2022 — NSDA Campus, TX/US
World Schools Debate Paradigm List
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My pronouns are she/her/hers. My debate experience started in Junior High with Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum, Congress, Parliamentary debate, and most extensively World Schools Debate. I am currently a student at The University of Arkansas debating in IPDA.
The main thing I expect to see in a round is respect for your opponents. Keep your arguments on the topic, don’t resort to insults or petty commentary. It will not win you the round. To win the round, you need both Content and Logic. Do not expect to win a round solely off of one or the other.
Public Forum is supposed to be communicative and understandable. I will judge with those two things in mind.
- Everything in the round is true to me unless someone calls it out. I will not call for your cards, it is up to you to convey the evidence to me and impact it out. Quality over quantity.
- Saying less but in a clear manner is far more important and effective than saying more in a way that cannot be understood.
- Warranting & Impacting > Evidence
- I will flow everything I can catch. If you are spreading or speaking too fast for me to keep up, I will put down my pen.
- I am keeping time, but the more I need to pay attention to and check your time usage, the less I am able to flow your content. Please keep your time and be accountable.
- Keep it respectful. There is no need to yell or get argumentative in cross or in your speeches.
I competed with International WSD Norms and expect them in any Worlds round.
- POIs are a strategic tool in rounds, not a chance to bombard your opponent. Stay respectful and wait the customary 15 seconds between POIs. I take your POIs into consideration if you connect them or circle back to them in your substantive speeches. Follow WSD norms.
- It does not matter how many arguments you make if none of them are weighed against your opponents. Make sure to engage with your opponents' case and extend your arguments down the bench. Please don't just reiterate your substantives without telling me why they are more important or more correct than the opposing side's
- Impacting is integral to winning my ballot. There is a reason the motion is being debated, find it and tell me why it matters. Impact out each of your arguments. Magnitude, Scope, and Relevance.
Just have a clean round and do your best!
About Me:
Jack C. Hays High School CO'2019
UT Austin CO'2023
Add me to the email chain:
Events I have experience from actually doing in High school: Extemp (FX/DX/UIL Extemps), Congress, PF, LD, World Schools
I have experience judging other speech events too: Info/OO/DI/HI/Duo/etc.
My primary events overall were extemp & congress and I have experience on the local, state, and national level after having competed all throughout high school.
PF/LD Debate:
For PF, I generally always vote based on impact calculation. So pretty much tell me why your side does more for whoever or why the other side doesn't do enough for me to vote for them. Weighing on what side is more important and which has more to gain is really how I prefer to do my ballots. Always tell me what side is winning and why I should vote for them and how the debate has progressed to preferring their side. For framework, I won't vote based on it unless you make a point out of it on why I should. Really framework doesn't make or break a ballot from me unless a team explains why it's relevant and why it essentially causes one side to win over another. Overall, the easiest way to get a ballot from me is through impact calculation on which side brings more to the table or why the other side does not do enough. My biggest evaluation for a ballot is always impacts. Please avoid spreading and watch the speed. I am a more traditional judge so speaking so fast to the point I can barely understand you is not always going to be the best option for you. Please avoid speed, especially when explaining things. Being a bit faster on reading cards is okay I guess, but I prefer having less speed overall.
For some niche things, if you do not mention an argument from either side or touch debate it in any way, I am just going to assumed it has been dropped. While I can keep time if you want, it is not preferred, so please time yourselves.
In regards to presentation, since it is PF debate and meant to be easily accessible to the public, please don't spread especially in the later speeches. More speed will make me less likely to understand what is being said and gives me little reason to vote for your team. Pretty much consider me more of a lay judge than anything. For speaking, just be clear and concise really. Also I really don't like rude or spiteful speeches no matter how the debate has ran.
More LD Specific Stuff:
I am not a totally progressive judge when it comes to some arguments so if I do not mention them below, just assume I have no experience in those types of arguments and avoid running them at your own discretion unless you think you're just that amazing to introduce me to a new argument and compelling enough to get me to vote on it:
Plans/Counterplans (CP) - Completely cool with me, just be sure to explain what it does and how it causes your side to win the debate. Plans/CPs are acceptable in PF for me.
Topicality (T) - Topicality is cool as long as you explain why the other side violates topicality in regards to the debate.
Kritiks (K) - I am very new to this kind of debate, but I am generally okay with it as long as you don't have a ton of speed whilst explaining. Additionally, you need to explain what harms/impacts are brought on when you assert your opponent violates the K argument. For example, if you run capitalism K, explain to me why capitalism is bad. So many people have just said that I should vote for them because capitalism is bad without explaining much how or why it is bad. I know this is super basic but you have to explain why other teams violating the K argument is a bad thing (whether it be capitalism, settler colonialism, states, etc.). Tell me why capitalism is bad and why I should vote for you!!
For speaker points, I generally give higher speaks to people who are more clear, articulate, and organized. The lowest I usually give to people is ~27 unless they have done something so bad such as being rude or very disorganized throughout the whole round to warrant something lower. Speed plays a part in speaks in that I do not prefer spreading and speed is not my forte in a round. Overall, as long as you are organized and well articulated and respectful throughout the debate I will give you decent speaks.
I did both FX & DX in high school so I have experience in these events and know what an appropriate speaker looks like. For your speeches, you should obviously be well-spoken and organized in throughout your round. In particular for content, good extemp speakers are able to articulate information from a wide array of sources and convey it in a manner that is articulate and entertaining. Specifically, I prefer speakers who are informative and/are entertaining by incorporating humor, emotional content, pertinent information and a wide array of relevant sources. Being funny when relevant and doing it well will always gain good points with me! Additionally, always be sure to EXPLAIN EXPLAIN EXPLAIN. Many people often just give me some facts and expect the audience to make something of it. Explain what information is important and why! Tell me what it means and how it pertains to the question of your speech. For the beginning of your speech, it should be a well done introduction that at least initially catches my attention through a thought provoking or funny statement, provides some background to your topic, tells me the question verbatim, provides me your answer and a preview of your points. For your actual points, you should aim to provide at least 2 sources of relevant information and have some structure within each point to have some flow and organization. Within each point you should again always explain the information you present to give some good insight into the importance of each point and why the audience should essentially care.
In regards to performance and presentation, I prefer speakers who speak clearly with adequate speed since a lot of people get nervous and tend to speed through their speech and use up their time. As a speaker, you should aim to be relaxed and be able to balance the time you are given throughout your speech to make the most of your presentation. Moreover, having a good physical presentation is preferred such as a good usage of hand gestures, appropriate movement (such as a slight walk when transitioning between points), and maintaining eye contact with your audience.
For cross-examination, I don't put too much emphasis on this as it is not something I would consider making or breaking your speech. Really, I just look for speakers who are kind and respectful and are able to defend their points and know their own topic well. Pretty much just don't be rude or sarcastic and you'll be fine with me.
Pretty much refer to my extemp/speech paradigms. I have tons of experience of doing Congress from high school so I know what to look for and how good speakers are supposed to look. For your speeches, aside from the first or second affs/negs of the bill, all speeches should include some sort of clash or argumentation of the other speakers' arguments. This is congressional DEBATE, not congressional speech giving.
Presiding Officers should aim to be quick, effective, organized, and knowledgeable on parliamentary procedure. Just maintain precedence for speakers and be transparent about what is being done so the whole chamber understands what is going on. Making mistakes is okay as long as it is not a pattern so I know you really know what you're doing. Also it's cool with me if you time with your phone as the P.O., just make sure it does not become a problem through using it for communication or if you have tons of notifications that can be distracting.
World Schools Debate:
Just refer to the Speech and LD/PF portion of my paradigms as that is how I generally judge speakers and how I view a round is supposed to look. I do have experience in Worlds so I am pretty aware on how the event runs. Just be well organized, clear, and articulate. As a side note: avoid using more progressive arguments (theory, topicality, k's, etc.) as they are not to exist in worlds in my opinion. Overall, just provide clear impacts and weighing throughout the round and you'll be fine.
CX Debate:
I have no experience in this event and should not be judging it unless you like relatively traditional PF judges.
I have been a coach and consultant for the past 29 years and done every debate format available stateside and internationally. I also have taught at Stanford, ISD, Summit, UTD, UT, and Mean Green camps as a Curriculum Director and/or Senior Instructor for LD, PF, and WSD. I think no matter what form of debate that you do, you must have a narrative that answers critical questions of who, what, when, where, why, how, and then what, and so what. Debaters do not need to be shy and need to be able to weigh and prioritize the issues of the day for me in what I ought to be evaluating. Tell me as a judge where I should flow things and how I ought to evaluate things. That's your job.
If you would like for me to look at a round through a policy lens, please justify to me why I ought to weigh that interpretation versus other alternatives. Conversely, if you want me to evaluate standards, those need to be clear in their reasoning why I ought to prioritize evaluation in that way.
In public forum, I need the summary to be a line by line comparison between both worlds where the stark differences exist and what issues need to be prioritized. Remember in the collapse, you cannot go for everything. Final focus needs to be a big pic concept for me. Feel free to use policy terms such as magnitude, scope, probability. I do evaluate evidence and expect you all to do the research accordingly but also understand how to analyze and synthesize it. Countering back with a card is not debating. The more complicated the link chain, the more probability you may lose your judge. Keep it tight and simple and very direct.
In LD, I still love my traditional Value and VC debate. I do really like a solid old school LD round. I am not big on K debate only because I think the K debate has changed so much that it becomes trendy and not a methodology that is truly educational and unique as it should be. Uniqueness is not the same as obscurity. Now, if you can provide a good solid link chain and evaluation method of the K, go for it. Don't assume my knowledge of the literature though because I don't have that amount of time in my life but I'm not above understanding a solidly good argument that is properly formatted. I think the quickest way to always get my vote is to write the ballot for me and also keep it simple. Trickery can make things messy. Messy debaters usually get Ls. So keep it simple, clean, solid debate with the basics of claim, warrant, impact, with some great cards and I'll be happy.
I don't think speed is ever necessary in any format so speak concisely, know how to master rhetoric, and be the master of persuasion that way. Please do not be rude to your opponent. Fight well and fight fair. First reason for me to down anyone is on burdens. Aff has burden of proof, neg has burden to clash unless it is WSD format where burdens exist on both sides to clash. If you have further questions, feel free to ask specifics.
In plat events, structure as well as uniqueness (not obscurity) is key to placing. Organization to a speech as well as a clear call to order is required in OO, Info, Persuasive. In LPs, answer the question if you want to place. Formatting and structure well an avoid giving me generic arguments and transitional phrases. Canned intros are not welcome in my world usually and will be frowned upon. Smart humor is always welcome however.
I want you all to learn, grow, have fun, and fight fair. Best of luck and love one another through this activity!!
I am a lay judge, but I’ve judged rounds in interp, PF, and world schools. I’ve also read the NSDA guides for every event, so despite not having experience in all events, I’m relatively familiar with how they operate.
I’ve judged a lot of practice rounds for worlds, so I know what the event is supposed to look like. Worlds is not PF or LD. I need you to legitimately persuade me of your arguments using a combination of stylistic techniques, consistent argumentation, and appropriate strategy. Again, a conversational pace and clearly walking me through arguments goes a long way with me.
Style can lose you a round if the disparity is significant to the point where it interrupts your content, but I care a lot more about the content of the round and what I buy than anything else.
POIs every 30 seconds is fine but don’t badger your competitors.
While I always appreciate a passionate debate, being rude to your competitors (laughing at them, making unnecessary facial expressions on the bench, etc) is a very easy way to lose my ballot.
Speech/ Interp
Not sure a paradigm does much here. I’m here to listen to your story, so have emotional variation and be convincing.
Again, I am a lay judge. Anything progressive (spreading, tricks, theory shells, etc) is not okay.
I know how to flow, but I also care about the authenticity of arguments (ie whether I believe them or not). This means that I am not consistently tech>truth, contrary to most judges in the event.
Please walk me through every link chain, because chances are that the side which best explains it to me will win the round.
Speak at a conversational pace or slower.
Hello everyone! My name is KJ (he/him), I competed all 4 years of high school and now go to Texas State University.
I am primarily an IE person. I competed in every IE event including OO, Info, and Extemp. I as well competed in World Schools a bit too. I was a 4x state qualifier, state finalist, 5x state semi finalist, 2x NIETOC semifinalist, and a 3x NSDA qualifier. I was as well an All-State and All-American competitor with over 2200 NSDA points. What I am looking for is understanding of the piece. How well thought out it is and how much effort you have noticeably put into it goes a LONG way.
- Needs to be clean, concise, and have a deeper meaning as to why you're telling the story, interp is acting with a purpose
- Be proud of what you're performing! and have fun with it!
- Characterization is key, I want to see real peoples stories that I am actually able to connect to
- I want to know what's going on! Don't just throw us into the middle of everything, give us some exposition, who are you? Where are you? What is going on?
OO, Info, Extemp, WS
- Are you just telling me the facts? Or are you engaging with the information and the topic you've chosen and presenting it in an effective way?
- Charisma is KEY, you wrote this speech, be proud of it!
- How well thought out is your argument or topic?
- Are you speaking fluidly and confidently or are you using filler words and swaying nervously?
- Make sure that you're applying the facts that you give to the grand scheme of things, what are the implications?
Like I said earlier, I was always more of an interp person. However, I do know all of the rules and the ins and outs of debate! I may not be as adept as I am with speech but I know my way around. Essentially just treat me as a lay judge who knows a lot about the subject.
- Well thought out arguments will go a long way, the more you put into a speech the more you will get out of it, and trust me when I say that we as judges notice how much effort you put into it
- How well do you structure your speech? How well does it flow?
- How do you respond to questions and how do you interact in the round?
- Don't just tell me what you are going to do but also HOW you are going to accomplish it and WHY
- Add me to the email chain plz -
- As far as flowing goes, I'm not a stickler for it during cross so don't worry about it
- I can follow spreading but if you'd like to have mercy on my soul and not that would be awesome
- I'm not a huge theory argument person, so if I feel you're twisting the resolution in a way that it most likely wasn't intended as may not work if its too far out there
All of these are just my personal opinions regarding judging, please do not change your speech or performance based on trying to get my 1. So long as you have fun, enjoy what you're doing, and you are proud of the work you've presented, that is all I ask.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hi! I'm Teah Mbang, and I competed for Tuloso-Midway High School from 2017-2020.
I did LD, WSD, Congress, Extemp, Info, and OO. I've been in out rounds of Congress on a national and state level, qualified to the national tournament all three years I was in debate, been invited to the extemp round robin, and I was TOC & NIETOC qualified in Congress, and Extemp.
First, I want to start off by saying, do what makes you comfortable and what you're good at. I firmly believe that debate is about education and having conversations that allow us to be better people and debaters. I would rather judge a round that you are comfortable having than a round where you're trying to satisfy my paradigm.
That being said, some things need to happen for me to judge the round to its full potential:
That being said there are some things that need to happen in order for me to judge the round to its full potential:
1. Ensure that you adequately explain your claims, warrants, and impacts. I shouldn't have to connect the dots when listening to your cases/rebuttals/speeches. Not only will this help me judge the round, but it will also help you and your opponent better understand what is happening.
2. Be persuasive! At the end of the day, you pulling me to your side of the debate is what you want, and it's what should happen.
3. Please, please, please, do not be rude in any way. As a former competitor, I know that rounds can get heated, but keeping calm is always the best option. I DO NOT TOLERATE RUDENESS IN ANY FORM. Simply put, I will not vote for you if you're acting rude, racist, homophobic, classist, xenophobic, etc. Let's create a safe place for everyone. :)
4. Tell me how to vote. If you tell me how to vote, why I should vote that way, and why it matters in the round, it'll be an easy ballot. Paint the picture for me, and don't leave me guessing.
In terms of LD, I've always preferred a traditional debate. I enjoy traditional value, criterion, and contention level debate. I firmly believe that a framework is essential and can sometimes make or break a round. With that, I'm not a fan of theory, unless there is clear abuse happening. I don't enjoy debates about debates because I think it takes time away from the topic and doesn't truly show your skill as a debater. However, I will vote for theory, if executed correctly. (If you run theory, have all the correct parts, and really stick with it through and through, then I'll vote for it.)
I'm also really fond of comparative worlds. What does the world of the AFF look like? What does the world of the NEG look like? Explain why I would rather live in one world over the other, and why that should matter at all in the debate.
Lastly, I do listen to the CX in rounds. I think it's excellent when debaters bring the questions or answers from the CX into their rebuttals. It shows that you were listening and genuinely trying to find a way to have the debate on your side.
I've always had a love-hate relationship with Congress (as I'm sure you all understand). I think the debate concept is great. However, when you're actually in the round, I know it can be intense and often even toxic. As a congress judge, that's something I note. I don't care how great a speaker you are; if you're belittling others, I won't rank you high. Period. :)
Judges say this about a million and one times, I genuinely hate rehash! I know it's bound to happen, but keep it at a minimum, or just move on, so the round doesn't get bland. Additionally, I LOVE unique arguments because they add a lil something to the round, so if you make out of the box arguments, I'll note it.
I think crystals are great, especially if you're one of the last speeches! That being said, a crystal isn't you reading an early-round speech with just some refutation. It should be a whole lot of refutation about some of the biggest arguments made in the round.
Lastly, I do listen to the CX in rounds. I think it's great when debaters bring the questions or answers from the CX into their speeches. It shows that you were listening and truly trying to find a way to have the debate on your side.
Have fun, and good luck!
Clements '22 | UT '26
4 years of PF, state and nats quals
put me on the chain:
TLDR: do what you want, have fun, be respectful. im pretty flow but I havent judged in a couple months. paradigm updated Nov. 2024.
Before/after round, feel free to respectfully ask me about UT or my debate experience or whatever. Do not do so DURING the round. big fan of sour candy and caffeine.
any form of bigotry is entirely unacceptable and will immediately result in an Loss, tanked speaks, and reporting to the director.
- pretty straightforward do what you want
- send ME case with cards before you speak, i dont care if/how/when y'all decide to share with opponents
- framing should be read here
- anything not responded to here is considered conceded
- send ME docs, especially if you're spreading or reading new offs
- by far the most important speech
- if you haven't started weighing already, definitely start doing it now
- any voters in final must be in summary. if it's not here i dont care about it
- extensions are more than just "extend x card/author/arg" i need claim-uniqueness-warrant-link-impact
- defense is NOT sticky now that speeches are 3 minutes. that means defense must be re-extended in every speech that follows any offense
Final Focus
- like above, if its not in summary, i dont care if its in the final. if its in the final but wasn't in summary, i don't care
- mirror summary in both content and order
- weighing should have started earlier; the only new weighing i'll evaluate in FF is meta-weighing, which requires warranting as to why i should prefer one mech over another. it is NOT just yelling mechanisms at me
- cross is binding so long as you bring it up in a speech
- speed is fine as long as i have a doc. however, i will only flow if the speech is comprehensible; i will say clear once and if it doesn't get clearer i probably wont flow how you want.
- i will not look at any evidence unless i am explicitly told to do so. poor evidence ethics will hurt speaks but will not lose a round,unless that argument is made
- I am happy to evaluate progressive args but you have more experience with your own args than I do so keep in mind i may not evaluate it how you want me to
- be nice to novices, you can win in a dominant fashion without being rude and condescending.
- I try to appoint speaks as fairly as possible according to each category. However, if you are losing every argument, you will not win a round just because you had a better strategy. Thus, I will retroactively adjust points as necessary.
- the first speech should have definitions, framing, burdens, a worlds comparison, and the first two substantives. It's fine if you don't have each part, but you cannot bring them up in subsequent speeches (other than substantives)
- the second speech should respond to the first and introduce the third substantive. again, you don't need a third sub, but you can't bring it up any later
- each speech should progress argumentation. i dont want to be hearing the same things in the reply as i heard in the one.
- i have only seen a handful of teams actually weigh. it needs to start at the latest in the three. you need to do more than just tell me what your impact is; compare it to the opponents' and tell me why yours is better using some mechanism
- if you want me to vote on an argument, it needs to be in the 2, 3, and reply. if its missing inany of them, i will not evaluate it
- used to have a longer paradigm but it was deleted. feel free to ask if you have any questions