Jr High Tournament hosted by Jonesboro High School
2022 — Jonesboro, AR/US
Debate Events Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideHey guys, I'm Alayna, I'm a Senior at Cabot High School. I am very professional and I know what I am doing when it comes to debating and I will do my best when I judge.
RESPECT: If I see that you are disrespecting your opponent, it will be an automatic L. This is one of the key components of debate. I DO NOT TOLERATE disrespect.
ALL STYLES OF DEBATE----Time keeping: MAKE SURE YOU USE ALL OF YOUR TIME!!!! Using all of your time is very important, when the timer goes off STOP it's ok, just make sure that you get majority of the things in that you want to get in.
Spreading: I'm okay with it.
Framework- This is important so use it, depending on the style of debate. If you want me to vote on your side because of your framework explain to me why.
Definitions- These are very important in all styles of debate so use them.
Line by line: This is very important in every style of debate, without this it is harder for the judge to know what you are rebutting against. This makes it easier for me and for you as well.
Road Maps: This is very important in every rebuttal speech, giving this will help me and your opponent writing in the flow.
I will not listen during cross ex, this is strictly for the debaters. This is where you clarify any questions that you may have and this is also to make trap questions. This part in this debate will be judged. THIS IS STRICTLY FOR YOU GUYS!!!
This is practically the same as LD but the topic varies obviously.
Use all of your time also keep your time!
Use all of your prep time before the round because it is the most important part of your case.
Spreading is fine if you know how to do it correctly, If you don't know how to then don't spread.
If you have any questions about anything this is my email:
Hi my name is Nathan Armstrong and I will narrow down specifics for what should be known by yall as the competitors.
Speaking is one of the most important factors that should be considered. Speaking effectively with articulation and volume will make you appear as a superior debater.
Spreading or speaking relatively fast will be considered in your ballot. Speaking at speeds that cannot be understood or are difficult to understand will make you lose the round.
Relevant and impactful evidence is what will make your case speak out to the judge and help you win the argument. ensuring that this is done will be great.
Always remember to be respectful. I can understand clashing or being strong with your points but if your behavior is inappropriate then it will interfere with your ballot.
Joelle Buckner
Put me on email chain: bucknjoell24@cps.k12.ar.us
Cabot High School
LD debater
Tech > Truth
This is my main event, so I prefer to see a lot of clash plenty of warrants, and make sure not to drop your framework. As long as you extend and give me decent analysis on framework it will be weighed in your favor. Watch topicality, I am perfectly fine with progressive arguments I especially like good DAs and solid CPs.. sign post so it's easy for me to flow. Speaks are pretty easy, speak confidently and clear, I personally don't care about speed as long as I can understand you.
I took congress as an event for about a year, make sure you are aware of the P.O. and what is going on in the room. Be respectful and make sure not to be passing notes or making noise while a delegate is giving a speech. I base a lot of points on speech formatting and if it's easy to follow.
I judge this kind of like I do LD, as long as you extend your arguments and speak confidently you are most likely going to win the round. The topics are not typically ones I enjoy so make it engaging.
Hey! Add me to the email chain at alexismchilds@gmail.com
Congress - updated for Last Chance :)
I believe that Congress focuses on speaking clearly and well more than any other type of debate. Because of this, the better you speak, the better I will rank you. In addition, we all know that Congress is long and, yes, sometimes boring. Don't be afraid to spice things up (in a polite, respectful, appropriate manner). Make a joke, be sassy, slip a Taylor Swift reference in there - have fun!!
Have sources in your speech! You saying something does not make it credible/true. Please be polite during questioning but that doesn't mean you have to be timid.
I was traditional/mid-level progressive debater. That being said, I'm not the judge to run your super progressive case in front of.
1. Speed - I'm not a huge fan of spreading so please take your speed down a few levels in front of me. If you must spread, do so at your own risk and read the room before you do - if it's late at night, don't yell/spread at me. Send me the speech doc
2. Ks - I don't understand/I'm not a fan of most of these. I run cap K and that's about it. If you have a question about an argument, feel free to ask before the round!
3. Theory - I don't understand most theory and think the majority of the time people read unnecessary/frivolous theory. Unless there is clear abuse happening in the round, don't read theory. Topicality is good and if argued well and when necessary, I'll vote on it. I'll vote for disclosure but probably not disclosure by itself.
4. CPs/Disads - I enjoy these and think they're a good strategy. If you're going to run them, defend them.
5. Framework - this is what makes LD different from other types of debate and I expect you to use it. In your last speech, give me voters/weighing/framework and make it clear why I should vote for you.
6. CX - I really enjoy cross and definitely pay attention. That being said, I don't flow it so bring it up in your speeches if you want me to flow. I will hold you to what you said in cross. Please be courteous to your opponent but as long as you're not being offensive, I'm pretty lenient on cross. Don't be afraid to push them to explain their case/get the answer your looking for.
Read my facial expression - I'm a pretty expressive person. If I look confused, please clear up your point. Nodding/smiling means I like/am following your point.
Evidence is important, don't make baseless claims. I appreciate organized, line by line rebuttals with signposting. If nothing else, this will get you good speaks. Weighing is super important, particularly in your last speeches. I should know exactly why I'm voting for you in order to get my ballot.
Final Focus should have impact weighing! Please be respectful of your opponents during cross. Cross is for asking questions, not personally attacking opponents or making statements.
Overall, I enjoy good clash, speaking, and cross. Please be kind to your opponents!
I evaluate this like LD, have good offense and defense, speak well, and you'll be fine :)
I really enjoy it when you expand on framework and give me a clear understanding of why you or your team should win the round.
I have done a lot of different times of debates I know the basic rules of the different times of debates.
Overall just have a nice clean and respectful round.
Hello! My name is Georgia Guinn and I primarily debated PF.
Time yourself! and do not spread!
Win on impacts... tell me why I should weigh your argument
I love a good CX and value respect for your opponents and judges :)
At the end of the day just have fun and do what you do best!!!
Hello, I am Patrick Gunter. I am a current student at Cabot High School. I like PF, LD, and BQ, as this is what I have done.
TL;DR- spreading bad, truth>tech, progressive good, flow CX, be nice and stuff
don't spread, i like actually being able to flow
Be nice
I personally am tipped towards truth>tech because like idc how many arguments you make, if your opponent still has the better argument, they have the better argument and that's how it rolls
I LOVE progressive arguments. I also love very distinct arguments, like "violence>civil disobedience" provided that you can defend these arguments in a reasonable manner.
NEVER put the value of human life lower than it actually is...
CX- I lowkey flow cross ex but it's really just to keep track of any discrepancies... don't say "My opponent said in CX that.." if you know its not true, I'll already have it written down. ALSO I believe that CX should be somewhat heated... however heated does not mean you should be disrespectful
If you state/are aware that an argument is inherently prejudiced imma have to flow that argument to your opponents side
Not to sound mean but like if you start every speech with something like "Hello my name is Chris Hansen and I am debating for the affirmative side of this resolution..." do NOT expect your speaker points to be very high... it is extremely irritating as a judge to hear this because rarely will I address any debater by their name.. its general "Aff/Neg" and that will be your name to me
When it comes to weighing, theory can definitely come into your favor if you know how to use it. It is the debaters job to tell me how to weigh a debate... i.e. if morality is proven to be the framework, then I am a moral judge. If justice is the framework, I am now a just judge
IPDA- same as LD tbh
PF- I am by no means a lay judge with PF, I get that PF is supposed to be debated in a way that an inexperienced judge could easily comprehend but I have no problem with big words tbh. Don't introduce plans in PF, I automatically cannot flow this to your side. Theory also can be used in PF in my honest opinion but I didn't tell you that LOL. I just like progressive debate because it is way more interesting
Any form of misogyny, racism, and prejudiced behavior is a good way to lose....
Email me at guntepatri24@cps.k12.ar.us if you have questions, want advice, etc
ALSO--- "Bonus points" if you can correctly guess my favorite Hobbit movie
hi! my name is mariska haddock, my pronouns are she/her, and i’m a junior varsity debater at cabot high school.
TLDR: -read if you're short on time!
be kind people! discrimination of any type is not tolerated and will result in an automatic loss.
include me in email chain -mariskahaddock@gmail.com
tech > truth
i choose the winner based on my flow- be clear about kicks, defense isn't sticky (extend pls)
focus on impacts!
flex prep is okay! i prefer cross but if you want to use flex prep it won’t affect my decision
don’t steal prep - its unethical
off-time roadmaps are recommended (unless it’s worlds lol)
world schools:
the big thing i’ve learned from wsd (done it since freshman year) is COMMUNICATION!! make sure that you’re on the same page with your teammates throughout the debate. you don’t get prep, but you are allowed to talk with your teammates. use that to your advantage. however, don’t be disruptive. the opponents and i should not be able to hear you
remember that worlds is about respect to your opponents- hold them at their highest ground and be respectful
be consistent, but don’t just restate what previous speakers said. expand on it and give thorough analysis of WHY it’s important.in prepared motions, i expect quality examples with good analysis that ties them back to the thesis of the argument. in impromptu rounds, try to be as thorough as possible and offer quality analysis. don’t be abusive with burdens and definitions
be persuasive, be engaging, be creative. worlds speeches are similar to oratory’s: each speech is a performance. make eye contact, use body gestures, use vocal inflections, speak at a conversational speed, use humor (but don’t be condescending)
be strategic with both asking and taking poi’s. you don’t have to accept every one, but at least acknowledge the person asking (ex. wave them down, verbal “no thank you”). try to take at least 2 though.
be smart with how you allocate your time to cover the most important issues in the debate. try not to spend too much time on one singular issue.
again, BE CONSISTENT. debate like a team, not 3 debaters.
be organized. speeches should be easy to follow.
public forum:
i do PF, so i focus heavily on argumentation and how strong the arguments presented are and the weight of their impacts
i love framework debate
weigh impacts!!!
don’t forget to extend your arguments
try to keep your rebuttals in a line-by-line format
2nd rebuttal should frontline responses in rebuttal
in summary speech, extend terminal defense and offense; extend anything you want to mention in final focus
don’t be overbearing in cross
final focus should provide clear weighing ground- lay out my ballot for me.
don't skew evidence
speak fluently and make eye contact with the judges
have credible evidence and clear impacts
do not attack other reps or senators, only attack their arguments. it’s okay to reference other delegates as long as it’s in a respectful manner
ask questions!
don’t be repetitive with arguments- reply speeches help the flow of the round
be familiar with robert’s rules of order- i don’t expect perfect knowledge but be familiar with it and try to only make correct/germane motions
make sure arguments are clear and concise
extend your arguments!
weigh impacts! make sure that it’s clear to the judge why your impacts are more important than your opponents
framework is important and should be warranted
weigh impacts!
i've only really run theory and k's but i'm good w anything as long as it is warranted and extended throughout
try to be reasonably within time
don’t freak out if you stutter once or twice- it’s normal
i generally do bnb events but throw in the occasional oo
make blocking effective and not flashy
i love good cutting- the debate kid in me comes out when pieces are cut effectively and efficiently
drive your point home- similar to debate, make sure your message is clear and impactful.
please be kind people :)
Be respectful, attack the argument not the person
Good analogies are always appreciated
Blocks are nice but I prefer more natural responses
I love philosophy please use it
the ability to rationalize the irrational would be amazing
state resolution a few times in constructive
Say something that is simply not true (I will hold it against you even if your opponent doesn't bring it up)
Generalize without being careful with the wording
Try to pull on my emotions, I consider myself to be a very rational judge
correct me while I'm giving you feedback.
Progressive debate is welcome in LD but not in PF
- -do not rely on definitions
- be aware of your burden
- use philosophy AND understand it
Quick facts about me:
- I specialize in PF
- I have judged Public Forum and Lincoln Douglas
- Not a fan of spreading; try to go a moderate speed
- I will keep the time of speeches, but competitors can as well.
Be respectful; I understand debates can get heated, but keep a calm and cordial attitude.
- Camera's on is preferable (virtual only)
- Do not use progressive cases!
- Keep a clear, logical case
- Use prep wisely, you only have three minutes!
- Use reliable sources; it won't cost you a round, but it is preferable.
- Be careful when you come across a divisive case; things can become very messy very quickly.
- Use framework
- Tech over Truth
- Be passionate when you speak; I don't want monotonous speakers, it is quite dull.
I do not encourage derogatory remarks of any kind. If any comment is made, you will automatically lose the round.
Overall, I enjoy a clean, fair fight. You don't win a debate based on how loud you are, but how well your argument is constructed.
No yelling, give your speeches, use your time, dont use flex prep or steal prep, and use common sense in your arguments.
In terms of flex prep or steal prep I dont like either and wont allow it. If you do steal prep, depending on how bad it is, I will probly coun you off. I dont care if you talk fast just make sure your not talking so fast I cant understand you. In terms of tech vs truth I dont really care, just make sure your arguments are resonable and you dont drop points. Try and provide off time road maps and if you can signpost. If you yell during a speec I will definitly take off speaker points, try and keep this debate calm. Deffinitaly use all o your time or you will probly loose points (dont worry you wont if you have like 30 second left). Goodluck in your round and dont forget stuff.
Try not to talk too fast, give atleast one speech and try and ask a couple questions. When it comes to moving the previous question do not try and do it at the very beginning of a bill and wait for people to give there speech. If you try and do it at the ery beginning I will take of points. If you yell during a speec I will definitly take off speaker points, try and keep this debate calm.
Put me on email chain: arosem577@gmail.com
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts
Pronouns- she/they
DISRESPECTFULLY misgendering opponents is a no-go for me, please refrain from doing so at all costs.
I have a zero-tolerance for any sort of communicated homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia or any other completely disrespectful conduct to both your opponents and me as your judge.
Main Event: Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Generally speaking I vote based on tech OVER truth (some exceptions may apply given argumentation and style of presentation)
I'm an incredibly expressive person, so it's typically relatively easy to see whether or not I am following with a previous statement/ something being said within the round. I am usually unaware of my expressions, but I am told about my bold "faces", so if I make a face that seems rather concerning to you as a debater, know that it is not meant as anything personal, however there is probably a reason, so pay attention and tread lightly going forward in your speech(es).
Seeing as how this is my main event, I am typically well-informed about the current topics, so don't waste time trying to explain it to me as if I'm a lay judge.
I prefer to see an abundance of clash (especially from the neg, this is their burden, I want to see this upheld), plenty of viable warrants, and consistent framework that's upheld throughout the round.
I enjoy progressive arguments and can flow them just as sufficiently as I can trad, so do not hold back. I am also quite a fan of interesting CPs. And please please PLEASE always present links.
Off-time road maps/sign-posting is a must for me, especially if you spread. If you want a chance for the winning ballot then I need to be as best prepared to adequately flow your arguments. Now, this one is not absolutely mandatory, but i strongly suggest that during the 2AR speech the AFF squeezes in some voters as well. I would prefer for them to be touched on in their 1AC to first introduce them, however it is not a huge make or break for my ballot. I will, however, go a long way in framing my flow and the overall decision itself, so do with that what you will.
On the topic of speaks, I don't mind spreading, as long as you're annunciating, your words are coherent, and I understand you. If you begin to spread too fast I will sit my pencil down or tip my laptop screen down to signal that I am no longer flowing (I've never had to do this, but just wanted to put that out there for the day it might end up happening).
At the end of the day, your judge's comprehension of your case is just as important as your opponent's. Speak confidently and clearly and you should not have any problems with me as your judge.
I don't flow CX unless specifically brought up in later speeches, so make sure to ask some hard hitting questions that you can bring up throughout the rest of the round. CX is one of my favorite parts, so do try and make use of it, and yes I WILL be paying attention. I know some judges kind of check out and such during this time, saying it's "your guy's time", however that is most certainly not me.
I am not a fan of POINTLESS definition debates, however if it is necessary to the round (or more likely to get you the 'W') then so be it.
Although it is not my favorite nor main event, I am an exceedingly proficient judge in PF.
Once again, I am tech>truth, so please go heavy on the warrants and empirics.
Your goal is to persuade me on why I should favor your argument over your opponents. My biggest expectation is consistent, nearly, if not completely full-proof, in-depth warrants.
Know the cards you are running, have links, and stay credible. You need to prove to me (and your opponents) the credibility of your cards and show why the impacts are more favorable than your opponents.
Final Focus should have impact weighing. Be respectful of your opponents during crossfire. Cross is for asking questions, not personally attacking opponents or making statements.
I basically judge this the same as LD, just heavier on a framework level.
I need to be shown whose framework is more favorable for me to base the rest of my flow off of.
Keep it engaging and entertaining, and always keep consistency throughout the round. Remember to come in fully prepared.
I am a lover of clash, so rebuttals are my favorite speeches. This means that naturally I will focus the most on these. Make them count.
ALWAYS USE YOUR ENTIRE SPEECH TIMES. It's not mandatory per say, but it really is to me and my final decision. I want to see you make an effort to really show me why I should vote for you. If this means you having to reiterate some of your contentions to me then do so (hint: an adequate use of extra time is re-grounding your framework and its impacts. WHY is yours above all else, including your opponents? Convince me).
Make sure you are aware of the P.O. and what is going on in the room. Be respectful and make sure not to be passing notes or making noise while a delegate is giving a speech. I will base a lot of points on speech formatting and if it's easy to follow. Overall, decorum is key.
I typically enjoy BQ, and for this one I switch up a bit.
Yes, I want empirics, yes I want enticing warrants, however when judging such a philosophical debate as this, I am hands-down truth>tech.
Framework is still incredibly important, however I am looking for powerful impacts. You need to really sell me why, not just your case, but your value is the better one to vote for.
Always uphold your framework throughout the round and you should be fine.
Good Luck!
Background Info; I'm a high school debater with three years of experience in both state and national circuits. I am experienced in Public Forum, Congressional, LD, and Forensics. I don’t mind speed as long as I can understand you, but if you see me put my pen down, that means I'm not flowing and therefore not considering your argument. If it's not on the flow, I will not vote on it. Don’t expect me to make assumptions or logical leaps about any sort of rhetoric; it is your job to convince me why anything matters and ties into a case. I will vote you down if you are racist, sexist, homophobic, or bigoted. As long as you use common sense and follow NSDA rules, there shouldn't be any major problems.
In Regards To Public Forum;
- I look at the round through an offense/defense paradigm. Ultimately, offense wins debates and thus you will need to provide proper extensions, front-lining, and weighing to win my vote. It will be difficult to win with just terminal defense.
- Structure is Important. Second Rebuttal needs to frontline First Rebuttal responses. Anything in stated Final Focus must have been stated by Summary.
- Please Weigh. Weighing with voters (Mag, Prob, TF, etc.) or with main points of contention works best with me.
- I'll evaluate (almost) anything. Expect that I'll have already done research on a topic, but I'll evaluate anything you have me flow (tech over truth). However, I will interfere (and most likely vote you down) if you argue anything bigoted or fabricated (i.e., evidence issues).
- Don't waste time. I am fine with pre-flowing before round and off-the-clock roadmaps, but make sure that neither wastes too much time.
-Don't spread. This isn't Policy. I am fine with speed, but if you're speaking so fast that I can't make out your points clearly, I will not proceed to flow your arguments.
If you have any questions, ask them before the round starts. I am super passionate about debate and I am extremely excited to be your judge. I'm sure this can be a great learning experience for all of y'all!
Cabot High School Senior Captain
I’m good with all arguments
Tech over truth
Make sure to not drop points
Don't give fake evidence, instant loss if you cannot provide the cards if asked.
Attack the case not the person, I will deduct a large amount of speaker points if you're attacking the person.
Have fun with the debate
I have started debating at Cabot since 8th grade. I am okay with all arguments. Use whatever you want as long as it doesn't discriminate against anyone. Make sure that you properly explain all arguments and don't just throw out buzzwords and jargon.
I generally prefer the standard of morality in BQ but if you can give me a reason not to, then that's great. You don't need to have a lot of statistics for BQ. I personally prefer well spoken arguments and slower speaking in BQ, but I will evaluate anything. Make sure you explain how your arguments and cards connect. I'm fine with all arguments as long as they are relevant.
Make sure to take advantage of any definitions you can. Impact is very important policy wise so make sure to flesh it out throughout the entire debate. Fake evidence equals instant loss. If I cannot trust one piece of evidence I can't trust any of your evidence. Just argue well, If I am not given a weighing mechanism I will default to cost benefit analysis. Just debate and do it well, like I already said up above, I will evaluate any argument as long as it is explained well.
I prefer that you link in your arguments and give me a reason to vote for you. Make sure to expand on your points and impact if you have one. These are important parts of the debate and give me a clear reason to vote. Make sure you expand on your framework and show me why I should consider your value/criterion over your opponents if the framework makes a difference. If the framework doesn't matter, then don't extend it.
Although your argument may hold truth I prefer the technical parts of the debate (i.e. you drop what they say about your point, and it is false if they are right). One thing I don’t like is trying to discredit sources just because they are from the past or not within the past 4 years; yes, it is important to have up to date sources, but at the same time it is not necessary if it is an analytical argument. If you do make an argument on the credibility of sources don't just say it's not credible, you also need to explain why I can't vote on it because of the lack of credibility. I know the connection is obvious, but unless you make it that connection, it won't be on the flow. If an opponent asks for a card provide the card or you lose credibility.
Just don't discriminate against anyone. Answer questions effectively. I don't do congress very much so I'll be frank and just say you're unlucky to have me.
Same stuff for LD basically. Just make sure you explain your points well, I think IPDA is a great opportunity to show off the fundamentals of debate.
*any argument is fine with me, just don't be homophobic, racist, sexist, or have any kind of unacceptable language in a round
*Tech v Truth
*pls send documents via email (philltyler25@cps.k12.ar.us)
*Speed is fine as long as you send speech
*RDF is based on flow
Things I want to see in a round
-lots of clash between arguments
-offense offense offense
-impact weighing
-evidence for claims
-cross ex
-try not to steal prep, but I understand with online it can be hard to get ready quickly
-pls signpost/roadmap so ik what your going to say
-I will evaluate arguments based on how they link and how well you defend them
-please time yourself, I will time you, but timing yourself will help you in the round
I will always vote my round based on my flow in front of me. If you drop an argument, it will greatly cost your round and chances of winning. Being a good speaker is important, but won't decide a round.
I really want to see a framework debate. I find definition debates boring, but if they will help your chance of winning, then use them. Don't use specific topics for a value, if you wanna use a good value, use justice or morality. In IPDA, have contentions and something to weigh the round on. PLEASE WEIGH IMPACTS! Many times you will just repeat arguments and not add to anything, so use impact weighing to have some variety. You must link your claims to warrants to impacts. In order for me to consider an argument dropped, you must mention that your opponent dropped it. If you want to run progressive, make sure your opponent is ok with it, debate is a learning space, not a place to completely decimate someone and not have them learn how to better themselves. Please use all the time you can in your speech, time management is important, especially for the aff.
Having a good speaking voice is very important to me in Congress, more than any other debate in my opinion. You must have good links and reliable warrants to make any claim true. Please please please use questioning to your advantage, it will be beneficial to you if you can defend your points well.
PO- please don't run for PO if you don't know how to. If it is your first time, I will be lenient to you. If no one else will run for PO and you decide to stand up, that will benefit you. Please make sure to keep track of precedence and recency, and if at any time I see it to be false or inaccurate, points will be docked and your rank will suffer.
I am an amateur debater with Jonesboro High School.
Things to keep in mind when I am judging:
- RFD is based entirely on flow. This is why the next point is crucial.
- Signpost
- Enunciate. Speaking clearly is the foundation of speech and debate (it's even in the name!)
- Explain the validity of your arguments. Anything can be acceptable as long as it's justified.
- Use questioning to your advantage, but absolutely do not establish arguments in questioning.
- I hold a strong emphasis on time. Do not go over time, but use your time to your advantage. Balance is important.
- Be systematic. Bad form aside, I'll likely miss some of your points if you move around the page too much during rebuttal. Doubly true during Congressional, do not switch between rebuttal and new points constantly.
- Most of all, have fun.
A little bit about me :)
- I am a public forum (PF) debater, I have done Lincoln Douglas on occasion but PF is my cup of tea.
- I have judged PF, LD, and IPDA in the past and I absolutely love judging
- I am a public forum captain so if you have any questions or need any help, feel free to email me ~ robbihaley24@cps.k12.ar.us
Now into what I do and don't like in a round. All of these go for IPDA, LD, PF, Congress...you name it
I absolutely despise progressive cases. Don't try to run them unless you don't have another case prepared. I'm a pf debater, meaning that I like more traditional, slower, and "general audience" arguments
When virtual: If you are anything like me then you love to speak quickly. I feel like with the nature of debate we want to talk as fast as possible to allow us to have as much information as possible. With that being said, when debating virtually I do not like when you spread. When you speak quickly over the chromebook, your words get mushed together because the computer can't keep up. I am not afraid to stop you mid-speech and tell you to slow down. When you spread, that not only affects your opponents but it also makes it harder for me to hear what you're saying.
When in person: Feel free to speak as fast as you like but fair warning, I value content over presentation. I am not impressed if you can speak 400 words per minute. BUT if I can't get all your information written down because you are talking faster than Edward Cullen can run, then that might affect the outcome of the debate because like I said content>presentation
I do not flow CX, the only thing that I will write down is your behavior. Debate is not supposed to be a hostile activity, show your opponent respect and don't talk down to them or treat them like dirt. Standing your ground and a bit of sass is permitted and also encouraged. I love clash but if you start to be mean to each other, it can affect who the winner of the round is.
I expect everyone to flow the opponent's case because when you move into your rebuttal speech I strongly encourage doing line-by-line. I will always flow EVERYTHING when judging but I don't want to have to go on a wild goose chase to try and figure out what you are refuting. If something is not addressed in your rebuttal speech I WILL COUNT IT AS A DROPPED ARGUMENT, so do your absolute best to refute all aspects of the opponent's case. If your opponent doesn't respond to one of your arguments BRING IT UP IN THE NEXT SPEECH. If you don't bring it up then I don't know. I will write down what you say and to preserve the fairness of the round, if you don't say it..it didn't happen.
I don't care who spoke better or who had the better questions in cross, whoever has the most of their case still standing is the winner. If you bring up arguments in your final speech it might change my decision against you because your opponent cannot respond. If you bring up any contradictions or you use faulty evidence you will not be the winner. If your plan is to reform the resolution then the other team automatically wins because you have brought up arguments that the other team is not prepared for. When giving a verbal RDF, I will tell you how it is. If you cannot handle the harsh truth then let me know beforehand and I will only put it on the ballot.
Any offensive, discriminatory, sexist, hateful, harmful words or profanity will lose you the round. If you chose to belittle or as I call it "mansplain" words, events, or actions to your opponent you will lose. I do not tolerate people putting down their opponents based on their sex, race, sexuality, religion, culture, or appearance. Debate is meant to be a safe space so if you disrupt the peace, you will lose the round, and Selah or your coach will be hearing about it directly from me. (Which you do not want because I am very blunt.)
Best of luck to you in your rounds and I can't wait to judge for you!
Hi, my name is Tristin Rose, and I have a few things I look for in any round I judge.
First I really enjoy good speaking, I value speaking over factual prevalence.
Second I dislike spreading it's hard to judge and compete against.
Third Don't be too aggressive in your debate.
My name is Nathan Sammons, I currently debate in PF. I have debated in Congress and am somewhat familiar with IPDA.
I do not tolerate spreading, I feel it is disrespectful and unnecessary. I am fine with speed, but everyone should be able to understand what you are saying.
Please SIGNPOST, I need to know when all of your arguments end, and another begins. When you are a rebuttal speaker, I also need to know to what argument you are referring.
I try to remain as unbiased as possible, for this to happen I cannot assume. So, please tell me directly and clearly why your argument is important and for what reason I should weigh it. Implied arguments will not be weighed at all, or near as heavily, as those that are direct and clear.
I highly value RESPECT and PUNCTUALITY. Please do not go over time, and if you do, make sure it is not substantial. You should be aware of what is and what is not respectful, I should not have to tell you, if you are disrespectful/hateful in any way, you will receive an automatic L.
Hi, my name is Webb Storer and I have been debating PF for 2 years. I have also debated congress and LD in the past.
Do not spread - I can deal with some speed but excessive speed will end with me not being able to flow and understand your arguments.
Signpost please. If you do not signpost I will not know where to put your arguments and make it hard for me to vote on any of those arguments. Tell me exactly where I should be putting arguments.
I can deal with any type of argument as long as it is warranted. With that being said if you don't explain to me why your arguments matter then I am going to have a hard time voting for you.
I am not going to make any assumptions, clearly explain why it matters and what it means and don't assume that I understand because it is implied. Tell me exactly where and why I should put your arguments on my flow.
Do not assume I know the resolution. State it in your speech or tell me before round so that I can understand judging better because if I don't know the resolution it will be hard for me to judge the round.
I will automatically vote against you if you are homophobic, sexist, racist, ableist, transphobic, etc... as well as tanking your speaks so just make sure that you are being accommodating and considerate please.
Mark Warford
IPDA Captian @ Cabot Debate
The way I judge rounds is fairly simple, I like to have good clashes in rebuttals and look for arguments that get past or debaters don't talk about. I will look for the side that takes down more of the other side's points and defends themself. I would love it if both sides gave a weighing mechanism and a roadmap. Something that I am always open to is discussion debate, it can help make the round more enjoyable from a judging standpoint and I encourage it. The last thing that I will judge on is how good your points are, since it is IPDA I won't be judging so harshly on evidence but your points need to make sense.
PF: I vote mainly on the voters you give me, if you dont have clear voters then I will vote on what i think is important and it may not be what you think it is (if one side has voters and the other side doesn't then im going to lean more toward the side with voters). Go down the flow it makes it much easier for me to flow all of your agruments in the right spot. Don't spread if I dont know exactly what you said I wont write it down.
LD: Make your Framework very clear so I understand exactly what it is but dont make it a framework debate. Dont spread if I dont know what you said I wont write it down. I vote mainly on voters, if you dont have clear voters then I will vote on what i think is important and it may not be what you think it is (if one side has voters and the other side doesn't then im going to lean more toward the side with voters).
Congress: I've done alot of PF so I like reliable sources. Be ready to speak on either side of the bill. Try and fill all of your time in your speach but if you have nothing new to add then just leave it at what you have and ask questions. questions are important to me it shows you are still engaged in the round and will give you extra points.
IPDA: jsut try to fill all your time have a good ofense and defense, and be sure to speak well. good luck
Hey guys!
I am a Public Forum Debater at Jonesboro and I've competed in Congress as well.
Please please signpost and try not to speak too fast (not a fan of spreading).
Make sure to incorporate strong evidence and ANALYSIS in your case.
For congress, please be kind and respectful to your PO, Judges and other people in your chamber. This means anything offensive or harmful that is said will cause you an immediate loss and low speaks.
I love to see personality in your speeches, have fun!:)
Be passionate! I want to see you ACT and not just read a script. Really get into your event... look like your having fun! Convince me of your character.
I'm a sophomore at Jonesboro High School. This is my first time judging, please speak clearly.