Carolina West District Tournament
2025 — NC/US
Carolina West District Qualifier
for the 2025 National Tournament
Welcome to the Carolina West NSDA District Qualifier Tournament. This tournament will determine who competes from our district at the NSDA National Tournament, which will be held this year from June 15-20 in Des Moines, IA.
Our district qualifier tournament for all events will be held March 1-2 at Asheville High School. We no longer will host separate tournaments for Congress, Policy Debate and Big Questions. Please carefully read the document entitled "Tournament Rules and Policies" down the right hand column of this page. You will be responsible for knowing the information in that document. For specific rules or questions that are not answered in that document, please consult the NSDA Unified Manual.
Due to the nature of school entry limits, we ask that you update your students’ NSDA points through the NSDA’s website at least 10 days prior to the tournament they are entering. Students must have an active NSDA account with a minimum of 25 NSDA points on record to be eligible to compete at this tournament.
Additionally, all fees must be paid with the NSDA prior to competing at the tournament. Any school with outstanding NSDA fees will not be allowed to compete until those fees are paid in full.
Please read the updated NSDA High School Unified Manual, available on the NSDA website ( We encourage you to print a copy for yourself or save a digital copy and have it on hand at the District Tournament. Most questions you may have during the qualification process can be answered directly by the Manual. Rules for each specific event can be found on pages 29-65. Procedures for tabulation and tournament management can be found on pages 101-120.
In accordance with NSDA rules, we will permit changes to registrations after the seven day deadline, but the team registration itself must be received on Tabroom at least seven days ahead of the tournament (February 21) to ensure entry into the tournament.
NOTE: For liability reasons, each school must have a faculty member present and fully available for the duration of the tournament, including registration. In lieu of a faculty member, the principal may designate an approved adult that will be present for the entire tournament and accept full responsibility for the team. This must be submitted ahead of the tournament in writing on school letterhead by the principal or headmaster. Additionally, we cannot accept independent entries and, per NSDA rules, ONLY the faculty coach of record can register the team online and fill out the hard copy paperwork. Please adhere to this very important rule.
Please be sure to read the information in this invitation to ensure your registration is conducted properly. We look forward to seeing all of you in Asheville on March 1st and 2nd.
Most sincerely,
Your Carolina West District Committee:
Keith Pittman (Asheville & SILSA), District Chair
Scott Bennett (NW Guilford), Elected Member
Mike Bischoff (North Mecklenburg), Elected Member
Bilal Butt (Charlotte Latin), Elected Member
Megan Butt (Charlotte Latin), Elected Member
Angela Segarra (Cuthbertson), Appointed Member