2022 — Aubrey, TX/US
Rules and General Info
We will offer all UIL testing events and a variety of speaking events. The deadline for entering is Wednesday, January 5th at 6:00 pm.
Speaking events include:
Informative, Persuasive, Prose, Poetry, Dramatic Interp, Humorous Interp, Oratory, Group Improv, Duo Interp, LD Debate, CX Debate, and PFD!
*Debate topics are as follows:
- CX- Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.
- LD- Resolved: In matters of foreign policy, the United States ought to value universal human rights over economic interests.
- PFD- Resolved: The United States federal government should legalize all illicit drugs.
Testing events include:
Accounting, Calculator, Computer Apps, Computer Science*, CIE, Lit Crit, Math, Number Sense, Ready Writing**, Science, Spelling, Editorial Writing, Feature Writing, Headline Writing, News Writing, and Social Studies!
*Computer science contest will not include the hands-on programming competition.
**Ready writing participants will be asked to submit their entries in advance by Wednesday, January 5th so that they can be graded by the end of the tournament. You will be emailed a link to submit your entries once you are registered.
Please contact Edgar Jackson ( if you have contestants who plan to enter speech and testing events and/or if you have contestants who intend to enter more than 2 speech events.
The entry fees for all individual speaking events will be $10.00
The entry fees for LD Debate will be $15.00
The entry fees for Group Improv and Duo Interp will be $20.00
The entry fees for PF Debate will be $25.00.
The entry fees for CX Debate will be $30.00.
The entry fees for all testing events will be $10.00.
You will be required to furnish a judge for each section. It cannot be the same person.The judging requirements are as follows:
- CX, LD and PFD 1 judge for every 2 entries.
- IE's 1 judge for every 7 entries.
- Academic Tests 1 grader for every 6 testing entries.
- $100.00 judging fee for all uncovered judges.
- All testing materials as well as extemp topics will be UIL SET A Invitational materials.
All drops after 5pm on Wednesday, December 11th will result in a drop fee of $75.00 plus the loss of your entry fee.
Late entries will be taken. For all entries made after the deadline, add $5.00 per event. Late entries will only be taken by phone.
For more information, contact:
Edgar Jackson
UIL Coordinator