Heart of Texas Invitational
2018 — Dallas, TX/US
Lincoln Douglas
It is an expectation of the tournament that students will accurately represent material read during speeches. In order to ensure compliance students may record their opponents speeches. It is the responsibility of coaches to ensure that their debaters and parents understand this tournament requirement and complete the paperwork necessary to ensure compliance with applicable state laws.
Judges are expected to be available one round past their school's elimination, at minimum through the octafinals.
Competition will start Friday October 12th on the St. Mark's campus and conclude on Sunday October 14th at the tournament hotel (Westin Park Central).
We will not break brackets should competitors from the same school meet in elimination rounds.
Please have each of your judges submit their judging philosophy on tabroom.com http://docs.tabroom.com/Judging#Updating_Your_Paradigm.
In extreme circumstances we reserve the right to remove your entries for your failure to provide acceptable judging.
Time limits are 6-3-7-3-4-6-3 5 minutes prep
Lincoln Douglas Debate Schedule
MPJ sheets are due before 5 pm on Thursday
Thursday, October 11th – Online Check in begins
8:00 am – Online check in begins and continues through Friday morning at 7 am
There will be a fee of $200 if you register electronically without actually being in Dallas. Please don't force me to assess this fee.
Friday, October 12th – at St. Mark's
7:00 am Pairings released - free breakfast on campus for all participants (coaches, debaters, judges, observers) starting at 7 am - Great Hall for competitors, Judges and Coaches in N114.
8:00 am Round I
10:30 am Round II
11:45 - 2 pm - free lunch on campus for all participants (coaches, debaters, judges, observers) starting at 11:45 am - Great Hall for competitors, Judges and Coaches in N114.
2:00 pm Round III
5:00 pm Round IV
Saturday, October 13th – at St. Mark's
7:00 am Pairings released - free breakfast on campus for all participants (coaches, debaters, judges, observers) starting at 7 am - Great Hall for competitors, Judges and Coaches in N114.
8:00 am Round V
11:00 am Round VI
11:45 - 2 pm - free lunch on campus for all participants (coaches, debaters, judges, observers) starting at 11:45 am - Great Hall for competitors, Judges and Coaches in N114.
2:00 pm Speaker Awards and Double Octos Announced
3:00 pm Double Octos
6:00 pm Octos
Sunday, October 14th - at the Westin Park Central
9:00 am Quarterfinal Round
11:00 am Semifinal Round
1:00 pm Final Round