Last changed on
Wed January 27, 2021 at 3:39 PM EST
I have been judging in Speech Events (HI, DI, DUO, EXT, OO), Debate Events (LD, PF, Policy) and Congressional Debate since 2018.
I enjoy judging Congressional Debates where I can see many debaters debate on numerous topics in the student chamber.
I favor to give points and rank high upon following skills even though congressional leaders need to be successful in passing legislation.
- Assertiveness – Standing up for one’s beliefs and being able to confidently take charge of difficult situations, making tough decisions despite opposition. In a politically charged environment where everyone is vying for their opinion to be heard, being assertive is key.
- Building Alliances – Earning trust and respect from others and taking the time to build effective working relationships with individuals.
- Commitment - Passionately and enthusiastically demonstrating a dedication to the causes and beliefs you espouse.
- Conflict Resolution - Effectively resolving misunderstandings, disagreements, and disputes with other individuals. Directly addressing issues with others in a non-threatening manner. Being willing to compromise in order to maintain effective working relationships.
- Influence - Using a variety of persuasion tactics, interpersonal skills, and communication and presentation strategies to convince others to make decisions that are mutually beneficial to all parties involved.
- Presentation Skills - Using effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to clearly deliver information to a variety of audiences. Being confident and comfortable when speaking in front of groups. Making presentations that are clear, engaging and impactful.
- Barkley Forum for High Schools 1/29 - 1/31/2021
- Sunvite 2021
- Cavalier Invitational at Durham Academy 1/16 - 1/18/2021
- Florida Sunshine District Tournament 12/5
- FGCCFL December Tournament
- Glenbrooks Speech and Debate Tournament 11/21 - 11/23/2020
- FGCCFL November Tournament
- Florida Blue Key 2020 10/30 -11/1 Congress Debate
- Duke Invitational 2020 9/19 -9/20 Congressional Debate
- National Speech and Debate Season Opener Hosted by UK 2020 9/12 -9/14 Congressional Debate
- FGCCFL Grand Finals 2020 2/28 -2/29 Congress Debate
- FGCCFL February All Events 2020 2/8 IE & Congress Debate
- FGCCFL January All Events 2020 1/18 -1/18 IE & Congress Debate
- Florida Sunshine District Tournament 2019 12/14 -3/28 Congress Debate
- The Sunvitational 2020 1/10 -1/12 Congress Debate
- FGCCFL December All Events 2019 12/7 IE & Congress Debate
- Barkley Forum for High Schools 2020 1/24 -1/26
- Congressional Debate FGCCFL September All Events 2019 9/28 -9/28 IE & Congress Debate
- Florida Blue Key 2019 11/1 -11/3 Congress Debate
- Yale Invitational 2019 9/13 -9/15 Speech
- FGCCFL Grand Finals 2019 2/22 -2/23 Lincoln-Douglas
- Barkley Forum for High Schools 2019 1/25 -1/27
- Congressional Debate Florida Sunshine District Tournament 2018 12/8 -3/9
- Congressional Debate FGCCFL November All Events 2018 11/17 -11/17 IE and Congress Debate
- FGCCFL October All Events 2018 10/13 -10/13 Lincoln-Douglas
- FGCCFL September All Events 2018 9/22 -9/22 Public Forum Yale Invitational 2018 9/14 -9/16 Varsity Public Forum
- MBBS, University of Medicine, Yangon, Myanmar.
Post graduate:
- MPH, London School of Hyigene and Tropical Medicine, University London, UK
- MSc. Computer Science, Western Illinois University
- Post Doc Medical Informatics Fellowship, Health Science Technology, Harvard-MIT