BHS Invitational

2021 — Burleson, TX/US

Site Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations


Competitors may not enter contest rooms unless accompanied by a tournament official (wearing an ID badge or lanyard). 


An adult sponsor must accompany competitors at the tournament. Please do not leave students unattended or allow them to wander the halls.


Competitors are expected to behave in a mature, respectful manner, which will be reciprocated by our staff and volunteers. If you encounter any problems, please visit Guest Services located in the cafeteria.


Turn off all cell phones when in a contest room.


Competitors are expected to remain in the waiting areas when not competing or watching other performances.


The gyms, track, and other fields are off limits as well as hallways not in use by the BISD UIL Academic Invitational.


The halls not in use are strictly off limits.


Food (including candy) and beverages (except water) may not enter testing rooms.


All BHS policies regarding vandalism and conduct are in effect. Police will handle any violations of these policies.


Burleson High School is a tobacco and drug-free campus. Any violation of this policy will result in police involvement.