The Cougar Classic at the University of Houston

2021 — Online, TX/US
Policy Debate Paradigm List
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Maryam Alghafir Hire 8 rounds
Rema Bhat Reagan HS
Brittany (Brett) Bonnete Hire 8 rounds
Ben Brody Winston Churchill HS
Bryan Brooks Grace Academy
Jared Burke Shark Debate 8 rounds
Hannah Call Hire 8 rounds
Allie Chase Greenhill School
Nathan Cho Westwood 8 rounds
JAred Croitoru Hire 8 rounds
Clayton Engelby Truman HS
Taha Fanaswala Barstow School
Connor Ferguson Langham Creek
Corey Fisher Westwood 8 rounds
Patrick Dillon Fox Hire 8 rounds
Tavia Gabrysch Heights High School
Richard Garner Hire 8 rounds
Rob Glass Hire 8 rounds
Rajeev Godse Fox Chapel Area High School
Brixz Gonzaba Westwood 8 rounds
Jack Griffiths Jesuit College Prep
Sai Gudapati Hire 8 rounds
Arnav Gupta Lane Tech College Prep H.S.
Riler Holcombe Jesuit College Prep
Samir Idrees Elkins High School 8 rounds
Daniel Iskhakov Hire 8 rounds
Joshua Jennings Hire 8 rounds
Nicholas Jennings Dulles High School
Clark Johnson Hire 8 rounds
Gaganpreet Kaur Silver Creek High School
Jesse Keleman Hire 8 rounds
Kiran Khan Hire 8 rounds
David Kilpatrick Westwood
Allen Kim Leland High School
Justin Kim Kamiak High School 8 rounds
Austin Koort Hire 8 rounds
Jaedon Kroger Westwood 8 rounds
Carolyn Ky Kamiak High School
Rhys Lawson Garfield High School
Christine Le Hire 8 rounds
Beomhak Lee Jesuit College Prep
Yubin Lee Memorial High School
Adam Lipton Winston Churchill HS
Carolina (Care) Lopez-Herrera Hire 8 rounds
sim low Colleyville Heritage High School
Gavin Loyd Westwood
Miles Luce Barstow School
Jack Madden Jesuit College Prep
Isabella Mandell Langham Creek
Jackson Miller Westwood 8 rounds
Amit Misra Dulles High School
Josh Moncure Barstow School
Cody Morrow St. Mark's School of Texas
Maideh Orangi Hire 8 rounds
Lily Ottinger Greenhill School
Jia (Anita) Pan Hire 8 rounds
Solomon Park Barstow School
Akil Patel Unionville 8 rounds
James Pawlikowski Kickapoo High School None
Nick Pereda St. Mark's School of Texas
Raina Peter Greenhill School
Bobby Phillips Westwood
Jackie Poapst Hire
Steve Pointer Jesuit College Prep
Spencer Powers The Kinkaid School
Victoria Ramsey Idalou/Debate
Miriam Richard Klein High School
Chris Roberds Kickapoo High School
Eric Schwerdtfeger Westside HS
Hannah Shi The Kinkaid School
Arri Singleton Barstow School
Cat Smith Hire 8 rounds
collin smith Westwood
Jesse Smith Hire 8 rounds
Jess Spiehler Hire 8 rounds
Marybelle Uk Downtown College Preparatory El Primero
Natalie Vo Hire 8 rounds
Sarah Whiteley Hire 8 rounds
Jacob Williams Hire 8 rounds
Joseph Wofford Aubrey High School
chaz wyche Shark Debate 8 rounds
Jefferey Yan Hire 8 rounds