North Catholic Invitational

2023 — Pittsburgh, PA/US

Debate Event Procedures and Requirements

  • Please remember that the first few rounds of all the debates are virtual in NSDA Campus and that they are occurring on Friday afternoon, with round 1 scheduled for 4:00 PM. Your students and judges should be in place by 3:45 and ready to debate once the schedule is blasted out. Also, please have your students and judges check their compatibility with NSDA Campus. You can start that process by referring to the NSDA website.
  • There will be four rounds of LD and PF, and three rounds of Parli on Friday.
  • As soon as results are determined, a list of advancing students in each of the debates will be published.
  • IF YOUR STUDENT DOES NOT ADVANCE IN DEBATE, please remember that common debate convention requires you to continue to judge for at least on more round past the round when your entry was eliminated. Please know that Saturday judge may be asked to judge any of the debates, including congress.
  • IF YOUR STUDENT DOES NOT ADVANCE IN DEBATE, they may enter student congress if they register by 7:00 AM on Saturday morning.