April Speech and Debate Online Tournament ASDOT
2024 — NSDA Campus, US
Entries, Judging, and Cost
All high school students are eligible to compete. Students may only single enter in WSD, NCX, NLD, NPF, VCX, VLD, and VPF. Students in CD may enter in one speech event. Students may double enter in speech events and at the coach’s discretion, triple in ONLY speech events. A student may not enter in both USX and FX. A student should most likely not enter in USX or FX and CD. All entries will be placed on the waiting list awaiting approval.
One judge for every two debate entries or fraction thereof and one judge for every five speech entries or fraction thereof. Judges are required to stay one round beyond their school’s elimination from the tournament. There are a few judges for hire so if you are short judges, please email the tournament director. If you have extra judges please email the tournament director so there could be some “matchmaker” that happens. Judges may also register themselves here on Tabroom. Payment for judges is found on the Tournament Information at the bottom.
All entries cost 5 (five) dollars. Please email the tournament director with the way that works the best for you to pay for entries.