John Lewis SVUDL Invitational formerly SCU Dempsey Cronin
2022 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
Policy Debate - Division Information
Updates to Policy
In order to allow more teams the opportunity to participate in Policy debate, we will be adding a new division for Policy, called the “Rookie” division. This division will be similar to novice, except this division will have strict argument restrictions for teams competing in this division. Please see descriptions below to determine which division to register for.
Rookie - Eligible for all novice debaters, but students will only be allowed to run the following arguments:
The rookie division is a packet plus division. While students are limited in the arguments they may run, they can add evidence to supplement what is available in the provided packet.
Novice - Eligible for all novice debaters, any argument type will be allowed in this division.
Open - Eligible for all open/varsity debaters, any argument type will be allowed in this division.