Great Salt Lake District Tournament

2022 — UT/US

Great Salt Lake District Qualifier

for the 2022 National Tournament
Intermountain Christian School
Salt Lake City, UT
Wed 2/2 Wed 2/2 HSE SEN
Skyline High School
Salt Lake City, UT
Sat 2/12 Sat 2/12 DI DUO HI INF IX OO POI USX
Tooele High
Tooele, UT
Thu 2/17 Sat 2/19 BQ LD CX PF


Date & Time

Wednesday, February 2nd

3:15pm to 9:30pm

We'll have Two 3-Hour Sessions



In-Person at Intermountain Christian School

6515 South Lion Lane

Salt Lake City, UT 84121


Legislation Docket

Round 1

A Bill to Reset the Priorities of the United States Transportation System (NSDA Nov 2021)

The Policing Survellience Reform Act (UDCA)

A Resolution to End One China Policy (UDCA)

A Resolution to End Production of the One Cent Piece (UDCA)

A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Regard the Death Penalty as Cruel and Unusual (UDCA)

Round 2 (Final)

A Bill to Implement a Universal Basic Income (UDCA)

A Bill to Increase Aid to Haiti  (UDCA)

A Bill to Ease Green Card Restrictions  (UDCA)

A Resolution to Promote National Education Reform  (UDCA)

A Bill to Implement Paid Family Leave (UDCA)