f section):
I think that negatives that don't engage with the 1ac are putting themselves in a bad position. This is true for both K debates and policy debates.
Extensions should involve warrants, not just tagline extensions - I'm willing to give some amount of leeway for the 1ar/2ar extrapolating a warrant that wasn't the focal point of the 2ac, but I should be able to tell from your extensions what the impact is, what the internal links are, and why you solve.
2ac add-ons must be coherent in the speech they are presented. You don't get to turn a random card on a random sheet into an add-on in the 2ar.
Planless affs:
I tend to believe that affirmatives need to defend the topic. I think most planless affs can/should be reconfigured as soft left affs. I have voted for affs that don't defend the topic, but it requires superior technical debating from the aff team.
You need to be able to explain what your aff does/why it's good.
I dislike planless affs where the strategy is to make the aff seem like a word salad until after 2ac cx and then give the aff a bunch of new (and not super well-warranted) implications in the 1ar. I tend to be better for planless aff teams when they have some kind of relationship to the topic, they are straight-up about what they do/don't defend, they use their aff strategically, engage with neg arguments, and make smart 1ar & 2ar decisions with good ballot analysis.
T/framework vs planless affs:
In a 100% evenly debated round, I am better for the neg.However, most of these debates are not evenly debated. Either team/side can win my ballot by doing the better technical debating. This past season, I often voted for a K team that I thought was smart and technical. Specific thoughts on framework below:
The best way for aff teams to win my ballot is to be more technical than the neg team. Seems obvious, but what I'm trying to convey here is that I'm less persuaded by personal/emotional pleas for the ballot and more persuaded by a rigorous and technical defense of why your model of debate is good.
I don't have a preference on whether your chosen 2nr is skills or fairness. I think that both options have strategic value based on the round you're in. Framework teams almost always get better points in front of me when they are able to contextualize their arguments to their opponent's strategy.
I also don't have a preference between the aff going for impact turns or going for a counterinterp. The strategic value of this is dependent on how topical/non-topical your aff is, in my opinion.
Theory arguments other than conditionality are likely not a reason to reject the team. It will be difficult to change my mind on this.
Theory arguments must have warrants in the speech in which they are presented. Most 2ac theory arguments I've seen don't meet this standard.
Conditionality is an uphill battle in front of me.If the 2ac contained warrants + the block dropped the argument entirely, I would vote aff on conditionality, but in any other scenario, the aff team should likely not go for conditionality.
Please weigh! Many theory debates feel irresolvable without intervention because each team only extends their offense but does not interact with the other team's offense.
Topicality (not framework):
I like T debates that have robust and contextualized definitions of the relevant words/phrases/entities in the resolution. Have a clear explanation of what your interpretation is/isn't; examples/caselists are very helpful.
Grammar-based topicality arguments: I don't find most of the grammar arguments being made these days to be very intuitive. You should explain/warrant them more than you would in front of a judge who loves those arguments.
"Plans bad" is pretty close to a nonstarter in front of me (this is more of a thing in LD I think).
Kritiks (neg):
I am best for K teams that engage with the affirmative, do line-by,line, and read links that prove that the aff is a bad idea.
I am absolutely terrible for K teams that don't debate the case. Block soup = bad.
I vote for K teams often when they are technical and make smart big-picture arguments and demonstrate topic knowledge. I vote against K teams when they do ... not that!
In general, clash-avoidant K strategies are bad, K strategies that involve case debating are good.
Zero risk probably doesn't exist, but very-close-to-zero risk probably does. Teams that answer their opponents' warrants instead of reading generic defense tend to fare better in close rounds. Good evidence tends to matter more in these debates - I'd rather judge a round with 2 great cards + debaters explaining their cards than a round with 10 horrible cards + debaters asking me to interpret their dumpster-quality cards for them.
I don't have strong ideological biases about counterplan theory other than that condo is probably good. More egregious abuse = easier to persuade me on theory; the issue I usually see in theory debates is a lack of warranting for why the neg's model was uniquely abusive - specific analysis > generic args + no explanation.
No judge kick. Make a choice!
Competition debates have largely become debates where teams read a ton of evidence and explain none of it. Please explain your competition evidence and I will be fine! I'll read cards after the debate, but would prefer that you instruct me on what to do with those cards.
LD-specific section:
-my ld topic knowledge is not as good as my policy topic knowledge. i cut a few cards and see a few ld debates every topic, but that's about it. best to over-explain topic-specific things
-you might think of cx judges in ld as people who despise judging ld and despise you for doing ld. i try to not let this be true about me. all of my issues with ld can be grouped into two general categories: 1) speech times/structure (not your fault, won't penalize you for it), and 2) the tendency to read unwarranted nonsense, such as "tricks," shoes theory, etc (you can avoid reading these args very easily and make me very happy)
-i am a horrid judge for tricks and frivolous theory. please just go for another argument!
-i do not judge philosophy-based arguments often, since i primarily judge policy. i am not ideologically opposed to these arguments but will need a lot of handholding-explanation. i am happy to judge these debates, i just need more explanation. as a note -- phil positions that contain tricks are not a winning strategy.
-i am not a good judge for the various flavors of ld theory arguments that say the affirmative should not get to read a plan
-you don't get 1ar add-ons -- there is no 2ac in ld
Arguments that are simply too bad to be evaluated:
-a team should get the ballot simply for proving that they are not unfair or uneducational
-the ballot should be a referendum on a debater's character, personal life, pref sheet, etc
-the affirmative's theory argument comes before the negative's topicality argument
-some random piece of offense becomes an "independent voter" simply because it is labeled as such
-debates would be better if they were unfair, uneducational, lacked a stasis point, lacked clash, etc
-teams should not be required to disclose on opencaselist
-the debate should be evaluated after any speech that is not the 2ar
-the "role of the ballot" means topicality doesn't matter
-new affs bad
Arguments that I am personally skeptical of, but will try to evaluate fairly:
-it would be better for debate if affirmatives did not have a meaningful relationship to the topic
-debate would be better if the negative team was not allowed to read any conditional advocacies
-reading topicality causes violence or discrimination within debate
-"role of the ballot"
-the outcome of a particular debate will change someone's mind or will change the state of debate
-the 5-second aspec argument that was hidden in the 1nc can become a winning 2nr
if there's anything i didn't mention or you have any questions, feel free to email me! i really love debate and i coach because i want to make debate/the community a better place; please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything you need.
Michael Lovaglio, he/him. Penn '27
Hey guys! Feel free to add me to your chain: michael.lovaglio15@gmail.com
My name is Michael, I was the founder and captain of the Debate team at MAST@FIU. I now help coach the team. I compete on the policy team at the University of Pennsylvania (go Quackers).
Quick prefs (Stanford)
1 - theory
1 - Ks (K affs are great)
2 - phil (just explain it well, see specs below)
2- trix vs. trix
3 - T
3 - policy/larp
6 - lay
*30 speaks if you read something funny
I'll literally vote on anything - run whatever you want. Just be sure to explain well (more clarification below)
In detail stuff:
* I don't evaluate cx. I listen for fun. if smth happens in cx you want me to vote on, please talk about it in case. (the exception is anything violent/racist/harmful/sexist/all the bad things).
I think theory is top level. I read this the most. Friv theory is probably not top level but I'll still vote on it and some can be really fun.
I legit don't care for disclosure. this is a big paradigm thing: if you read disclosure against a novice i feel inclined to vote you down. However, that is not to say I dislike wiki theory. Accessibility, and other smart violations, are valid and I will vote on them. Smart theory relating to wiki is good. just not disclosure. please.
No pref for condo or pics. Do spikes go on top????? Who knows.
Fairness > education.
RVIs are legit, OCI's are legit. I default to DTA if not told otherwise.
shell > RVI
the RVI needs to be warranted but it doesn't haven't to be in shell format.
Ks - theory > K except for T, T is not top level and imo is substance against the K.
K > larp BUT - Your job here is to convince me the K is prior and I will 100% vote on it.
I'm familiar with common Ks. I'm very open to identity K's but i think they should have some real world advocacy apart from "vote for me for being an identity." 30 speaks if you sing a song and/or the method is unique and has real-world application.
Pess stuff is fine as long as opponent is good with it. "death good" is fine as long as opponent is good w it. That being said, no violent pess (i.e., don't advocate for death of an identity THAT YOU ARE NOT A PART OF).
K vs T - K = T, but you need to convince me that the K is prior. Tindites shouldbe meta.
Policy - Policy is fine, I just find it boring. I will not just downvote you or give low speaks for reading policy.
Policy > T, T should be won entirely.
K > Policy
Theory > Policy
Phil - I love phil. I'm a phil major too hehe. Most familiar with kant, hobbes, nietzche, aristotle, rawls, heigel, kastafanas, decartes, and some more. I'll vote on others just plzzzzz explain well. If your syllogism makes no sense or you cant explain it in cx, I'll dock speaks.
Trix -the Miami circuit hated me for being the only trix debater but honestly i think silly stuff are really fun and funny. but my threshold is low. If someone reads shoe theory and you take off your shoes I'll eval + high speaks. Creative responses to trix are high speaks. also reading trix badly will be punished.
I vote neg on presumption when all offense moots.
Prove the ought statement true and I'll pick up permissibility.
Just group paradoxes.
I believe skep.
I believe determinism.
Tt is fine but the ac needs to trigger it or there needs to be an indite in the ac.
A prioris need to be extended to the final speech.
IVIs - I'm inclined to vote on IVIs so long as they're not blippy. I think substance-specific IVIs need to be warranted more thoroughly, but checks are legit. I.e, don't ask my identity etc.
Speaks -typically I like to give high speaks j cause you're a winner for being here. But I'll low speaks you for being rude, disrespectful, racist/etc. (see below)
Some no nos:
Pre-Round Agreements: If you agree not to run prog and then run prog, insta vote against you. I'm so serious. #TradDebatersDeserveRightsToo
Anything blatantly racist/sexist/harmful to debate space I'll insta vote you down w/ low speaks and report you to tab. Be respectful!!!
Further elaboration:
Traditional Rounds:
As much as i love circuit, i love trad. I was a big trad debater too.
VC/standard is everything. If there's no offense left I fall back on who wins framework.
Extend everything!! Lbls are best too!
I prefer the voters at the end of the speech but if you start with them in the AR1 that's fine just signpost please.
I also want to hear emphasis and power coming from your voice. Being a strong speaker is one of the most important things in Debate.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me before/after the round, or shoot me an email! I love an exciting Debate atmosphere, so please don't let nerves get to you! At the end of the day, you're always a winner if you learned a thing or two. Can't wait to hear your cases and happy debating!
If for some reason I'm judging PF:
I'm familiar with pf mechanisms insofar as I coach my novices a little. I'll probably vote on impact calc and solvency. Solvency deficits bad >:(
Read circuit stuff. I like theory in pf. I hate disclosure theory. Do something cool - set a cool norm specific to PF and I'll give high speaks.
I think Ks in PF function soooo weirdly but I'll vote on it.
Idk other pf circuit norms so enlighten me - i can catch on quick and something new and cool I'll vote on w/ high speaks.
Have fun with it! Debate can be super stressful and trust me I get it. I don't dock speaks yada yada yada, the fact that you all are even here competing in the first place is a 30 for me :)
Please add me to the email chain: email: upalmandal@gmail.com
I'm a parent judge, please speak slowly and clearly. Please respect me and your teammates throughout the round.
The main thing I am looking for is that you write my ballot for me in the final speeches. Please explain all your arguments clearly and backed up with facts and evidence. I will not infer what you want to convey, you must clearly tell me what you want me to know and my decision will be based off of what you say in the round. If something is brought up in cx, it needs to be reiterated in the speeches again for me to take it into account. I will do my best to flow, but make sure it isn't messy or unclear since I am still new to this. There are a lot of terms I don't know, so it would be advised to explain everything.
Most importantly, have fun!
I prefer moderate speed. I vote for clear speaking and convincing arguments.
I am a traditional lay judge, nothing progressive. I have a son who does debate and I stay pretty well informed on most topics. I appreciate professionalism in rounds. I am okay if you talk fast, but I am not always good at listening fast. Just do your best and make good arguments.
Hello! My name is Calvin McMahon. I am one of the LD debate coaches at Wayzata High School. Before coaching at Wayzata, I debated LD at Champlin Park High School for five years and served as a volunteer instructor at the Minnesota Debate Institute for four years. Just writing this paradigm to lay out a few preferences:
• First and foremost, The style of debate and argumentation that is most comfortable to you is probably the style you should use in a round. Twisting yourself into knots to appease a judge is generally a bad idea.
• No need to include me on any email chains!
• Yes I can handle speed/spreading, but in general, the faster you read, the less persuasive I find you. Slower speaking gives me more space to process your arguments emotionally.
• No, I will not tell you to slow down in a round.
• I will not inherently vote against theory, but my burden of proof on those arguments is high, Especially on disclosure theory, which I think should only apply where undeniable issues of equity exist.
• I will not inherently vote against a K but I ask that you as a debater engage in these issues of social justice in good faith as opposed to using them as a cudgel to surprise opponents.
• I will not inherently vote against plans/counter-plans, but I believe that 90% of them could just be normal cases and are needlessly confusing as they are.
• I don't care if you sit or stand.
• If you think you can use your opponent's framework, you probably should.
• Most importantly, always be as kind and courteous to your opponent as possible. Do not laugh at them. Use the correct pronouns. Err on the side of caution when cutting them off in cx.
Updated 10/23/24
I did policy debate for 4 years in high school to moderate success, and debated at Georgetown for a couple years. These days I’m doing my PhD at the University of Florida.
Add me to the email chain - medeirosb2002@gmail.com
Do what you do and do it well and you will be fine.
- You can read whatever you want and I will adjudicate the debate to the best of my abilities, but I don't have that much experience judging LD, and I have particularly little experience judging phil debates and LD theory debates.
Things that are non-negotiable:
- Blatant racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia is an auto loss, and I will give you the lowest speaks possible.
Some things to keep in mind:
- I typically ascribe to the belief that speech times and the structure of the debate are not flexible, but I guess I'm open to being persuaded otherwise here.
- I do not typically feel comfortable making decisions based on issues that occurred outside of the debate round (with exceptions for things like disclosure theory).
- Presumption flips negative by default.
- Beyond the above, my only strong disposition is the negative team gets to do pretty much whatever. I can probably be convinced otherwise. That said, I've included a list of miscellaneous dispositions loosely organized by argument.
Risk Calculus:
- Tech > Truth.
- Frame the debate however you want, but do it well and explain why it matters.
- Author qualifications matter. Debate is a research activity, and debaters should do good research.
- Spark is a terrible argument. This isn't really "risk calculus," but I felt the need to say this and wasn't sure where else I could.
- Conditionality is good (usually).
- All theory arguments other than conditionality are (usually) a reason to reject the argument.
- Another disclaimer for LD debaters: I don't really end up judging a lot of friv theory debates, and I'm not sure I know how to judge these debates, but I recognize that LD and policy are pretty different so I'll do my best to put my own biases aside in these kinds of debates.
Topicality v Plans:
- Limits are awesome, but only if they are precise.
- I default to competing interpretations. Reasonability is not an argument if it is not coupled with a reasonable counter-interpretation.
- Topic disadvantages are great.
- The disadvantage should probably turn the case.
- Counterplans should be functionally and textually competitive.
- Process counterplans and consult counterplans probably do not compete.
- Word PICs probably do not compete.
- I will judge kick the counterplan unless I am told not to.
Kritiks/Planless Affs:
- Fairness is an impact.
- I am fine with any and all genres of kritikal literature. That said, I don't have an extensive background with every field of critical literature that debaters like to talk about, so I may not understand what you're saying unless you go out of your way to explain it.
- In K v K debates, make the interactions between different theories of power very clear. I will happily adjudicate these debates, but am likely to end up a little confused.
Millard North High School 23, UPenn 27
Competed in Extemp and Congress for 7 years
email - vikramsmenon@gmail.com
I don’t have much experience with national circuit LD, so please speak slower.
In general, I try to have an open mind to most arguments, just keep in mind that I debated on a pretty traditional circuit, and I am not as familiar with some of the more progressive debate styles. I've learned a lot in the past year about some of the more progressive debate, but I'm still not 100% confident in knowing all the ins and outs of certain styles. I will try and keep up with whatever debate I'm judging, but what I'm trying to emphasize is that I may not be able to comprehend a debate round where the debaters are using progressive jargon that I'm not familiar with.
I captained my high school Mock Trial team for three years and participated a fourth. Consider me a "competent lay"
Err truth but explained tech is fine
Defend the topic please
Flex prep is cool
In-depth explanation and judge instruction is very important
Quick pref sheet (this is based on what I am able to judge well, if you can explain your K to a lay judge, you're good)
- trad, larp (do NOT spread, I will not understand), lay
- phil
- structural ks
- identity ks
- pomo (a 2nr prob isnt sufficient to explain these to me AND win the round), theory (same), tricks
Presumption and permissibility default negates
Add me to the email chain: Speechdrop@gmail.com
Affiliations: Harvard Westlake (2022-)
TLDR: the debate space is yours and you should debate however you want. Don’t call me judge Jonathan and/or Meza is fine.
My GOATs: Shanara Reid-Brinkley, LaToya Green, Vontrez, Scott Philips, Kwudjwa
Shout out: CSUF Debate, CSULB Debate, LAMDL
I am probably considered a clash judge, (Policy v K) and (K v FW) are my favorite type of debates but I don’t mind evaluating (K v K) or Policy throwdowns. Theory and Phil debates hold a soft spot in my heart.
specific thoughts:
K: Please have a link. Framework heavy strategies have value but I am more convinced by a bigger link debate than framework no plan. That being said I don’t default to weighing the aff, or plan focus. Both sides should be able to win on either framework. Good K debating is good case debating when going for the kritik make sure to include how your links turn the case. Link contextualization is not just about explaining how the affirmatives use of the state is bad but how the underlining assumptions of the affirmative uniquely make the world worst this paired up with case take outs make for a real good NR Strategy.
FW: Clash > Fairness, but you can go for any impact you want. I appreciate carded TVAs. (K v FW) should center competing models, aff teams should have a counter interp and role of the negative as defense to T even if going for the impact turns. More convinced by impact turns than we meet. K affs should be in the direction of the topic but can be persuaded otherwise.
DAs: Should be fast and turn case. Strategic straight turns in response to disads are appreciated
Counter plans: I appreciate good competition debates. Functional > textual competition. Counterplans probably should have a solvency advocate but it is what it is. Good advantage counterplans are good.
T: Aff probably needs a counter interpretation. Standards should be impacted out
Theory: big fan. Theory page is the highest layer unless explained otherwise. Aff probably gets 1ar theory. Rvis are "real" arguments I guess. Warrant out reasonability. I am a good judge for theory, I am a bad judge for silly theory. Explain norm setting how it happens, why your norms create a net better model of debate. explain impacts, don't just be like "they didn't do XYZ voter for fairness because not doing XYZ is unfair." Why is it unfair, why does fairness matter I view theory a lot like framework, each theory shell is a model of debate you are defending why is not orientating towards your model a bad thing. Oh and if you go for theory, actually go for it do not just be like "they dropped xyz gg lol" and go on substance extend warrants and the story of abuse. Theory v Theory debates are fun but I need judge instruction as to how to evaluate the theory shells against each other and comparison between the scope and magnitude of the violations or which interpretation is best for debate or else I default on which ever violation came first.
LD Specific:
Phil: it is a valuable aspect of LD, that being said over explanation and Judge instruction is very important for me in these debates. I lean towards epistemic confidence. phil innovation is cool.
Trix: Trix your heart out but be clear and let me know what im voting on.
Speaks:I give them fr.
Assistant LD Coach for Peninsula HS
Exclusive framework interps are unpersuasive, I generally think the aff should get the plan and the neg should get links, but I am willing to evaluate either.
I do not flow off the document.
I feel somewhat comfortable evaluating deontological frameworks. I have less experience with other frameworks but will do my best to assess them fairly. However, I'm not the judge for strategies that rely heavily on 'tricks' or 'a prioris.'
I think most skepticism or 'permissibility' arguments are defense. I do not vote on defense.
I’m convinced by reasonability against all 1NC theory arguments.
I try to stay non-expressive during rounds. If I show any facial expressions, it is most likely unrelated.
There is no designated time for flow clarification during a debate. If you want to ask your opponent what was or wasn't read, you must do so during cross-examination or use your prep time. If you mark cards during your speech (i.e., if you start reading a card but do not finish it), you should clearly state where you marked it and send a marked document immediately after your speech. You are not required to include cards you did not read.
I do not have a specific metric for speaker points, but demonstrating a clear understanding of your positions and minimizing dead time are effective ways to improve your score.
usc '26 (NDT/CEDA Policy)
edina '23 (HS Policy)
Hi! My name is Sabeeh and I am a second year at USC. In high school I did policy on the MN and nat circ. I worked at NSD as an LD lab leader summer of 2023 & 2024. TLDR: I flow and will judge the round in front of me, regardless of my argumentative preferences.
Please add me to the chain -- sabeehmirza05@gmail.com
I will not vote for an argument that I do not understand or that I cannot explain at the end of the round. All of us will be unhappy with my decision.
I have no problem with speed, but you need to be clear. There should be a distinction between your card and tag voice. Give me an indicator if you are moving on to the next card (ie. AND, NEXT, etc).
I flow, and will evaluate arguments with an offense-defense paradigm. Speed is fine, paraphrasing evidence is not. I think sharing evidence is a good practice. I'm not super familiar with PF - I'm more than capable of evaluating your debate, but I am not in the loop on PF jargon/norms. Have the debate you want, and I will adapt to the best of my abilities.
General Stuff
I have gone for a big stick aff, a soft left aff, and a non-T/planless aff all in the same year - don't feel like you have to adapt for me. I will vote for anything that wins the flow so long as it does not compromise the safety of anyone in round.
I'll judgekick unless someone tells me not to. Not a ton that needs to be said here otherwise.
My knowledge and experience is mainly in set col, militarism/imperialism, security, and cap. I can evaluate other Ks, but will just need more explanations. I won't default to a "middle of the road" framework unless a debater introduces one, or unless the framework debate is truly irresolvable.
For kaffs: I've both read a kaff and gone for T against them -- I don't think that I am particularly picky on arguments. Kaffs need to be conscious of presumption -- I need to know what voting aff does and/or what it endorses. This should be the top of the 1ar and 2ar.
I will vote based off of the flow -- spreading through dense analytics is a bad idea.
1 - Policy
1 - Ks
2 - Trad
2 - Theory
4 - Phil and Tricks (will need HEAVY explanation and judge instruction)
*I will vote for tricks, but they need to be warranted when they are read and you need to be clear about the implication
My Paradigm:
Parent Judge
Background: Mechanical Engineering; Marketing Management; Data Architecture in Business/Data Analytics
I Look for these qualities among Debaters:
- Factual Evidence in Speech, well-supported arguments
- Mutual Respect for one another;
- respectful interruption on cross-examination is a skill every debater must have
- Staying in the context of the resolution
- if argument seems far-fetched, there must be a clear and defined link between the argument and your side of the resolution.
- Proper time management
- line-by-line analysis and extending arguments
- bring closure for arguments/summarize
I am a parent judge. If I don't understand your argument, I will not vote on it. You can moderately spread during the 1AC and 1NC (as long as you send the full doc) but please slow down during the 1AR, 2NR, and 2AR. Clear signposting and be very clear and considerably slow because I have hearing issues.
Add me to the email chain: helenmoon2005@outlook.com
For online debate, please speak slow and clear as I lose flow if audio issues occur and its easier to recover with slower pace. Keep your own time and be prepared to use the file share within NSDACampus video so process is streamlined and round is on time.
1 - Advs/DAs/CPs
Please be very clear and explicit about your link chain - do impact calculus and weighing against your opponent's arguments.
3 - Theory/Topicality
I will only vote on theory if there is actual abuse within the round. I will also vote on topicality if the negative proves why the aff is not topical and why that is a bad thing for debate.
3 - Kritiks
I understand generic kritiks such as capitalism and settler colonialism. Please do not read confusing kritiks that I will not understand. I will try to evaluate them to the best of my ability but there is a very unlikely chance that I will vote on them unless they are explained extremely well.
4 - Philosophy
Please do not read dense philosophy. If you do read philosophy, please explain it very well or there is a high chance that I will not understand it and I will not vote for it.
Strike - Tricks
Hello Competitors!
I am a parent judge with limited experience judging a debate round.
Please keep in mind the following:
1. Please please do NOT spread or rush . I like to write down points, if iam not then you are speaking too quickly.
2. Explain what you are saying clearly. Pretend as though I have no topic knowledge whatsoever.
3. Be respectful- don't say anything racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, etc.
4. If possible please add me to your email chain- narrapradeep@gmail.com
paradigm got wiped for some reason?
hi im vishnu. i debated at dulles for 4 yrs. i qualled to toc my senior yr w/ 10 bids and made semis.
Start on time. Email chains should be sent AT or before start time
i did every style of debate and am open to anything so do wtv u want just do it well.
and lastly, do NOT read smth just bcs u think i will like it
I don't have any real defaults and I hope I never have to default anything (do judge instruction)
If I don't hear smth I can't vote on it.
Did this a lot more my senior yr. Policy debaters tend to get the highest speaks in front of me. Love creative solvency deficits and process cps.
Like good competition debates but NEED you to slow down on perm texts.
Just do judge instruction
in policy v k rds i dislike strategies that are solely fwk + ext ow. i do believe the aff should get to weigh case tho
Like/know some pomo. I am not super familiar with most lit bases though so I need good judge instruction.
Hate long overviews. Yap less, lbl more.
Good for this.
Be clear and slow down, these debates are almost entirely analytic and sometimes unflowable
Whoever does the most weighing p much always wins.
I am pretty stingy. I like ppl being funny/sarcastic, good analogies, and strategies ive never seen before and will reward speaks.
You can lose speaks for docbotting, and being mean (in an unfunny way).
if ur hitting a novice don't be distastefully mean but don't hold back in terms of what u wanna read.
I am a parent judge.
no theory, no K's, no complicated phil, no tricks
DO NOT SPREAD, please speak clearly
Speech drop or Email
Experience:I participated in policy, LD, and NFA-LD (college LD), mainly reading phil and the k.
Judging Philosophy: Tech over Truth. I come into debate as a judge, educator, and learner — please feel free to perform as you would like to. Any argument with a warrant is an argument, regardless if I agree with it. Don't be sexist, racist, ableist (etc.) in round.
Speed is fine,I try to flow off the speech rather than the doc. Please don't zoom through analytics.
1 = pref me; 5 = strike me
K = 1
I love a K debate that is explained well, don't word salad. LBL>Long overview
cool w/ any lit base, but won't fill in explanations
I evaluate the K through whatever framing is given. Then I look to how the K interacts with the aff (turn, serial policy failure, etc).
cool w/ reps k's
Going for the alt isn't necessary. you can kick a cp and go for the da; you can kick the alt and go for links and fw.
If you go for the alt, it has to either: a) resolve the links or/and b) solve the aff.
K Affs= 1
I love K-affs,but I've equally voted for negative strategies that interacted with or explained the aff's theory of power better. It's not about what argument you've made, but rather how it interacts with your opponents.
K affs aren't different from "normal" debate: give me an impact that I can vote on, whether you are doing performance or reading heavy POMO.
TFW: I'm 50/50, not biased towards either: Tell me why fairness isn't an impact or tell me why fairness outweighs the k-aff's pedagogical benefits
LARP = 1
impact calc is important to my decision in these debates
Plan affs are fine
Counterplans are cool. The CP is just an opportunity cost da; tell me either how it solves some of case and produces a net benefit elsewhere or how it avoids some DA that outweighs the case.
- will judge kick the cp
- if you are using the CP to solve some of case, do the work of explaining how
Phil = 1
single standards are fine, don't think any meaningful clash happens in value-value debates
open to variety of non-consequentialist theories, but explain the implications of you winning framing
warrant explanations are especially important here, don't dump tag re-reads.
Theory = 2
don't be blippy
if you go for theory, collapse. I find that a 1 min abuse story in the last rebuttal is often unsubstantiated
eval theory through offense/defense
competing interp>reasonability
norms>actual abuse
friv theory is fine, but i'd prefer theory rooted in some substantive portion of debate, rather than germane norms like clothing. good = cp theory, topicality, plan-bad, alt theory, disclosure, x arg is violent for debate, 3-tier, etc
not preferred = chess, shoe, mask theory
Trix = 5
Trix = one line blips that auto-affirm/negate. They are not warranted and developed. I think this is distinct from skep or determinism which are more philosophically justified and warranted.
Just win a debate normally; strike me
PF Debate -
As an educator my role is to make sure the debate space is inclusive. I will take actions to ensure racist, sexist, anti-LGBT, and ableist arguments be not condoned within the round.
Framework - If you don't provide any, I'll assume cost-benefit analysis.
Extensions - Make sure your extensions are crystal clear and not blippy. If you want me to evaluate an argument it should be sufficiently explained.
Final focus and summary - Arguments that are presented in the summary should be consistent throughout the whole round. Make sure the arguments that you are going for in the summary exists in your final focus too.
Impact crystalization - Make sure you clearly crystalize the impacts of the round and weigh it against your opponents.
If my camera is off, don't start your speech. If you want to email me questions about your round, please do so with haste because I have an awful memory.
Email: okvanessan@gmail.com
Kapaun Mt. Carmel/Mount Carmel Independent '19. I did policy debate for four years.
University of Southern California '23. I did not compete but was still involved with the policy debate team.
Please be kind. I promise I'm not angry or upset, my face is just like that.
Again, I haven't competed since high school and I'm not as involved as I once was: this means I've forgotten lots of jargon and you will need to slow down a bit. The technical nuances of debate aren't as intuitive to me anymore so please explain the implications of your arguments more.
I don't really have any strong opinions on debate other than:
(1) be kind to your partner and opponents, and
(2) debate is a valuable activity and all argumentative styles that allow chances for contestation/clash are essential for that.
If you take time out of your own prep to delete analytics from constructives, you're only hurting yourself.
Feel free to email me with any further questions.
Do whatever as long as it's not repugnant. If you're unsure whether your argument falls under this category, then probably don't read it.
For what it's worth, I read mainly policy arguments in high school and am not super familiar with critical arguments. If you read the latter, you're going to have to explain your arguments more. Such debates are easier for me to follow if your strategy engages the impact level. Non-USFG affs should have a debate and ballot key warrant. I always went for framework, a topic disad if it linked, or an impact turn against such affs.
I think fairness is the best impact.
I think affs should get to weigh their plan and it will be an uphill battle to persuade me otherwise.
I know very little about the topic. Please keep this in mind if going for T.
I like impact turns. That does not mean death good. That does not mean wipeout. Please.
*LD note: I dislike RVIs.
Good luck! Have fun! Learn lots! Fight on!
As a judge, I strive for fairness, clarity, and adherence to debate rules. I value logical arguments supported by evidence, respectful conduct, and effective communication. I expect debaters to engage with each other's arguments, stay on topic, and avoid personal attacks. I prioritize substance over style and look for well-structured cases with clear impacts. I'm open to different debate formats and arguments but prefer quality over quantity. Overall, I aim to make informed, impartial decisions based on the merits of the arguments presented.
Hi, nice to meet you!
In short, I've been debating for a while so I will understand most jargon and stuff. Therefore, feel free to run most types of arguments, don't be mean or use harmful rhetoric in round, do do impact calculus, make sound and logical arguments, and tell me what to look for and vote for. Off time road-maps are a good idea.
I'm sure all you are amazing, but I study public health and am deathly afraid of germs, so please don't shake my hand!
If you would like more information about me or about how I process debate, continue reading here:
General/Important Things on How I Judge:
-Call all Points of Order(POOs)in the last speeches. I will protect the flow as much as I can but calling them is best.
-Content warnings are generally appreciated because we do not know the background of all the people in the room.
-I'm ok with counter-plans (CPs), theory, and kritiks (Ks) and whatever arguments you can make against them
-I am not an expert on theory or kritiks, but generally, I can keep up. Make sure that you are thoroughly explaining your theory and your kritiks regardless because debate is educational at its core.
-Speed is ok, but let everyone in the room know if you are going to spread. If your opponent is talking too quickly, please call CLEAR (this means to say clear in an assertive tone and is a signal for the other team to slow down). If you are talking too quickly and not enunciating to the point that I cannot understand, I will stop flowing.
-Tag-teaming is ok, but be respectful. If you are puppeting your partner to the point of it being obnoxious and rude, I will drop your speaker points.
-Point of Informations(POIs): I think that it is polite to take at least one if not two.
Background on Me:
-I debated through college. I was not super-competitive in high school, but I have won tournaments and medals in NPDA, IPDA, and speech during my gap year (taking classes at a local CC).
Case Debate:
-I will try to be as much of a blank slate as possible (tabula rasa). Meaning that I will not intervene with any of my knowledge to the best of my ability. That being said, if you are saying lots of untrue things it might affect your speaks.
-Please have a clean debate. The messier the round becomes the more I have to go through and pick over information which increases the likelihood of some judge intervention.
-A few isolated quips will not win you the round. Make the debate clean and make it tell a story.
-Again debate is about creating a narrative, so collapse down and create the most compelling narrative you can make.
-Make your arguments logical and make sure they work together (ie. Advantages or Disads that contradict each other really grind my gears and happen more often than you would think)
-It should make sense and be specific to the round.
-Throwaway theory is fine as long as you are specifically connecting it to what is happening in the round. (ie. don't run vagueness just to run vagueness, show me where the opponent is vague)
-Make your standards clear and explain it well. (Note: If you get a POI, I would suggest taking it.)
Kritiks: I think they are important to debate and I will listen to them, but because I am less familiar with them than some judges you might have, make sure you both thoroughly understand and can thoroughly explain your K.
-Do not make assumptions about others and do not run anything you already know is offensive and/or hurtful.
-People and emotions are more valuable than a win...and being offensive/causing emotional-damage probably won't get you a win.
-Like theory, make it specific to the round...please don't run something just to run it and not link it to the res.
-Please repeat the alt and take POIs. Ks can be hard and it is exclusionary not to make sure that your opponent understands what you are saying.
-Don't spread your opponents out of the round. If you are not clear or organized, it will be reflected in speaks or (depending on the severity) the way I vote.
-I will flow through what you tell me to and will vote on my flow. This means that you should emphasize arguments or links that you think are key to your Kritik.
Speaker Points: Generally, these are subjective...but I base them on a mix of strategy and style.
25: Please be more considerate with your words. You were offensive during round and I will not tolerate that because debate is about learning and it becomes very hard to learn if someone is not putting thought into their words (ie. please stop being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc).
26-26.9: Below average. Most likely there were strategic errors in round. Arguments were probably missing sections and did not have a ton of structure.
27-27.9: Average. General structure is down, but most likely the arguments were not flushed out and were loosely constructed with hard to follow logic.
28-28.5: Above Average. All the parts of debate are there and the manipulation of the arguments is there but unpolished. The basics are done well.
28.5-28.9: Superior. Very clear and very well done debate. However, most likely some strategic errors were made.
29-29.9: Excellent. Wow, you can debate really well. Good strategy and good analysis.
30: You were godly.
This paradigm was done really late, so it will be edited as I judge more.
Newark Science + Rutgers-Newark (debated for both)
Katy Cat: greenhilldocs.ld@gmail.com
P L E A S E - label email chains with the tournament, round + flight (if relevant), and teams. Something like "Newark Invitational R5 F2 - Newark Science TO [AFF] v RU-N OT [NEG]" would be great.
No SpeechDrop. Not kidding. I'm ideologically opposed. BUT I don't flow off docs (extra points if you don't either, it's a dying skill) so my opinion might not matter all that much but just gotta throw it out there.
Now the stuff you came for: If it matters, I've done basically every debate style, both HS and College, full spectrum of the library. I don't care much about what you read but there's some stuff at the bottom regarding that "much" part. Just remember, I'm an adult viewing the game, not participating in it. On this, you should enter the debate assuming I don't want to be there (you'll see why in the "Random" section) and that your job is to enter the room, not make me sad, win the debate, probably take some RFD notes, and then leave the debate -- all as efficiently as possible.
General things:
- Spreading is fine. Open CX is fine. Flex prep is fine. Inserted rehighlightings are fine. Cards in the body are fine. K affs are fine. F the topic affs are fine. Policy affs are fine. DA 2NRs are fine. CP 2NRs are fine. T/heory is fine. Impact turns are fine. 12 off 1NCs are fine. Trad debate is fine.I really don't have particular gripes with anything but feel free to ask me specifics before round.
- Good judge instruction please. Impact calc please. Make it as easy as possible for me to say "a win is a win and my flow is bond."
- Be good people. I'm not a licensed therapist but will do a wellness check and offer an ice cream spot but I hopefully won't have to do that.
Random things I feel the need to emphasize...
- Do not try to appeal to me as a person. I gave up my soul for a fun-sized Snickers bar years ago and anything that might've been left died when tournaments started abusing my obligation. In the same vein, I have a pretty good poker face because yes, I am probably bored with or apathetic to judging. Do not use my expressions, joyous or "angry" or otherwise as a meter for how you're doing.
- Hilariously though, I actually love this activity in its best form. I consistently dedicate my summers to debate/camp (Summer 2024 -- I was only home from for 8 days between May and September and it was because of a family emergency). I think debate is important and everyone needs to act like it or please let me leave and coach my kids!
- ^ Tangentially related to this, I am okay with if someone/team doesn't want to have a traditional round (like they want the round to be a dialogue or they want to flip a coin to decide the winner). I am not okay with having my time wasted so everyone needs to get on the same page quickly about what my role is, how I should decide/vote, etc. so I can leave and be human for a bit.
The below thoughts are my attempt to change the panels I've been on/what I've been adjudicating...
- Strategic thinking is good. Sometimes debates have to get a little bit messy to show the judge the whole chess board but as long as you're instructing, it's all good. Don't be afraid! If your speech ends and I'm thinking, "oh man, that was smart" or "that was silly but well executed," that's good and you'll probably be rewarded (even if it means I have to sit through a "they dropped condo" 2AR).
- A lot of you believe that you can do tricks. You can't. It's annoying to hear. This is not an invitation to try and do it well in front of me. You're not that guy (general phrase, not a gender question) so I don't want to hear it.
- Many of you lack a conception of time and the physical limits of the body. You think your judges aren't tired after judging double flights all day and can blaze at top speed and then that you're justified being upset at decisions. That's silly.
DON'T STEAL PREP. IF A TIMER IS NOT RUNNING (speech, cx, prep time) YOU SHOULD NOT BE PREPPING (looking at docs, typing, writing)
Email: okunlolanelson@gmail.com [Add me to the chain]
About me: I debated in Texas mostly in LD and did a little Policy. Had a short stint for Northwestern debate (GO CATS). If you're reading quickly before a round, read the bold.
General/Short version:
- No you cannot "Insert re-highlighting." This is an awful practice. Don't do it.
- Tech > Truth
- Line by line > Overviews but the best debaters will combine both.I'm not a good judge for debaters that don't engage in the line by line.
- Asking for a marked doc comes from your prep if it wasn't egregious, but their prep if it was (i.e they marked 15 cards without saying what words they marked it at). Please get better at flowing. Free game: You should be flowing by ear and not off the doc and the doc should be used for reference and evidence validation.
- Judge instruction GOOD. REALLY GOOD.
- I will evaluate the debate objective but assume I know very little about ANYTHING. It is your obligation to extend and explain your position. Not my job to read it and explain it for you.
- I won't kick the CP for you unless you tell me to *AND JUSTIFY* why I should.
- If its a Policy throwdown, please slow down a bit in those final speeches. Remember I know little about ANYTHING. This is mostly for LD since shorter speeches/rounds means less time to explain those [internal] links.
- I'm not flowing of the doc. I only even glance at the document in 2/100 debate. Doc flowing has destroyed this activity incentivizing ATROCIOUS clarity and rhetorical practices and bad flowing skills for debaters. It is YOUR job to extend and explain your evidence, not my job to read it Clarity is axiomatic.
- PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SLOW DOWN on analytics, tags, interpretations, plan/cp text, theory. You can go as fast as you want on the card body. You folks are UNFLOWABLE (see above)
- Debate whatever and however you want. Go all out and do your thing, just DO NOT be violent or make the space unsafe.
- Frame your impacts and weigh your impacts. No one wins their framework anymore. Its a shame. It would make debates atleast 37% easier to decide.
- Errr on the side of explanation and slow down a bit for dense [analytic] philosophical debates. I do not have a PhD in philosophy.
- I don't care to see a bad theory debate. I do not want to invest mental or physical energy deciphering an incoherent bad theory debate. i.e "evaluate the debate after the 1AC" be forreal. You still have to respond to bad theory arguments though (shouldn't be terribly hard)
- You will auto-lose if you clip cards or falsely accuse. You will auto-lose for evidence ethics violations
- A good speech consists of judge instruction, overview, line by line, and crystallization (and obviously strategy). Good speeches = good speaks. Rhetoric and Persuasion is important.
- I don't care how far away or close to the topic you are but you must justify your practice. Skills, fairness, impact turns, all that is cool.
- For "non-T" affs vs T, I need you to account for/interact with your opponents impact. If I am simply left with a fairness/skills impact vs the impact turns and no interaction between the 2 and no Top Level framing issues, I will be forced to intervene. (This is bad for affirmatives because fairness is *probably* *somewhat* good)
- I zone out alot in CX. Please grab my attention for an important concession.
- For Policy debate, just don't assume I know some jargon, norm, or innovative strategy and err on the side of explanation.
- Don't get too **graphic** on descriptions of antiblack violence (or any violence for that matter). Trigger warnings are welcomed and encouraged.
- Referencing college teams or other teams doesn't really get you anywhere, "our models allows for Michigan vs Berkeley debates" I simply do not know or care about these teams
- If you need to know something specifically ask before the round.
- Good luck, do your thing, and have fun!
Hey friends!
TLDR; 10+ years of experience coaching and competing in all formats of debate and all styles (traditional and progressive). I'm fairly open-minded to any argument that is well justified and I'm going to vote for the team that paints the best picture via their impact comparison. I want you to write my ballot for me in your closing arguments. Also please note I will not vote on any argument that isn't extended in your final speeches. If you want me to vote on something you need to extend it and tell me why I'm voting for it. Other than that, just have fun, debate is your space.
*Speaker points are arbitrary but here’s something that isn’t: If you give all of your speeches without reading cards, I’ll give you a 30 as a baseline (may still deduct a bit from this for certain things). Of course, please refer to cards and summarize your them in your own words. Evidence debate has led to people not listening to each other’s arguments and IMO it’s net worse for debate. Constant powertagging means paraphrasing theory is probably irrelevant (but I’m very open to criticisms that a team said that a card said something that it didn’t)
Here are just a few specifics about my philosophy, feel free to ask about more:
On Evidence:
I believe there is far too much emphasis on evidence in many rounds of LD and CX as of late. Cards are important for backing up a claim which specifically needs evidence (think statistics, quotes, etc). Some folks are quick to dismiss their opponent's arguments by saying "no evidence" without actually responding to the merit of the argument. Conversely, the overemphasis on evidence has made some students afraid to get up and make an argument simply because they don't have a card on it. Perhaps it is because of my background in NPDA, but I strongly believe that many claims can be made and warranted via analytics and in fact that these arguments are even preferable because they demand that debaters think on their feet and respond to the argument specifically instead of searching desperately for a card that may or may not actually verify the claim they want to make. An argument has 3 parts: Claim, Warrant, Impact. A card is one type of warrant but historical and or/material analysis is another which is just as valid and I encourage debaters to make whatever argument occurs to them so long as they can warrant said argument.
On Strategy:
In general, I don't care what you read. Debaters should make their own strategy and use whatever they think is competitive. That said, I am of the opinion that "6 off" strategies tend to be uncompetitive because no arguments are really developed and I will lean towards skepticism of neg blocks which develop a lot of new arguments because their initial constructives refused to engage the debate in depth. Quality tends to prevail strategically over quantity but I won't impose this belief onto you, if you think 6 off is more strategic, then prove it and I'll vote for it if you win. There is no K, CP, or theoretical argument I will reject outright on principle. Some arguments are likely more theoretically legitimate than others (An uncondo K is probably pretty alright and 8 condo delay CPs may not be) and some arguments are certainly more true than others but what I think is irrelevant in context of what is said in the round. Whatever it is you decide to go for, I do believe "collapsing" is good and makes debates simpler and also that arguments should be explained in context of one another. That's to say, how does "straight-up" make sense of the K, how does theory make sense (or not make sense) of the Aff, so on and so forth. Framework is the most important aspect of debate (followed by links). Tell me what my role as a judge is or the role of my ballot is and precisely how I ought to use it. I want to do as little as possible when writing my ballot and want as much of the argument as possible to be framed and explained for me. You should understand the difference between defense and offense and recognize that defense does not independently win rounds. Defense can empower offense but is not sufficient in and of itself to overcome any offense which improves upon the status quo.
*As an updated addendum to this, I would strongly prefer not to vote on violations that are alleged to occur outside of a debate round.
** A second addendum on theory - in light of some rounds that have occurred in early 2023, I'm realizing that in a debate that collapses to theory where theory truly feels like a wash, I think I'm preferring to flip to the team that didn't go for theory. This means you should use theory with me in instances that truly feel abusive. This is not to say that I won't vote on potential abuse, but it is to say you better win your shell convincingly if you intend to collapse on potential abuse
On Speed:
In general, I don't mind speed. I used to debate quite quickly, I listen to every podcast in the world on 2.0, and one of my previous partners was probably one of the fastest there ever was. That said I don't think speed should be a tool of exclusion and I do think there is a point at which speed is used (especially in evidence style debates) as a tool to lazily "warrant" an argument by reading cards that don't say what you say they say in the tagline and just hoping no one notices. Obviously, you should slow down to read taglines but even when you're "spewing" out the actual card, it should be comprehensible. This is especially true in a world of online debate which can become particularly hard to understand. I've watched some judges in a panel be too afraid to clear/slow when no one can understand a word someone is saying (especially in online debate). To be clear: I am not afraid to clear/slow you. Clear means speak more clearly, slow means I need you to slow down. I'm much more likely to say clear than I am slow as I want to hear the merits of your cards so if the card becomes an issue in a debate I can actually hear what you read. I don't mind going back to read a card that is contested but I also think that as soon as I start spending time outside the round reading, I'm now being asked to input my interpretation of what I read and apply it to what the debaters said. This quickly begins to violate the so-called "path of least resistance" that most judges are looking for. As such, my preference is to evaluate what I understood and hopefully not have to go back and read. It's the responsibility of debaters to make sure that what they're arguing is understood by the judges to the maximum extent possible. Spewing out a card at a speed you can't handle without slurring your words does not accomplish this goal. You'll get a lot further spending your time making coherent arguments everyone can understand than you will spitting nonsense to make fake claims.
*As an addendum to this, this issue has gotten a lot worse since I first wrote my paradigm. And frankly, at the highest levels (CEDA), we now see debate starting to slow back down. Honestly, I'm starting to feel like this is my preference. I'm not going to punish anyone for spreading, and I don't need you to speak your case at 2mph, "2.0 podcast" is a pretty good speed. My highest priority is understanding. Look, we are talking about some really in-the-weeds ideas in some of these debates. Debate will inevitably bastardize almost any philosophy, but I think you're going to do a lot more just interpretation of it when you slow down enough to actually explain your position and how you resolve the issues in and out of round.
If you ask me for prep, I'm just going to run your time, it's up to you to keep track of how much you're using. Flex prep is fine, but if you're going to do it, please ask your opponent and establish it at the beginning of the round. I've had some debaters ask me if flex is OK after their opponent already used some or all of their prep and this seems unfair to me. If you make an argument in CX, make sure you actually put it on the flow during your speech time.
PLEASE provide me a copy of all texts (Plans, counterplans, perms, alts, interpretations, etc)
West High 2020'
University of Utah 2024'
B.S Economics
B.S Political Science
One of my core principles about debate is accepting a variety of arguments, so I encourage that students have in their strategy whatever they are comfortable running and won't let any of my predispositions or bias of an argument affect my views of the debate, so I default to tech > truth unless told otherwise.
BUT over the few years I have encountered two positions that seem to be an uphill battle for me.
1) Conditionality -- I have a firm belief that conditionality is vital for negative teams to have an effective strategy in any debate. Please posit a reason why
2 Ks without ANY case defense -- Unless you are making you link you lose arguments on framework. I have a hard time evaluating the K when there is a huge risk of the aff.
Debate is a game at its core but can be easily convinced otherwise. I have run primarily k affs during my junior and sophomore year and only well versed in cap and security. I typically went for policy arguments and framework as a 2N. I enjoy watching the affirmative make clever counter interpretations to eliminate or at least minimize offense on framework, coupled with link or impact turns to the negative model of debate.
Labeling of arguments has become increasingly important to me. It is the clearest way to communicate what argument you are extending for me.
I try to follow this rubric for deciding speakers.
Specifically, I look for line by line clarity and organization, overall argument deliberation, and awareness in the debate, in that order. I also reward good disclosure practices on your caselist and in round, so let me know if you believe you meet those criteria, so I can reward you. :)
I have not debated in years, and judge on and off, but I try my hardest, and I am not Michael Wimsatt BUT I do take Judge instruction VERY seriously.
First year out, debated 3 years ld 1 year pf and dabbled in policy at Charlotte Latin
I will dock massive speaks if you pretend to not know something you clearly know in cross x.
30 speaks to anyone running a funny arg I like
Add me to the email chain: alaricpan@gmail.com
For elim rounds:
If 1/3 or more of the judges on the panel are lay/trad judges (I will err towards trad if there is any ambiguity), then I will drop anyone who spreads or runs prog args. In terms of how I define prog args, phil is fine, but anything more esoteric than non-crazy Kant is too much, and counterplans are fine as long as they're not PICs, advantage CPs, process CPs, and the like.
tech --X--------------------- truth
t-fw -----------X------------ k-aff
no cards ---------------X-------- all the cards
presumption ----------X------------- doesn't vote on presumption
not your Baudrillard -------------------X---- yes your Baudrillard
conversation speed --------X--------------- super speedy
no condo --------X--------------- 5 condo positions
RVIs -----------------X------ no RVIs
signpost -X---------------------- jumping to random stuff on the doc
k first --------------X--------- theory first
I would recommend pseudo-spreading rather than going anywhere near your max speed in front of me. I don't debate in college, so I'm not used to 400 wpm anymore. I can handle speed if you're clear, but spread at your own risk as I will look at the doc, but I will not be flowing purely from the doc, and if it's not on my flow, it didn't happen. Also, SLOW DOWN ON TAGS, CARD NAMES, AND ANALYTICS.
Love the k, but don’t assume I know your lit. In high school, I’ve read security, setcol, critical legal studies, cap, and Baudrillard. That said, you will probably need to explain stuff more in front of me since I’m not really debating anymore.
I also tend to have a low threshold for alt solvency as I see Ks as an epistemological indict on the aff rather than some sort of act of revolution although if you want your K to function that way, tell me and I will judge it that way, but you’ll be increasing my threshold for alt solvency. This is really just a long way of saying that I think reject alts are legit.
K aff/T-fw
Go ahead although I’m not as enthusiastic about it as for neg. If it's non topical, please be clear on why you need to read your K.
I don't think TVAs are necessary to winning T-fw, but they will make your life much easier.
Love phil, but like the K, don't assume I know your lit. I've read Kant and libertarianism. Epistemic modesty is dumb, I will vote based on what framework is winning on the flow. Granted, if your opponent doesn't respond to it at all, I do have to buy it.
Against the K, I do think you can and should weigh your fw against the K.
Against tricks, just say "they read tricks, tricks are dumb," and I'll drop all the tricks (not the debater). Read them if you want, but I'm probably not voting on them unless your opponent completely misses all of them somehow. That said, I will never vote on tricks that aren't in the doc.
That said, skep + presumption/permissibility is fine as long as it's run more like a framework with a very clear structure. I think of it as phil + paradigm issues.
Theory/friv theory
Go ahead, I'm not a theory judge, nor was I a theory debater, but I'll vote on it. I don't like theory that's read just to win the round, but I will vote on it. Please weigh standards, it's annoying when I have to do it for you, and you may not like the result if I do. My threshold for a response to friv theory is basically the same as my threshold for tricks.
Also, I expect a full shell, not like 2 blippy sentences that say something is a voting issue and speedrun some jargon.
I default to competing interps, DTD, no RVIs.
Interp text must be in the doc even if you are extemping the rest of the shell.
DO NOT READ DISCLOSURE THEORY ON PEOPLE READING STOCK ARGS. Go ahead if you don't know in the 1AC, but if the 1N is just stock args, I'm not voting on it.
Pretty much the same as theory, but I default reasonability here, and don't read T on people running whole res unless you have a really good reason for doing so.
This is probably the most boring style of debate to me, but if it's your thing, don't feel like you need to do anything different as I can judge it well. The only thing I'll say is that I have a somewhat low threshold for responding to dumb counterplans; take that however you will. Also, I will not judge kick counterplans for you.
It's a pretty simple event. I can handle speed. Theory is cool, but I have a much higher threshold for buying it than in LD, so save it for legitimate abuse. If you want, you can read a K, but please actually understand it.
Look to my ld stuff. The only difference is that I have a higher threshold for buying theory, a lower threshold for buying T, and I don't dislike dumb counterplans as much in policy.
Lamdl alumni,
Debated for bravo medical magnet high school.
The first few years I ran mainly policy affs and negs, then my last year I ran a k aff on chicana feminism, and set col/cap ks on the neg.
Disclose as soon as possible pls.
Debate should be fun so run what you like (however any hurtful arguments will not be tolerated).
i think i hate spreading now?
recently debaters have been unflowable through the analytics/blocks/standards, make sure youre very clear because if I dont hear it I cant flow it
Be respectful, nice and have fun!
add me to the email chain please: pantojaasenat@gmail.com.
Policy affs
I ran policy affs my first few years of debate. Make sure you’re winning your solvency and preferably a framing argument as to why the aff is important within this space.
For the neg, case turns ! also solvency deficits.
Ks & k affs
I like them. This however doesn’t mean I know all about them so make sure you really explain your theory of power and really flesh out your links. If you want to win the alt, make sure everyone knows what your alt actually does. Specific aff links> generic links, 1 off K with a lot of substance are probably some of the best debates. In terms of framework make sure its clear why your interp should be preferred,
Make sure your CP is competitive with the aff and you have a good net benefit.
I get easily persuaded by good permutations, so make them and also don't drop them (both sides).
Make sure to explain that your disads ow the aff. impact calc! On the aff, link turns!
education>fairness. Make sure you’re contextualizing your impacts to the round and the space.
Hello debaters!
I am Byoung Chul Park. Since I am a parent judge, I would like it if you all talked slowly and clearly explain arguments.
Please disclose your cases and rebuttals, and I would like it if you do not read advanced theoretical/philosophical arguments.
Judging Criteria - Organization, Evidence, and Refutation.
Add me to the email chain: mekbp1004@gmail.com
In a round, I prefer loud, clear, concise speech. I appreciate arguments that get to the point and spoken relatively slowly and clearly. Empirics are extremely important. I am a parent judge so I will not be familiar with debate jargon, as such, I am much more likely to vote on arguments that are thoroughly explained.
Please speak clearly and not too fast. Have logical connections between your arguments and impacts.
The following paradigm is fairly exhaustive because my investment as a judge is equally (if not more) important than what y’all do as competitors. If my feedback is subpar, the work and effort you all put in is a waste. Ultimately, the following novel is not meant to intimidate, but rather to aid in how the debate can be elevated. I look forward to being a part of the art of communication through debate in each round and best of luck!
Tl;dr I have AuDHD so like, use that to your advantage ^.^
General Background:
I was the assistant debate and forensics coach at the University of Richmond, where I also obtained a B.A. in Philosophy. I have over ten years of experience as a competitor and four as a collegiate coach in six styles of debate (PF, LD, Policy, Congress, Parliamentary, and Long Table) and over a dozen speech events. I competed with and against international teams that are a part of the CIDD and German circuits and am a member of the VAFTDC (Virginia Association of Forensics, Theatre, and Debate Coaches). Additionally, I have/had involvement with Future Problem Solvers, Model UN, theatre, and improv. Given the scope of my background, a lot of my preferences concentrate on the art of rhetoric and communication within debate rather than a purely technical focus (truth>tech). That said, I try to also respect the difference between norms and rules given the breadth of the debate realm and appreciate the evolving structure of the debate realm.
Now, I work as a freelance contractor for various orgs ranging from consulting, activism, music therapy, among others. I have extensive work within the legal system despite not being a lawyer and am a bit disenchanted with the process as a whole given how much of it relies on schmoozing, rhetoric, and "likability".
If I were to impart any knowledge on y'all, it would be the emphasis on networking and knowing what "right time, right place means". You MAY be correct to morally assert that slavery is wrong (because, and this is important, IT IS!!!)
There is a sick reality that judge's opinions matter and you need to be able to play the game in a way that salvages a sense of humanity while maintaining your own integrity and, honestly, everything outside of straight up lying is fair game. I have been in multiple scenarios where the "logic" comes down to how much the judge "believes" in human rights and that's just the tea, folx. Be kind, be honest, and have integrity in what you say.
Winning is only a part of the game.
If you ACTUALLY care, here's a leveling system if you want honest feedback, otherwise, good luck figuring out how the game is played on your own; your IRL judges won't give a flying fluck what you think:
Degree of Judge Difficulty
1- You’re a soft adorable baby and I am a loving grandparent who will love pretty much anything you say as long as it sounds genuine/funny. I think dad jokes are ACTUALLY funny. (2)
2- I know how to read. Please just don’t obviously lie and I’ll buy almost anything. ~Kind~ of gullible (9)
3- Sound like you belong in college and don’t be an arsehole and I’ll give you the W (it’s a popularity contest, like how life is a lot of the time) (3)
4- She’s ideal! The perfect level of attentive and caring to give a slit but not enough where you can’t fool them into believe just about anything as long as it sounds good. Favoritism will work well here. Make them feel like they’re the only girl in the world!!!! (4)
5- Do an aVeRAgE job and I will like you. Imagine I’m goldilocks and tell me I’m like, REALLY pretty (devil’s advocate and more of the “norm” for the common person. It’s the ~vibe~ bro)- Equalizer
6- Almost exclusively based on logic unless you can REALLY tug on my heartstrings and then I’m a mess. Kind of all over the place and has super niche interests that might make or break you but they’re definitely not going to fall for your schmoozing. Good luck ^.^ (it’s best to make them laugh because then it builds trust- just make sure it’s genuine haha) (6)
7- I like the holistic evaluation of whatever makes me ~feel~ seen AND heard. I’m smart but not smart enough to fight you too hard on anything so just don’t take advantage of my kindness because if you seem smarmy I will resent you forever. (7)
8- I am the most intense alpha male you will meet and the bar is so high that my confidence will make you hate me a little even if you respect my decision (I am the judge, after all). I will not be afraid to enforce the rules and be firm with my discretion. Imagine I’m a chaotic originalist because if it’s new information to me, be VERY careful (and creative!) with how you word things ;) (8)
9- I have autism and specialized knowledge about almost anything you could ever bring up and if I don’t know, I will ABSOLUTELY pore over your evidence to see if you’re right and if you’re not I’m not afraid to walk you through the logic train of why I think you’re wrong. I’m fairly agreeable just please don’t take advantage of my kindness (this is basically who I am as a person) (5)
10- We are adults and I have STRONG opinions about things. I will be a conglomerate of the most vile judges and people you can imagine is morally permissible. I am finicky about my own made up rules and morality. Use the wrong word? I hate you arbitrarily and you are now at the mercy of whatever favor I want. I am willing to make you cry if you push me. I am smarter than you and I will never let you forget that (reminder: this is a GAME and not who I really am ;) (1)
Feel free to e-mail me any questions: itehexael@gmail.com before or after the round. I won't really entertain questions immediately prior to the round because I figure, if you don't care about the topic enough to prep properly, why should I?
Main Paradigm:
Kindness is key. The purpose of debate is to expand upon ideas with good faith intentions and find ways to coherently communicate and critique nuanced topics. That said, there are certain truths that are generally held to be accepted as true (things should be logically consistent, all people should be treated humanely, opinions cannot replace facts though can be considered as informing perspective and bias, etc.). Especially given the current political climate, a healthy level of skepticism and grace should always be extended without resorting to ad hom attacks or broad sweeping generalizations. This guiding principle is something that can be utilized throughout our existence, which is what makes debating so valuable as a life skill.
I am sick of wasting time during round calling for cards in varsity rounds. I heavily suggest utilizing disclosure theory which means if your case is not presented in full and a card is asked for, I will run prep if it takes longer than 15 seconds.
Extinction arguments (re: nuclear war) are a losing battle and while it is not a guaranteed loss, know that we live in a world where that it is so statistically unlikely, it does not provide a compelling argument. Death is not a threat if it is inevitable, it's the suffering that we fear. If you're going to run existential cases, you're better off pointing to cyber warfare, capitalism/totalitarianism, economic downfall, or human rights cases since that has more tangible, concrete impacts. Yes, death is a major factor to consider, but I don't lose sleep over dying in an all-out nuclear war considering that we live in a capitalist hellscape that makes existence make death seem like an escape sometimes. I've LITERALLY been homeless. Don't tell me how hard my life could be worse outside the status quo. I already hate it here and sometimes death is a release.
Some things of note:
-Avoid personal phrases. Frame things as an objective pontification instead with “if/then” statements and “the affirmative/negative’s position claims…”
-Be honest about mistakes both in ownership and forgiveness. If a point is dropped, concede and find ways to move forward. Additionally, don’t take critiques personally and recognize the difference between norms and rules. It may impact the debate scoring or decision depending on how egregious the instance is. Debate is a holistically judged sport!
-Clarity is key. Making assumptions leads to a lot of miscommunication and though I may have experience in a lot of different backgrounds, I am human as well. Revel in the fact that you are the go-to expert in the room!
-Organization helps with everyone. Signposting and roadmaps are highly encouraged. Roadmaps are also more than just saying you’ll “touch upon the opponent’s contentions and expanding upon your own”. Being able to identify features of clash, impact calculus, voters, and what kind of debate it is (value, definition, evidence, contention, etc.) will help elevate the overall effect of presentation.
Case Sharing and Sources/Citations- It is not required to share the entire case with the opponent. However, it is in good faith to at least allow access to specific portions used and it is mandatory to share cards when asked. Though I do not like evidence shoving and card-based debates, it does not look favorable if you cannot provide adequate support of a claim. Sourcing is also important and when giving a piece of evidence, understanding the methodology and ideas of empiricism and epistemology are key in demonstrating an adequate understanding of the citations provided.
Speaker Points (from a 20-30 scale)- I rank on a bell curve structure that is fairly reflective of the indicated suggested ranking (poor, average, good, excellent, and outstanding). This may skew points in overall standing but also indicates that a score of 29 or 30 is truly earned. As long as the argument is clear (organizationally and orally), use up the majority of the time, are able to identify each necessary piece (value, VC, and contentions), the score should range from 23-27 based on other factors such as fillers (“uh” and “um”), dropped arguments, rebuttals, and overall ability to crystalize the argument. Rarely will I award anything lower than 22 unless the speeches are incomplete, there is a conduct issue, or the debate is entirely conceded. Conversely, scores in the upper echelon effectively demonstrate mastery of presentation (little to no fillers, solid stance and projection of voice, able to command the room without seeming too aggressive), expansive understanding of the topic at hand and evidence presented (clean links and warrant), and excelling at the art of rhetoric and argumentation theory via things such as voters, impact calculus, and word economy. Know that if you obtain a score of 28 or above, I am genuinely impressed!
Key judging elements I look for: Value/VC, Definitions, Framework, Theory, Analysis, CX, CBA
Plans, Kritiks (K), Fiats, and Theory- Though I recognize the validity (and growing usage) of “progressive” LD, I tend to follow a more traditional outline. I think plans and Kritiks (Ks) have their place as long as they don’t deviate too far from the topic at hand and provide explicit tie into solvency, inherency, and the overall framework/paradigm at hand. Your plan should also FOLLOW the establishment of contentions and general framework. PRE-Fiats also tend to be used in ways to derail the debate by completing sidelining the resolution at hand. POST-Fiats are totally fair game as long as it is still relevant and topical. The structure should not hinge upon a theory argument considering that the Value/VC is contingent.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you run a plan that indicates we should ignore philosophical/moral theories in favor of political and pragmatic ones (there is a painful irony within this notion) or appeal to theory as an end-all-be-all (save for very VERY limited exceptions), I will automatically dismiss your case. This is a particular problem because I have seen a butchered interpretation of some major theorists despite having good intentions. That said, it does no good to spread misinformation and accountability of knowledge is of utmost importance. In short, all politics is based off of theory, and using Rawls’ “original position” and “veil of ignorance” does not necessarily absolve you of that burden just because some antiquated dead white dude said it’s possible to be enlightened while conveniently ignoring the fact that We Live In A Society™. I also do not have the patience for Ks that purport a resolution being dismissed on the notion that it's inherently "racist, sexist, queercist, ableist, etc". We exist on a platform that is intrinsically rooted in privilege and if you're going to push an Oppression Olympics argument, no one wins and it defeats the purpose of debate. We all have something to learn through our own personal adversity and it is not productive discounting a person's opinion solely because they may be more or less privileged than you. Extinction arguments are also extremely annoying and offer nothing unique or interesting to the debate since it assumes a fallacious slippery slope scenario that is almost never rooted in reality. That said; use all of these suggestions at your own discretion. Remember, COVID still exists and has long term effects ;)
Framework, Paradigms/Observations, Disadvantages (Disads), and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)-
FRAMEWORK IS IMPERATIVE. If you do not give definitions, context, paradigms and/or observations, you leave the debate wide open for attacks or gaps to be filled either by the opponent or my own implicit biases. I will do my best to remain objective but if certain norms are expected, I will default to my own inferences of the topic at hand. Paradigms are important for context and should be given if the resolution is vague. For instance, is this topic Americentric or global? What is the status quo? Is there a timeframe? Though not necessary, those that include a sort of paradigm or observation within their framework generally tend to fare better. Remember what happens when people assume things :) Disads are also helpful when identified adequately for the rebuttal and rejoinder speeches. For me, CBA should be a general default when debating a topic. Debate is about exploring the nuances of the argument since most things are not black and white. Do not assume (again, there’s that word), my background in Philosophy means I favor a political or social case over an economic one though econ arguments do provide a good sense of impacts and concrete metrics. If one side demonstrates favorable merit and a cleaner link to the resolution at hand, it does not matter what flavor of argument is presented. I will vote and have voted for arguments that go against my own personal beliefs if/when they are conveyed well.
Flex Prep/CX Flow- I allow Flex Prep (shifting prep time for CX time) but only if both parties agree to its usage before the round starts through explicit consent. Additionally, I DO flow CX since I think it has a purpose in the debate and demonstrates a person’s ability to elevate the contentions. A good CX can make or break a round and help give additional points based on oratory skills.
Roadmaps/Signposting- Please use them and refer to the main paradigm section above.
Public Forum:
Key judging elements I look for: Definitions, Framework, Analysis, crossfire, CBA, well-composed rebuttal, summary, and final focus speeches
The use of spreading, plans, and Kritiks (Ks) are antithetical to PF debate given the fact that it is understood as the most accessible form of argumentation to a layperson. That said, there should be heavy emphasis on analysis and warrant and not just evidence shoving. Given the rapid back and forth of this style of debate, the expectation is to be a kind of “mini-expert” of a topic with an intimate understanding of certain terms and elements related to the resolution and disseminated quickly. CBA is expected though not always necessary depending on the resolution. Use theory sparingly.
Definitions- these are imperative for framework. If you do not define the scope and context of this debate, it is impossible to create a basis for why the contentions uphold the resolution.
I DO FLOW AND HEAVILY WEIGH CROSSFIRES. The main appeal and, imo, fun part of PF is the “real world” aspect of having a rapid back and forth conversation. A person’s ability to adequately talk about a controversial topic with a level head means just as much as being “right” about a situation or topic.
Given how most constructive cases are prepared, the main weighing mechanism for me is how well people can utilize impact calculus (magnitude, feasibility, timeframe, and probability) and voters (evidence weighing, contention clash, definition debate) by the end of the debate. The best debates are those who are able to find the common thread and main clash of the debate (usually by establishing a CBA).
Rhetoric Scoring: I often award low point wins to team with creative or more personable approaches rather than stock cases because I think it's important to reward people who think creatively and critically rather than pushing a case that was probably cultivated through online forums/briefs or coaches themselves (let's be real here...). I don't care if you sound smart. I care if you soundaccessible.This is PF. If you want to sound like a pretentious nutwit (rightfully!) go do Policy.
Key judging elements I look for: Plan building, heavy evidence usage, links/warrants/analysis
Policy, to me, is what the highest and most refined debate should be. Pulling from all other disciplines (the oratory, bill building, and procedural skills of Congress, the theory and analysis skills of LD, the evidence and case building of PF, and the impromptu style of Parli and Long Table). Any and all aspects of the above topics are fair game as long as it’s in good faith. Though policy is, admittedly, my least favorite and least familiar debate style, I appreciate the craft and some of my favorite rounds have been in policy though it is a beast to understand and an even bigger feat to master so hats off to those who compete in one of the most profound forms of debate!
Spreading- Please do not spread. The art of debate is about communication and a person’s ability to have an impressive wpm does not promote adequate expansion of complex ideas and is antithetical to the spirit of argumentation. I will doc points if I cannot flow properly due to speaking too quickly. If I cannot physically fully follow the argument, I cannot award adequate points.
The quote, "Politics is perception" is especially true for this form of debate. The showmanship and ability to present a topic in only three minutes is a powerful tool that is heavily based on the speaking style and engagement with the entire chamber. The focus on evidence is not as important but I typically look for at least one source per contention. I only recommend one since I think that the quality of analysis is more important than the quantity of sources. Being able to address the bill or resolution specifically will also elevate the overall impression and score. Back and forth debate is obviously the ideal though as long as it's not too lopsided, I don't mind doubling of one side occasionally. As long as people are respectful and communicative without stepping on too many toes, I'm a fairly lax judge.
From a Parliamentarian's standpoint, being able to take up space confidently without suffocating the room is a delicate balancing act. Being eager to participate without stifling others is also key in the communal aspect of Congress. Efficient chambers are nice, but if the room becomes too tense, it sucks all the joy out of the event. PO scores tend to be a bit more inflated due to the extra burden of tasks though top scores almost always come from those who give incredible speeches.
Given the nature of Parli debate, it is understood that pretty much anything goes. The notion of this debate is meant to be elevated but also accessible so I don't have as many constraints considering the (assumed) maturity of collegiate level debate. That said, I do like to see a person's ability to merge the ability of a solid orator with that of a logical common thread. Though I try to remain unbiased, I will also be tempted to fill in gaps if references are made without adequate sourcing due to the nature of this debate.
QUOTE ROUND: I'm fine with either leaning into the resolution from a literal interp of a quote or a broader context of what certain norms and systems mean through theory and storytelling. Use your own discretion.
Other notes: I have a humanities degree so advanced econ theory and neuroscience is probably going to go over my head (though I will give it the good old college try!). International Politics is also not something I'm particularly well-versed in. I am but one human on a planet of almost 8 billion with over 200 municipalities. Please hold my hand through your thought process.
General Note:
Though my first love was debate, I am a speech kid at heart. The variety and depth is vast and I don't claim to be an expert in any of these individual events. While I think characterization and textual analysis are key to making a piece "come to life", I also appreciate the vast amount of perspectives and lived experiences in how we understand narratives. That said, I am entitled to use my own discretion and I as an audience member have a role in your performance. If I am not engaged or not "included" in the process of creating this art, it will reflect in the score with reasons that should at least be acknowledged. My aim is not to crush anyone's creative spirit though sometimes certain artistic choices can have consequences that need to be considered (swearing, content choice, general presentation, decorum, etc). We're all human though accountability is of utmost importance.
Self-published pieces are... risky especially since the purpose of an "interp" is to interpret ANOTHER'S work. Though that isn't to say it doesn't come without potential reward. Be wise.
After Dinner Speaking (ADS): plz make me laugh ????
Communication Analysis (CA): I tend to find this event a middle ground of persuasive and informative that is pinpointing a specific event or speech at hand. I should be able to follow along with the topic if I don't have any prior knowledge while still being able to be on your side by the end of the speech in some way, shape, or form. This tends to be a really dry event so feel free to spice it up with a few jokes. I like to think of John Oliver, Contrapoints, and Lindsey Ellis as good reference points for CAs on topic areas.
Declamation: I don't mind if you try to embody the original intent or put your own spin on it but it should reflect the words spoken in some meaningful way. This event is the most text heavy so be EXTREMELY purposeful in delivery. I couldn't care less about physicality, just make sure to project.
Duo: My favorite event! This is probably the most theatrical so whether you make me laugh, cry, or just think a little bit more about life, give me a show! Physicality is key. Don't just create a character, BECOME them! Creative use of limited space is key and really try and create dynamic movement not only through your movements, but through the text itself.
DI: Duo... but solo
Extemporaneous: I recommend at least two sources per point to have a good qualifying score. That said, evidence pushing will only get you so far and I'm far more impressed by a solid analysis of the information presented. The expectation is that you're the mini-expert for 7 minutes and should be able to adequately inform me of a topic in the allotted time (within reason). That said, don't assume I know the context of the topic or that either of us are the smartest person in the room. The event is meant to humble us and designed to force us to appreciate complex topics that need to be handled with care. Hot takes are entertaining but may not always be effective. Use discretion.
Impromptu: I recommend no more than 2 minutes for prep for top speaks. I'm not entirely impressed by minimal note usage since it's a tool given to you for a reason. Careful about fillers and make sure to have some sort of methodical and cohesive narrative or thesis statement. If I suspect you're using stock stories and inserting the topic as a buzzword, I WILL immediately dock points and recommend disqualification if confirmed. This is not a prepped round and it antithetical to the purpose of the event and I consider it a form of cheating. I hate cheating.
Improvistation: Yes and... make sure it's funny :)
Informative: Make me think! I want to be able to take away at least one new fact from the speech. Though logos is the main focus here, there should be a heavy emphasis on sourcing and ethos as well. That said, evidence pushing only goes so far so analysis and warrant should carry your argument forward throughout the presentation. If I lose sight of the thesis, then the overall presentation falls with it. Make sure to establish a common thread and not make it too dry. There should be little to NO opinions in this event save for polls or other pertinent information regarding the event. My role is to learn about the topic, not be persuaded.
Original Oratory: No matter what emotion you make me feel, I should sense it to be genuine AND relatable. OO is one of the hardest because not every story is able to fulfill both requirements and is extremely subjective. I don't have any other feedback other than making sure the narrative is cohesive and follows some sort of the hero's journey. You are the hero, make me want to root for you!
Persuasive: Though this event is rooted in a lot of elements similar to informative, you should at least convince me to see the validity in your argument even if I don't think it's entirely sound from my own personal opinion. Pathos will also take you far here so definitely appeal to personal anecdotes or other emotional appeals that pair well with the logos and ethos elements in this event. This is meant to be a blended event and showcase your oration skills outside of just presenting an idea. Think TedTalk.
Poetry: Same as prose but, like, poetry, maaaan. I do permit passages from different languages! Just note that the work needed to convey emotion is harder, though not impossible! Please don't just sing a song ????
Prose: I'm literate. I love books. Words make me feel things. Bear in mind this event is less about acting and more about textual painting. I should be able to feel your characterization by your tonal inflection and wordplay and appreciate the unpacking of what the author intended blended with your own interpretation. I have a nuanced opinion about Death of the Author so don't assume I'm going to discount the context of the piece just because you have a new spin on it. Honor the work you're presenting, even if it means being subversive with the text.
Radio Broadcasting: All about the diction, inflection, and personality. This event is incredible because looks truly don't matter. I find the funnier, the better since most RB voices tend to be drab and have a grating sense of braggadocio that is off-putting. Larger than life doesn't have to mean phony so make it BIG but believable.
Storytelling: Pretending you're ACTUALLY giving this presentation in front of kids. Lean into the absurdity and silliness of humor. I want my inner child to be awoken!
Overall, I'm excited to be a part of the artistic process and look forward to hearing all of your pieces and speeches!!
I am a college student at UGA studying mechanical engineering. I did debate for 2 years at midtown high school in Atlanta, GA. My Pronouns are He/Him. If you're starting an email chain start it here (zakaipetilon@gmail.com).
I believe what separates LD from other events are frameworks. LD is not just util(not that it isn't applicable or that I won't vote for it) I want interesting framework debates.
Strike- friv theory, tricks
General Comments:
Generally tech>truth unless the argument is bad.
Spreading is fine but if we are online try to go a bit slower. I'll say clear twice after that I'm no longer listening if you don't slow down/speak more clear.
I don't care about the quantity of things that you have, I care more about the quality. Just cause you have 5 cards all saying the same snippet doesn't mean that always beats out a valid explanation of one card. Simple as that. (This doesn't meant quantity doesn't matter at all but don't expect to win just by reading me 10 cards actually explain them)
Actually Explain your Value and VC I don't just want to hear "util" "maximize well being" actually explain to me what that means.
I like trad debate considering it is what I primarily did however, note a few things. If you're doing trad debate explanations are key, explain how your connections link to your value, explain what your cards are saying, ect.
Its fine I struggle a bit more with keeping up but I can manage just don't power tag, and send the doc.
I'm fine with theory I find it kinda fun though I can find friv theory a bit ridiculous and not very fun to watch so just don't but normal theory can be interesting.
I still want to hear K's and I will judge them I'm just not very well versed in many K's by all means you can still run them just explain a bit more. (I have run setcol and poco so I'll understand those a bit better)
Hey I’m Jack! I went to and now coach at Northland in Houston, TX. Feel free to ask questions before or after the round. Add me to email chains at jbq2233@gmail.com
TLDR: I will vote on anything that has a claim, warrant, and impact. I most enjoy judging policy arguments.
- Tech > Truth
- Fairness > Education
- 1NC Theory/T > 1AR Theory
- T/Theory > K
- Comparative Worlds
- No RVIs, Competing Interps, DTD
- Presumption flips neg unless they go for an alternative advocacy
- No judge kick
- I'm cool with anything as long as it has a claim, warrant, and impact. None of my personal opinions or interests in arguments will factor into my decision.
- I want you to debate the way you debate best. I want debaters to read what they know and are invested in.
- No buffet 2nrs please
- Be nice to one another and don't take yourself too seriously
Hot Ls
- If you are sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist or something similar
- Clipping/losing an ethics challenge OR a false accusation
- Stealing prep
Things I'm not voting on
- Any argument concerning out of round practices (except disclosure)
- Any argument concerning the appearance/clothes/etc. of another debater
- Any auto affirm/negate X identity argument
- "Evaluate the entire debate after X speech". However, I will evaluate "evaluate ___ layer after X speech".
- IVIs not flagged as IVIs in the 1NC/1AR (possibly a 2NR exception)
Policy Arguments
- My favorite type of debate to think about and judge
- Evidence comparison and impact calc are the most important things
- Great for heavy case pushes. Impact turn heavy strategies are good and solid execution will be rewarded with solid speaks
- I don’t have a strong preference for or against certain literature bases
- I won’t fill any substantive gaps in your explanation (this goes with anything, but it seems most relevant to what I’ve seen in K debates)
- It really helps when the 2NR includes lots of examples, especially with more uncommon literature bases.
K Aff/T Framework
- The affirmative needs to provide a model of debate with a role for the negative
- Neg teams should have an answer to case
- It is vital that aff teams provide an explanation of solvency that I can easily explain back (maybe slow down a bit here)
- Not good for dense phil v dense phil (good for util vs other phil)
- I’ve noticed that lots of phil aff contentions are pretty weak, I’d like to see more neg teams go for turns on the contention
- Neg teams should read more CPs with phil offense
- Fine if there is an actual warrant and implication.
- Not voting on something that I don’t understand/can’t explain back
- I would recommend going MUCH SLOWER in rebuttal speeches. The current standard for an extension of a paradox or some kind of logic based trick is functionally re-spreading through the exact same block of text or contrived piece of evidence. In these debates I have found that I err heavily on the side of the other team simply because I do not understand the argument in the rebuttal.
- Great for theory
- The frivolous nature of some shells does not factor into my evaluation. Although, reasonability tends to become easier to justify and the answer becomes easier
- I’ve never voted for a team that violates in a debate where they don’t disclose (this means they didn’t disclose anything in any way) the exception is obviously new affs
- Caselists are necessary
- The negative needs definitions. Debate over T definitions are great. Slow down when doing comparison
- Recent explanations for bare plural arguments by negative teams have been nothing short of atrocious – please understand the semantics before you read Nebel
- Prep ends when the email is sent
- CX is binding
- Email should be sent at the start time - I'll dock .1 speaks for every minute it's not sent (unless I'm not in the room)
- Less prep and sitting down early will be rewarded with higher speaks.
- Clarity is VERY IMPORTANT. If you are unclear and I miss a “game changing” argument – that’s a you problem.
- Speaks will be awarded for good debating (strategy, technical ability, good CX, etc).
Hi, I'm Dhruv!
I did LD debate for Proof School, cleared at most tournaments, and went to the TOC my junior year. I now study applied math and computer science at Brown University (class of 2027).
I read mostly policy and theory arguments, sometimes read tricks, and dabbled a little with Ks and phil. Read whatever you want.
Update for Harvard: I'm getting a wee bit tired of tricks debates...
Email Chain: dhruv.r.raghavan [at] gmail.com
Prefs Shortcut (based on what I think I'm good at judging)
1. policy, theory
2. tricks
3. phil, Ks
4. k v k
Top-level ideas/opinions:
-I will vote on basically anything that's warranted (no bigotry). Even though I have opinions, I will try my best to be a blank slate.
-Debate is a game. Play the game to win.
-The content of high school debates should probably be PG-13 (sporadic cursing is fine).
-Tech>truth, but to be honest, the tech/truth distinction is kind of silly; if an argument relies on a fact that's blatantly false, i.e. "WW2 ended in 1965" I am probably going to disregard it, but I won't intervene against subjective arguments like "communism good." As a rule of thumb, arguments with better quality warrants are easier to win.
-Please don't make debate the oppression olympics.
-Tell me what impacts matter. Weighing wins debates.
-I'm not gonna vote on arguments pertaining to the identities of you or your opponent (i.e I'm __ so I should win), or arguments about events that occurred out of round (other than disclosure theory).
-Compiling is prep, but sending isn't (unless you're taking a while, in which case I'll get a bit annoyed).
-"Independent voting issues" need to have a warrant, independent weighing/framing mechanism, and an explanation of why they outweigh in the first speech they are read in.
I will try to base speakers points off of strategy only (the exception is when you're a jerk). I've decided to not vote on arguments pertaining to speaker points because you could just say "give us both 30 speaks" and then your opponent would concede it and that defeats the purpose of speaks. Anyways, here's a rough scale:
30: You displayed an astonishingly high level of technical proficiency, argument innovation, and knowledge in the subject matter of the debate.
29.5-29.9: You did something really creative/entertaining and showed an argumentative proficiency that will likely get you to mid-late out-rounds.
29-29.4: Your strategy was great, and you'll probably clear.
28.5-28.9: Barely clearing or even record.
28-28.4: You're below average for this tournament and your strategy wasn't great.
27.5-27.9: Your strategy had significant errors, and you didn't really understand the arguments you read.
27.4 or below: You did something that pissed me off.
I will say clear 3 times before I stop flowing. Pause a little between cards, slow down on analytics, and enunciate every word.
Here are some loose opinions I have about specific positions:
-Do not assume I have any topic knowledge.
-The plan text should be clear and concise.
-Evidence comparison is a must in close debates, so know your evidence well. It's of course fine to read cards that other people cut, but make sure you've read and understood the articles.
Counterplans/CP theory:
-Perms are a test of competition.
-Do impact calc and tell me how I should evaluate the CP (i.e. sufficiency framing, judge kick, etc.)
-I err aff on cheaty counterplan competition. That means I'll have a lower threshold for functionally intrinsic perms.
-I know more about cap and set col than other Ks.
-Don't be afraid to impact turn their model of debate.
-Use concrete examples when explaining your alt. Do not assume I know what "traversing the fantasy," "embracing a cartography of refusal," "joining the party," etc. are.
-I went for vague alts bad a lot, simply because most people don't know how to respond to it. That being said, affirmatives that read this shell often violate their own interpretation by reading semi-vague plan texts. So if you're gonna go for it, add specification below your plan text or something like that.
-The fiat distinction is arbitrary.
-I don't understand why people read 1-minute-long, buzzword-filled overviews at top speed. I don't flow them. They are completely useless and are often filled with incomprehensible, heinous run-on sentences. Do actual line-by-line please.
-The word "reasonability" without any contextualization is not enough for me to drop the shell.
-Please do weighing between semantics and pragmatics, limits and PICs, etc.
-I enjoy topic specific T debates more than ones about bare plurals.
-Slow down in the 2nr please, especially if it's docced.
-Paragraph shells are fine, but you still need paradigm issues.
-I default DTD, no RVIs, and competing interps. All of these can easily be changed.
-Weighing is as important in theory debates as it is in other debates.
-Yes, you can read your 7 frivolous shells in front of me, but don't make the debate messy.
-Slow down on analytics please.
-Fine with these debates, just slow down so I don't miss "extemped" arguments.
-TBH, I'm getting tired of these debates just because people don't read them well. If you poorly execute a tricks strategy, your speaks will suffer.
-They need a claim, warrant, and impact, just like any other argument. Paradoxes without explicit ballot implications are hard to vote on.
-If you extend a conceded trick, extend the claim, warrant, and impact.
-If they ask for the a prioris in CX, be straight up about them (though asking "What's an a priori?" as a joke is funny).
-While I never really got into this style of debate, I do enjoy reading and discussing philosophy and I'm down to judge these debates, especially if you're reading something new/innovative.
-Most familiar with Kant and Pragmatism, err on the side of over-explanation for other ethical theories.
-If I don't know what the aff does I'm not voting for it.
-The burden is on the aff to prove why debating the topic is undesirable.
-Presumption is an underrated tool in these debates.
-Framework 2NRs should try to be specific to the round.
-I like TVAs and am persuaded by well-written ones.
-If you're going to "perform" in some way, make it clear how I'm supposed to evaluate it. Just randomly playing a song or reading a poem and not bringing it up in the 1ar is sorta useless.
That's all I have to say for now, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask (by email or before the round).
Happy Debating!
Hello all,
I am a parent judge , i look forward to judging as the energy of the debaters and the passion they bring to the topic is commendable. I appreciate the participants to respect others and the diversity in opinion that is being presented. Debaters bring in their individual style for presentation of the case and the arguments which is well appreciated. The consideration for debaters would be to frame the argument and presentations as an effective communication thus depicting clarity of the argument.
- I am a lay parent judge. Please speak slowly and clearly. Spreading won't help.
I request you to keep your own time.
Off time road maps are preferred. Deliver organized speeches.
Stay away from overly technical, high-leveled debate jargon.
I do take notes throughout the round so emphasize your important contentions/points.
Clearly state voting issues in your final speech.
If you would like to share your cards, please email me at sreerao at hotmail dot com
For JF 2024- this is like my favorite topic ever. I am getting my MA in international affairs, and I have researched extensively the ICC and UNCLOS. International law is something I know a lot about, especially international environmental law. So, I will naturally have a high bar for accuracy in arguments. This may affect speaks, and if the wining debater is just saying false things, that's a low point win. Please just research how treaties work, because a lot of the analysis I've been seeing make it seem like the US is just going to join and then take over, which is antithetical to the spirit of a multilateral treaty.
Add me to the email chain- katieraphaelson@gmail.com
Brentwood 19'
Smith 23'
The New School Graduate Program in International Affairs '26
Head Coach of Brentwood Debate
Hello! I'm Katie! I use they/them pronouns. I debated LD at Brentwood School from 2015-2019. I was a quarterfinalist at state and 10th at NSDA nats my senior year. I focused mostly on circuit in high school and broke consistently my senior year. I mainly read performance non t affs and postmodernism Ks
I've been coaching and judging for about 5 years and have experience judging every event, but I do come from an LD background. This paradigm used to be super long but at this point I really only have like a few important things:
1) provide content warnings if you are going to talk about SA and violence against queer ppl. Please don't read cases that are primarily about SA/r*pe. thank u!
2) don't be racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophopic, ableist, etc. Debaters are people. The people we talk about in debate are people. Every argument has real world implications. Be sensitive to that.
3)I have mainly been coaching trad debate, but I am good for circuit
a. my background is in Ks- id pol (queerness, ableism, queercrip, performance K affs) and pomo (D&G, Baudrillard, legal realism). I had many a KvK debate, so I am also very familiar with other K lit (antiblackness, set col, cap, fem).
b. I also love smart CPs and DAs with clear links and solvency aka DA uniqueness needs to be strong and CP has to solve. If the offs conflict, I like a good perf con arg.
c. I like theory that is based on in round stuff and is not frivolous- spec good/bad, condo (although i think condo is good reasonably), non frivolous T. I will vote on disclosure if it is clearly an intentional lack of disclosing. I’m not convinced by new affs bad.
d. I love a neg strat of K, T, CP, DA then kick the alt and go for the links as DAs to the aff. I also love a 1 off K.
e. Don't read meme arguments ill be really annoyed
4) I am neurodivergent, and it can be hard for me to get everything down if debaters spread super fast and I can't really understand the words. It is mainly to benefit y'all- if you want to make sure I am getting everything, send your analytics.If I can tell you are just reading off a prewritten doc, and you aren't sending those analytics, I will be sad. There won't be a penalty for not sending them, but you do send your analytics, I will give you +.01 speaks. I promise that disclosing your analytics in round does not give an advantage to your opponent, and it incentivizes reading blippy and cheaty arguments hoping that your opponent misses them. That's a one way ticket to not improving your debate skills.
5) I would like arguments to have warrants (hot take I know) so I won't just vote off of one line that was dropped bc it was dropped. If you are reading a case that proposes a new method or model of viewing the debate, I would like to know what that method/model looks like. If you weigh the case and I have no idea what the case actually is, I will not automatically pull the trigger.
6) time yourselves please! and keep track of your prep time. I am not keeping track.
7) Be nice to each other!!!!!!!
8) Debate the way you do best! Have fun!
circuit pref key
Soft left affs- 1
1off K - 1 (esp with specific links, less if relying on link of omission)
theory/T- 2
K affs- 3 (i have a high bar for these)
larp but like 8off DAs/CPs/theory- 3
meme args- 5 (i have little patience)
I am a parent judge with 5 years of experience.
I expect the participants to speak slow but most importantly clearly
I want to understand the debate so explaining arguments help me understand why you should win more.
Respect other participants and I will respect you
add me to any email chains
quick pref
here is my email, Michael.reichle48@gmail.com
TLDR; I will vote on most things if explained well and not bigoted.
Hi, I'm Michael (He/Him). I just got out of high school debate so if you can just refer to me by my name rather than judge. I won't take off speaks but it would make me glad that at least you put in the bare minimum effort of reading my paradigm.
k- I was mainly a K debater in high school and it was what I had the most amount of experience with, I am somewhat knowledgeable in a variety of literature but I am the best with ableism and set col literature. If you are reading like Baudrillard or Deleuze don't just assume that I will know what you are talking about it, it is your role as a debater to communicate your ideas in a way that makes sense. also off hand but I am more susceptible to voting on independent voting issues, if explained well along with proper weighing, even if the violation occurred in there 2nr ill be open to 2ar IVI's.
Larp/policy- my experience with this type of debate mainly comes from the K side, ultimately like most forms of debate it comes down to the strength of link and proper weighing. I think that these debates should come down more to evidence quality rather than power tagged under highlighted cards that barley make a connection.
Phil- I am somewhat knowledgable about Phil debate, I just need an explanation for why your framework is true, why it comes first and then how should I evaluate offense through that.
Trix/theory- Its not like I don't like these types of strategies it is just that when unoriginal it can be very boring and genuinely can be the worst form of debate (I am very suseptibale to IVI's for reading trix for being ableist, also no I will not evaluate the arg that trix has to be defined, you know what you are doing at least be honest).
In terms of theory more generally I'll vote on it but I am not very knowledgeable about the nuances of theory versus theory. Please walk me through the violation/standards and the paradigm issues and why yours come before your opponent.
TFW/ in terms of this I Lean more on the side of K aff's, I think much of the fairness complaints about K offs from debaters are overvblown and less important than the aff. Debate is a game but at the same time that doesn't make it immune from oppression.
If you still have questions, message me before round about a specific issue.
yes, add me to the email chain: claudiaribera24@gmail.com
I've worked/taught at camps such as utnif, stanford, gds, and nsd.
overall thoughts: I believe it's important to be consistent on explicit labeling, generating offense, and extending some sort of impact framing in the debate because this is what ultimately frames my ballot. Debate is a place for you to do you. I will make my decisions based on what was presented to me in a debate and what was on my flow. This means I am unlikely to decide on debates based on my personal feelings about the content/style of an argument than the quality of execution and in-round performance. It is up to the debaters to present and endorse whichever model of debate they want to invest in. Have fun and best of luck!
-- Case is incredibly underutilized and should be an essential part of every negative strategy. You need to have some sort of mechanism that generates offense/defense for you.
Policy affs vs. K
-- I am most familiar with these types of debates. With that being said, I think the affirmative needs to prioritize framing i.e. the consequences of the plan under a util framework. There need to be contestations between the aff framing versus the K's power of theory in order to disprove it, as not desirable, or incoherent, and why your impacts under the plan come first. Point out the flaws of the kritiks alternative and make solvency deficits. Aff teams need to answer the link arguments, read link defense, make perms, and provide reasons/examples of why the plan is preferable/resolve material conditions. Use cross-x to clarify jargon and get the other team to make concessions about their criticism.
-- CP(s) need to have a clear plan text and have an external net benefit, otherwise, I'm inclined to believe there is no reason why the cp would be better than the affirmative. There needs to be clear textual/function competition with the Aff or else the permutation becomes an easy way for me to vote. Same with most arguments, the more specific the better.
-- The 2NR should generally be the counterplan with a DA/Case argument to supplement the net benefit. The 1AR + 2AR needs to have some offense against the counterplan because a purely defensive strategy makes it very hard to beat the counterplan. I enjoy an advantage counterplan/impact turn strategy when it’s applicable. Generally, I think conditionality is good but I can be persuaded otherwise.
-- Please have good evidence and read specific DAs. If you have a good internal link and turn case analysis, your speaker points will be higher. For the aff, I think evidence comparison/callouts coupled with tricky strategies like impact turns or internal link turns to help you win these debates.
-- I don't really have a threshold on these arguments but lean towards competing interps over reasonability unless told otherwise.
-- When going for theory, please extend offense and weigh between interps/standards/implications.
-- When responding/going for theory, please slow down on the interps/i-meets.
-- Comparative analysis between pieces of interpretation evidence wins and loses these debates – as you can probably tell, I err towards competing interpretations in these debates, but I can be convinced that reasonability is a better metric for interpretations, not for an aff. Having well-explained internal links to your limits/ground offense in the 2NR/2AR makes these debates much easier to decide, as opposed to floating claims without warranted analysis. A case list is required. I will not vote for an RVI on T.
-- I prefer framework debates a lot more when they're developed in the 1NC/block, as opposed to being super blippy in the constructives and then the entire 2NR. I lean more toward competing interps than reasonability. Aff teams need to answer TVA well, not just say it "won't solve". Framework is about the model of debate the aff justifies, it’s not an argument why K affs are bad or the aff teams are cheaters. If you’re going for framework as a way to exclude entire critical lit bases/structural inequalities/content areas from debate then we are not going to get along. I am persuaded by standards like Clash and topic education over fairness being an intrinsic good/better impact.
K affs vs. T-Framework
-- There are a couple of things you need to do to win: you need to explain the method of your aff, the nuanced framing of the aff, and the impacts that you claim to solve. You should have some sort of an advocacy statement or a role of the ballot for me to evaluate your impacts because this indicates how it links into your framework of the aff. If you’re going to read high theory affs, explain because all I hear are buzzwords that these authors use. Don’t assume I am an expert in this type of literature because I am not and I just have a basic understanding of it. If you don’t do any of these things, I have the right to vote to neg on presumption.
-- You need a counter-interp or counter-model of debate and what debate looks like under this model and then go for your impact turns or disads as net benefits to this. Going for only the net benefits/offense without explaining what your interpretation of what debate should look like will be difficult. The 2AC strategy of saying as many ‘disads’ to framework as possible without explaining or warranting any of them out is likely not going to be successful. Leveraging your aff as an impact turn to framework is always good. The more effectively voting aff can resolve the impact turn the easier it will be to get my ballot.
-- I went for the Kritik in almost every 2NR my senior year. I have been exposed to many different types of scholarship, but I am more familiar with some critical race theory criticisms. This form of debate is what I am most comfortable evaluating. However, it is important to note I have a reasonable threshold for each debater's explanation of whatever theory they present within the round, extensions of links, and impact framing. I need to understand what you are saying in order for me to vote for your criticism.
-- You should have specific links to affirmatives because without them you will probably lose to "these are links to the squo" unless the other team doesn't answer it well. Link debate is a place where you can make strategic turns case/impact analysis. Make sure you have good impact comparison and weighing mechanisms and always have an external impact.
-- The alt debate seems to be one of the most overlooked parts of the K and is usually never explained well enough. This means always explaining the alt thoroughly and how it interacts with the aff. This is an important time that the 2NR needs to dedicate time allocation if you go for the alternative. If you choose not to go for the alternative and go for presumption, make sure you are actually winning an impact-framing claim.
K vs. K
-- These debates are always intriguing.
-- Presumption is underutilized by the neg and permutations are allowed in a methods debate. However, it is up to the teams in front of me to do this. There needs to be an explanation of how your theory of power operates, why it can preclude your opponent’s, how your method or approach is preferable, and how you resolve x issues. Your rebuttals should include impact comparison, framing, link defense/offense, permutation(s), and solvency deficits.
Tricks/frivolous theory/skep
-- I am not the best at evaluating these types of arguments. It is important to extend the claim, warrant, and impact of your argument and WEIGH. Please slow down on analytics that are important, especially in theory debates.
I'm a recent UC Berkeley graduate and an assistant Speech and Debate coach. I'm a former debater who mainly competed in Parliamentary debate for Claremont High School. Alongside that, I've competed in and/or judged LD, PF, Worlds, BQ, Congress, and several speech events (mainly Impromptu/Extemp). I always appreciate a competitive and respectful round so I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say!
General Debate Notes
Please focus on your links! I believe they are just as/more important than your cards/impacts. Arguments that depend on well-thought out logic are always more interesting to listen to than a random card without much analysis from the debater. I weigh magnitude and probability heavily, meaning I will not vote for your nuclear fallout argument just because you tell me to based on a 0.0000000001% chance.
Please provide a roadmap and signpost in each speech! I want to be able to flow your case/refutations as accurately as possible and it's difficult when you spew random facts at me for 7 minutes. Remember, you could have the most beautiful argument to ever be conceived of in human history, but if I don't know where/how to flow it I can't give you credit.
Lastly, be respectful! Especially during POIs and cross. That also means avoid making faces or facepalming in person or while your camera is on. I'll probably tank speaks without hesitation if a debater is being disrespectful throughout the round
Kritiks & Theory
I'm open to hearing these arguments as long as you can justify them. There are definitely rounds where these arguments are necessary and will impact my decision. I'm not the most familiar with K's so please explain each component to me! If there's one thing I hate more than spreading, it's frivolous theory/k's that you wrote at camp 5 months ago and decided to shoe into your case. Please make sure the K makes sense for the specific round/opponent. Please avoid running K or Theory against newer debaters. Don't feel pressured to run these arguments either, you don't need to use jargon or this structure to explain why a definition or argument is abusive! Just talk :)
I'm pretty generous (I think?) when it comes to speaks. If you make me laugh I'm probably going to boost your speaks too. Be respectful to your opponents, being rude is an easy way for me to dock your speaks without feeling very bad. Don't Spread, Don't Spread, Don't Spread. Or if you, for whichever reason, feel that you have to spread and cannot make the necessary adjustments, at least send a speech doc via the tournament designated file-sharing program.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask them in round! :)
I am an English Teacher.
I am a lay judge according to my students, this is also my first time judging, and to please run to please run Traditional. Also my students told me to say that I will probably not like Tech.
About Me: I am a former Open Debater at Cal State Fullerton. I had 3 years ~ debating in college and experience as a coach at CSUF. I have vast judging and coaching experience at the High School level. I spent a lot of my Career running mostly critiques including Settler Colonial K's, Afropessimism K's, Baudrillard K's, performance K's, as well as experience running Framework.
Aside from that my cases usually involved futurisms and storytelling.
Coaches: Toya Green, Romin Rajan, Lee Thach.
Me as a judge real talk: I can understand spreading, and I'm as good as anyone at getting this down. But Imma be honest, it is hard for me to stay organized. I joined debate in college, no high school experience.
In other words, framing is super important for me. Clarity is important to me, because I want to understand how you think we/you/ I should think, view and participate in the community, in this round, at this tournament, etc. Is debate a game? is the game good? why or why not? I'd like these question answered either implicitly or explicitly. I don't inherently work with the perception that debate is (just) a "game", but if given a good argument as to why I should take on that perspective (in this round, all the time, etc) I'll take on that perspective. I prefer not to feel like a worker in the debate factory who needs to take notes and produce a ballot, but idk maybe I should function in that way-just tell me why that's true.
Evidence Reading: I will read your cards if you urge me to look at them, or if they are contested during the round. Otherwise, I am assuming they say what you tell me they say. IF you don't mention the evidence outside of the 1ac/1nc, they most likely wont stay in the forefront of my mind during the debate. This means reading the evidence will a clear voice will give you an advantage with me, because I will most likely understand the evidence better.
Impact: Proximity and likelihood> magnitude and time frame
Clipping Cards is an auto DQ.
I really don't care what you do as far as tag teaming, changing format, playing music, using stands, seating placement, etc. Do you, just don't make the debate go longer than it needs to. Also feel free to talk to me before, after and during prep in rounds. I generally enjoy talking about debate and like helping young peeps. Just chit chat and such.
Policy- I think that a straight up policy plan is dope. MY biggest concern is the debaters ability to explain numbers to me. ITs hard for me to do the calculations and understand why specific stats are important and win you the debate. I am pretty line by line when it comes to a policy debate. Id say with me, focus on some impact calc because thats usually where my attention is mostly at. Liklihood and proximity are more important than severity, magnitude. Time-Frame is iffy but doable.
FW- Honestly, framework is pretty cool. I think its become kind of a meme at this point about my annoyance with whiney FW debaters, so make sure you are being real with your critique. Framework says that there is a structure which needs to be followed for this activity to run efficiently. This assumes that the game of debate is good, so explain why the game is good, or why your specific version of the game is good. When you run framework you are saying that the other team is debating in a way that lessens/nullifies the benefits of debate. That is a big claim, so treat it as such. If you are just using it strategically- more power to you buuuuuuut, it makes you hella less persuasive if thats how you are coming off. Also, Fairness is not inherently a terminal impact, lol. At least mention debate is a game and tell me why the games good.
K- I love k's, but they get hella sloppy. With k's, i need to know that you are solving your impacts. seems basic but im shocked at how often debaters dont explain how their "self abolishment" solves antiblackness. Acknowledging that there is a problem isn't a solution, or plan or anything. It's just a diagnosis. I need a prescription. HAving said that, Im pretty open minded when it comes to different strats. The more weird the more fun for me.
I'm way more truth than tech.
Jai Sehgal
Updated for 2024-25 Szn
*Online Rounds*
Please go at ~60% of what your normal speed would be. I am not going to flow off of the doc, so if what you are saying is not coherent, I will not flow it.I have seen far too often debaters compromise articulation in their speech because they assume judges will just blindly flow from the doc. I understand that virtual rounds are a greater hassle due to the sudden drops in audio quality, connection and sound, so err on the side of slower speed to make sure all your arguments are heard.
Be sure to record your speeches locally some way (phone, tablet, etc.) so that if you cut out, you can still send them.
Prefs Shortcut
LARP/Generic Circuit - 1
Theory - 2
Phil/High Theory Ks - 3/4
Tricks - Strike
I default to evaluating the round through a competing worlds paradigm.
Impact calculus is the easiest way to clarify my ballot, so please do this to make things easier for you and I both.
Assume I don't know much about the topic, so please explain stuff before throwing around jargon.
Give me a sufficient explanation of dropped arguments; simply claims are not enough. I will still gut check arguments, because if something blatantly false is conceded, I will still not consider it true.
I love good analytic arguments. Of course evidence is cool, but I love it when smart arguments are made.
I like it when a side can collapse effectively, read overviews, and weigh copiously.
There's no yes/no to an argument - there's always a risk of it, ex. risk of a theory violation, or a DA.
Evidence ethics are a serious issue, and should only be brought up if you are sure there is a violation. This stops the round, and whoever's wrong loses the round with the lowest speaks possible.
Disclosure is a good thing. I like first 3 last 3, contact info, and a summary of analytics the best. I think that as long as you can provide whatever is needed, you're good. Regardless, I'll still listen to any variation of disclosure shells.
Please write your ballot for me in the 2NR/2AR. Crystallization wins debates!
I debated mostly policy style, so I'm most comfortable judging those debates. I dabbled into philosophy and high theory as well, but have only a basic understanding of most common frameworks.
My favorite kind of round to judge is a util debate. Unique scenarios/advantages are great.
I love impact calculus. The more specific your scenario is, the more likely I am to be persuaded by it, and a solid analysis of the impact debate will do good things for you.
A lack of offense means that there's always a moderate risk of the DA or the advantage. Winning zero risk is probably a tougher argument to win - that being said, if there's a colossal amount of defense on the flow, I'm willing to grant zero risk. However, simply relying on the risk of the DA will not be too compelling for me, and I'll have a lower threshold for arguments against it.
If you're going to read theory, prove some actual abuse. My threshold for responses to frivolous theory has certainly gone down as I've judged more debates, so be wary before reading something like "cannot read extinction first."
I default competing interps, DTD, and no RVI's, but have realized there is some degree of judge intervention in every theory debate. Therefore, the onus is on you to win your standards clearly and do weighing between different standards.
Please go at like 50% speed or flash me analytics when you go for this because I’ve realized theory debates are sometimes hard to flow.
I'm fine with generic K debates, but I'm probably not the best judge for high theory pomo debates.
The K must interact specifically with the aff because generic links a) make the debate boring, and b) are easy to beat. The more specific your link is to the aff, the more likely I will like listening to it.
I'd rather see a detailed analysis on the line-by-line debate rather than a super long overview. In the instance where you read an egregiously long overview and make 3 blippy arguments on the line-by-line, I'll have a very low threshold for 1AR extensions for the concessions.
I'll vote on K tricks and dropped framing arguments, but only if these are sufficiently explained. An alt solves the aff, floating PIK, conceded root cause, etc. are all much more persuasive if there's a clear explanation.
I don't have many reservations in terms of what I want/don't want to see while judging PF, but here are a few things to keep in mind:
- If it's not in FF, I will not vote on it.
- Weighing should ideally begin as early as possible, and it will only help you if you do so.
- If you would like to read theory, go ahead.
- Second rebuttal needs to respond to everything + frontline.
- Sending case docs is a good practice.
I am a parent judge, please explain your arguments properly and do not speak too fast. If I cannot understand an argument, I cannot vote for it.
Background: I debated for March High School for four years in LD. I competed and placed regionally & nationally. I judged debate tournaments in both high school and university.
I attended the University of Texas at Austin ( Class of 22') for Computer Science and Business.
Speed: feel free to spread in front of me, I can probably handle your top speed but I will say clear should the need arise.
Disclosure: please disclose and throw me on the email chain @ sharmasej@gmail.com. I do not like Disclosure cases. It is not a requirement in NSDA to disclose and thus have a hard time entertaining these cases.
Skep/ Presumption/Tricks debate: I wouldn't advise going for this in front of me because of my personal dislike for it.
NOTE: I highly prefer staying topical and do not like cases that revolve around debate meta.
LARP: go for it and go all out this is what I know extremely well
K's: don't be afraid to go one off k just make sure you can explain the thesis really well because I had some limited experience. Check the in depth section below for more information on my experience.
T and theory: I'm all fine on this layer but just please don't spread analytics at full speed because that will make me sad. I have a low threshold for frivolous theory so just keep that in mind but aside from that I don't have an opinion on most shells.
Phil: Do not assume I know your Phil NC at all. Practically no experience during my career but go for it if you think it's strategic.
I'll allow you to run any argument you want in the round as long as it doesn't promote racism, sexism, ableism, etc.
Most Important Details is Bolded
My name is Andrew Shea (he/him). You can call me Judge Shea, Andrew, Fire Lord O’Shea, whatever floats your boat.
I am pursuing a major in history and a minor in international relations at the University of Iowa. I am working towards a phd in transnational labor history and relations.
I have a cat named Haywood after Harry Haywood. He is amazing and cool. Ask and I am happy to show pictures.
My email for contact is: ajhamilton112601@gmail.com
I competed at John F Kennedy High School in CR IA. I was coached by Jesse Meyer who remains a large influence on me today.
I judge mainly LD and PF. I was mostly a K debater and did okay throughout my career. I generally understand most arguments.
The summary of my judging is do whatever you want, its your round I am just here to listen, give the best feedback I can, and to give the best educational experience that I can. My paradigm should only be relevant to you to gauge what arguments I best understand/appreciate and what I expect in terms of in round behavior. I do not care if you cater to my preferences or not, do what makes you happy, debate is a game and I want to try and help you get the most out of it
My paradigm breaks down into prefs/speech paradigm, in-round debate behavior, and in-depth LD/PF prefs. Please ask questions if you have any. I am always looking to improve.
LD Cheat Sheet
1 K
2 Phil
3 Trad* or Policy/LARP
4 Theory/Strike**
5 Tricks/Strike (don’t know enough to competently judge)
*I think trad is a good debate format and can be competitive/clash with circuit debate. I put it higher up to tell trad debaters they can pref me without concern.
**I won’t vote you down because you run theory. I just have a lower threshold for response to theory. For example I don’t think you need to run a counter interp or RVIs to respond but if you do, you should do it well.
Two things of note:
- I am ok with spreading but ask your opponent beforehand preferably in front of me. If you did not ask (or ignore attempts to find accommodation) and your opponent runs theory/disability arg on why spreading is bad I am more liable (not guaranteed) to drop you. I have no "bad" WPM. I think if you have an issue saying "clear" or "speed" is the responsibility of the debater. If you have a problem with their overall speed mention something to your opponent after the speech. TLDR If you both agree to spread great, if you have an issue with spreading: advocate for yourself and work with each other under the best of intentions.
- I am pro Flex Prep but you have to ask before round. I prefer this to avoid someone being denied the opportunity to use it in round. In elims I go with the majority judge view on flex prep.
PF Cheat Sheet
1 Trad PF
2 Critical Args
I am basically fine with anything in PF but theory annoys me. I really prefer normal PF but I won’t mentally check out if that's not your thing.
See above LD prefs for spreading/flex prep
Speech Judging
I am by no means an experienced speech judge but I have coached the very basics and I did exempt and spontaneous in high school. I like to see confidence, good use of the space in a room, rehearsed body movements (don’t just keep your hands in one position unless that is your character's thing for something such as a HI), and just do your best.
Unless explicitly prohibited by tournament rules let me know if you want to give hand signals for time. I would be happy to do them.
Debater Behavior
Ask and Advocate: Debate should be a friendly and welcoming space. To that end, ask and advocate for yourself. If you have an issue or a question please ask. If you feel harmed in some way or see something that bothers you, advocate for yourself. I am happy to facilitate in any way I can to make debate a better space for all. In no way should gender, disability, or class make you feel unsafe in this space.
Assertive and Polite: It is ok to be determined and assertive in a debate round but never belittle your opponent or be snarky to them. Everyone here is a person first and foremost along with being a student. Debate is a pedagogical game and I find it vastly more useful to educate rather than to belittle someone for not understanding or for making a "bad argument" that said, you should absolutely seek to control a round and narrative. Raised and passionate voices are ok but avoid yelling or taking a dismissive, arrogant tone. Be very cognizant of that difference when debating women/non men debaters, sexism is all too prevalent and unacceptable in the debate space and such dynamics do influence my judging particularly in the way I give speaks.
On Spreading: I am not anti-spreading. While I don't think it is a good norm for debate I do understand that it is the default and if everyone is ok with it I will be too. I prefer that people ask before round because I have met several debaters who have had disabilities that prevented them from spreading. I would like debate to realize spreading should be moved away from but because I don't run a camp or have money I at least want to make the space more accessible to different debaters in lieu of some larger change.
Judge Behavior
As a judge I will: provide you with in-depth feedback and always explain to you why I interpreted something the way I did. I will not always be right and make mistakes but I will do my best to explain my reasoning.
Do everything I can to answer questions or redirect you towards resources who can do it better
Provide a safe environment for debaters as someone in the community who cares and who will listen.
LD Prefs in-depth
Since I mainly judge LD here is more in depth thoughts for those who care to read them:
K debate: I love K debate. My political beliefs lead me to love hearing Parenti, Gramsci, Lenin, Mao, Marx, Losurdo, Fanon, and many others along the communist and decolonial based lines. As such I will be happy when I hear cap bad, china isn’t the devil, palestine will be free, etc. That said I familiar with many other authors and I am generally friendly towards hearing any new arguments and I am happy to learn about anything new.
Phil: I know some but not alot. I would love to learn more and therefore feel free to run anything just explain it well.
Trad: I think it can and should endeavor to be more competitive with circuit debate.
Policy/Larp: I don’t necessarily have a problem with it, sometimes I just find it boring. Honestly I have grown to like it more because I actually do enjoy hearing about the resolution.
Theory: I won’t vote someone down because they run theory but I firmly believe that theory is often used in a way that makes debate poor and ruins the quality of argumentation. I think it harms accessibility and as a result my threshold for response is lower. While I feel like I have a decent grasp on theory debate there is a greater risk of me not fully comprehending your argument as I haven't attempted to immerse myself in the mechanics due to my dislike.
What I look for in a good LD round
Overview: Like a real overview which represents the interactions that happened in the round with a narrative. Challenge yourself to have it be more than a summary of what your case is.
Weighing: Like actual weighing. Extending your impact is great but you need to explain why your impact should be valued more compared to your opponents
1nr Card Drop: I see people spread as fast as possible through their speech and then just extend whatever their opponent did not respond too and think they won the round. I need some weight and explanation of the warrant from arguments to vote on them. When there isn't, my threshold for responding or weighing them is lower than the arguments you developed. Developing arguments is good and makes me value them more than your 17th apriori which has “big” implications in the round because your opponent conceded it.
Truth vs Tech: I'm more tech. Basically that's it.
Tabula Rasa: I'm not. I will not tolerate racist, sexist, ableist, classist behavior. I also have strongly held beliefs of what debate should be to get better. That said if I think such behavior has occured I am more likely to stop the round and refer the issue to tab. What I won't do is vote someone down because your K says they are literally the devil for not being topical. I am more receptive to the argument that the argument is some "-ism" not the person. We are learners here and should educate and build people up.
Judge Intervention: This is a very tricky topic for me. So because in the debate space we generally agree that a judge should intervene if some racism, sexism, issue occurs yet however we don't think this when it comes to things like reproducing imperialist talking points. We don't typically weigh the reproduction of these dominant ideological norms as bad whereas only over racism and sexism is despite the fact that systems like imperialism harm far more people than an individual sexist or racist comment. So I think when people say "no judge intervention" that doesn't make alot of sense because we have decided as a community that we won't tolerate some things. So therefore I think a good approach to this (not the best) is that judge intervention should be considered when the debaters says it is necessary as a top shelf/layer argument and then for the opponent to argue why it shouldn't be, perhaps by arguing their idea of what they want the judge to do is not good. This for example should take place in the debate over the role of the ballot. In terms of judge intervention regarding "why did you weigh x argument y way" generally if I think its close it may simply come down to persuasiveness, the narrative, or may best guess.
Teach me something: Honestly this goes for debaters, coaches, and other judges. I want to learn and improve and be a positive force in the debate space. I love learning about new theories and concepts. As such it may be helpful to take the time to explain the mechanics of an argument without the internal jargon to maximize education.
PF in-depth prefs
Trad pf vs Circuit pf: It's weird that there is now a difference between trad and circuit/prog PF debate and I am not exactly a fan that its come to this. That said I prefer normal PF rounds over critical arguments as I don't think the format lends itself to progressive.
Theory: See LD prefs for opinions on theory.
Evidence: My evidence standards are a bit higher in PF due to frequent bad paraphrasing. I will likely review cards which are deemed critical in round during prep time. If I find that the card itself is misconstrued I will be annoyed and have a lower threshold for response to the arguments that rely on the card. That said I think there is a difference in making an argument which misconstrues the card rather than the card itself being misconstrued. That's just debate.
That's all folks.
If policy ALSO add lcandersoncx@gmail.com
If LD ALSO add breakdocs@googlegroups.com
Policy debater at the University of Houston '26
Coach for Seven Lakes HS and Break Debate
I hate deadtime in debates. It makes me increasingly frustrated when there isn't a timer running and it seems like no one is doing anything. To reduce this please have the email chain with the speech doc sent AT START TIME.
Stop asking for marked docs if they didn't mark any cards. Learn how to flow. Asking for what cards were and weren't read must be asked with a timer on whether it is Cross or flex prep.
Be clear, especially during cards. I should be able to hear every word. You get two warnings - after that, I will immediately stop flowing. I am not going to have my laptop open during speeches, so make sure you are debating like a human and not a spreading robot.
I consider myself tab for arguments that are in Policy, but I am not great for LD shenangins outside of things like basic phil arguments. Regardless, conditoned on my biases listed below my decision will be determined based on my flow.
K affs being vague and shifty hurts you more than it helps. I'm very unsympathetic to 2AR pivots that change the way the aff has been explained. Take care to have a coherent story/explanation of your K aff that starts in the 1AC and remains consistent throughout the debate
Inserting rehighlightings is fine as long as you explain why it matters in the speech. I usually read ev while making decisions.
Condo is good and the negative can read as many as they want to. I default judge kick but that can be debated. This is not to say I will not vote on condo, but it requires substanial mistakes to be made by the negative in order for me to get even close to think 2AR on condo is a good option.
Most CP theory arguments are better made as competition arguments. I lean neg on most CP theory questions besides things like Object, private actor, or multi-actor fiat.
I will not adjudicate anything that didn't happen in the round including out of round violations.
I have a disdain for argumentative cowardice. You should not pref me if your entire strategy is based on arguments like tricks, RVIs, or frivolous theory. I will not vote for you.
Qualified authors & solid warrants in your ev are important. Evidence comparison and weighing are also important. In the absence of evidence comparison and weighing, I may make a decision that upsets you. That is fundamentally your fault.
Answering a 1NC position that wasn't read is an auto 27.5. I don’t care. Flow.
Stolen from Pat Fox: When debating an opponent of low experience, i will heavily reward giving younger debaters the dignity of a real debate they can still participate in (i.e: slower, fewer off, more forthcoming in CX). if you believe the best strategy against a novice is extending hidden aspec, i will assume you are too bad at debate to beat a novice on anything else, and speaks will reflect that. these debates are negatively educational and extremely annoying.
Parent judge - please share docs on the file share, if that doesnt work then speechdrop
Quite well read on current affairs, as a result I have pretty good topic knowledge, so I will likely know about the scenarios you're talking about.
Extinction scenarios are far fetched, I would much rather robust internal link debate and a fleshed out war scenario (especially on this topic).
Please stay slower.
If this is elims and im in a panel with tech judges, then do what you have to do, but please err towards advantage vs disad debate because then I can try to give an rfd.
I am a parent judge. I prefer to give a written comment instead verbal comment at the end of the debate.
My email is ryanindebate@gmail.com for docs BUT I would much prefer speechdrop. I think disclosure is a good norm even for traditional debaters.
I'm not your coach so it's not really my place to tell you HOW to debate unless it seriously affects my ability to judge whether you have won within the context of the game. I believe judges should try to adapt to debaters, not the other way around (I will do this to the best of my ability, but I can't do impossible things. ie. I can't magically spawn a perfect understanding of pomo literature in my brain before the round even if you want me to).
TLDR; I did traditional LD for Hawken for 4 years and currently do BP debate in college. Generally, my favorite style of debate is probably faster/technically sound traditional debate. Will vote on the path of least resistance. Tech>truth, will vote on/evaluate literallyanything I understand (that does not make debate an unsafe place). Yes, that includes tricks, non-T affs, friv theory, speaks theory, IVIs, RVIs, and anything in between. I have functionally no hard predispositions (seriously) on the type of arguments you read/go for, as long as I understand it and it isn't egregiously problematic (check document for specifics). Err on over explanation without being redundant. Please ask questions before round if you want clarification!
Here's my old paradigm: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h6qydn7Cttnrt73hqfy36nil1BHBIxx8mVgoyzSmmVA/edit?usp=sharing
I put it there if you wanted something specific but I found that most people either ignored it or overthought it. Just run the style and argumentation you're good at and you'll probably be ok.
My name is Alexis Sibanda (she/her)
Coppell High School '23 (Debated policy for 3 years and LD for 1 year)
RPI '27 (pursuing a B.S in Physics and Mathematics with a Pre-Law minor)
Debate Teaching/Coaching:
- Middle School Debate Instructor at Coppell Debate Academy (22-23)
- LD Instructor at Mean Green Comet Debate Camp (23-24)
Please add me to the email chain: ratisibbs@gmail.com
General Info:
Firstly, BE RESPECTFUL — Don't do anything racist, sexist, homophobic, or un-inclusive - Debate should be a space in which people feel comfortable to exist as themselves and put themselves out there. I will not hesitate to take action if it gets out of hand whether that means docking speaks, voting a team down, or reporting behavior, but y’all should be fine as long as you keep respect in mind. :)
Feel free to spread, just make sure you’re clear. I'll say clear if I can't understand. I’m not too much of a stickler with speaks just keep clarity, organization, and good argument engagement in mind and high speaker points will likely follow.
Feel free to ask any questions you want in round or even through email. I will make sure to answer to the best of my ability! All in all, just make sure you’re having fun! That’s the most important part. :)
Policy Debate/LD:
Topical Policy AFFs:
I completely understand these debates, so go for it! I’m chill with any type of argument as long as they are articulated well. Make sure to weigh the arguments and explain the story of your impacts under your articulated framework. Telling a clear link story is key to these debates!
Go for it! I’m very middle of the road on this. Whoever does the better articulation of why their interp and impacts are better gets my vote on this flow. Don’t just assume that because you win the flow you win the debate. Make sure to articulate as to why this matters and affects the rest of the debate if you want a ballot off of this flow as I am less likely to vote solely on T w/o any type of explanation of that.
I enjoy K debates! Feel free to go for it (as long as you know what you are doing). I'm a K debater and read policy positions so I get both. I run Black nihilism, afropess, black fem, afrofuturism, etc. but I’m pretty well versed in most lit bases that people tend to read with more familiarity in identity ks but I can still evaluate most others too. Make sure to explain to me what ur scholarship says in your rebuttals especially: I won’t do the work for u. Articulating the story of the K in context with the debate is vital to a ballot.
World Schools:
In WSD, I am a pretty neutral judge. Though most of my debate experience is in policy debate and LD, I also have some experience with judging WSD rounds from working at Coppell Debate Academy and stuff over the years so I have a decent understanding of it. Honestly, just do you and you should be fine.
Style: keep clarity, organization, and good argument engagement in mind and you should be fine. Be persuasive.
Content: TL;DR - Warrant/Claim/Impact, extensions, weighing, and clash. Every argument has to be fully formed and made explicitly. Don't make me have to intervene in order for the argument to make any type of sense. Explain what it is why it will happen and why I care (heavy on the why I care as that piece will implicate its level of importance on my flow and how I formulate my ballot). Make sure that we are extending our arguments throughout the debate. I don't want to have just random floating arguments on my flow by the final speech I should be able to draw a line back to wherever they came from.
Strategy: Everyone should engage in POIs. Take at least 1-2 per speech and the opposing team should be asking multiple. However, don't be asking them so many that they are unable to complete their speech. Be intentional about the POIs you're making. Make sure you are actively doing something to poke holes in your opponents' arguments or set up your own arguments, etc. Make sure that they are doing something. World Building and world comparison is key.
For the most part, these are my thoughts but feel free to ask me any questions and I would be happy to clarify my stance on anything. Thanks so much. All in all have fun!
I'm a parent judge. I am ok with spreading, and I prefer a respectful round between the opponents. For case disclosure please include me in the email chain at nnidhisoni@gmail.com
Email: realprathamsoni@gmail.com
PGP: He/Him
Water finds the path of least resistance; make me vote with the route that is the least amount of work for me. I don't want to do mental gymnastics to reach a decision.
I love super techy debates where the debate is around extinction-level scenarios. Ks is also fine with me, but I hate K vs Larp debates, especially when there is 0 clash. Pref me if you aren't a tricks debater.
I am currently a Sophomore at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign studying Cyber Security. I did debate for all 4 years, I did Cx for my first two, then LD for my last 2. I debated on the national circuit. I did LARP debate but in Cx and increasingly during my senior year, I read Ks.
Prefs (1 is good, 5 is worst):
Policy/LARP - 1
K - 1.5
T/Theory - 2 (but not friv theory)
Trad - 2.5
Phil/Framework - 3
Tricks - 5 (please don't do tricks, I had this phase but its not fun to judge)
Tech and Truth are two separate things, it's stupid for someone to say tech over truth, what they mean is they like util, but that doesn't exclude K args from the round.
Debate is game with educational implications. Presumption is neg but flips aff if there is a CP (or a different interp). Make sure that your 2AR/2NR has weighing so I can vote for whatever is easy for me to vote on. I don't really know what to put in this section. It will keep expanding as I keep judging, but ask me any questions you have please, so its beneficial for both you as a debater and me as a judge.
Most of my LD experience is in LARP debate, I love it. I love the policy aspect of it. I like it when the neg reads 7 off, just make sure your DAs have actual weight to them.
I have had a love/hate relationship with K debate. I love it when you are actually genuine about the topic you are stating. Like identity politics, but if you're running a K because it is strategic to this round, then it will come off as super bad and make me disincentivized to vote for you.
The counterplan is conditional unless said otherwise, the burden of the neg if nobody lays out a framework is "the neg has to prove an instance of when the aff doesn't work/provide a better way to approach the problem". This being said, if you are debating conditionality I will be Tabula Rasa
I love DAs, especially econ DAs and politics DAs. If there is a unique DA you have, I will enjoy it. I love extinction-level impacts, but be careful if the FW isn't util then I can't weigh through extinction.
Disclosure is a must, I will literally just stop flowing if someone brings up a valid disclosure shell.
Other theory is something I'm cool with but please don't be a tricky debater and run like 5 theory shells. Theory is supposed to be run when your life is genuinely harder because of something the other debater did.
SEND THE THEORY/T SHELL OVER EVEN IF ITS JUST ANALYTICS, I will not flow it unless the shell is sent to everyone.
My local circuit was very trad, I enjoy a trad debate, and am willing to vote on trad arguments. LARP debates however can easily argue against a trad debate, and I prefer LARP so its not in your best interest to read trad in front of me, especially at a nat circuit tournament.
I don't really enjoy philosophy because there are so many different interpretations of it. If you are reading a generic phil like Kant, I'm chill with that. If there's phil I don't understand, I just simply won't vote on it. If you are planning on reading Phil/FW, just ask me before the round, I will probably tell you I know your author/idea.
Things to make life easier:
- Set up the email chain before the round, I'll know you've read my paradigm
- Sending cards is a must, but please don't be extra and send only the cards, if you're gonna be reading analytics at 350 wpm and I don't understand it, I won't flow it.
- If you sing 30 seconds of Kanye, I'll give you 30 speaks
- Don't be dumb, I woke up at 8 AM on a Saturday when I could've been sleeping, please don't be extra.
Hello Competitors!
I am a parent judge with limited experience in judging a debate round.
Please keep in mind the following:
1. Please please do NOT spread or rush. I like to write down points, if I am not then you are speaking too quickly.
2. Explain what you are saying clearly. Pretend as though I have no topic knowledge whatsoever.
3. Be respectful- don't say anything racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, etc.
(She, Her) I value truth over tech.
pronouns: he/him
Yes, I would like to be on the email chain: matthewsaintgermain at gmail.
Former Edina High School (MN) policy debater (1991-1995) and captain (1994-1995). Former Wayzata High School (MN) policy coach (2019-2022).
Policy debate judge (1995-present) with ample LD and PF judging experience.
(most of this is tailored to policy, there are specific PF/LD comments below)
If you are going to be speed reading analysis, especially in rebuttals, send your speech doc. I'm 47 years old and have been in very loud bands and worked in nightclubs for decades. I hate to admit that I don't have the hearing I once did and it has become prohibitive for me to hear the blender of paragraphs coming out of your mouth at auctioneer speeds that generally isn't tagged nor signposted and is just huge chunks of long, run-on sentences that I in real time have to paraphrase in my head into something discernible as I'm flowing it while simultaneously hearing you already make new, run-on sentences to bank for subsequent paraphrasing. Help me help you. Sending your doc does not hurt you. If you don't send this you get what you get and no amount of post rounding is going to demystify my decision appropriately for you.
Affirmatives should have the email chain up and ready to roll immediately upon getting settled in the round. Please do not wait for everyone to arrive to start this. No "oops, I forgot" 1 minute before the round starts please! Unpack your stuff and get on this immediately, preferably sending a blank test email ASAP to make sure we're not having connection issues right before you stand up for 1AC. Also please only use an email chain and not the file drop and please do not send me a live doc as I flow on my computer (a Mac, so please send pdfs) and working from a file that people are updating live causes issues on my end so create a copy of your doc and send so I can view it without issue. I have multiple screens up optimized to flow the round and fill out the ballot via web browser split screen with a spreadsheet program and having to search for your evidence or view it outside of a browser before your speech messes my whole deal up. Despite all this being clear in my paradigm for some time now people keep ignoring it so it seems as if I have to give you justification for why this is important and it is because doing it any other way causes all my screens to get totally out of order as well can cause system resources to go wild. Having to minimize a screen to open up a word editor to then maximize and place back in my dual screen takes time and then rearranges the order of all my windows meaning in the time I'm trying to accomplish this while muted, debaters often go "I'll start if i don't hear from anyone in 3... 2..." and I'm now scrambling to try and find the window that Mac has decided to randomly change position in my window swipe order meaning where I think it is it isn't, and by the time I find it to unmute myself y'all are already speaking despite me not being ready and struggling to tell you this because of your choices to send me stuff that does not comport with my set up. Please keep things easy for me by running an email chain where you send pdfs, not doing this tells me you haven't read the very top level of my paradigm.
I have judged just about every year since then for various high schools in the Twin Cities metro, including Edina, Wayzata, Minnetonka, and South St. Paul, from 1995 to present, with only two years off, just about 27 years. Please note, however, that this has not meant coaching on those topics up until 2019 through the end of the 2021-2022 season.
I'm versed in plenty of debate theory but I'm still catching up on nuance of newer nomenclature so get wild on the meta jargon at your own peril. Especially on critical theory arguments, you would do well to SLOW WAY DOWN and explain yourself thoroughly as while these things may be crystal clear to you, I'm not reading theory or complex philosophy In my free time so stuff like telling me to look beyond the face and totalizing otherness isn't going to immediately jog my "oh, yeah, that stuff" part of my dusty closet of a brain as you're going a million miles an hour with almost zero audible indication of where tags or analysis begin or end with relation to the evidence you're blazing through.
Unless you're theorizing it on the fly, send me everything you read, not just evidence. There is no material audible difference for the listener between you reading evidence and you reading analysis as fast as humanly possible. Both are just a kind of variable din regardless of the content.
My primary focus has been and continues to be Policy debate on the high school level, and that's where probably about 85% of my judging work has come. But I have ample experience judging circuit-level LD and PF through breaks alongside college debate and am more than comfortable & competent adjudicating these different forms of debate.
This paradigm is a constant work in progress.
Across Policy/PF/LD:
Dear debaters: I want to up front set your mind at ease by saying that debate, as I see it, is a club that by the start of your very first round, you are all a valued member of. The fact that you gathered up all your anxiety and worries and excitement and talent and got up and gave your very first speech, it's totally awesome. To me, you are part of a distinct kind of people, different from all the non-debate people, and as such, I want you to both embrace failure as a growth methodology as well as let go of any worries or judgments or preconceived notions about whether or not you belong here. You absolutely do. Please, not only feel okay making mistakes here but look for opportunities to make them! Take chances, especially in your first two to three years of debate. This debate stuff can honestly be mentally rigorous at times, but it's all about a kind of shedding of your prior self and any of the BS put on you in your lives outside of debate. Here you're on the team so any and all advice given to you is purely about building you up even if it feels like criticism. Only internalize what you need to fix, not that it means anything about you. I've learned over nearly 30 years of judging and coaching that while there are kids whom take to this immediately, that there are also kids who seem like they can't handle this at all and drop terrible rounds in their first year or even two, whom end up becoming TOC and Natty quals debaters that blow you away. I've seen it over and over. Debate (and especially policy debate) is a gauntlet that takes years to develop your skills, and so long as you stick with it, you'll succeed. The fact that you are here means that you're already one leg up on winning arguments in regular meatspace as is, but stick with it and it'll change your life over a myriad of domains.
If you think I'm not paying attention to you, you're wrong. I have probably one of the most detailed flows you're ever going to see, which you won't, but you get my drift. I just try very hard to look almost disinterested so you don't really know what I'm thinking and so it won't mess with you, though there are points where something does trigger a response and you should notice that, but anything else is just me trying to give you nothing visual to go off of. Just never confuse it with anger or indifference or whatever. Like, if you do something egregious, you'll know because I'll tell you. Otherwise, there's no subtext or hidden meaning behind anything I'm relaying to you as I'm extremely direct. I promise you I don't hate you.
Time yourselves, across all levels of debate, including novices. Y'all can handle this and take responsibility for each other by keeping tabs on both your and your opponents time.
Straight up don't go whole hog on disclosure. There was no disclosure when I debated. There wasn't even really "let me see your evidence" my novice year. You went in raw dog and dealt with it. That's not to say that I don't understand the whys here, it's just that I really don't find them compelling versus the debate we still could have with you ripping through open ev quick-like. If your opponent is being intentional here, didn't disclose or did something different than what their wiki said or what they told you, I think you have a path to argue presumption tilting your way but I still really need you to debate the actual debate rather than dumping a ton of time into an argument I would honestly feel dirty voting for. If you want to run disclosure, honestly do not spend more than 30 seconds in a constructive or rebuttal on it. Make your violation, set your standard, show how they violate, move on to actual substantive issues. You're just never going to win a "5 min on disclosure in 2NR" strat with me. Do other stuff.
If your Neg strat involves multiple off and post Aff-response you kick out of a ton of stuff that the Aff responded to and just go for something that was severely undercovered, yes, I'll still maybe vote for this because technically you are winning, but this won't engender good speaks, and the other team really has to mismanage it. I don't believe this is all that educational of a debate (hint: there's an in-round arg here) and I think smart Affirmative teams should challenge this strat within the confines and rules of the round (meaning I think there's an argument you can construct, esp w/in policy, to check against this strat in your 2AC/1AR). To be clear, I am not anti-speed whatsoever, but a straight dump strat and then feasting on the arg that they had at the bottom of the flow with few responses is just like meh. It's honestly poor form. You're telling me you cannot beat this team heads up on the nuts and bolts argumentation. Affs are responsible for handling this, no doubt, but we're walking a fine line here when it comes to previous exposure and experience, and if it's clear this is not a breaks team and your whole strategy is just making debate less educational for them by spreading them out of the round, I'm not going to dole you out rewards beyond the technical win.
Unless the other team insults your character, microaggression/community critiques are an almost auto-loss for me for the team that runs them. If one team is being a bunch of dongs, I may say something in round, but if I don't it's because it has not risen to the level wherein my intervention is necessary. Otherwise, this is something to solely bring up with your coaches and bring to tab; it's not in-round argumentation PERIOD and turning it into offense is well beyond problematic to me. My degree is in psychology and this greatly informs my position on this across a variety of domains, and one of the central reasons is argumentation like this used as offense almost entirely is not followed up with any kind of tournament debrief between tab and the two teams and their coaches. Because no one wants to nor cares about that in these rounds where the offense is beyond subjective. If these are such severe circumstances that you're claiming rises to the level of an ethics violation, there's a process here that involves a lot of parties and time and I've yet to see this happen at all in rounds where the violation is tenuous at best. As one of the judges in both the '22-'23 MN State Final Round in policy between Eagan and Edina and '20-'21 Nat Quals policy round between Rosemount and Edina, I rejected both of these arguments with prejudice. Character assassinating a kid in round will *NEVER* fly for me and if this kid is such a well known problem, then coaches, tab, and the state high school league must be involved before they even sniff the morning bus to the tournament, let alone in the round itself. This has nothing to do with the Role of the Ballot and is extrinsic to why we're here to debate. Again, I will not have rounds I judge turn into character assassinations of individual debaters just because you don't like their personality. If they drop something offensive, like actual name calling, I'll even bring it to tab, but a little friendly sparring does not make the activity unsafe and not liking how someone speaks or their intonation sets a precedent that makes it even harder for neurodiverse kids (and adults) to participate. Make no mistake, this is not a "kids these days are too soft" boomer doomer arg. It's expressly about protecting everyone and not having DEBATE rounds devolve into some inquisition about a teenager's however unsavory-to-you approach. Racist, sexist, ableist, etc. comments are squarely different from this, though I believe teams who make an honest mistake and apologize should not be rejected and we should continue to move on, with the understanding that I'll likely mention something to your coaches to make sure the mistake is noted beyond the confines of the round.
I view the intent of debate to be about education while simultaneously playing an intellectual game. I think that the word education itself is up for debate, but I would tend to view it as both mastery of epistemology and praxis. I am open to a discussion of that truth but I enter the world of debate with a certain set of beliefs about larger issues that should the round conform to that precondition, I am likely to vote there.
I would outwardly suggest that I am a tabula rasa judge who will vote for anything (that isn't reveling in things that make all debaters unsafe and are conscientious of specific situations that tend to be more unique for particular populations), but if you pinned me down on what I tend to think of when I think "policy debate," I would likely default to being a policymaker who attempts to equally weigh critical debate, meaning if the analysis/evidence is good, I can be persuaded to buy "cede the political," but it's not my default position.
Within the realm of policy, I believe a lot is up for grabs. The rules themselves are up for debate, and I think this can be a wonderful debate if you really want to go there. And just because I say I'm a policymaker doesn't mean that I'm against critical arguments; quite the contrary. I will vote on anything so long as the reasoning for it is sound. My preference is to hear about a subject that the affirmative claims to solve and why I should or should not vote for it. If that means that the policy entrenches some problematic assumption, that's 100% game; if it means something beyond the USFG, that's also fine.
Brass tacks, I'm not going to deny it: you give me a solid policy style round, I'm gonna love it. But I'm right there with you if you want to toss all that aside. As a debater, I chose to run arguments (borders K in 94/95) for an entire season that over half of my judging pool rejected on face as a valid form of argumentation with some making a drammatic display of holding their pen in the air while I was speaking and placing it on the table and then folding their arms to let me know just how horrific my choice of argumentation was. So for critical teams know that outside of Donus Roberts in the back of the room, I was a K debater who intentionall ran Ks in front of judges that thought I was ruining the activity and exacted punishments against me throughout my entire senior year basically destroying my experience. These were grown ass adults. While I might hedge towards policy as policy, I was a K debater myself so I am open to anything. I ran what I wanted to run, and I think the debaters of today in policy should run what they want to run, and our job as judges is to fairly adjust to how the activity adapts while connecting the activity to the constructs that best define it. That said, the further you diverge from the resolution on the aff, the more neg presumption is not just fair, but warranted.
I believe debate is also much more about analysis of argumentation than just reading a bunch of evidence. It's awesome you are able to quickly and clearly read long pieces of evidence, but absent your analysis of this evidence and how it impacts the round/clashes with the other team's argumentation, all you've done is, essentially, read a piece of evidence aloud. I need you to place that evidence within the context of the round and the arguments that have been made within it. I don't need you to do that with ALL the evidence, just the pieces that become the most critical as you and your opponents construct the round. Your evidence tells the story of your arguments, and how far they'll go with me.
If you hit truth, I'm there with you, but I can't make the arguments for you (I lean more truth than tech but I just can't make the arguments for you). When rounds devolve into no one telling me how to adjudicate the critical issues, you invite me to intervene with all my preconceived notions as well as my take on what your evidence says. To keep me out of the decision, I need you to tell me why your argument beats their argument based on what happened in the round (evidence, analysis, clash). I need you to weigh for me what you think the decision calculus should come down to, with reasons that have justification within the sketch of the round.
If you're a critical team reading this, know I've voted for K affs, poetry affs, narratives, and the like before. I'd even venture to guess my voting record on topics venturing far from the resolution is probably near 50/50. But I will buy TVA, switch-side and the like if they're reasonably constructed. The further you are from the resolution, the more I need you to justify why the ballot matters at all.
I believe line-by-line argumentation is one of the most important parts of quality debate. Getting up and reading a block against another team's block is not debate. Without any form of engagement on the analysis level, the round is reduced to constructives that act like a play. I want you to weave the evidence you have in your block into the line-by-line argumentation. This means even the 1NC. Yes, you are shelling a number of arguments, but you do have the ability as a thinking brain to interact with parts of the 1AC you think are mistagged, overstated, etc.
2AC and 2NC cause significant in-round problems when they get up and just group everything or give an "overview" of the specific arguments and then attempt line-by-line after I've flowed your 15 arguments on the top of the flow. Don't do this. Weave case extensions within the structure of replying to the 1NC's arguments.
The strongest Negative critical argument to me is "One Off" in the 1NC and then just horizontally eating that team alive the whole round on this one argument. I don't care how good the Aff is, "ONE OFF" uttered as the roadmap in 1NC sends chills down anyone's spine. Honestly, I HATE "6 off" and then feasting on the one arg the Aff fumbles. As I grow older, I'm less and less and less inclined to dole out the win on this strat. I also probably am not the best judge to run condo good against if the way you operationalize stuff is a pump and dump strat.
The following specific speech comments of this paradigm are more focused for novice and junior varsity debaters. At the varsity level, all four debaters should feel free to engage in cross ex, though, if you are clearly covering for a partner who seemingly cannot answer questions in varsity, that's going to impact their speaks and you highlighting it by constantly answering first for them is kinda crappy, kid.
Specific Speech Thoughts:
Cross Examination:
I do not like tag team cross ex for the team that is being questioned. Editing this years on, and I think the way this is phrased is misleading. A digression: some of the best cross-exes I've ever seen involved all four debaters. That said, the time was still dominated by those who were tasked with the primary responsibilities. And I think saying "I do not like tag team cross ex" makes it seem like I would be against the thing I just described as being great. This is only meant regarding scenarios in which it is clear one person is taking over for another for whatever reason. Taking over for your partner without allowing them the opportunity to respond first makes it look like they don't know what they're talking about and that you do not trust them to respond. Further, doing this prevents your partner from being able to expertly respond to questioning, a skill that is necessary for your entire team to succeed. I have little to no qualms about tag team questions, meaning if it's not your c/x and you have a question to ask, you can ask it directly rather than whispering it to your partner to ask. Again, however, I would stress you should still not take over your partner's c/x. Also, I'm generally aware when it's a situation where there is a pull up and the team has to make due. Obviously speaks will be attenuated, but also do think this is some kind of "I'm angry at you," deal. I can generally recognize in these scenarios and don't worry if you're trying to help your pull up.
Further, there is no "preparatory" time between a speech and cross ex. C/x time starts as soon as speech time ends.
Global (all speeches):
- I was an extremely fast, clear, and loud debater. I have no issue with real speed. I have an issue with jumblemouth speed or quiet speed. I especially have an issue with speed on a speech with little to no signposting. Even if you are blindingly fast, you should ALWAYS slow down over tags, citations, and plan (aff or neg). Annunciate explicitly the names of authors. Seriously... "Grzsuksclickh 7" is how these names come out sometimes. Help me help you.
- Need to be signposted in some way. This means, on a base level, that you say the word "NEXT" or give some indication that the three page, heavily-underlined card you just read had an ending and you've begun your next tag. Simply running from the end of a piece of evidence into more words that start your next tag line is poor form. It makes my job harder and hurts your overall persuasion. Numbering your arguments, both in the 1AC and throughout the round, goes a long way with me.
- Optimize your card tags to something a human can write/type out in 3-5 seconds. Your paragraph long tag to a piece of evidence hurts your ability for me to listen to your evidence. No one can type out: "The alternative is to put primary consideration into how biopower functions as an instrument of violence through status quo education norms. Anything short of fundamentally questioning the institution of schooling only reifies violence. The alternative solves because this analysis opens space for discovery and scholarship on schooling that better mitigates the harms of status quo biopolitical control" within about 5 seconds, while you are reading some dense philosophical stuff that we ostensibly are supposed to listen to while trying to mentally figure out how to shorthand the absurdly long tag you just read. And yes, that's a real tag and no, it's not even close to the longest one I've heard, it's just the one I have on hand.
- The ultimate goal is to not be the speech that completely muddles/confuses the structure of the round.
- It's supposed to be a persuasive speech. It's the one speech that is fully planned out before the round. You should not be stuttering, mumbling, etc. throughout it. You've had it in your hands for an ample amount of time to practice it out. Read it forwards and backwards (seriously... read your 1AC completely backwards as practice, and not just once but until you get smooth with it). It's your baby. You should sound convincing and without much error. If you are constantly stumbling over your words, you need to cut out evidence and slow down. Tags need to be optimized for brevity and you should SLOW DOWN when reading over the TAG and CITATION. And you should be able to answer any question thrown at you in c/x. 2A should rarely, if ever, be answering for you.
- Operates much like a 1AC, in that you have your shells already fully prepared, and only really need to adjust slightly depending on if the 1AC has changed anything material. If you are just shelling off case, then you are basically giving a 1AC, and you should be clear, concise, and persuasive. As with 1ACs, if you are stumbling over yourself, you need to cut out evidence/arguments. If you are arguing case side, you need to place the arguments appropriately, not just globally across case. Is this an Inherency argument? Solvency? Harms mitigation? Pick out the actual signposted argument on case and apply it there. As with 1A, your 2 should not be answering questions for you in c/x.
- If the 1NC did not argue case, I do not need you to extend each and every card on case. "Extend case," is pretty much all I need. Further, this is a great opportunity to use any of the 1AC evidence against the off-case arguments made. Did you drop a 50 States Bad pre-empt in the 1AC? Cross-apply it ON THE COUNTERPLAN. I don't need you extending it on case side which literally has zero ink from the 1NC on it. KEEP THE FLOW CLEAN.
- You should be following 1NC structure, and line-by-lining all their arguments. Just getting up and reading a block on an argument is likely going to end up badly for you, because this is shallow-level, novice-style debate, that tends to miss critical argumentation. I need you to *INTERACT* with the 1NC argumentation, and block reading is generally not that.
- First and foremost, you need to make sure you are creating a crystal clear separation between you and the 1NR in the negative block. Optimally, this means you take WHOLE arguments, not, "I'm gonna take the alt on the K and my partner will take the rest of the K." Ugh. No. Don't do this. Ever. It's awful and it ruins the structure and organization of the round. If there were three major arguments made in 1NC, let's say T, K, and COUNTERWARRANTS, you should be picking two of those three and leaving the third one completely untouched for the 1NR to handle.
- Use original 1NC structure to guide your responses to 2AC argumentation. Like the above, you should not be reading a block to 2AC answers. You need to specifically address each one, and using the original 1NC structure helps keep order to the negative construction of argumentation.
- Following from the above, you should not be recovering anything the 2NC did, unless something was missed that needs coverage. You should be focused on a separate argument from the 2NC. As above, don't just get up and read a block. Clash! Line-by-line! Make the 1AR's job harder.
- The hardest speech in the game. This is a coverage speech, not a persuasive speech. By all means, if you can be persuasive while covering, great, but your first job is full coverage. You do not need to give long explanations of points. Yes, you do need to respond to 2NC & 1NR responses to 2AC argumentation, but much of the analysis should have already been made. Here's where you want to go back and extend original 1AC and 2AC argumentation, and you only need to say "Extend original 1AC Turbinson 15, which says that despite policies existing on the books in the SQ, they continue to fail, everything the Negs argued on this point is subsumed by Turbinson, because these are all pre-plan policies." The part you don't need to do here is get into the *why* those plans fail. That's your partner's job to tell the big story. Again, if you are good enough to pull this off in 1AR, that's amazing and incredible, but no one is expecting that out of this speech. All judges are looking for from the 1AR is a connection from original constructive argumentation to the 2AR rebuttal. Rounds are generally NEVER won in 1AR, but they are often lost here. Your job, as it were, is essentially to not lose the round. Great 1ARs, however, begin to combine some of the global, story-telling aspects of 2AR on line-by-line analysis. But one thing none of them do is sacrifice coverage for that. Coverage is your a priori obligation and once you master that, then start telling your 1AR stories.
- Put things like Topicality and the Counterplan on the top of the flow.
2NR & 2AR
- Tell me why you win. Weigh the issues and impacts. Tell me what they are wrong about or analysis/argumentation they dropped. Frame the round.
Specific Argumentation
- I tend to believe that any case that is reasonably topical is topical. You have to work hard to prove non-topicality to me, but that does not mean I will not vote for it. 2AC should always have a block which says they meet both the Neg definition and interpretation, as well presents their own definition and interpretation.
- And as a bit of history, when I was a debater, the Kritik was an extremely divisive argument, with more than half of the judges my senior year (1994/95) demonstrably putting their pen down when we'd shell it and would refuse to flow or listen to it. We decided that we were not going to adjust for these judges and ran the K as a pretty much full time Negative argument and we were the first team in the State of Minnesota debate to do this. This made sense at the time as the topic was Immigration and a solid 75% of the cases we hit were increased border partrol, or ID cards, or reducing slots, etc. So, I'm quite familiar with the argumentation and I'm sympathetic to it. But I also feel it is overused in a sense when much more direct argumentation can defeat Affs and I would venture to guess many of the authors used in K construction would not advocate its use against Affs which seek redress for disadvantaged groups. I want you to seriously consider the appropriateness of the link scenario before you run a K.
- Negs need to do a lot of work to win these with me. It can't just be the rehashing of tag lines over and over and over. You need to have read the original articles that construct your argumentation so you can explain to me not only what the articles are saying, but are versed on the rather large, college-level words you are throwing around. Further, I find kritiks to be an advocacy outside of the round. I find it morally problematic to get up in the 1NC and argue "here are all these things that impact us outside of the round because fiat is illusory" and then kick out of this in the 2NR.
- I also want you to seriously consider the merit of running these arguments against cases which seek to redress disadvantaged groups. While I get the zeal of shoving it down some puke capitalist's throat, I question whether running said argumentation against a case which seeks, for example, to just provide relevant sex education for disabled or GLBTQ folx as appropriate. You're telling me after all these years of ignoring educational policy which benefits straight, cis, white guys that *now's the time* to fight capitalism or biopower or whatever when the focus on the case is to help those who are extremely disadvantaged in the SQ. This is an argument that proffers out-of-round impacts and I certainly understand the ground that allows this kind of argumentation to be applied, but a K is a different kind of argument, and I think it runs up against some serious issues when it attempts to lay the blame for something like capitalism at the feet of people who are getting screwed over in the SQ.
- I'm going to copy my friend Rachel Baumann's bit on the identity K stuff: "I will also admit to being intrigued with the culture-based positions which question the space we each hold in the world of debate. I have voted both for and against these arguments, but I struggle with which context would be the appropriate context in which to discuss this matter. The more I hear them, the less impressed I am with identity arguments, mostly because, again, I struggle with the context. Also, there is the issue of ground. Saying "vote against them because they are not... X" (which is an actual statement I heard in an actual round by an actual debater this year) seems just as constraining as the position being debated, and does not provide the opposing team any real debatable ground."
- I will vote on IT ALL. Their barrier is existential? Well, that's an old school argument and I will totally vote on an Aff not meeting their prima facie burden, and I will not find it cute or kitsch or whatever. It is a legitimate argument and I am more than happy to vote there, but you have to justify the framework for me.
- Negatives must keep in mind that unless you have some crystal clear, 100% solvency take out, you are generally just mitigating their comparative advantage. Make sure that you aren't overstating what you are doing on case and that you weigh whatever you are doing off case against this.
- Also into it all and will vote on it. I think Vagueness and Justification and Minor Repairs all are quite relevant today with how shoddily affirmatives are writing their plans. Use any kind of argumentation that is out there, nothing is too archaic or whatever to run. Yes, this means counterwarrants!
Lincoln Douglas:
Much of the above for Policy crosses over into LD. I often sit in LD rounds where the criterion and value are mentioned at the front end of the debate and then never again. It would seem to me that these help bolster a framework debate and you're asking me to lock into one of these in order to influence how I vote, so then never really mentioning them again, nor using them to shape the direction of the debate always confuses the heck outta lil ol' me. Weigh the issues, write the ballot for me. Not locking argumentation down forces me to go through my flows and insert myself into the debate. Will vote on critical argumentation on either side (check my responses on 'distance from the resolution' up in the policy part, applies here as well) and you can never go too fast for me so don't worry.
Public Forum:
The requisite "I'm a policy coach, you can do whatever with me in PF" applies. Just tell me how to vote.
Adapted from a fellow coworker:
- Voters and weighing. I don't want to have to dig back through my flow to figure out what your winning arguments were. If you're sending me back through the flow, you're putting way too much power in my hands.
- Clear sign posting and concise taglines.
- Framework. If you have a weighing mechanism, state it clearly and provide a brief explanation.
- Unique arguments. Debate is an educational activity, so you should be digging deep in your research and finding unique arguments. If you have a unique impact, bring it in. I judge a lot of rounds and I get tired of hearing the same case over and over and over again.
-Just referencing evidence by the card name (author, source, etc.). When I flow, I care more about what the evidence says, not who the specific source was. If you want to reference the evidence later, you gotta tell me what the evidence said, not just who said it.
-SPEED. I'm a policy coach. There is no "too fast" for me in PF. Seriously. There's no way possible and anti-speed args in PF won't move me in the slightest. Beat them heads up.
-Evidence misrepresentation. If there is any question between teams on if evidence has been used incorrectly, I will request to see the original document and the card it was read from to compare the two. If you don't have the original, then I will assume it was cut improperly and judge accordingly.
-Don't monopolize CX time. Answer quickly the question asked with no editorializing.
-"Grandstanding" on CX. CX is for you to ask questions, not give a statement in the form of a question. Ask short, simple questions and give concise answers.
-One person taking over on Grand CX. All four debaters should fully participate. That said, I really don't need any of the PF niceties and meta communication. Just ask away. Seriously. The meta performance of cordiality seems like a waste of time in a format with the least time to speak.
-K cases. I'll vote for em. K arg's same. If you hit a K arg, don't deer-in-headlights it. Think about it rationally. Defend your rhetoric and/or assumptions. Question the K's assumptions. Demand an alternative. Does the team running the K bite the K themselves? What's the role of the ballot under the K? There's plenty of ways to poke a sharp stick at a K. Simply sticking your head in the sand and arguing "we shouldn't be debating this" is not and will never be a compelling argument for me and you basically sign the ballot for me if the other team extends it and goes for the K with only your refusal to engage it as your counter argumentation.
-Evidence Exchanges. If you are asked for evidence, provide it in context. If they ask for the original, provide the original. I won't time prep until you've provided the evidence, and I ask that neither team begins prepping until the evidence has been provided. If it takes too long to get the original text, I will begin docking prep time for the team searching for the evidence and will likely dock speaker points. It is your job to come to the round prepared, and that includes having all your evidence readily accessible.
-If anything in my paradigm is unclear, ask before the round begins. I'd rather you begin the debate knowing what to expect rather than start your brutal post round grilling off with one-arm tied behind your back. ;)
I do bring a policy comparative advantage approach to PF. In the end I believe there are two compelling stories that are butting heads and which one both 1) makes the most sense, and 2) is backed up by argumentation and evidence in round. I am pretty middle of the road on truth vs tech, requiring a lot less when the arg aligns with the truth, but if you are cold dropping stuff there's no amount of reality I can intervene to make up for that. You are each attempting to construct a scenario to weigh against the other and I'm deciding which one makes more sense based on the aforementioned factors. Point out to me how you've answered their main questions and how your evidence subsumes their argumentation. Point out your strongest path to victory and attempt to block their road. Don't just rely on thinking your scenario is better, you must also harm theirs.
No one really gets their full scenario, it's all a bunch of weighing risk and probability and if you can inject doubt into the other teams scenario, it goes a long way towards helping weigh the risk of your scenario against yours. Keep the flow clean and do this work for me and you'll get your ballot.
I debated in policy for The Blake School for four years (2009-2013) and then I debated for Rutgers University-Newark in college (2013-2017). I ran mostly policy based arguments in high school and mostly critical arguments in college. I was an assistant coach (policy and public forum) with the Blake School until 2019 and then coached policy and congress at Success Academy from 2019-2023. I currently coach LD at the Delores Taylor Arthur School for Young Men in New Orleans.
Email - hannah.s.stafford@gmail.com - if its a LD round please also add: DTA.lddocs@gmail.com
Feel free to run any arguments you want whether it be critical or policy based. The only thing that will never win my ballot is any argument about why racism, sexism, etc. is good. Other than that do you. I really am open to any style or form of argumentation.
I do not have many specific preferences other than I hate long overviews - just make the arguments on the line-by-line.
I am not going to read your evidence unless there is a disagreement over a specific card or if you tell me to read a specific card. I am not going to just sit and do the work for you and read a speech doc.
Note on clash of civ debates - I tend to mostly only judge clash of civ debates - In these debates I find it more persuasive if you engage the aff rather than just read framework. But that being said I have voted on framework in the past.
PF - Please please please read real cards. If its not in the summary I won't evaluate it in the final focus. Do impact calculus it makes a a majority of my decisions. Stop calling for cards if you aren't going to do the evidence comparison. I will increase your speaker points if you do an email chain with your cards prior to your speech. Collapsing is important in the summary and final focus. Yes you can go fast if you are clear. I am open to theory and kritical argumentation - just ensure you are clearly warranting everything.
Hi! I’m Lizzie Su (she/her). I'm currently an assistant coach for Immaculate Heart.
lizziesu425@gmail.com - reach out w/ qs
TLDR: second year out, mostly read policy but dabbled in phil. will vote on any complete argument (bar the -isms) but you should err on the side of over-explaining something if you don’t think I’m familiar
visit ld.circuitdebater.org and share with your friends
important things
--defaults/changed with a sentence: permissibility negates, policy presumption, 1ar theory is dta
--no strong argumentative preferences but I am not a fan of cop-out or cheap shot strategies designed to avoid clash and pick up an easy ballot. I will give the rfd that says "I don't know why x is true per the 2ar/2nr" or "this is not on my flow" if needed. If you would like to thoroughly explain why skep is true/a reason to negate or why disclosing round reports is a good norm then please feel free to do so, but 10 seconds of "they dropped hidden AFC now vote aff" isn't going to cut it.
--related list of non-arguments: "aspec they didnt," "no 2nr i meets" + 1ar shell they don't violate, eval after the 1ac, no aff args, no neg args. subject to change without notice!
--flow. take prep/cx for clarification (re: marked docs - minimize dead time!)
--i flow straight down in Excel by ear only. Speech docs will not be open during a speech. i shouldn't need to read evidence if you do enough comparison in round. it's on you to catch your opponent clipping with a recording.
--feel free to respectfully disagree with my decisions
argument 'preferences'
--very good for policy stuff.
--good for phil v util or phil v k
--fine for the k if you talk about the aff.
--not great for phil v phil or k v k but walk me through it and we’ll probably be fine
re: speaks
--boosted for strategic pivots and good ethos (read: smart CX, not distasteful zingers). If I enjoy watching/judging the debate, you will enjoy your speaks.
--docked for splitting the 2NR/2AR 5 different ways or otherwise making the debate irresolvable.
--docked if you ask for 30 speaks
--it has come to my attention that i was a speaks demon/goblin this past year. i'll try to be nicer.
--give me like an extra .5s to get to the counterplan flow before you say permdobothpermdothecounterplan. thanks!
--reading a 2NR off a doc you did not write yourself is probably the least persuasive thing in debate ("I am not going to assign speaks as if you were the one who came up with the arguments" -Iris Chen)
Did PF & LD in high school, now do NPDA now at Rice.
Fine with most arguments, just be be clear and slow down on Ks/theory. I'm not super sure how norms are in LD so if you're going to go for an argument be very clear about what the link story is in the rebuttals and do enough weighing so I know how to evaluate it.
I don't have any particular preference for RVIs, Spec, Condo, or anything really. Just make clear arguments about why you should win with it. For Ks, I'm familiar with cap/futurism/Baudrillard/Lacan/Hauntology/ but you should still explain the alts to me like I'm a PFer because I low key don't really know what most of these arguments mean even when I read them.
I don't really know what a judge kick is but from my understanding I would err on the side of not doing that in front of me. Just collapse normally or do weighing to get out of an argument.
Recommend not to spread. I tend to take notes all along and if I am not taking notes, that means I am unable to follow your arguments.
Be respectful to everyone around you.
note for toc 23: if you are in the recruiting process for or committed to attending wake forest university or have any affiliation with the current wake debate program, please conflict me.
american heritage palm beach ('21), wake forest university ('24)
put me on the email chain: nikkidebate@gmail.com
tldr: i was very flex & will be fine with whatever you do. debate how you debate best and take this with a grain of salt. i don't think true 'tab' judges exist so i won't say that i am one; debate well and you'll win. if your opponent debates better, they'll win. speaker points are awarded solely for good debating.
important things:
[1] i don't flow off the doc (mostly, sometimes it's early and i am sleepy)
[2] i simply do not care about postrounding - do it if you want but but know i couldn't care less and nothing will change!
[3] taken from sai karavadi: "i will not vote on anything that polices what clothing other debaters are wearing — this is not negotiable and yes, that means i will not vote on shoes theory or formal clothing theory — you can @ me if you want"
[4] don’t be morally repugnant. don't misgender people. no -isms.
[5] "evaluate [part of the debate] after the 1ac" is not a real argument
[6] taken from nigel ward:"have the email chain setup. there is no reason you should be fumbling with an email chain 10 minutes past start time. it makes me seem late and leads to tab (understandably) sending runners to annoy me...and that annoys me. put differently: even if i’m late, have the email chain set up and ready to send upon my arrival."
[7] please say the number along w the speech name (ex: it's 1ac not ac, or 1nc not nc). i switch between ld & policy, so it just helps.
the kritik
if this is your cup of tea, go for it. if it isn’t, please do not subject me to 45 minutes of warren when you don’t know what humanism is.
i'm pretty good with adjudicating these debates and am pretty well read- just read what you want and explain it well. not a big fan of setcol debates where debaters aren't indigenous.
tldr: extend offense, use overviews to your advantage (i flow them) and answer perms well. "k tricks", whatever your interpretation of the term may be, are cool. please clash. have a theory of power and know it well.
win your theory of power, whatever that may be. every kritik is an orientation to the world through a certain lens, and absent winning that orientation, it becomes extremely difficult for me to adjudicate these debates. you should have a clear explanation of this theory of power, not just buzzwords. examples are your friend. the most effective 2nrs on going for the k should collapse.
the link should be specifically implicated to the affirmative and should not rely on loose generics. this does not mean you need to cut a link card to every part of the aff, but rather be clear in your contextualization of the link, and in explaining why that link matters in context of your theory of power. the impacts debate is where i start to filter out offense and would like to see early comparative weighing.
alternative: tell me a) what the alt does, b) how it resolves the links, c) how it solves, d) what the world of the alt looks like. the alt needs to be explicitly extended and explained.
permutations: permutations must be appropriately handled- do not misgroup perms that shouldn't be grouped. dropped perms are easy aff ballots. carded perms (esp from 1nc authors) = i'll bump speaks. explain what the world of the perm looks like - perms should have net benefits- saying "perm do the aff" isn't enough work to win.
performance/non-t affs
you do you. win why the ballot matters, why debate is good/bad, what the aff does, etc. a lot of judges are anti overviews, i do not care so please use overviews. i love these debates, but you will need to do the work to persuade me on why i should vote aff/neg and why your model is good. k affs tell stories, and absent hearing what the story of the aff is, it's going to be really hard for me to actually vote on it.
fwk v non-t affs
it can be smart and strategic- operative word here is "can”. be efficient, answer the aff, compare methods (fwk v k is a methods v methods debate), do work on standards and the counterinterp. good 2nrs on framework make me very happy. i have no bias to either side of these debates; i've been on both sides.
k v k
taken from dylan burke: "these debates often get very messy because they are incredibly shallow. the only thing i have to say in this section is that you should be articulating your theory of power in a very comprehensive way as to a) why it better explains structures that the other team b) why the alternative solves those structures c) why the links make the action that the other team is advocating for bad."
the impact debate to me is just an extension of the methods debate that is inevitable (or at least should be) in any clash of civ round - in these debate, that work should be done early (not just in the 2nr/2ar).
read them if you want idc, i just have a lower standard for answering things like silly aprioris than you may want me to have. i don’t consider truth testing + an nc like monism to be tricks, i mean blippy, unwarranted, 1 line arguments. "what's an apriori" was cool in 2018, it isn't anymore.
truth testing + nc combo: underrated and i miss it. bring it back.
i’m fine with it- do what you would normally do. i have personal opinions on good v bad theory but if it's warranted and extended i’ll evaluate it (except theory arguments that implicate a debater's physical appearance). sending interp/counterinterp texts is probably good and limits the chance i get it down wrong. i default to no rvis, competing interps, drop the arg, and text over spirit. if none of these are arguments, however, i will probably be very unamused.
i was not a phil debater in high school; i am a philosophy major at wake. i’m probably not the world's best judge for evaluating these debates, but as long as you extend offense, impacts, and explain niche terms, i’ll be fine. syllogisms are like stories, so i will hold you to the same level of explanation as any good kritikal aff.
i do policy debate. obviously you can read these arguments i just will be bored lol so do it but do it well. please do not pref me for dense larp v larp rounds if you are incapable of collapsing – most of the times, i will not be able to adjudicate these debates as well as you want me to. weighing is your friend; collapsing is your significant other. i love good recuttings.
taken from ben waldman: "i'm pro-spin but anti-lying, know the difference."
cx (the event)
i go to wake forest and believe in the big tent method. what that means is that i have no ideological preferences as to how you should debate, i just want you to debate in a way that you are comfortable with. i’m a 2a so i love seeing interesting affirmative strategy. basically, do whatever. all the ld kritik and larp stuff above applies but i should be chilling in the back for you to debate how you debate best!
some people can be rude in cx. if that's your thing, i don't care. the exception being if you are a circuit debater debating a novice/someone with vastly less experience than you. in that instance, be nice - it'll hurt your speaks otherwise.
i currently average a 28.7534 (29 rounds)
28.5 is average; they go up and down from there. "material" speaks boosters are capitalistic and exclusionary in nature, hence my discomfort in offering them.
i'll disclose numerical speaks if asked, but if it's the first question after a decision i will probably roll my eyes.
I look for strong voters, good clash, and signposting. Crossfire/cross ex periods are not flowed.
I am a parent judge. Please be respectful and clear in your presentation. Good luck!
Sasha – any pronouns
Hawken ‘23 – 4 years nat circ + Ohio policy; 1 year nat circ/progressive LD
Columbia ‘27 – novice APDA competitor
Email: sashaturner1124@gmail.com – I don’t flow off the doc, but I think docs are a good practice.
**I have little/no topic knowledge atm
Be nice plz :)
Rounds should be accessible to your opponent which includes content warnings, respecting pronouns, inclusionary language, etc.
Tech > truth, but debaters sometimes make that hard. I’ll vote on anything (except for discriminatory/problematic arguments – the briteline for that is a gut check for me, for example: racism good will never get my ballot) so long as you’re winning it.
Dropped arguments are true, but that’s not an excuse for you to spew poorly developed arguments.
I consider myself tabula rasa, but everyone has subconscious biases that can’t be consciously checked.
Honestly, do whatever you want because debates should be fun for the debaters. It’s the judge’s role to adapt to the debate within reason. Don’t feel forced to adapt my preferences
I’m fine with speed, but please don’t spread through your analytics at top speed without a doc because I will miss something. I’m old-school and flow on paper, so give me pen time + time between each flow to switch my sheets.
On that note, make your speech docs not a pile of crap (i.e. headings for arguments rather than just random cards on a page).
You don’t have to send analytics if you don’t want to, but it’s much appreciated for me and for your opponent(s).
Your cards should have warrants…why is it a norm to have one line highlighted in a card…that’s not an argument
Do LBL! “imbedded clash” is stupid most of the time
Write my ballot for me in the 2NR/2AR – meaning that you should give an overview of why you should get the ballot and do impact framing (impact calc is seriously underrated plz do it)
Case: Case debate is seriously underrated in policy – I LOVE good case debate. One of my favorite arguments was a well developed case turn, you should do them.
T/Theory: To make it a voter, there needs to be fleshed out in-round abuse and voters. I default to competing interps.
DA: Not much to say, they’re fun. The more specific and/or contextualized link the better. Straight turns? You should go for it! I ran a lot of politics disads, so do with that what you will.
CP: Niche process and advantage CPs are underutilized, you should run them. I’ll only judge kick if you tell me. All theoretical issues are up to debate.
K: I’m most familiar with afropess, queer theory, psychoanalysis, and baudrillard; however, that doesn’t mean you can’t run a certain K in front of me, and me being familiar with a body of literature isn’t an excuse for you to not explain your K. Explain the substantive context in the K (especially the functionality of the alt). Perf cons on reps Ks are chefs kiss.
As a Black person who mostly read afropess my senior year, non-Black debaters should not be reading afropess. If you’re a non-Black (especially white) debater who wants to read afropess, strike me.
Kritikal/Non-Topical Affs: I’d prefer that affs are at least somewhat related to the topic, but that can definitely be through your kritikal lit. Aff: the neg should be able to negate your aff in some way, if they can’t then you’re setting yourself up for a hard FW debate. Neg: My preferred strategy against K-Affs was psychoanalysis, heg good/cap good, or FW (obv not all three at once), so do with that what you may.
I did some circuit LD my senior year of high school and basically treated it like policy lol, so literally everything from the policy section applies. The closer to policy, the better.
All of my LD-specific knowledge comes from Eva Lamberson, so you can look at their paradigm for more insight.
Friv/Tricks: No, thank you. They’re not my wheelhouse, so if you run tricks or friv in front of me I probably will not understand. I won’t give you 30 speaks just because you read 30 speaks theory. You should probably disclose on the wiki (if possible) for educational purposes.
Phil: I’m a philosophy major, so I’ll probably understand your authors/lit. But, I didn’t read or interact much with phil while I was debating, so I don’t know the technical ins and outs of philosophical debate. Do judge instruction in these rounds. Not a Kant fan. My favorite philosopher is Camus, so do with that what you may.
Trad: I am QUITE circuit oriented, but I can understand a trad case enough to make a decision.
RVIs aren’t a thing.
I’ve noticed that people tend to leave things under-developed and under-explained in LD. Take the time to explain your arguments to me rather than spamming and hoping your opponent drops something. I’ll never vote for something I don’t understand unless it’s cold conceded, so it’s worth your time to explain it.
I don't have any PF specific experience, so I'll treat it like policy + be extremely technical.
I'll evaluate Ks in PF, but please make sure your opponents are okay with it.
Please turn your cameras on when speaking.
I will always have my camera on, so if it’s not on, something is wrong and you shouldn’t start your speech.
Go like 80% max speed because computer audio quality can be bad.
Record your speeches as a failsafe if there’s a technology glitch.
Happy prefing + debating <3
Hi, I'm Fredy. I did LD debate for four years on the TFA circuit and a little bit on the national circuit at Clements High School, graduating in 2023. Currently a college student.
email: fredvima022@gmail.com
speech drop> email chain, but I know speech drop doesn't work on everyone's computer
I'm a pretty flexible judge, but here's my overall ranking (1 being favorite)
1- Larp, Phil
2- T/ theory, K
3- complex pomo Ks
4- trad
5- dumb theory/ tricks/ cheaty strategies in general (I'll evaluate them because I'm a tech > truth judge, but I will tank your speaks)
6- high theory (I don't hate it; I have a tough time understanding these since debaters often severely underexplain them)
Despite this ranking, I'd rather see a good K debate than a bad Phil debate, so keep that in mind. I do like well-warranted and well-written Ks. I read set col, cap, and security from time to time and even a little bit of Lacan, but here's what I'll say: If you can't explain what micro fascism is, don't run Deleuze, if you can't explain what a securitized impact is don't run a security K. That being said, don't be afraid to try a new strategy.
I will not evaluate theory or Ks about what anyone is wearing or the objects they have on them. Everything else is fair game.
CX is binding
Don't be sketchy about shells. If there is legit pre round or in round abuse read the shell by all means. If your opponent asks you pre round if there are any interps you want them to meet and you don't tell them I do not want to see a shell about out of round abuse.
Clipping is an auto L 20
Speaker points:
I am not the biggest fan of the speaker point system, but I think it's an excellent way to reward smart strategies and good rounds. I'll start at a 29 and decrease it if your strategy isn't the best or you don't explain something adequately. I'll increase speaks if you use a smart strategy or make me laugh.
I won't dock or increase speaks for how you speak; just make sure it's comprehensible. Go at around 70-80% of your normal speed if we are online. I'll yell clear twice per speech then if you choose to ignore me I will stop flowing.
Lastly, good luck, remember to have fun and please ask if you have questions. End of the day, its not too serious who wins or loses and y'all are ultimately here because you enjoy debate.
add me to the email chain! (please use an email chain)
debate however you want to, I'll adapt and my paradigm is likely to not fully encompass my views on debate
Good debating will always overcome any of my biases, these are just defaults if things are uncontested
If you have a fun strategy feel free to run it in front of me
Good for speed, just make sure you're clear, if I clear you and you don't change then don't be surprised if my flow misses an argument you made
Evidence quality and ethics are highly valuable to me, although I typically let the flow decide what is "true". That being said I have a low threshold for ignoring bad cards, if your opponent reads bad cards jump on this. If you don't, I won't do the work for you.
Additionally rehighlighting their evidence will always boost your speaks and be very good at zeroing whatever argument they want the card to make. However, make sure you are right about what you point out.
feel free to post round if you don’t think my decision was clear
Topicality -
Default to competing interps (this means you need to say reasonability and extend it through the 2ar)
Topic specific definitions > general definition > noncontextual definitions
I can be persuaded otherwise but this is what I default to
I enjoy evaluating T debates and would consider myself good for them.
T USfg -
Negative teams need to answer the impact turns by being specific about how their impacts implicate the affirmative model's solvency. Your education/fairness arguments mean nothing if it is key to something that the affirmative is critiquing.
Typically the team which is more specific with their framework offense will win the debate, broadly saying debate is violent or procedural fairness is key are unpersuasive absent a reason why the other team's model does not solve for your impact or exacerbates it.
Clash > fairness > education > skills
Affirmatives need to define the role of the negative
K Affs -
Teams that counter-define the resolution and create an interesting model of debate will more often than not win in front of me. I find full impact turns to T less persuasive relatively but will still vote on them.
Any affirmative that is willing to defend itself and its purpose in the debate space may be read in front of me. Advocate for what you want my ballot to represent and I will typically use it as such unless you lose framework.
Theory -
Have a high threshold for most arguments as a I believe theory should typically be used to create reasons to reject the team
Disadvantages -
Turns case arguments are important to me, especially when comparing extinction impacts
Soft left affs should look to win the framing page with more than just "extinction never happens".
The best way to zero a disad is with evidence indicts.
There is not always a risk of the link/impact and I will typically read the cards surrounding those two most thoroughly in my decision
internal links need to be debated out more often, they're often the sketchiest part of any argument.
Counterplans -
If you are going to read cards on the counter plan it should have a solvency advocate in the 1NC, otherwise I will be easily persuaded by theory
CPs based off 1AC evidence are some of my favorite to judge
I lean neg on the question of sufficiency framing so comparison of the world post-aff vs post-cp are very important to me
Kritiks -
I would say I'm a good judge for any K
I think that the block should have a significant amount of link explanation (I love link specificity based upon internal links), therefore I'm more empathetic to grouping blippy links in the 1AR as a way to deter the link shotguns that seem to have become more popular. This is because too often I see teams throw out 5 or 6 links in the block to have the 1AR drop one they apparently aren't prepared to go for in the 2NR and end up collapsing the debate down to the one argument which was covered. (this will tank your speaks as a 2N)
Framework is key to how I evaluate the alt and what my ballot represents - teams can still win absent framework and it is a viable 2nr in many cases if you're ahead on the link debate
On that note, affs should try to isolate whether the alt is material or not as early in the debate as possible, this informs a lot of the debate and letting the negative run away with this will lose you debates.
Hi I'm a parent judge
English is third language
Slow is better
Speaker points start at 25 and goes up and down from there
Assume I'm always ready - My camera will be off and so will my mic. Please begin your speech as soon as possible.
add me to the email chain: wangkatie16@gmail.com
Hi! i'm katie (she/her), i'm a second year in college. i did circuit ld for the majority of high school and a little bit of public forum in my senior year.
i'm more comfortable with judging policy and t/theory orientated debates, however if you do read a k or a phil heavy case make sure you explain it well.
speaker points start at 28 and fluctuate from there.
for pf:
you can spread but pls be coherent
make sure all arguments have a warrant
impact weighing>>>>>
anything that makes me laugh = +.1 speaker point
in general, don't stress, be nice, and have fun :)
My name is Zi Wang (Zee).
I'm a parent judge. I'd prefer traditional debates over progressive and normally don't vote on tricks, Ks, theory, etc. Please don't go too fast and make your arguments clear. Make sure that you weigh and give clear voters.
Email: ziwangdebate@gmail.com
Howdy, I am William Wayne Ward from Wyoming.
3 Years High School Congressional Debate
1 Year British Parliamentary Debate
2 years College Public Forum Debate
2 years in IE Speech (currently in Ext, Ads)
President of UW Speech
7 years in Speech and Debate total
I enjoy the technical side of debate but better speakers will often win my vote should the speaker's clash and arguments be roughly equal. I really enjoy watching clash, especially lively ones, but I severely punish Ad Hominem arguments and general disrespect. I do not care about On or Off Clock roadmaps. I shouldn't have to read y'all's case to understand, it is lame if I do. If you give me a K argument that is not on case, I will likely give you an L. Spreading makes me Sad. I believe that ridiculous arguments require minimal responses, the bar for a substantive response is lower. Please do not force me to listen to a definition debate where the two terms are not meaningfully different.
Congress: I expect chairs to be efficient, know parliamentary procedure, be fair, and to take good precedence. Newbies are more forgiven. I have a ton of experience here, I can smell procedural BS a mile away so do not cross any major ethical boundaries.
Chair:I detest question precedence and RNG speaker selection. That is not in Roberts Rules of Order.
Speakers: you are in congressional debate, not congressional oratory. The later half of the debate needs to have clash or I will have an excellent nap. Don't tempt me.
LD: Please explain why a value or criterion clash matters, what arguments I should drop or if I should entirely ignore your opponent's case. You are in a moral debate, not PF Lite™, explain why morals matter.
PF: If you cannot explain your case and it's logic in 1-2 sentences, I probably will not vote for you. Simplify your case for me into easy logic if possible. I am sadly a pea brain.
CX: Pray I am not your CX judge. If you have the misfortune of seeing me as a CX judge, K arguments that are off case are annoying and spreading is lame. Treat me like a lay judge.
Debate differences: I will try not force my preferred lay and PF view points on you, I detest how CX judges decide PF, but I cannot reward something I do not understand just because it is the norm.
I judge heavy on energy and blocking (when applicable) as well as speaking ability. I would much rather judge a room full of the same subject with great performance than unique topics with poor performance.
In my view, you are in Speech, not Debate, which means that the best subject, topic, or argument does not always win. It's all about how you can present it, but an interesting topic certainly helps.
I like to flow what happens in your feedback on Tabroom for most events, especially debate so you can see everything I hear/consider. That said, I flow faster on paper so in elimination rounds I will likely not flow on the ballot.
↑ Effective Judge Understanding > Flow Transparency. ↑
I might add emojis to most ballots. ???? ← Might look like this. If I do not have much under your feedback or RFD, it is because I forgot to fill it out like a dingus.
for additional feedback or questions about your ballot:
text at 307-921-0711
Just don't dox me, thats not coolio bro.
For email chain: wareham.jack@gmail.com
I appreciate the enormous amount of effort debaters put into preparation and will do my best to fairly and precisely adjudicate the round. I debated "progressive," national circuit LD for Oakwood School, graduating in 2017, and I am now Oakwood's LD coach.
Here are the two things that are most important to me:
- Please slow down on tags, author names, and analytics. Go as fast as you want through your evidence, as long as it's clear.
- Please do not mark cards more than twice in a speech. If you are just blitzing through a ton of evidence and marking cards all over the place, I will delete the marked evidence from my flow.
Like any judge I have default positions. However, I will happily depart from them if presented with a persuasive argument.
- The neg must prove the proactive desirability of a competitive advocacy (in other words, not truth-testing)
- No judge kick
- Affs should be topical
My threshold for your winning frivolous theory or tricks is higher than my threshold for normal arguments. That's not to say I won't vote for them. But it should be persuasively argued and defended.
Plus speaker points for:
- Intelligent use and demonstrated understanding of phil and kritik literature. The LD division between "phil" and "K" is highly artificial, and I appreciate debaters who exploit this by mixing the two layers.
- Creative arguments
- Not reading off a doc for the whole round
- Strategy. Debate is a strategic game, and I appreciate interesting and gutsy decisions about what arguments to go for and what to ditch.
For college debate, use this email: debatecsuf@gmail.com
Coach @ Harvard Westlake and CSUF
For College: My debate paradigm is tailored to LD (I judge that the most). Most of the stuff below applies, with the caveat of having philosophy at a "1/2" and trix at "2/3". I think the time structure and topic wording of LD make it more viable/interesting for that format, but in college policy, I'd probably be more inclined to vote on a utilitarian framing than a deontological one. I'll read the evidence after the round and would appreciate judge instruction. No ideological leaning for K or policy. Dropped arguments = true arguments. Explain acronyms. I'd like to intervene as little as possible and don't wanna evaluate out of round stuff
Pref shortcut:
Policy - 1/2
K - 1
K Aff/ Performance - 2
Philosophy - 1/2
Trix - 2/3
T - 3/4
Theory - 3/4
I did policy debate for 4 years at Downtown Magnets (shout out LAMDL) and 4 years at Cal State Fullerton. I debated mostly truthy performance debates and one-off K strats in high school and debated the K in a very technical way in college. Currently coach flex teams in LD.
I would say my debate influences are Jared Burke, Shanara Reid-Brinkley, Jonathan Meza, Anthony Joseph, Travis Cochran, Toya Green, and Scotty P.
TLDR: I will vote for anything, as long as it's impacted out. The list of preferences is based on my comfort with the argument. Fine with speech drop or email chain.
I think debate is a game that can have heavy implications on life and influence a lot of things
Tech > Truth, unless the Tech is violent (racism good, sexism good, etc.)
Good for all speeds, but clarity is a must
Judging a trad debate would be pretty funny
My favorite neg strategies are "NC, AC", the 1 off critique, a good da/cp debate
Like creative affs (policy, phil, and k)
Disclosure is good unless proven otherwise
Yes competing interps, lean no RVIs (not hard rule), DTD
Shells need an interp, violation, standards, voter
Need a good abuse story/how does my ballot set norms? Why does my ballot matter? How does this implicate future debates?
I think condo is good
1AR restarts are risky but I'd be pleasantly surprised if executed well
Absurd internal link chains should be questioned
Default util
No zero-risk
Uniqueness controls the link
Impact turns are good
Perms are tests of competition, not new advocacies
Yes judge kick
Will read evidence if told to do so
Quality ev > Card dump of bad ev
Usually default reasonability on T
I have a reading background in several critical literature bases. I am most read in anti-capitalist theory, afro pessimism, fugitive black studies, settler colonialism, and Baudrillard. For the sake of the debate, assume I know nothing and explain your K
Winning theory of power important
Perm solves the link of omission
Specific link > state bad link
Affs should weigh the aff vs. the K, negs should tell me why this isn't possible OR deal with affs impacts
Extinction outweighs debate probably good here
Soft left affs with a good link turn are persuasive for me
K Affs
I appreciate affirmatives that are in the direction of the topic. Affs that don't defend any portion of the resolution need a heavy defense of doing so otherwise T is pretty persuasive (imapct turn it)
I try not to have a leaning into T-FW debates, but I find myself often voting negative. Similar to Theory/T, I would love to hear about the affirmative's model of debate compared to the negative's. Impact turns to their model are awesome but there is a higher bar if I don't know what your model is.
Read a TVA -- Answer the TVA
Fairness is an impact. Clash is important. Education matters
KvK debates are super interesting, but I hate when they become the Oppression Olympics. Perms are encouraged. Links of omission are not. Contextualize links to the affirmative and clearly tell me how to evaluate the round.
Lean yes on perms in KvK/method debates
Performances should be used offensively. I will flow your poems/videos/whatever, just have a defense of it and utilize it to win
I find these debates fun to judge, but debaters should still err on the side of over explanation (especially if its dense)
Epistemic confidence
I don't care what phil you read, but I would probably enjoy seeing something I've never judged before
Weighing matters here still, especially between competing frameworks and meta-ethics
Sure, all I ask is that the trick has a warrant (even if it's hidden). If executed poorly, I will probably nuke speaks. If I miss the warrant for your trix and it's not in the doc, unlucky
I will evaluate the debate after the end of the 2AR (non-negotiable)
Speaker Points
Pretty much summed up here
If you make a joke about Jared Burke, +.1 speaker point
Debated at Jack C Hays and Trinity University
Graduate from Trinity University 2024
Email: averydebate1@gmail.com
Debate - All
ONLINE --- Please go like 85% percent speed. It can sometimes become difficult to understand debaters over computer audio and my own typing. Wait for a VERBAL confirmation I am good to go before starting a speech.
) Have docs sent at round start time
) Send cards in files
) Disclosure - don't really see a world where I want to vote on disclosure. Mis-disclosure depends on whether or not it is verifiable within the round by the debaters mis-disclosure occurred. I do believe disclosure is a good practice and should be done, but lack of disclosing is probably not any kind of round ending decision.
) Please be nice in round - No one wants issues
) I've found out I am not a fan of debaters trying to be snarky in speeches and at worst has made me very very uncomfortable in the past.
) Do not misgender your opponents - Even If not called out in round your speaks will suffer and I will probably not be looking to view things favorably for you in the debate. I have no issue voting on misgendering and will be happy to do so. This can be avoided by simply gendering your opponents 1) correctly or 2) referring to speeches and not the debaters.
How I Judge
) Everything is either offense or defense at the end of the day. The team with the most important/largest offense in the round wins. Defense is important, but I need some kind of reason to vote for a side. Risk of impacts need to be a more substantial risk than the other side, not just a risk - please do weighing!
) I tend to be somewhat expressive in round. You should not take my expressions and movements as comments on your arguments.
) I like to evaluate debates as technically as I am capable of - This does not mean all arguments exist on an equal playing field in their acceptability in the round. I carry in my own beliefs into round and can't purely disentangle them from how I evaluate arguments. This doesn't mean i wont vote on such arguments, but the thresholds is high and I am much less likely to be persuaded by your Heg DA versus an aff about a literary work.
) Please attempt to engage K Affs on a deeper level. Opening up a book and reading is good and will make your arguments better. This doesnt mean Framework isn't a viable option against Kritikal affirmatives, but deeper and creative arguments are likely to be rewarded. There is almost certainly someone out there that says the aff is bad, you can find them.
) I sometimes struggle to understands debaters spreading. If I need you to slow down I will clear you. Please be sure to signify vocally in some way when you transition from card text to tag, too often debates spread without enough differentiation.
) I flow on my laptop for most rounds
) I tend to not flow off the doc. You're speech should be understandable without me having to look at it. I will look at cards during prep and after speeches If I feel as though I need to.
) Better Cards > More Cards - Truth and being correct is more important than having a lot of people being wrong. I'd rather you invest in quality evidence that actually says something than trying to string together a conspiracy theory from 6 cards.
) Massive fan on the weird side of arguments. Things that are considered "tricks" or "trolls" are often arguments I can see myself voting on IF AND ONLY IF you do the work of demonstrating how it interacts with the other side in a way that reaches an Impact. It would be preferred if the impact wasn't just presumption.
) Presumption is a very silly argument versus most Kritikal affs. I don't think this activity requires anyone to pretend signing a ballot does anything in any round for me to vote a side.
) Will not vote on cards written by current debaters
) Will not adjudicate issues that occurred outside of the round
) Will vote on Spark/Wipeout
) Not voting on RVIs in policy -- In LD I really really dont want to and am likely to not be persuaded outside of extreme circumstances.
) Every time I enter speaker points it is basically a number randomly generated from my head. I don't have a system for this nor plan to make one. I will give speaks on the vibes, but I tend to hover around high 28 to low 29 for doing an okay/good job.
College - Climate
) Unsure what T looks like on this topic outside of the subsets debate. I currently do not have thoughts on any portion of this.
) I think there is ALOT of potential for cool affs and negative strategies on this topic. Big fan of a lot of the climate change critical literature in all its versions and think there is good potential for aff specific engagement no matter how you approach it. This is 100% a topic you should have something specific as a link to the aff, especially if you are reading the Cap K.
) Please no warming good
) Unsure what Kritikal affs look on this topic yet, but I'm hopeful for some cool stuff that doesn't just become "markets bad" by the 2ar. If that is your aff I'm probably not the biggest fan of it.
Thoughts On Arguments That Are Maybe Important To You
) T-Framework - I think these debates can sometimes be interesting but most of the time become slugfests. I think the negative should probably go for a real impact (not fairness). I am much more interested if you decide to do something that is a bit more topic or aff tailored with framework rather than preaching about the glory of limits for the sake of meaningless gameplaying. Hypotesting anyone?
) Condo -my condo threshold is not set at a certain hard limit, but once it starts becoming 3+ condo I am willing to listen to the argument as much more real and less of a question of mere technical concessions. Please don't drop condo or turn it into a condo v theory debate.
) I dont see a world I vote on a-spec as a reason to drop the team.
LD Quick Pref List:
K -- 1
T vs K-Affs - 1/2
K-Affs - 2
Policy Strat - 2
T - 2
Phil - 3
Theory - 4
Tricks - 4
Framework vs K Affs -- I think a lot about framework debates and have become mostly opinionless on them. I find these debates conceptually really interesting but I'm not sure how much of that can ever be drawn out in LD. Do things with framework besides "limits good!" and engage the aff more. This debate in LD I think is very skewed negative.
Policy Affs vs K -- I end up tapping out on extinction first a lot, but this is mainly due to lack of impact framing or weighing by the negative. If you are doing a framework push in the 1ar/2ar you need to implicate what winning it gets you/ why the links dont matter anymore etc on a substance level. I often find perm explanations from policy affs very lacking, I'd much rather judge an impact turn to the K than a nonsensical perm 2ar. How affs win this debate is by having offense on the the K at some substantive level (links, alt, impacts, not broad issues of "fairness"). Negs should be turning the aff in some way or interact on some level with the aff outside of "there is a link, moving on to impact." otherwise I'm left just evaluating between 2nr impact rambling versus 2ar impact weighing.
Phil - Yes. I have cut phil affs of all varieties and read a lot of them in highschool (Rawls, Contractualism, Scanlon, Virtue Ethics, Kant, even a little Schopenhauer)
I've cut and prepped induction fails, Trinity goes for no free will and we live in a simulation. I rock with a lot of these arguments. I think teams are pretty bad at answering them. do with that what you will. I don't think any of these arguments require truth testing framework to win.
Make it so I either negate or CAN'T affirm the resolution with offense of why affirming would be bad or impossible then you will probably be in a good spot -- Just make sure its CLEAR and an actually strategy and not paired with like 20 other tricks and triggers -- If it's your winning arg, make it win the 2nr and GO for it
Policy Args - Yes they are good. Functionally and Textually compete, explain things. I don't go for or extend these things very often, but I promise I will follow whatever you do. Don't be afraid to go for a CP DA. There's isnt much to say about DAs -- Have uq, a link, have an internal link, have an impact; do that and youre golden
I find a lot of cards about China to be kind of ridiculously racist at points. Policy teams please point this out more.
T - LDers please read an interp with definitions of the resolution words, I'm not a fan of people just saying "grammar" or basing the interp on vague vibes the aff maybe did something bad (Nebel). I try not to hold on to many defaults on T because I think debate about meta level questions should be largely up the debaters. Counter-interps should be extended, they should have standards, and they need reasons why they are good (I dont really care what the reason for it being good is, just make sure you answer the opponents args, otherwise T interps become two ships in the night).
RVIs on T is an arg I think is foundationally silly -- you dont get to win for following norms. However, drop or undercovered args are undercovered args, go for them if you must.
Theory - Most theory read I find pedantic and rarely a reason to DTD instead of DTA (except condo). Lean neg on condo in LD but very open to it being read. Strong tendency to not vote for AFC, ACC, Colt, TJFs, etc.
Probably not the judge if your A strat is 1AR theory restarts, but I will vote on it I just likely won't be very happy. These debates just end up becoming theory overview 2ars which become very intervention heavy to evaluate.
I am the coach of the Mountain Lakes High School debate team. I prefer traditional over progressive approaches to debate.
Please be respectful to your opponents. Have a great debate!
Email: abigpandor1@gmail.com
Hi. I am a lay parent judge. Please do not spread. I prefer normal speaking. Run whatever arguments you want. Good luck.
I debated Policy, LD, and PF for 3 years and coached LD and PF for 3 years. Do your best and I will follow along - please let me know if you have questions.
I am a new parent judge who is very lay
Make arguments clear, concise, and compelling.
I would prefer a slow conversational pace to prioritize clarity.
Highly discourage any tricks, extensive phil, extensive k's, or any unreasonable arguments.
I will be judging your logic, speaking skills, knowledge, and responses.
Giving clear voters and being organized will be very helpful.
My email is crossing66@gmail.com feel free to make an email chain.
Not native English speaker. Please speak slowly and clearly, doc sharing would be helpful.
Email: xhm1031@hotmail.com
I debated at Peninsula from 2019 to 2023 and now debate at Emory and coach for Peninsula, OCSA and Archbishop Mitty.
Do not pref me if you are toxically masculine.
I do NOT flow from the speech documents post-1nc. I will usually start flowing at the 1nc on the case.
Tech over truth but arguments must be clear and complete upon introduction. That means they must clearly provide a warranted reason to vote for you or against the other team. Common practices that do not meet this threshold include embedded theory arguments, floating piks, laundry-list impact evidence, DAs that fail to establish causality and counterplans that lack solvency and/or mechanism explanation.
My only strong opinion is that clash and research are good. I am worse than most for strategies that are not reflective of the topic literature and are instead reliant on debate techne & clash evasion. This is not to say that you should radically alter your strategy in the pre-round if I am judging you, nor imply that contrived topicality arguments, process counterplans & exclusive framework interpretations are unwinnable, but to be transparent that I may not be the optimal judge for teams whose pre-tournament preparation consists primarily of writing blocks rather than cutting cards.
- BE NICE!!!
- add me to the email chain: sarahczhou5@gmail.com
- For PF:
- i think PF is somewhat a speech event. please don’t try to run prog arguments in PF, just because I know prog args does not mean I want to hear them in PF.
- assume I have zero topic knowledge
- the shorter the round and the easier my ballot the higher your speaks
- i don’t care much for grand crossfire so if both teams agree to skip it i wouldn’t mind at all
- For LD:
- general-
- i evaluate debates technically, based off my flow
- arguments should have a claim, warrant, and impact
- default judge kick, comparative worlds, reasonability
- Weighing evidence and impacts is a good way to debate
- Clash debates are good
- Clarity > Speed
- 3 cards or less —> send in body
- Ev ethics or clipping means you stake the debate
- Disclosure is good, not disclosing is a voting issue
- Don’t steal prep
- Use CX to ask what was skipped
- Condo is good –number of advocacies don’t matter
- CP solvency should be explained thoroughly in the 2NR
- I don’t like cardless CPs
- PICs are good
- No such thing as zero risk to the DA
- Don’t really like Politics DAs
- Link debate should be at the top of the 2NR/2AR and the 1NC should have link walls
- Alt should directly solve the links
- Aff gets to weigh the case
- Don’t use FW to make the aff lose offense
- Any K you go for should be explained properly – don’t assume I have prior K knowledge about things like Baudrillard
- Normally default neg on K vs T FW debates
- Won’t vote on permissibly or presumption
- Niche FWs will require some explanation
- If you go for it, don’t just read off blocks
- Fairness > Education
- T debates need offensive/defensive caselists
- Predictability > Limits
- Nebel is ok but definition debates should be meaningful
For policy:
Hi! My names Sarah, my email is sarahczhou5@gmail.com
I did LD throughout all of high school, but I only competed on the national circuit in sophomore year, my junior and senior year I taught progressive LD because I didn't have enough time to compete.
I went to around 10 tournaments in my sophomore year and went to camp twice so I'm pretty well versed in policy arguments, theory, T, etc. I personally really only ran policy and theory args so I'm not super great with Ks but I do know how they work. I will say that I don't know much about some of the more niche Ks that are ran in policy so if you are going to run those in front of me you have to explain them well.
Feel free to run any kind of argument but again your gonna have to take time in your speech to explain what the argument is.
Spreading is fine, just be clear.
For speaker points I feel like I'm usually pretty generous just don't be racist or rude and you'll have at least a 28.5.
Honestly pref me at your own risk I haven't touched debate in a while so this will definitely be an interesting experience for all of us. Email me if you have any questions!
Hi there --
I am a lay judge and I began learning about the world of LD debate in 2022 and have a background in technical communications and writing.
I believe the essence of a strong case is built upon logical arguments backed with appropriate evidence that is concise and easy to understand. The key, hence, is to persuade me that your side is better in an efficient and effective manner, this can include leveraging tools such as clear structure, roadmaps, and signposting. I would prefer no spreading and using counter plans and am not likely to prefer theory arguments. Additionally, debate terminology is not one of my strong suit, so clarity is key.
Good luck and have fun!~