GGSA State Quals

2023 — Union City, CA/US

GGSA/CHSSA Debate Rules, Esp. Re. Evidence & Protests

We will be using our GGSA debate rules, which are mostly in alignment with CHSSA's.

Where there is discrepancy, we will defer to CHSSA's.

Noteworthy Re. Validity of Evidence & Protests

  1. For Policy, Public Forum, and Lincoln-Douglas, all evidence used in a debate must contain the name of the authority, the name of the source, the date and page number, even if all of the above are not read in the debate. The burden of proof rests with the team/individual challenging the validity of any evidence.

    For Parliamentary Debate, debaters should primarily rely on logic and general knowledge as the intent of Parli is to encourage extemporaneous argumentation. Reference to published sources is allowed but should be limited. A debater may refer to information from a published source during their speech. The debater must transcribe the full quotation this information is based on. The transcription must be done during preparation time, by hand, and without ellipses. The debater must then write down the citation and must say the citation during their speech. To the extent that these are provided by the original source, the citation should include the name(s) of the author(s), the source title, and the publication date. The team which refers to information from a published source must show the opposing team the sheet of paper containing the quotation and citation if requested. The request can be made during a POI.

  2. Judges shall not be allowed to request any evidence form debaters except when the evidence is challenged as invalid by the opposing team/individual during the round.

  3. Personal letters or telegrams shall not be admissible as evidence in any debate.

  4. A protest must be lodged within 15 minutes of the close of a round.

  5. The coach of one of the debaters involved must lodge the protest.

  6. If it is a question of prompting, all three judges must agree that it occurred.

  7. A grievance committee must make the decisions.