Wayne State George Ziegelmueller Invitational AKA The Ziggy
2021 — Online, MI/US
Awards will be in Room 132 of the tournament site @ 8:30pm EST.
Observer Policy: Competitors, judges, coaches and students from registered schools may access all Competition Rooms. If you are a debater from a high school or a college that isn't competing, email me (sydneypasquinelli@gmail.com) and I can add you to an observer pool. You have to have a tabroom.com account to observe any rounds.
Live Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xtF59G1LmM4mugUdqorC9Glcs716WrBT8rVBqFqOoRk/edit?usp=sharing
Invitation: Ziggy 2021
Dear Colleagues:
We cordially invite you to join us Friday, Oct. 22, through Sunday, Oct. 25, 2021, for the Sixth Annual Dr. George W. Ziegelmueller Invitational Tournament, hosted by Wayne State University, online via classrooms.cloud.
We will offer three divisions of intercollegiate policy debate with six rounds of preliminary debates in each division. We will break half the teams that complete in each division, up to a maximum of 16 teams in each division.
Our tournament is sanctioned by ADA and NDT/CEDA. Our novice division will be restricted to the ADA novice evidence packet.
Please manage tournament entry through Tabroom.com, until October 19th at 11:59 PM EST. We will have to apply fees to dropped entries after October 19th.
Fees are $60 per policy debate entry (an entry is any partnership of two debaters registered to compete in a division). There will be no fees for judges or observers.
We look forward to hosting you all virtually, from the Motor City, this October!
Dr. Sydney Pasquinelli Dr. Ron Stevenson
Director of Debate Director of Forensics
sydneypasquinelli@gmail.com stevenson.ron@gmail.com
Topic: The Ziggy will employ the 2021-2022 CEDA national debate topic.
Sanctioning: Our tournament is sanctioned for ADA, CEDA and NDT, and teams competing here will earn sweepstakes points as per the standard league rules. We will offer policy debate competition in three divisions: varsity, junior varsity, and novice. We will adhere to the latest ADA rules regarding competition, student eligibility for divisions, and tournament administration. In compliance with ADA rules, results of the tournament will be submitted to the ADA Vice President within two weeks of the conclusion of the tournament. Current ADA rules may be found here.
Preliminary Rounds: Six preliminary rounds will be offered in all divisions: Three rounds on Friday and Three rounds on Saturday. The first two rounds will be pre-set and the last 4 rounds will be power-matched.
Elimination Rounds: In divisions with 32 teams or fewer, half of teams competing in each division will break, or in divisions with 33 teams or more, we will break 16 teams to an octofinals round. The cap at 4 elimination rounds is necessary to meet the time constraints of a 3-day digital tournament. Tab will not break brackets in elimination rounds; In a case where two teams from the same school face each other in an elimination round, the program director (or their delegate) will decide who advances to the next elimination round.
Novice Evidence: The novice division will use only the ADA-restricted evidence set. The evidence set can be found here.
Recording: WSU will not permit recording of debate rounds, in any division at our tournament, unless all round participants affirmatively consent to such recording. This policy will be enforced to protect the academic freedoms of our debaters.
Harassment: The Wayne State Debate Team has a no-tolerance policy for harassment (sexual or other) and discrimination based on any marker of identity. The tournament agrees to comply with the underlying principles of CEDA’s Statement on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination and the Statement of Ethical Principles.
Fees: We will charge $60 per policy debate entry. An entry is defined as any two debaters registered to compete in any division. There will be no additional charges for judges or observers. See the "Payment Instructions" tab on the right side of our main tabroom page.
Eligibility: Participant eligibility in each division is governed by ADA and CEDA rules.
Hybrid Entries: Hybrid teams may compete in preliminary rounds and are eligible to clear to elimination debates and receive speaker awards.
Mavericks/Sick Debater: Mavericks are not eligible to enter the tournament. Should one debater from a team become ill or unable to debate in any given round, that round will be forfeited.
Entry Deadline: Please enter using Tabroom.com by October 19, 2021 by 11:59 EST. After that deadline, please email entry changes to Sydney Pasquinelli.
Drops: Teams dropped after October 19th, 2021 @ 11:59 pm will be responsible for paying 100% of their entry fees.
Prelim Round Commitment: Each school must provide THREE rounds of judging per entry. Any judge in the pool may be placed in any division of policy debate, even if your school does not have teams in that division. Judges can choose to limit their commitments to novice OR novice and JV; but judges cannot choose to limit their commitments to varsity rounds.
Elim Round Commitment: All judges are obligated for the first elimination debate AND are obligated until one round after their schools’ last team (in any division) is eliminated.
Placement: Judges will be placed using mutual preference in all divisions via taboom.com.
Speaker Points: We will use a 30-point scale with .1 increments (no ties).