New Trier Season Opener

2015 — IL/US


The tournament will provide two meals for participants, judges, and coaches on Saturday (10/10) and Sunday (10/11). These meals are free of charge as the cost has been built into the entry fee. 

Breakfast on both days will be a continental breakfast before the first round of each day. Lunch will be provided between the second and third round of each day. In the past. lunch as been provided by local restaurants such as Pita Inn, Viccino's, and A la Carte. 

We understand that attendees may have a variety of dietary restrictions. Our meals will always have a vegetarian option for students and adults. However, if there are extraordinary restrictions (severe allergies, etc.) please contact the tournament directors so that we may plan for them. 

All student meals will take place in the C building cafeteria. All meals for judges and coaches will occur in the judges lounge on the ground floor of the B building.

We pride ourselves in ensuring a humane schedule for our guests. Therefore, we will make every attempt to provide attendees with the opportunity to finish each day with enough time to enjoy a team dinner at an area restaurant.