Arkansas Forensics and Debate State Championship
2021 — NSDA Campus, AR/US
Qualification and Waivers
We are being very clear about the process for Waivers this year - Please read this information carefully.
Tabroom is all set up for entering entries whether it be a fully qualified or an "at-large" or waiver entry. Here are the ways students need to be entered into Tabroom.
1. Your student has qualified at an ACTAA Regional Tournament. Remember - Qualification levels changed this year. You can verify this at You will enter them into the Tournament and for the Qualifier please list how they qualified and which Regional. If two partners qualified at different tournaments, mark it in separate boxes.
2. Your student has qualified Out of State AND has also competed at an ACTAA Regional in the Same Event. You will enter 2 qualifiers. You will enter the Out of State Tournament they qualified at AND the ACTAA Regional. If the event wasn't offered at ANY ACTAA Regional - Simply list the Out of State. You will also mark the "At Large Entry" Box.
3. Two students have qualified in Individual Events but want to compete in Duo also. You will enter 1 qualifier per student in their other events. You will also mark the "At Large Entry" Box.
4. You have an odd number of students in a partnership event. You can request a partnership waiver. You will fill out one qualifier box for the student that has qualified. You will then fill out another qualifier box to verify the waiver student has competed in this event this year at a Regional or Out of State or an Arkansas Invitational. You will also mark the "At Large Entry" Box.
5. Students that participated and qualified at other Arkansas Invitationals or NSDA Districts can also apply for a Waiver for this year only. You will fill out the qualifier box for the tournament. You will also mark the "At Large Entry" Box.
All entries will be placed on the waitlist until cleared by the ASC Committee. It's better to reach out and ask questions proactively rather than in response to not having waivers accepted.