Marie Clegg Jones Memorial

2015 — UT/US



January 23 and 24, 2015


Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah


All Open Competition



Original Oratory, Duo, Dramatic Interp, Humorous Interp, Impromptu, National Extemp, Foreign Extemp



 Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Policy Debate, Public Forum Debate, and Congressional Debate

Entry Limits

Students are allowed to enter 1 IE on Friday and 1 Debate on Saturday

Each team is allowed up to 6 entries per event


IEs on Friday: 3 rounds and a Final

Debates on Saturday: 4 rounds and elimination rounds.


IEs: one judge for every 6 entries or partial thereof

LD and PF Debates: one judge for every 4 entries or partial thereof.

Policy Debates: one judge for every 2 entries or partial thereof.

Congress: one judge per school

There will be limited judges for hire at $100 per judge per day, first come first serve. Missing judges will incur a fine of $150 per judge per day.


$10.00 per school and $2.00 per student.


Students: Multiple restaurants and fast food on campus will be open.

Judges and Coaches need to place their orders on tabroom, there will also be snacks and drinks in the judges/coaches’ lounge


Sweepstakes will be divided into small entry and large entry

All out round qualifiers will be given an award

Top 10 Speakers in each debate