Heart of Texas Invitational hosted by St Marks

2022 — NSDA Campus, TX/US

WSD Schedule and Motions

Friday, Oct. 21

9:00AM Roll call, Impromptu announcement, and judge training

10:00AM Round 1 Begins

1:00PM Round 2 Begins Motion: TH regrets the rise of fast fashion.

4:00PM Round 3 Begins: TH supports the right of teachers to unionize.


Saturday, Oct. 22

9:00AM Roll call, Impromptu announcement

10:00AM Round 4

1:00PM Elim 1 TH supports rent control legislation

3:00PM Elim 2 Impromptu Motion Announcement

4:00PM Elim 2

7:00PM Elim 3 TH supports a cashless economy (if needed)