Melissas Kenneth Wooten Online TFATOC

2023 — NSDA Campus, TX/US

Debate Topics

Policy Debate: Fiscal Redistribution

Lincoln Douglas: The NSDA September/October topic.

Public Forum: The NSDA September/October topic.

World Schools:

Round One: This House, as the United States, would build a military base in Palau.

Round Two: (sides reversed) This House, as the United States, would build a military base in Palau.

Round Three: Impromptu

Round Four: This House supports the increased use of nuclear power to combat climate change

Quarters: This House opposes the use of public funds for school vouchers.

Semis: This House believes that gene-editing technology should be restricted to non-human

Finals: Impromptu

Congress: Please see congress docket page for more details.