Louisiana District Tournament
2018 — US
Louisiana District Qualifier
for the 2018 National Tournament
Entry Restrictions
Entry Limitations
1. Each school's total number of entries depends on your chapter strength. Record all points for all members of your team, even if they are not competing at Districts. Then, your number of entries may increase. Regardless of chapter strength, the maximum number of entries in any event is 4. Team events count as only one entry towards the overall quota.
2. Each student must have earned at least 25 points, have a paid membership, and have a registered account with the NSDA. If you think a student meets these requirements but is not listed as being eligible to compete at Districts, please send an email to info@speechanddebate.org
3. NSDA rules bar a student from entering more than two events (unless that third event is Congress). See below about "double entry policy"
4. NSDA rules bar a student from entering two team events (Policy, PF, Duo).
5. Louisiana NSDA rules bar a student from entering two debate events (Policy, LD, PF).
6. Louisiana NSDA rules bar a student from entering two extemp events (USX, IX).
NSDA Double Entry Policy:
Although a student may enter up to two events (three, including Congress), a qualified student may only attend Nationals in one event. Each student in multiple events MUST complete a Single Entry Letter of Intent (one exception outlined below). This form is generated by tabroom.com by clicking on the link to NSDA Forms when you are on the registration site for the tournament. Each student must declare in advance which event is the preferred event to compete in at Nationals, in the event they qualify in multiple events. Failure to complete this form prior to the start of the tournament risks forfeiture of all qualifications for that student. The one exception is a student in a team event (Policy, PF, Duo). A student in a team event and a solo event who qualifies in both MUST compete at Nationals in the team event, unless BOTH partners qualify in multiple events and prefer the non-partnered event on their Single Entry Letter. Thus, if a student is in a team event and a solo event and prefers to compete at Nationals in the team event, no form needs to be completed. Please ask us if you have any questions. Please do not wait until the tournament begins to ask these questions. The forms must be submitted at registration. There is no flexibility on this issue, per NSDA rules.
Consent Form
Each school participating at Districts must submit a coach-signed consent form. This form is generated by tabroom.com from the NSDA Forms link when you are on the registration site for the tournament. There is no flexibility on this policy, per NSDA rules.