JW Patterson HS Invitational

2024 — Oklahoma City, OK/US

JW Patterson High School Invitational


Map of Campus: Heritage Hall Building Map

Hendrick Upper School Building: Varsity Policy Rounds, LD Rounds, tab room (US 134), Help desk in US commons, food in the US commons.

Harris Hall: Novice policy rounds, LD

When you are not debating, students should congregate in the Upper School commons/cafeteria area. Please do not take food into the classrooms.

Need help during the tournament (locked room, missing judge or team, emergency situation):

Email: jwpildhelp@gmail.com

Text/Call BGaston: 405-210-3888

The 14th JW Patterson High School Invitational will be held by Heritage Hall School in Oklahoma City on Oct. 18-20th (F-Sun), 2024. This is an in-person tournament with no online division or hybrid events.

Some important info:

1. The tournament will offer policy debate (varsity, novice) and LD (varsity).

2. The tournament is a TOC qualifier in varsity policy at the semifinal level and in varsity LD debate at the finals level.

3. Novice policy debaters must only use evidence from the NDCA 24-25 evidence packet. Upper class debaters may be used as a novice judge on a case by case basis. Email me with background qualification to judge info about the HS student you want to use as a judge. It is very important the novice debaters have a good experience at the tournament so current high school students as novice judges will have some stipulations.

4. All judges are obligated to judge one full round (a partial round does not count) beyond the elimination of the school they represent. There will be a significant judge fee for "no show" judges. We will use a pref system in varsity policy debate and a pref or strike system in LD varsity debate (depending on the size of the judge pool). Judges must have judge philosophies posted on tabroom.com---or they will not be allowed to judge or count toward your school judge obligation.

6. No hybrid teams are allowed. No independent entries are allowed; an adult who represents the school must be the adult contact for the entry to be approved.

7. We will be using the topics approved by the NSDA. In LD, the 2024 Sept/Oct topic will be used. In all policy debate events, the NFHS 2024-25 topic will be used.

8. All events will take place Oct. 18-20th, this is a Friday-Sunday schedule. That is a change from previous years, but it allows all rounds to take place on the HH campus.

9. Limited snacks will be provided daily; the tournament will provide dinner for everyone on Friday, lunch on Saturday, and a light breakfast on Sunday.

10. Special note: We ask that every coach, judge, and student treat each other respectfully during the tournament and conduct themselves professionally. If you have any questions about this, please email me.

11. UDL teams attending will receive a discount on entry fees; please contact me for information.

Debate coaches, if you have any questions, feel free to email me bgaston@heritagehall.com