Asynchronous Georgia Speech Scrimmage 2 hosted by Marist
2022 — Online, GA/US
Novice PF Information
The novice public forum tournament will have FOUR rounds. The cost per entry is $30. If you need to hire a judge, it will be $100 per judge.
Topic: Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its investment in high-speed rail.
8:00am CST - Novice Public Forum Round 1
9:30am CST - Novice Public Forum Round 2
11:15am CST - Novice Public Forum Round 3
1:45pm CST - Novice Public Forum Round 4
We will use online coin flips through tabroom - the flips will be released 3 minutes after the pairings are blasted and teams will have 5 minutes to make their choice after the flip has been blasted