3rd Big Tent Online
2024 — Online, US
2024 Zoom Links
Friday (NDT/CEDA only) https://missouristate.zoom.us/j/85727176789
Saturday (all) https://missouristate.zoom.us/j/85346435771
Sunday (elims) https://missouristate.zoom.us/j/87374690634
Hello! Your team is cordially invited to the 3rd annual Big Tent Online tournament to be hosted online on December 6th, 7th, and 8th.
This is a ALMOST FREE tournament! we have decided to add a $5 entry fee per entry in debate, and $3 per entry in IE's to cover NSDA campus costs on Saturday only. Its by far the busiest day and we think the Zoom Room Model has reached its capacity with the current numbers.
The goal of this tournament is to provide a high-quality and VERY affordable online tournament where all college and highschool speech & Debate programs have a chance to compete (and hopefully explore each other’s events)!
Registration is open for Varsity, Junior-Varsity, and Novice divisions of the following debate events:
British Parliamentary, CARD, Public Forum, IPDA, NDT/CEDA, NFA-LD, NPDA/NPTE, TIPDA, APDA and NEDA. We Have ALSO decided to offer HS Policy, LD, and Public Forum, and Congress
We have decided to offer Individual Events at the College level this year.
Please take a moment and go to the tournament link (http://bto.tabroom.com) to register for TBA entries to show your interest in attending.
Please direct any questions to the tournament host committee email address rather than an individual so that you will get the quickest response!
LAST YEAR's Full Invite - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hlieE8LIAC5IyPsZlXNdhUa4rZSGRTPITKnpCqjR0QU/edit?usp=sharing
Updated versions for Fall 2024 will be posted sometime during summer 2024.
Eric Morris, Nathan Rothenbaum, Kristen Stout, and Parker Hopkins
P.S. The overarching goal of the Big Tent Online is to promote friendly relations between various college debate subcommunities. To that end, please ensure all of your participants prioritize making rounds as welcoming as possible to any newcomers to your sub-community.
ALSO, We are looking for individuals to help in tab/judge checking.
Due to the unique nature of the tournament - 1 judge pool across MANY events etc, we have a core group assigning judges for each format, but having a designated individual(s) for/from each format to check on each of the judges from that format would be helpful! Here is where we need help as of now. We will update this as volunteers emerge! The more the merrier!
To make judge judge commitments work for IE's, they have a different judge category, but IE judges should expect to be placed in Satudary Debate events as necessary.
NDT/CEDA - V Keenan
CARD - Travis Cram
NFA-LD - Justin Kirk / Shanna Carlson
BP -
College IE's - Whitman College - Kiefer Storrer, and Baker Weilert
HS Policy -
HS Congress -