Grand Oaks TFA and NIETOC Tournament

2022 — Spring, TX/US

MASTER Schedule

Grand Oaks Schedule

FRIDAY, October 28, 2022

2:45-3:30 Registration in front lobby (circle drive entrance of school)

3:30 EXTEMP Draw 

4:00 Section A PRELIM  (Extemp, Prose, Informative, DI, Novice Prose-FINALS)

4:40 MANDATORY ROLL CALL and  MEETING WITH ALL WSD COMPETITORS-flex area outside room 2322

5:00-6:00 WORLD SCHOOLS ROUND 1 Prepared 

5:30-7:00 Student Congress Session 1 (90 min session) Legislation 11-15

6:00 LD, PF and CX Debate Round 1Duet Acting Round 1, Duo Round 1


7:30 Round 2 Duo/Duet

8:00-9:00 WORLD SCHOOLS ROUND 2 - Impromptu

8:00-9:30 Student Congress Session 2 (90 min Session)

8:00 LD, PF and CX Debate Round 2

9:00 FINALS of Duo/Duet

SATURDAY, October 29

7:30 IE only registration

8:00 Congress SEMIS Legislation 21-25

8:00-9:00 World Schools Debate Round 3 Prepared 

8:00 LD, PF and CX Debate Round 3

9:30 Section B PRELIM (Poetry, Novice PO, OO, HI, Impromptu, POI, Novice Oratory FINAL)

10:00-10:30 WSD Coaches Challenge

10:45-11:45 WSD Quarters Prepared 

11:30 LD, PF and CX Debate Round 4

12:30 Extemp Draw 

1:00 Section A and B Semis/Rnd 2 of some events

2:00 Debate Challenge

2:30-3:30 SEMIS WSD Impromptu motion announced 

2:30 Debate Eliminations

2:30 Congress Finals Legislation 16-20

3:30-4:30 SEMIS (impromptu) Round WSD  

4:30 Extemp Draw Finals

5:00 Finals A and B

6:00-7:00 FINALS WSD Prepared motion FLIP for sides ROUND 1 motion 

6:30 Debate Elim CX finals, LD Semis, NLD Semis, PF Semis

8:00 Debate Elim LD FInals, NLD Finals, PF Finals


AWARDS will be given out throughout the Tournament; Debate Elims

 *Rounds will be advanced if possible ***Impromptu will have prelim, semi and final