Idaho State Debate

2021 — NSDA Campus, ID/US

Special Online Rules and Accommodations

Please take note of the special online rules and accommodations which are modifications and adaptations of current Idaho Debate Code Rules.  These rules will supersede the IDC for this year ONLY.  


Use of Electronics

General Rules

1. Availability of Evidence: Contestants electing to use computers have the responsibility to promptly provide a copy of any evidence read in a speech for inspection by the judge or opponent. Evidence must be produced in a reasonable manner and adhere to Evidence Rules. 

2. Contestants electing to use computers are responsible for providing their own computers, batteries, extension cords, and all other necessary accessories. Tournament hosts will not be responsible for providing computers, printers, software, paper, or extension cords for contestants. 

3. Contestants choosing to use laptop computers and/or related devices accept the risk of equipment failure.

4. Judges and/or contest directors will give no special consideration or accommodation, including no additional speech time or prep time, should equipment failure occur. Outside of allowing competitors to turn their camera off, any other accommodation or request must be approved by tournament management. 


Specific Rules

1. Contestants may use electronic devices (including laptop computers, tablets, and/or cell phones) to access the internet during debate rounds with the following conditions:

1. Computers or other electronic devices may not be used to receive information for competitive advantage from non-competitors (coaches, assistant coaches, other non-competing students) inside or outside of the room in which the competition occurs. Information that would be restricted would include but not be limited to coach/non-participating competitor generated arguments, advice on arguments to run, questions to ask during cross examination, and other information not generated by the participating competitors in your round.

2. Internet access may be used to retrieve files, exchange evidence and/or arguments, research arguments, and partner to partner communication, and communication between other participants in the round. These electronic device guidelines do not limit communication between debate partners during the debate round.

3. Penalty: Contestants found to have violated these provisions will be disqualified from the tournament and will forfeit all rounds in that event.


2. Contestants should, whenever possible, debate with their camera on.  However, judges may provide accommodation for those with technology insufficient to run the camera while speaking.  Contestants should explain the situation to the judge before the round begins.  

3. Contestants may not, in any circumstance, present recordings as live speeches. All debate speeches, cross examination periods must be conducted by competitors live and synchronously. 

4. Any observers to the round (watching live through a competitors room/connection/etc) must make themselves known to the judge before the round begins.  All relevant rules on scouting must be observed.


Congressional Debate

In order to create the Agenda selection order, the Debate Commissioner will use a random order generator of the schools represented in each chamber. This order will be given to the parliamentarian of each chamber. This order will be used to facilitate the agenda setting process as outlined below: 
A representative from the school first on the list shall choose the first piece of legislation for the agenda. A  representative from the school next on the list shall choose the second piece of legislation and so on, until the order is set for all legislation. After one rotation the order would then be snaked to allow the last school to choose the next piece of legislation until all pieces have been placed on the agenda.
Due to limitations in the NSDA campus software the top 6 from each chamber will advance from Prelims to Semi-Finals.  The top 6 from each semi-final round will then advance to finals. 

For team awards the top 2 non-advancing entries in each semi-final chamber will earn octa-final points (4 points).  This will keep team points consistent with other events.