Hood River Valley Novice
2017 — Hood River, OR/US
Hood River Valley Novice Speech and Debate Tournament
October 7, 2017
The Hood River Valley High School Novice Tournament will be a chance for everyone to Learn by Doing--
Students new to high school competition in Speech and Debate are invited to compete
Experienced high school competitors may serve as judges and help provide support for events
Our hope is that everyone involved will learn something new, practice skills, and have a fun day together to kick-off the competition year.
We are learning about putting on a tournament like this as well-- so if you see something that we should consider adjusting or have helpful feedback-- please let us know.
Pattern A: Expository, ADS, Oratory, Impromptu, HI, DI, LD Debate, CX Debate*
Pattern B: Extemporaneous, Radio, Poetry, Prose, Dual, LIBIELL, Parli Debate, Public Forum Debate.
Pattern C: Congress*
*(CX Debate and Congress span both patterns - a student entered in CX or Congress will not be able to enter in any other event)
Entry Limits:
• Students may enter no more than three (3) events.
• Students may not enter more than two (2) events in any one pattern
• LD Debaters may not conflict in Pattern A. Parli and Public Forum Debaters may not conflict in Pattern B. Debaters may enter only one form of debate.
• Extempers may enter one event in Pattern A (except LD Debate) and still have time for Extemp Prep, but may not enter any other Pattern B events.
• Each school may enter up to 4 L.D. competitors and 4 Parli, PoFo, and CX Debate Teams in each event. If you have more, let me know. If we still have space as of 3:15 on Wednesday, October 4th, we will be able to add them in.
Please enter online at: http://hrvnovice.tabroom.com
Initial entry must be submitted online by Monday, October 2nd at 5:00 pm.
Drops and additions must be made by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 4th. Teams will be charged for drops made after that time.
$20.00 school entry fee
$5.00 for each entry (Partner events count as 1 entry)
Judging will be provided from experienced students on your team. Please bring one experienced judge/student for each six entries (6)
**NOTE: If you are unable to locate enough judges on your own to cover your entries, please let us know ASAP. Hood River may have students who can cover for you. Also check with other schools that are coming and see if perhaps they have some extra qualified judges you might "borrow" to cover your entries. We don’t want our judging requirement to keep you from coming - we just want to make sure we have enough judges.
Rules:: Oregon High School Speech Rules will be followed, with the
exception that notes and/or manuscripts may be used in any event, except Impromptu. Impromptu will follow State rules.
*Parli Debate: Times will be shorter to accommodate the schedule. Prep time will remain 15 minutes. Speaking times are as follows: 5,6,6,6,3,4. A common prep room will be used. *LD will use the Novice topic. Current topics can be found at: http://www.speechanddebate.org/topics
Our campus is a long way from food. The HRV Speech Team will sell lunch type food from roughly 11am until about 2pm. (Food to be determined. I’ll update prior to the tournament with specifics) Please ask your students to bring small bills if they are going to ($10 or smaller). There will be some snacks for student judges, but they should expect to purchase or bring their own lunch.
Coaches: We will feed coaches lunch.
Awards: Trophies will be given for first, second, and third for all events. All finalists will receive certificates.
Questions? Call or text DeLona @ 541-380-0270 Email: camposdavis@gmail.com
DeLona Campos-Davis, HRVHS Speech Coach
Hood River Valley Novice Tournament Schedule
Pattern A: Expository, ADS, Oratory, Impromptu, HI, DI, LD, CX
Pattern B: Extemporaneous, Radio, Poetry, Prose, Dual, LIBIELL, Parli, Public Forum
Pattern C: Congress
7:15-8:00 Registration in front of Library
8:00-8:15 General Meeting in the Commons
8:30-9:30 Round 1 Pattern A (Extemp draw @ 9:00)
9:30-10:30 Round 1 Pattern B
10:30-11:30 Round 2 Pattern A (Extemp draw @ 11:00)
11:30-12:30 Round 2 Pattern B
12:30-1:30 Round 3 Pattern A (Extemp Draw @ 1:00)
1:30-2:30 Round 3 Pattern B
2:30-3:30 Round 4 LD/CX Debate and FINALS: Pattern A Events
3:30-4:30 Round 4 Parli/PoFo Debate and FINALS: Pattern B
(Extemp uses favorite speech from pre-lims)
4:30-5:00 Clean up the commons area
5:00-5:30 AWARDS (Commons)
Congress schedule:
8:30 - 11:30 Congress Workshop
11:30-1:00 Lunch and Break
1:00-4:00 Congress competition Session