WBFL February Congress
2025 — Torrance, CA/US
Welcome! The WBFL February Student Congress will be held at Ambassador High School on Saturday February 1, 2025
It is only open for schools in the WBFL league.
Tabroom has changed where Legislation is posted... go to the webpage for the docket, and more information
This Student Congress will use the new cross examination rules for State (see below)
Ambassador High School is at 2300 Crenshaw Blvd #B, Torrance, CA 90501
Fees are $15 per entry
PO's are free but the number of slots are limited to twice the number of houses
Registration: 8:00 am
PO and Judge Instructions: 8:30 am
Round One 9:00 am - 10:30am
Round Two 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Awards 1:00pm
New Direct Questioning rules
(from CHSSA rules for Student Congress)
"Section 12. Cross-Examination
"Section 12. Cross-Examination
A. Questioners shall be recognized at the discretion of the presiding officer.
B. presiding officers shall prioritize students who have previously asked fewer questions in the
C. There shall be 2 minutes of cross-examination after the first affirmation and first negative
speech. There shall be 1 minute of cross-examination for all subsequent speeches.
D.Direct cross-examination shall be used for all speeches in prelims, semis and finals.
E. Direct cross-examination shall include 30 second questioning blocks in which a questioner
may ask follow up questions"
As much as possible speakers should alternate Proponent/Opponent