Coppell Classic Swing
2022 — NSDA Campus, TX/US
Speech - Synch Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HidePF/LD Paradigms
I’m first and foremost an interp coach. Treat me like a lay judge who happens to know the rules (and yes- I know the rules). No spreading, clash is fine. If you really want to pick up my ballot, be sure to focus on cross-examination. I find that a strong, quality CX can illustrate your ability to communicate, prove your points, illustrate your knowledge and understanding of the debate and show your best engaged debate skills. Anyone can read a prepared card. Show me you know what to do with it.
On an aside, I do like debaters to keep it professional. I like it when people stand for cross-examination and are polite and supportive to their opponents before and after the round. I like it when I feel the teams are focused and paying attention not only to their opponents' speeches but also to their team member's speeches.
Congress Paradigms
I look for competitors who are prepared to speak on any topic - especially if they have prepared to speak on both sides of the topic. I look for quality speeches that add value to the debate; if we're four cycles in and you aren't bringing new information, crystallizing information we've heard, or providing a new rebuttal then it's easy for your speech to get lost amongst the masses. Activity in the chamber is good - I'm looking for you to be engaged in listening to other speeches, asking valuable questions, and working together to run a fair and efficient chamber.
Interp Paradigms
I was a high school competitor all four years - competing in all Interp events (DI, HI, OO, prose, poetry, Duo, Duet) and Congressional Debate. I competed on the Texas and National Circuits. Here's the big thing to know - you should never change your style, material, or story to try to get my 1. I will always respect the stories you choose to tell, the performance you're developing, and your courage to be you and share messages important to you. Just be you. My ballots may sound tough, but it comes out of a desire to help you improve. I've provided insight into what I'm looking for but none of it should force you to change your content.
For Interp Events, I'm looking for honest storytelling (talk to me like a person) and tech that helps enhance your story and not detract from it. I'm looking for clear, well-developed characters. I'm looking for an excellent intro that provides meaning and importance for your piece. I'm looking for excellent execution of pacing and incorporation of levels. Draw me into your story and leave me with something to take away. In addition, for all binder events, I'm a stickler for binder etiquette.
For Public Speaking Events (OO and INFO), I'm looking for topics that you are personally invested in. I'm looking for an engaging AGD, a clear vehicle, and well-defined points supported by a balance of ethos, pathos, and logos. Share your heart story and be honest with it. Most importantly, these are two events where you can really be yourself. Be your best self, sure. But don't feel like you have to put on a whole song and dance to get my one. I'm looking for an inspirational, conversational tone. INFO - I'm looking for creative visuals that are well-executed and add value to your speech without being a distraction.
For Extemp, I'm looking for a clear understanding of the question and a definitive answer with supporting analysis (cite those sources guys). Two points or three points are fine, depending on the question and your approach to answering the question. I just want your speech to have a clear sense of structure and organization. I'm also looking for strong presentation skills. Have vocal variety, adopt a conversational tone, know how to present in a way that is approachable for all audience types and not just those well-versed in current events and extemp. Don't be afraid to crack a joke, but don't rely purely on humor. Fluency breaks, circular speech (rehashing points and repeating yourself), and poor time management could affect your rank in round.
General note for everyone - I have a really bad thinking face and I'm going to look confused and upset. I'm not - don't take it personally! It's just my face and I don't really have a whole lot of control over that. Plenty of times I've had my own students tell me they were sure I hated what they were doing and then I was very complimentary of their work. So I promise you my face has nothing against you! It's just a grumpy face.
Priya Chaudhari:
Affiliation: Plano HS '18
Experience: Competed at Plano Senior HS 17-18. Judging since 2019.
A little about me:
She/He. I identify as a queer POC and transphobia, homophobia, and racism are not well received unless deemed narratively 'necessary.' I do not take these things lightly.
I recently graduated from UNT with a BA in Media Arts. I am a performer, and most of my experience is from years of theatre, films, and the IE sides of speech. I am, however, in no way a seasoned debater. That does not mean I will not judge debate, I will simply evaluate the manner in which the information was presented to me... but please do leave me out of congress and LD I will be lost.
I do not tolerate inappropriate room etiquette. Behavior such as being on your phone or laptop during a round (unless clarified to take notes of the performances), talking to other people in between performances or immediately after (where the judge is still present), eating or chewing gum, or just being disrespectful can greatly affect the performer as well as the judge. Failure to be a kind and respectful audience member will likely turn up on the ballot though I will never let it hinder the rank/score in the room unless there is a very specific circumstance. Treat other competitors the way you would like to be treated, please.
Pronouns: She/they. I don't tolerate transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and racism. If you have an issue with this, strike me.
Affiliation: Plano Senior High 19'
Graduated from Arizona State University Online, 2023
Contact: (please put me on the email chain)
I do IE Events only, I have no proper experience/knowledge to judge any debate events.
I have judged speech events for 3+ years and have no previous speech/debate experience. I am looking for clean delivery and clear arguments. If one team can successfully argue against their opponent with no rebuttals, I would give them the win. I am looking for those who will take their time to explain any points presented to further their argument without inadvertently or intentionally repeating their/other student's previous statements. I try not to read evidence. However, I will if I feel it is absolutely necessary to resolve the round. I will default to the speaker's interpretation of the evidence unless otherwise contested.
I am a parent judge. I judged over 100 competitions.
I will rate the competitors based on two main parts:
If the content is effective writing or not.
Does the competitor's speech organize clearly and easy to follow?
Does the speech contain ample solid reasoning and logic
Is the speech too general or does it focus on specifics?
Does the speech make too many generalizations or assumptions about the audience?
Does the speech contain evidence and examples?
Does the speech have good rhetorical choices?
I would like competitors to use effective oral presentation skills. I will check if the competitor is comfortable with delivery such as having a clear voice, good intonation, or a nice tone.
I will also check if the speaker uses effective body language or not such as hand gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact.
Hi everyone! :)
My name is Joseph Cyrus, I competed for Midlothian High School and I now compete for Bradley University.
I've done just about every event but I specialize in interps
PA: While I find content to be very important, I tend to judge more off delivery.
LP: Answering the question is the most important thing to me. Your content and delivery can be some of the best I have ever seen, but if you don't explicitly answer the question I can't justify a high ranking.
Interps: Choices are everything. What you choose to do in your performance ultimately impacts my decision. I want to see layered performances with intentional choices being made by the performer. In terms of programs, I want to see how your lit choices impact your argument and if they actually fit what you are trying to argue. Consistency with your character choices/overall characterization is very important to me, especially in programs and HI.
speed is fine as long as you make an email chain/speech drop - email is
im fine with all types of debate. i love critical arguments/case positions that engage with various types of philosophy. k debate is my favorite. cool with everything else.
one note on theory: i do not like frivolous theory (i.e. down my opponent since they are wearing socks - yes, i have seen this shell). if your opponent gets up in the next speech and says this is stupid and don't pay attention to it. i will discard it and i will not see it as a voting issues. that being said, if there is actual abuse in the round, theory is not only fine but welcomed. competing interps over reasonability.
please feel free to ask any questions before the round. ill be more than happy to answer them
Hey! I competed in Congressional Debate and FX for 4 years on the local, state, and national level. I went to Lamar High School.
I believe that clash is extremely significant in different debate events, including Congressional debate. While I do value clash, it should not be rude or degrading, and should be based on evidence/warrants.
In PF/LD, I don’t mind spreading, but make sure that the arguments are clear and that you are speaking coherently and not insanely fast. I would also say that I’m tech over truth when it comes to arguments. Last, please give a roadmap before speeches so that I can properly flow.
LD Debate: I am a judge that leans toward the classic style. I don't mind K-debate, but you'd better make it apply to the resolution! I am not a fan Topicality arguments. If you run more than one off, I'm not going to apply the rest. Don't be a whiny debater. Debate the round! Speed is fine as long as you are articulate. Don't be rude to your opponent, and if you are a male debater...DON'T BE SEXIST OR CONDESCENDING to a female opponent. I want to hear framework, value, criterion, impacts, and links. Give me that and I will be happy.
PF Debate: Framework and Impacts! I don't like rudeness in Cross Examination. I like a mix of claims, warrants, and narrative. Tell me a story. I am not looking for solvency. I'm not sure why people think they have to solve in PF. I just want to understand why you support or oppose the status quo, how that fits into the framework provided, and where/how it impacts. Don't make it too difficult.
Speech and Interp: I enjoy being in speech and interp rounds, where I get to see student's personalities take flight! I love stories, and I feel like the journey's students choose to take us on are important ones!
In interp, I look for HONESTY and connection in each performance. Don't force emotion. We see that! It takes us out of the context of the piece! Also, please don't stare directly at me. I can't get lost in your piece if you are including me in the scene. I want to be a fly on the wall. And I'm a big believer in the FOURTH WALL. Also, I'm not a fan of those who exploit special needs characters, or make fun of them. If you use the "R" word in my round, or show disrespect to special needs characters, you will hear about it on my ballot. Please reconsider doing this in any piece you choose. It is exclusive and disturbing...don't resort to such things for the purpose of a trophy. This community encourages you to find growth in your humanity as well as your talents!
In speech, I like it when I learn something I didn't already know. Teach me! I love coming out of rounds and telling people, "I was in this OO/Informative/Extemp round and I just learned that..." And I don't mind controversial subjects either! As long as you aren't excluding anyone, or being offensive to a particular group of people (race, ability, religion, sexual preference...etc), then I'm okay with controversy. And whatever your topic...have conviction!
In both speech AND interp, I like it when students make CHOICES and take CHANCES. I'm a tough judge, but only because I want you to improve and have the best critique you can get to do that! I love the community that speech and debate provides for students. I also know that the experience I get from every single performer is invaluable! So thank you!
I am a relatively new parent judge with little previous experience in debate.
Truth >> Tech
Please use little debate jargon and speak slowly. I won’t be flowing, so clearly summarize arguments in the back-half. Time yourself and warrant arguments well. I will vote for the team with the most persuasive arguments and professional presence.
Seven lakes High School '21 | University of Texas at Dallas '24
Debate experience:
I mainly participated in PF debate throughout high school at both local and national tournaments
- I am a standard flow judge who evaluates tech over truth.
- Okay with any arguments along as they are not offensive, racist, homophobic, etc.
- I am fine with speed as long as everyone in the round can clearly hear the arguments. I do not like spreading.
- Evidence: Paraphrasing is fine as long as you don't blatantly misconstrue the evidence. When providing paraphrased evidence please give the specific line that you reference. Evidence ethics are important, call your opponents out for any misconstrued evidence, false claims or any lies.
- Speaker points: Speaker points are awarded based on strategy and obviously how well you speak. As mentioned above, I will dock both speaker points and drop you if you have bad evidence ethics. Moreover, i'll give bonus speaker points if the round is entertaining and respectful. Being rude and loud will only decrease your speaker points so don't do that
- Give a roadmap of the speech beforehand and signpost throughout the speech.
- To extend an argument you must extend the contention name, the name of the cards and more importantly what the card says. You can't just tell me to extend 'x card' without telling me why the card is important to both your argument and the round. Speaking of extensions, the round should flow from your constructive to the final focus. The second rebuttal should respond to all offensive arguments or I consider them as drops. First summary must extend arguments and defense if it's responded to in second rebuttal. I will more than likely be voting on both the cleanest argument.
- Weighing is great, the more you weigh throughout the round the easier it is for me to vote. Please start weighing during rebuttals. New weighing after second summary is too late and I will not evaluate that.
- Any arguments or concessions during Cross must be brought up in speeches.
- If you read a framework, read warrants. The Framework debate must include weighing.
- Final focus should have the same arguments as summary
Email me if you have any questions!
Sarah Lyngholm
Affiliation: Plano Senior High 2019
Experience: Competed at haggard middle school, Judged middle school events in high school, and I have been judging High school tournaments since 2021.
A little about me:
Transphobia, Homophobia, and Racism are not received well unless necessary to the piece.
I will always appreciate a warning about any sensitive content in a piece.
I will not stand for inappropriate etiquette within the tournaments. I encourage students to stay off of their phones (unless taking notes), stay quiet between speakers, and refrain from eating/chewing gum during rounds. Being disrespectful during rounds will end up on ballots, but will not affect the competitor's rank (unless absolutely necessary).
I am typically an I/E judge, so keep that in mind if putting me in a debate pool. I do not favor spreading during debate rounds, and I will judge based on how you present your piece or argument.
For TFA State:
Interp: I am a pretty open minded judge when it comes to judging interp overall but there are a few things I look for in performances. Creativity and honesty will always be the most rewarded in my book because it is why we do what we do at the end of the day. Showcasing your own interpretation, but staying true to the core of the story is important to me. Character development and emotional shifts are super important especially over a digital platform to keeping us engaged with the story and showing us the meaning behind the words. Have fun with the choices you make as long as they are PURPOSEFUL, doing something that distracts rather than enhances makes us lose connection between what is happening in the story.
Speaking/Extemp: Big thing is show your own unique style and approach to speaking because this is what separates you from other. I am a big fan of humor, but PLEASE, I BEG do not make it feel forced or this is just awkward for both of us. In terms of depth of the speech, I like more than just surface level arguments and I want to see you get to the higher end issues and core problems effectively. Structure is important obviously to make sure we can connect all of the ideas and know how you are getting to what you are wanting to. Finally, have variation in your delivery, it is important to showcase the different levels and power of your arguments and statements and so we should feel very engaged with how you are saying and what you are saying.
Worlds School Debate:
School affiliation/s : Northwest High School
Hired (yes/no) : Hired for WSD
High School Affiliation if graduated within last five years (required): Northwest High School
Currently enrolled in college? (required) If yes, affiliation? No
Years Judging/Coaching (required) I have been judging for 5- 6 years.
Years of Experience Judging any Speech/Debate Event (required)
I pretty much started off my first year judging in interp and PF and then slowly incorporated all other forms of debate the following year.
Rounds Judged in World School Debate this year (required): Since August I have judged about 40 world school rounds around Texas.
Check all that apply
__x___I judge WS regularly on the local level
_____I judge WS at national level tournaments
_____I occasionally judge WS Debate
_____I have not judged WS Debate this year but have before
_____I have never judged WS Debate
Rounds judged in other events this year : 75 rounds including PF, LD, Interp, Speaking, and Congress.
Check all that apply
__x__ Congress
_x___ PF
__x__ LD
____ Policy
_x___ Extemp/OO/Info
__x__ DI/HI/Duo/POI
____ I have not judged this year
____ I have not judged before
Have you chaired a WS round before?
I have chaired multiple WS rounds before locally.
What does chairing a round involve?
Chairing a round basically is keeping the round in order and ensuring a productive and efficient debate. The chair is in charge of calling up the speakers, leading the RFD for the panel, making sure people do not ask questions during protected time (which I discuss students should keep their own timer at the beginning so we do not have this issue), and making sure a fair debate is occurring.
How would you describe WS Debate to someone else?
I would describe WSD as a form of debate in which you are arguing ideas and issues to show which side of the motion is the most logical. This is way different than Americanized debate where theory and jargon is utilized more, so it is focusing on the core issues of the debate. Worlds is suppose to make sense to anyone who is listening to the debate and therefore the arguments should make rationale sense to anybody.
What process, if any, do you utilize to take notes in debate?
I am fortunate enough to have a full setup for my computer. I have two monitors and on the main monitor I watch the debate, and the second monitor has my tabroom ballot where I am writing notes over each speech and speaker. I also in front of me use a notebook to flow the debate to make sure I keep up with what is being said in the round.
When evaluating the round, assuming both principle and practical arguments are advanced through the 3rd and Reply speeches, do you prefer one over the other? Explain.
This just simply depends on the topic itself. I am pretty open minded when it comes to arguments and do not have a personal preference as long as it is discussed why you chose what to advocate for. This clarity is needed to really emphasize why that approached is needed and it's on the debaters to tell me why it is preferable.
The WS Debate format requires the judge to consider both Content and Style as 40% each of the speaker’s overall score, while Strategy is 20%. How do you evaluate a speaker’s strategy?
I think strategy usually is overlooked in terms of how you want structure arguments. A speaker's strategy is how do you connect the claims you present and how you word things in order to be effective in elaborating on arguments presented by the other side. Picking the right way to argue things and how you say it are definitely things to be aware of for your strategy.
WS Debate is supposed to be delivered at a conversational pace. What category would you deduct points in if the speaker was going too fast?
First, I am glad to have not judged a WSD where someone was spreading, so let's keep it that way hopefully. If someone is just not effective with their speed and tone I usually deduct points from their style.
WS Debate does not require evidence/cards to be read in the round. How do you evaluate competing claims if there is no evidence to read?
As silly as it may sound, I usually vote on simply what makes sense. Since we do not have to have the 20 minutes of calling for cards (thankfully), I simply view whos reasoning and rationale makes the most sense towards the topic and arguments presented in the round. Show me your thought process through your speech and it usually comes down to who can prove their claims in a clear manner, rather than the throw everything at the wall and see what sticks strategy.
How do you evaluate models vs. countermodels?
I look at how effective and clear some model is to make sure it sets the foundation for your ideas. Make sure you think through your model to answer any potential questions individuals may have about it. I do not think all motions need a model or countermodel, so just make sure if you use one there is a purpose to it.
My experience as a competitor spanned my 4 years at The Woodlands High School where I regularly competed in Congressional Debate and Extemp Speaking. Throughout my time there, I also spent over a year competing in both PF and Info so would also consider myself adept in those events.
When judging Congress, I try to equally weigh all aspects of the round but unlike some judges, I will listen to your claims, warrants and impacts and expect to see clear linkages. Furthermore, I also place an emphasis on clash as this is still a debate event. I like to see competitors directly clashing with others' claims, both during their speeches and during CX.
As for extemp, I will equally weigh your presentation and analysis, but since extemp speaking is the one IE that is a bit different than the others, I try to pay close attention to the analysis and like to see how your points support your overarching answer to the question.
I have done Speech and Debate all four years. I have done LD,CX, Congress, DI, HI, POI, extemporaneous speaking and, Impromptu. I have experience will all types of cases and debate styles. In general, I leave the Ballot up to the debaters I will vote on what you tell me to vote on if you explain why.
Please include me on all email chains.
I like to see a combination of evidence and analytics. That helps show that you really know what you're talking about and will get you more speaker points in the round. I will vote off of what you (the debaters) tell me I need to vote on. I will not vote on any arguments run just to win I.E. "racism/sexism good"
Remember that Crossfire is binding! I like seeing impact calc it helps me see why I should vote for your arguments.
This has been my main focus in debate for the past 4 years. I am good with speed as long as you are clear. I am familiar with most K's if it is something that is less used in debate make sure you explain it. Impact Calc is a must for me. My ballot will normally go to impacts, but I am willing to vote on anything if I am told why it matters.
I am fine with most things in the round as per the other events tell me what to vote on and why it's important. Im fine with speed but send me the case.
K's: I have run a lot of K's during my debate career so I am fine with them I will vote of them if you win them. Make sure you are well versed in what the K says especially the alt. DO NOT runs K's that you don't understand just to win.
CP & DA:
Run them but only if you are certain that you know what they say. I will vote on them too if you win
I have seen too many people read theory just to win don't be that person. I will not vote on frivolous theory so do not run it. If there has been a real in round violation read theory but don't read that "time skew is inherent in debate meaning you must vote for me" I will not vote for that. Unless I am told otherwise RVI's will be a voting issue. again be careful if you read theory because if you are reading it just to try to win on a technicality I will not vote on it. Topicality I am okay with as long as they were actually untopical tell me exactly how and where they violated T. Condo theory I will vote on if you win it.
I have countless years of experience as a judge/coach for HS debate, and I was a collegiate competitor back in the day (AFA , IPDA , NFA) ... currently I'm a consultant teaching at the university level (AFA/NFA)
- PLZ treat your opponent and judge the way you would want to be treated, there is no room for rudeness or hate or toxicity in debate
- I prefer speechdrop, google docs or NSDA file share .. unless you're a debate coach or tournament director or prospective employer... you don't need my email
- tournaments that use .5 speaks are VERY bad, .1 all THE way
- I mainly judge College IE's and HS circuit PF and circuit LD - these are my absolute fav's
- Talking fast is ok, spreading is ok if its clear (if you sound like you have peanut butter on the top of your mouth while spreading then DON'T SPREAD - I will not flow)
- IF USING HISTORICAL EVIDENCE (whether debate or public speaking event) , you need to address the 5 C's of historical analysis ... if not then this is for you ---> L
- I view competitive debate as a game... but also as a trial by fire - who ever can win the game and stand the fire will DEF win the round
IE's: MS and HS level - you do you, be you and give it your all!!
Collegiate (AFA) - you know what to do
(MS , HS , College) - I'm a stickler for binder etiquette
if you treat this event like its a form of entertainment or reality TV I WILL DOWN you , you are wasting your time, your competitors time and my time
PO's: I'm not gonna lie, I will be judging you the harshest - you run the chamber not me and I expect nothing but the best. Please be fair with everyone , but if I feel the PO is turning a blind eye or giving preferential treatment I will document it
^^ To the PO's, if you don't establish your gaveling procedure almost immediately I will have no problem ranking you last - non negotiable
Competitors: Creativity, impacts, structure and fluency are a must for me.
don't just bounce off of a fellow representatives speech, be you and create your own speech - its ok to agree tho
don't lie about sources/evidence... I will fact check
best way to get high ranks is to stay active thru the round
For direct questioning please keep it civil and no steam rolling or anything harsh, much thanks.
gestures are neato, but don't go bananas
witty banter is a plus
I only judge congress in person not online
NEVER wants to Parli a round
if y'all competitors are early to the round go ahead and do the coin flip and pre flow ... this wastes too much time both online and in person
tech or truth? Usually Tech, however it all depends on what you run, if you're going to say things that are absolutely not true (holocaust never happened... etc) STRIKE ME - because if I have to go Truth I will have no problem telling you you're wrong and will make an example out of you
I better see clash
IMO, Condo and anything Fiat should be left to LD/CX - but I will evaluate it I guess
if the resolution has loose wording, take advantage of it!!
I value good strategy and refined rhetoric, if you have this you'll most likely get my ballot
I'm all about framework and sometimes turns ... occasionally links
I don't flow during cross x , but if you feel there's something important that the judge should know.. make it clear to the judge in your following speech
I LOVE evidence... but if your doc or chain is a mess I'M going no where near it!!!
Signposting - how do I feel about this? Do it, if not I will get lost and you won't like my flow/decision
FRONTLINE in second rebuttal!! (cough, cough)
Best of luck going for a Technical Knock Out ... these are as rare as unicorns
IMPACT CALCULUS is your best friend !!!
Extend and weigh your arguments, if not.. then you're gonna get a L with your name on it
I'm ok with flex prep/time but if your opponent isn't then its a no in round - if yes don't abuse it ... same goes for open cross
When it comes to PF ... I will evaluate anything (if there's proper warranting and relevance) but if its the epitome of progressive PLZZ give a little more analysis
^ Disclosure Theory: if you have a history of disclosure then do it, if not then you will get a L from me, why? Great question, if you don't have a history of promoting fairness and being active in the debate community you have no right to use this kind of T
I'll be honest I am not a fan of paraphrasing, to me it takes away the fundamentals from impacts/evidence/arguments/debate as a whole - it lowers the value of the round overall
Speaker points - I consider myself to be very generous unless you did something very off putting or disrespectful
Easiest way to get my ballot is by using the Michael Scott rule: K.I.S "Keep It Simple"
send a doc
if you're going too fast I will say clear once - after that my pen will go down
Tech > Truth (most of the time)
links can make or break you
If you sacrifice clarity/quality for speed/quantity then I am not the judge for you
If you're a trad debater ... I'm an ALRIGHT judge
I am THE judge you want for policy LD rounds & for K's
P/CP - cool - if they're very specific and interesting then I am def the judge for you
LARP - can go either way tbh
Trix/Phil/Friv Theory/Performance - PLZ noo, automatic strike !!!
^ if you run any of these in any round I judge you in, I will look for any and every way to vote against you
never assume I know the literature you're referencing
I don't judge a lot of CX, but I am getting back into the groove.... best way to describe me when pertaining to policy is Game Theorist
Now in days no judge is really Tab - lucky you I'm all about Game Theory
look at LD above
PLZ send a doc
I expect to see clash
no speed, this needs to be conversational
don't paraphrase evidence/sources
STYLE - a simple Claim , Warrant , Impact will do just fine
its ok to have a model/c.m , but don't get policy debate crazy with them - you don't have enough time in round
not taking any POI's makes you look silly , at least take 1
^ don't take on too many - it kills time
don't forget to extend, if you don't it a'int being evaluated
the framework debate can be very abusive or very fair ... abuse it and you will get downed
as a judge I value decorum, take that into consideration
If any debate round is near impossible to judge (terrible evidence, round going in circles, no clash, toxic behavior, challenges... etc) I will vote off stock issues
I like to consider myself a calm, cool and collected judge. I'm here doing something I'm passionate about and so are y'all - my personal opinions will never affect my judgement in any round and I will always uphold that.
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me or ask before round - whether online or in person.
May all competitors have a great 2024-2025 season!!
I tend to include performance, diction, voice, energy, etc. in my evaluation for events like oratory, info, and extemp, along with the obvious analysis of content, ideas, and supporting material.
I think creativity in blocking and staging should be rewarded in a digital atmosphere as much as they are in a live one.
I am pretty liberal on content - language, sexuality, etc. do not bother or offend me, as long as the performer has a real grasp on the subjects they are talking about and understands them fully. However, I view 'profanity' much differently than slurs, derogatory language, etc. In general I would prefer that they not be used. There are scripts that use them in order to bring home a point about the vileness of such ideas and beliefs, but in my opinion, that must be very earned, and in most cases, it is not.
Last Updated: 01/07/2022
Add me to the email chain:
*Please IMPACT your arguments; even if you're winning an argument, if you don't tell me why it matters, I don't have an incentive to vote for you
*Voters in the 2NR and 2AR please
*Make sure your warrants are solid
*Extend warrants not author names
*Flex prep is chill as long as both debaters are okay with it
*Make CX productive please; I do consider CX to be binding
*Make sure you extend and explain your LINKS; you can say x leads to y, but tell my WHY it does so. If you find an issue with your opponent's links, point them out explicitly!
*Clash is CRITICAL! Don't skirt around what your opponent is saying; DIRECTLY address it!
*Be sure to have proper citations for evidence
*ROB should somehow be topical/resolutional
*I prefer that you have some sort of framework that I should evaluate the round under, and make sure to explain the framework debate throughout
*I will consider that T/Theory doesn't necessarily take priority in the round/ isn't valid; you don't need a counter-interp necessarily structured (although it organizes it), you can just explain it to me.
*If you run a K, please have an alt! Even if you win the argument that there is an issue, if you don't tell me why your side is solving the issue, I don't have a compelling reason to vote for you!
*Please explain what type of perm/HOW you are perm-ing.
*I love traditional debate just as much as LARP/progressive debate so run what you are comfortable with! I don't need it to be perfectly structured as T/Theory/K/LARP, but at a minimum, have claims, warrants, and impacts to what you are saying, and I will consider your argument equally to an argument more technically structured.
*Be respectful and have fun!!
Below 27: There was a clear issue somewhere in the debate, ie, you weren't respectful, you had a significant issue in presentation, etc.
27-28: You did everything you needed to, but there may have been a couple of issues in strategy, content, and/or presentation that can be fixed
29-30: Excellent strategy, content, and presentation
*Same as LD! Ask me any specific questions before round
*I have a higher threshold for quality of any progressive arguments in PF. That doesn't mean that you can't run them, they just have to be done very well. I think that running PF as a "public forum" debate that is understandable to any judge is essential to what it is, so keep that in mind!
*New and unique arguments tend to make the debate more interesting; be creative with what you're saying
*Clash in your speeches is essential
*Have a good balance between evidence and commentary; I want to hear solid analysis but make sure you have sources to back it up
*Fluency, enunciation, and non verbal communication/presentation matter; don't discount them!!
*I tend to give more weight to content over presentation, BUT that doesn't mean that I give no weightage to presentation quality. Essentially, if your presentation is excellent, but what you're saying makes no sense, I won't rank you as high
*PO will be judged on understanding precedence, parliamentary procedures, and moving the debate along well.
*Participate in questioning! I judge you based on not only what you present but how you interact with what others present.
1-2: There was a clear issue somewhere in the debate, ie, you weren't respectful, you had a significant issue in presentation, your content didn't make sense, etc.
3-4: You did everything you needed to, but there may have been consistent fluency breaks, and your content might have been repetitive from previous speakers. Not really any clash was provided. You didn't balance well researched evidence and analysis.
5: Great strategy, content, and presentation. Few fluency breaks; new arguments and clash, unbiased and strong evidence, interacting with the round and not just the legislation.
6: Excellent strategy, content, and presentation. Close to no fluency breaks; very unique arguments and constant clash and interaction with other speeches, unbiased and very reputable and strong evidence, compelling language and presentation.
*Be respectful and have fun!!
*Answer the question! You can have great analysis and sources about the context of the question but make sure you are answering the actual question as well!
*Have a good balance between evidence and commentary; I want to hear solid analysis but make sure you have sources to back it up
*Fluency, enunciation, and non verbal communication/presentation matter; don't discount them!!
*I tend to give more weight to content over presentation, BUT that doesn't mean that I give no weightage to presentation quality. Essentially, if your presentation is excellent, but what you're saying makes no sense, I won't rank you as high
*Be respectful and have fun!!
*Be PASSIONATE about what you're presenting!
*Make sure your content makes logical sense; it should be cut to flow well together and provide a solid and clear line of reasoning and narrative.
*Clean and well-prepared blocking makes a huge difference in your overall presentation
*Fluency, enunciation, and non-verbal communication/presentation matter; don't discount them!
*Be respectful and have fun!!
*I love to see that you're having fun presenting! That shows that you're passionate about your topic/piece!
Platform Speaking: (Extemp, OO, Info, Imp)
I’m looking first at structure: a full introduction, smooth and capable transitions, and a satisfying conclusion, each section balanced with an appropriate allotment of time. Your analysis should be insightful, informed by a variety of good sources. Overall, the speech should be fluent and engaging, a clear window into your thinking.
I’m looking for how you bring your story and character(s) to life, and how each choice contributes to this goal. It starts with the cutting: does the story build to a climax, one that leaves your character changed in some way? If not, is this intentional? I’m looking at blocking and movements: whether they are purposeful and contribute to the story, or arbitrary or just for show. Above all, I’m looking for authenticity, a performance that, through the sum of your hard work and unique choices, feels genuine and engaging.
- In speech/ acting events I focus on solid storytelling. The most important piece of the puzzle is the script, please don't forget to hold true the story as a whole even though we are only seeing ten minutes of it.
- Energy
- Characterization from beginning to end.
- Make big bold choices that you have perfected for this character, this story, this moment in time.
- Connecting to the audience, it's about telling the story to us, so a solid connection to the audience is important. We want to laugh and cry with you.
- Clean pantomime and connection with off stage characters
- - Take us on the journey with you.
- Take a deep breath and have fun!!! Leave it all out there and take your seat feeling like there was nothing else you could have done.
- Don't forget you are not speaking FOR them, you are speaking AS them. It is an ownership that you should take seriously. If you don't tell the story, how will they continue to live?
- Be honest. These are real people sharing real stories of their lives. Breath through their struggle and be honest.
- Be you, you're enough. - Believe in the story you are telling, be confident, be bold, own your time in front of us.
- Make sure everything you do has a purpose. If it doesn't have a reason, it begs the question of why do it?
- ENJOY! The more you forget about all of the static in your head the clearer the performance will be for us.
- Finally, "Just be." You are enough.
- Be specific with the topic at hand
Make sure your speech flows and each point connects to the last and the next.
- - We may not know anything about the topic at hand, think of yourself as a professor sharing knowledge, teach us.
- If you stumble over your words, keep going forward, don't go back unless that information was so important you need to recover it.
- Strong supporting material is key, like any good research paper the more recent the source the better. And with that strong source material is also important to the strength and legitimacy of your speech.
- Solid confident delivery style
This is the first time that I've judged this event.
I believe in the power of story telling. I believe that our performances should have purpose behind them (even if simply to entertain.) I believe all speech events should be based on genuine audience connect, respect for the given material/ author's intent, as well as the strength of the people speaking. I'm looking for connection - with audience, with material and when necessary, between characters.
All speech events:
For virtual, please stay in the camera frame. It is best if your hands are always in the frame as well; otherwise, gestures seem extreme when your hands suddenly enter the frame. Make sure you adhere to the constitution. For recorded (asynchronous) events, you are not allowed to edit the video.
I need a clear structure. You should have at least one source for each point. The biggest thing I look for is your explanation - you need to explain things in a way that makes it easy to understand without sounding condescending. Your examples and explanation should help me understand your ideas. Movements (5-point walk and gestures) should be smooth, helpful, and make sense. The constitution states you cannot be ranked first if you go over grace.
Rankings most often are based on who creates the most believable moments and characters. There should be different levels to your characters and pieces—not everything should be intense, not everything should be quiet, not everything should be rapid, not everything should be slow, etc. If you use an accent for a character, then you need to be consistent with it. It is not necessary for you to have multiple characters; however, if you do, you need to create distinct characters. You should add meaning behind the lines through your voice, tone, and inflection. Cussing doesn’t bother me; I do prefer for it to make sense within your piece. I do not mind if you take a serious piece and put a humorous spin on it or a humorous piece being given a dramatic spin as long as it is not creating a caricature or making fun of a group of people. Movement should also make sense. Introductions should help clarify and set the scene; many events also require the author and title to be clearly stated in the introduction as well. The constitution states you cannot be ranked first if you go over grace..
For POI specifically: there are some judges who want to be able to tell a difference between the different pieces you use and will make a comment that your program “seems more like prose or poetry than POI”; I disagree with this—If we cannot tell a difference between your pieces, I think it shows how skilled you are at weaving your pieces together to create one coherent voice.