Bentonville Tigers Eye
2021 — NSDA Campus, AR/US
Debate and Congress Information
Debate Pairings and Breaks:
Brackets will not be broken. Rolls will be assumed for out rounds unless the coach of the teams provides additional judges for the round in question and contacts the tabroom with this request.
We will not allow any hybrid entries BUT will allow maverick entries.
PF Debate WILL be doing the Coin Flip.
We reserve the right to collapse divisions of debate based upon the number of entries.
If LD collapses to an open division, the Novice NSDA Resolution will be utilized. If this occurs, you will be contacted immediately.
1. We will run NSDA-style student congress. We will utilize the bills from the ACTAA 2021 Fall Docket. We will use the following bills -
Prelim 1 - 1, 2, 4, 5
Prelim 2 - 6, 8, 10, 13
Finals - 14, 16, 18, 20
2. All speakers will compete in two prelim sessions of Congress. One house will consist of no more than 16 speakers. If multiple houses are required, an even number from each house, will advance to Supersession.