Wayne State George Ziegelmueller Invitational AKA The Ziggy
2021 — Online, MI/US
Payment Instructions
Payment Instructions for Wayne State / Ziggy 2021
1. Make sure your invoice on Tabroom is correct.
2. Send your payment by check or credit card:
a. By Check: Write a check to Wayne State University and mail it to:
Wayne State Debate
c/o Sydney Pasquinelli
415 Lakewood Street
Detroit, MI 48215
b. By Credit Card or Debit Card: Submit your Fees via PAYPAL:
Write your school’s name in the subject line please!
3. After I receive your payment, I can check it off as “paid” in tabroom.com, allowing you to generate a receipt automatically that matches what you paid.
4. If you need a more formal receipt, I can produce an invoice for your institution.
5. Please contact me if you have any questions or issues with these methods (sydneypasquinelli@gmail.com)
Reminder of Fee Schedule
$60 / team competing
$50 / hired round (if you hired directly from us)
Dropped entries after 10/19 pay 100% Fees