Iowa Forensic League State Tournament
2023 — Indianola, IA/US
IFL Board nominations
IFL Board Nominations
Coaches may self-nominate to serve on the IHSFL Executive Committee. Committee members serve two-year terms, and are responsible for planning and executing the IFL State Tournament as well as any other activities they deem worthy. If you are interested in serving, send your nomination and include a brief statement telling the membership about yourself and why you want to serve on the committee. The following officers’ seats are up for election this year:
David McGinnis, West Des Moines Valley
There is also one other vacant seat that needs to be filled.
All nominations should be e-mailed to Maggie Rietz ( by noon on Friday, February 24th . Maggie will send a confirmation that the nomination has been received. The committee will compile the nominations to send out to schools along with a ballot link the following week. Voting will be open on the morning of the 27th and close at noon on Thursday, March 2th.