Seminole Hearts Afire TFA
2023 — Seminole, TX/US
IE, DUO, DUET Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideMaybe you have been told or think the judge is the dumbest person in the room in any debate. I am here to tell you now, that is a lie! At least ninety-nine percent of the time, you can expect your judge to be a reasonably intelligent, well informed member of society, now whether they are qualified to judge a debate round, we might throw fists. I am and have been for the majority of my teaching career a Speech and Debate coach from 1A-6A, a private hired consultant for PF, LD, and CX, and a 2nd Place State Qualifier in Extemp. Now my Interp skills, might be a little lacking currently, my major was theatre and communications in you tell me. Who is the most qualified person in the round...the judge...notice I didn't say the smartest person in the round...I'll hand it to my students because they definitely know more of the ins and outs of the topics. I coach 6+ events each year.
I am a Games Player...let's have fun...but leashed fun.
Policy Debate – Judge Paradigms
Framework – Framework is one of the most important attributes in a Policy Debate Round. If you successfully frame the round toward your side Aff or Neg, it can help you win the round. My expectation is both teams must engage in each other’s interpretations fully instead of reading and extending…if neither team suggests a standard for evaluation…I ALWAYS DEFAULT to the POLICY MAKER! While I find stock issues extremely important in developing a solid case, for TFA/NSDA I lean to the most convincing side...Obviously there is a problem in the Status How does your Plan rightfully solve for the greatest fix of the problem.
Case Debate – I believe smart analytics are preferable to SPEED (spread) reading Card after Card after Card. Specific on-case arguments can be very compelling. Show me what you got...solid case ALWAYS WINS DEBATES!
DA/CPs – AS SPECIFIC as POSSIBLE, but I’m willing to vote either way. I prefer link-specific analysis, but I’m willing to vote either way as long as there is a clear impact/net benefit to be preferred. My expectation is that CPs provide a direct opportunity for the Aff and Neg to create a clash within a topic. DAs should be answered in a form that utilizes the direct impact to the SQ.
Kritik Debate – I typically divert back to Case Debate when it comes to a debate that turns Kritik. It is important to me that the team evaluates why the K is the most important impact in the round, get out of the CARD READING, always be sure to extend them in later speeches…use your prep time…fully develop!! I think if the 2NC attempts to gain inroads to the case by suggesting the alternative is a necessary precondition to case solvency can be persuasive and is a helpful way for me to evaluate the K against the Aff. I'm fine with kritik affirmatives so long as you explain what exactly I'm endorsing by voting affirmative/negative.
Topicality – My threshold for T is the same as any other stock argument. I’ll default to competing interpretations, but how I evaluate T should be the work done in the round by the NEG and then answered by the AFF and vice versa. Explain to me what the SQ looks like if I vote for your interpretation and why that vision should be preferred to one that would allow for cases like the affirmative’s (or negative). That also means that proving in-round abuse isn’t necessary..and furthermore wastes my time. If you’re winning the standards debate, hold your ground, it does make it a lot easier to vote on T.
Theory – Theory becomes easier to evaluate when actual clash takes place instead of just reading blocks and not engaging with the other team’s argument. If you expect to solely win on theory you better give me some kind of substantive reason why a given violation merits a rejection of the team and not just the argument. Careful...theory is a slippery slope. If you divert to theory you will lose the round. Fairness=The development of the Topic...Education=thats what this form of debate is about...Don't throw education in my face...the judge is at a clear disadvantage when you argue Education...90% of the judges are coaches...BLECK!!
Non-Traditional Debate – If I’m provided with a standard for evaluation that both teams can reasonably meet, I don’t care what you do have've it is time to show off your skills.
Speed/Spread – As long as you’re clear, and not out of breath… I’m fine with speed. Breaking up your cadence and tone between tags/authors/analytics and warrants will help you make sure I don’t miss anything. My biggest philosophy...if I can't flow you, or you see me drop my are going to fast.
Speaker Points – 27.5 is average. I’ll add points for things like clarity and efficiency and subtract for messy debating or getting too harsh with your opponents/partner. I believe Policy Debate should be Policy…not ATTACK debate! I also believe and will add points for respect. EVEN if the Aff/Neg is clearly more prepared/seasoned, the opponent can score high based on RESPECT.
Case/evidence email:
Lincoln Douglas Debate - Judge Paradigm
Background: I've been judging high school Lincoln Douglas for over almost 15 years. I simply have a passion for Speech and Debate. I love providing thoroughly written ballots that encourage growth...but sometimes I look the debaters dead in the eye and realize they have no idea what the difference between morals and real life application really is.
Speed: I'm a native English speaker, so faster than conversational delivery is fine, but debaters should attempt to be persuasive and not speak just to fill time. (I do appreciate good argumentation and have noticed that faster speakers tend to rush past important points without fully exploring their significance, so keep that in mind.) PLUS...this is LD. SLOW methodical and utilize the persuasive appeals.
Criteria: I want and value logical debate, with analysis and supporting evidence... that can be taken as provide evidence that weighs the value co-opting opponents' value & criterion and showing how your case wins is completely fair and certainly a winning strategy. I do weigh delivery and decorum to some degree, but generally it isn't a factor... in the event of a tie, Neg wins. Neg owns the status quo, so the burden is on Aff to show why changes must be made.
Note: I LOVE "progressive" arguments... most of the time they're thought of as a cheap ploy to ambush unsuspecting opponents instead of expanding our understanding of the problem, but in our current state they are the philosophical underpinnings that do in fact guide our decision-making. This is not to say that conservative arguments are not as fact...I lean more philosophical, but that is based on personal bias of/against the topic.
I love the conflicts/clash that arises from "The Social Contract" and natural rights v. natural law...worded more succinctly "in the state of nature one may have the absolute right to do what is necessary to defend one's possessions but under the social contract, one relinquishes that right and gives it to the authority." In contrast, "people are born with certain 'natural rights' they cannot be infringed or taken away without some really, really good justification. Final words...Freedoms and Liberty are significantly different. Case in point January 6th...that is all.