NPDL Tournament of Champions
2022 — NSDA Campus, US
How to Lodge a Protest
If a debater feels there has been a violation of the NPDL Online Round Rules that is eligible for protest, they should do the following immediately, so that a protest form can be submitted before the start of the next round. (Protests concerning the last round of the day should be submitted within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the round.) Debaters who intend to file a protest should not stay for oral feedback if doing so compromises their ability to submit a timely protest.
1. Contact their Coach or Chaperone (“Coach”) and discuss the issue.
2. If their Coach agrees, the Coach should use the Protest Form to provide details of the alleged offense for the Protest Committee to review. Under the NPDL Legislative Code that only a Coach may file a protest—Article XIII, Section 13.C.)
3. The Protest Committee will meet expeditiously to review the protest and resolve the issue as per the NPDL Legislative Code. The committee will aim to resolve protests concerning Rounds 1-6 by the end of the next round. Protests concerning Rounds 7 and later that could affect which teams advance will be resolved prior to the start of the next round.
Debaters, Coaches and Judges should familiarize themselves with the NPDL Online Round Rules. They should do so prior to the tournament and before filing a protest, as only items in the code marked with an asterisk are grounds for a protest.