Roy Miller High School TFA Tournament
2022 — Corpus Christi, TX/US
Lincoln Douglas Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideCongratulations on qualifying for Nats! It is through hard work and dedication that you have made it.
My criteria for judging is as follows. I use a framework. whether this is the traditional value criterion or just a statement of what is more important, I need some lens to view the round. I am more familiar with the traditional side, but do not feel that a debater has to necessarily uphold that tradition as long as I have a way presented to look at the round. Basically, you both define the realm of the debate. I will put myself in that space and determine within this guideline who wins.
What happens then? I don't have a leaning toward structural violence, util impacting or rights based approaches to the topic. While my debate time was spent in policy, I won't default to that unless there is nothing else for me to do. I enjoy rights v util rounds. This topic may have a few of those. If you are running something you consider not mainstream, I am ok as long as you prove the tie in to the topic. An example would be a specific country vs a US based democracy approach. I do not like voting on topicality but again, if neg is winning it I will vote there. I am not a fan of lots of debate theory, as a preference, let's debate the topic. That said, if you are a theory debater, debate well. I am not a fan of defining what you do and don't do, I just don't really from a selfish perspective want to see a round of tricks and rvi's.
I am antiquated so I write on paper. I can write down what you are saying if you stay organized. Please stay organized. Explain why your position is better than your opponents and things will work out.
If there is an email chain please add me If not, I will not ask for evidence unless it is part of the argument that I consider essential to the ballot. Please have fun and be respectful. If feedback is allowed without revealing the decision, I will share my thoughts. If not, find me after and I will talk to you about what happened in your debate. This is an educational activity. I hope when you walk out of the round something has been learned and you will continue to be a part of this activity in some form. Good luck.
I prefer a blend of slow and rapid conversation speed. The rate of delivery does not weigh heavily on my decision. I will not vote against a student solely for exceeding my preferred speed. Considerations in determining a winner are structure of the argument, framework level argumentation, and offense back to the standard. I feel that a value and criterion are required elements of a case. The use or jargon or technical language during rebuttal should be kept to a minimum. I keep detailed notes throughout the round. I encourage open and professional interaction while discouraging emotional outbursts and rude behavior. Who persuades me more of their position will be most successful.
Debate: I am good with speed on reading evidence & delivering arguments. I am familiar with all types of arguments: T, DA, CP, K, Value/Criterion, Theory. It is important to me all arguments I flowed, have a rebuttal from opposing team.
Speech (Exempt): I expect at minimum one source sited for each main component of your speech.
I competed in LD, Policy and Public forum my 4 years of high school and competed at both the state level and national level. I have been judging since fall of 2016, at the state and national level. I have also judged finals at NSDA nationals in policy debate last summer.
For email chain:,I will only look at it, if something comes into question or if I want to look at something more clearly.
Policy Debate: If debaters have any questions, please ask! I have judged at nationals 4 times
Clash is extremally important on all sides of the debate. If something was drop in the round I will not vote on it unless it is pointed out in the round. As for things I vote on, it depends on the round and how the debater frame the round. I will vote on pretty much anything as long as the debaters explain clearly what they are arguing and how it links. If you run a K, need to be able to explain it in your own words, as well as links and impacts are important.
I do flow the whole round, so please give off-time road maps, and sign post during your speech for I know where you are on the flow.
For spreading, I am fine with it, as long as you slow down on taglines.
LD -
Framework ( Value/Criterion) is important, but so is the contention level debate. I way both sides when writing a ballot. I think LD is primarily a philosophical debate. You do not have to prove how something will be done just that it should be done. Saying that , claims of impacts should be supported with evidence or reasonable logic.
Be careful with your terminology I am an experienced coach and I know the difference between a disad and a solvency issue.
Be careful if you are going super progressive. I firmly believe you should “Debatethe resolution”,not some random issue that you feel is more important. The entire Speech and Debate community voted on theses resolutions, so if you think you know better, you should provide a very good reason.
I appreciate creativity in your arguments, but stick with the resolution.
Policy - Although I am typically a more conservative (i.e. Stock issues) judge I am open to all forms of debate argumwents . I vote predominantly on clash and impact. Stock issues are a must and that includes topicality.
If you make arguments they must be linkked to your opponents case. If the link iis weak, it is going to be harder to win your argument if your opponent points that out. Extend your arguments thruout rebutttals and that inludes the Affirmative case.
I am OK with K's as long as you provide a viable link to your opponents case. See previous comment regarding links.
I am ok with speed as long as I can understand you. dont yell at me and dont wisper eithe. I f I cant understand you I dont folw you. If I don't flow the argument, it never happened.