Great Salt Lake District Tournament
2022 — UT/US
Great Salt Lake District Qualifier
for the 2022 National Tournament
- Congress: Kate Wilkins (Cottonwood), Scott Wilbur (Cyprus), David Smith (Cyprus), Matthew Cessna (Cottonwood), Diego Rondon (Lone Peak), and Hannah Zoulek (Cottonwood)
- Dramatic Interpretation: Taycia Perez (Cottonwood) and Sophia Romney (Skyline)
- Humorous Interpretation: Will Schumacher (ICS) and Davy Hoyal (Lone Peak)
- Program Oral Interpretation: Samantha Smith (Kearns) and Dakota Lundgreen (Tooele)
- Duo Interpretation: Nina Zhu & Angela Zhou (West) and Lincoln Petersen & Vyken Peacock (Tooele)
- Informative Speaking: Nizhoni Tsosie (Cottonwood) and Michelle Sweeney (Lone Peak)
- US Extemp: Ia VanOpstall (Taylorsville) and Adelyn Kobe (Olympus)
- International Extemp: Christina Dong (Skyline) and Ryan Dillon (Cottonwood)
- Original Oratory: Diya Oommen (West), Ruby Olivares (Olympus), and Evie Harter (ICS)
- Big Questions: Walter Rudolph (Taylorsville) and Bridgette Bawden (Taylorsville)
- Lincoln Douglas: Heber Ford (Lone Peak) and Ia VanOpstall (Taylorsville)
- Policy: Robert Peterson & Ishan Sharma (West) and Layla Hijjawi & Julia Summerfield (Rowland Hall)
- Public Forum: Scott Coller & Trevor McMillan (Skyline) and Lydia May & Sharayu Senthilkumar (West)
- Congress Sweepstakes: Cottonwood High School.
- Speech Sweepstakes: Skyline High School
- Debate Sweepstakes: West High School
- Overall District Sweepstakes: West High School earned the school championship award. Skyline was second place and Cottonwood finished third.
* Coach of the Year - Pat Kittel (Cottonwood)
* Assistant Coach of the Year - Jason Daniels (West)
* Volunteer of the Year - Michelle Murday (Skyline)
* Administrator of the Year - Dr. Jared Wright (West)
* Student of the Year - Carter Bohman (Tooele)