49th Harvard National Forensics Tournament
2023 — Cambridge, MA/US
Judge Hiring
The tournament is currently hiring judges. If you are interested in being hired, please fill out the following form:
If you have questions about being hired as a judge, please email harvardhsdebate@gmail.com. For all other inquiries (including registration) please email Sherry Hall or hst@harvarddebate.org.
PF and LD:
- $17.50/flight or $35/round.
- - If you are available for all rounds on Sat & Sun: $275
- - If you are available for all Sat & Sun & first round on Monday: $315
Congress: $40/round. $150 if you can judge all prelims.
Policy/CX: $35/round. $315 if you can judge all prelims, first elim on Sunday, and first elim on Monday.
Speech: $20/round