Northshore Debate Series 2
2022 — Northbrook, IL/US
Welcome to the Northshore Debate Series #2. The goal is to be in person. No entry fees. We will cap the number of teams based on space available. Please enter your teams ASAP. They will be waitlisted and we will try to let people in ASAP while balancing everyone getting teams.
In Novice and JV Policy, you owe 1 judge per two teams. Novice judges must have at least 2 years of high school policy debate and be a junior or older. JV judges must have at least 3 years of high school policy debate experience and be a senior or older.
In Congress you owe 1 judge per 15 students. Congress legislation is due by September 12.
In Novice Policy, students are limited to T, DAs, and case arguments from the NDCA 2022-2023 novice packet.
Novice/JV Policy Schedule
Pairings - 3:15pm - Please don't arrive at the school until 3:30pm. We are releasing pairings early so people don't need to congregate and can go to their round 1 rooms as soon as they arrive at the school.
Round 1 - 4pm-5:30pm
Congress Schedule
Pairings - 3:15pm - Please don't arrive at the school until 3:30pm. We are releasing pairings early so people don't need to congregate and can go to their round 1 rooms as soon as they arrive at the school.
Session 1 - 4pm-5:45pm
COVID-19 Guidance
-It is strongly recommended that all participants be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
-It is strongly recommended that all participants be tested for COVID-19, even if not symptomatic, prior to coming to the tournament.
-It is strongly recommended that all participants wear well-fitting masks during the tournament.
-It is the responsibility of participants to follow any of your own district's COVID-19 protocols.
-If any participant or guest experiences any COVID-19 symptoms during the tournament, that person should withdraw from the tournament and leave campus.
-Schools, and not the tournament, are responsible for making sure that competing individuals follow state, local, and national guidelines regarding COVID-19 safety during the tournament.