Louisiana District Tournament
2018 — US
Louisiana District Qualifier
for the 2018 National Tournament
Tournament Schedule
Friday, March 9 - Southside High School
1:00 - 2:00 - Registration (Black Box theater)
2:45 - LD, PF, Policy Round 1 (LD and PF are single flighted)
3:45 - LD, PF Round 2 (single flighted)
5:15 - Speech Round 1 (Extemp prep at 4:45)
7:00 - Speech Round 2 (Extemp prep at 6:30)
8:15 - LD, PF Round 3, Policy Round 2 (LD and PF are single flighted)
Saturday, March 10 - Southside High School
8:30 - Speech Round 3 (Extemp prep at 8:00)
9:45 - LD, PF Round 4, CX Round 3 (LD and PF are double flighted)
12:15 - Speech Round 4 (Extemp prep at 11:45)
1:30 - LD, PF Round 5, CX Round 4
3:30 - Speech Round 5 (Extemp prep at 3:00)
4:45 - LD, Speech Round 6
6:15 - LD, Speech Round 7
7:30 - Awards
Please note that we will be highly flexible on Saturday. If Round 3 is the final round for speech events, those rounds are probably NOT going to be held at 8:30 am on Saturday. We will hold Debate and Speech rounds concurrently as soon as judge needs and cross-entry restrictions permit. Some speech events may need as many as 7 rounds, while others may need as few as 3. Some debate events may need as many as 7 rounds, while others may need as few as 3.
Awards could end up being considerably earlier than 7:30, especially if we can accelerate the schedule.
Bottom line: do not leave campus thinking you have some time between rounds. You may end up missing rounds.