2022 — Sapulpa, OK/US

Place                                Sapulpa High School

Tournament Director     Jennifer Denslow


                                        Cell:  918-921-4782

       Classroom: 918-443-6000 EXT. 6231

       Home: 918-275-4052



ENTER ONLINE AT www.ossaaspeech.com  AND here at https://www.tabroom.com/index/tourn/index?tourn_id=23362



Enter each person or team in the appropriate event.

Please complete this process on tabroom for each judge:

  1. When you click “judges” on your entry, you will notice a list of judge categories on the right-hand side.  Choose the most appropriate category for that judge and click on it.  If they are a debate judge, place them in the appropriate debate category.  If they are not a debate judge, place them in the most appropriate speech category. If they are both, please enter them in both categories.

  2. Add your judge using the drop-down menu on the right.  Add a new judge to your roster if needed.

  3. Once you have added a judge and you see their name in that judge category, then click on “All rounds” under availability.  


  1. On this menu you can indicate what times that judge is available.  Click on any round in which that judge will  NOT be available.


  1. Go back to the judge category where the judge was entered and click the judge’s name.  On this menu you can indicate what events that judge is capable of judging.  Click all pools that apply.

  2. If the judge needs to be struck against a particular school or contestant that is not on your team, please indicate that in the judge notes for that judge.

Judges must be available at least 75% of the rounds to be counted.

Please remember to submit yourself as a judge. All coaches are required to be available to judge at Regionals.  Judges are expected to judge one round past a school’s elimination, so all judges will be expected to be available for finals. 

The judging requirement will be strictly enforced. The formula for regionals is 1 judge for each 5 entries or portion thereof, 1 CX judge per CX team, 1 judge per 2 LDers, and 1 judge per 2 PF teams. 

If you fulfill only the minimum judging requirements, you will judge every round.  Please bring extra judges and note on the sheets that they are being sent to give you a round off.  

Site Details

Masks are requested, but not required.



Sapulpa will have a concession stand available for students.

The judges’ lounge will also be arranged by Sapulpa.  Please pay $5 per judge per day. DO NOT SEND THIS IN WITH YOUR ENTRY FEES! Checks for hospitality should be made out to “Sapulpa High School”. It would be great to pay ahead of time, but you may pay at registration and cash is fine.


Registration will begin at 2:30 on Friday, March 25  Registration on Saturday, March 26 will be at 8:00. Rounds will begin at 8:30. Updates, a tentative schedule, and information about parking on that Friday will be forthcoming.

Tab Room

The tab room will be closed to those not involved in tabulation.  


Ballots will be available to coaches as they come in.  Preliminary results will be shown to coaches before finals are posted. The finals tabulation will be available for 30 minutes after awards so coaches may check results. Mistakes cannot be corrected after 9:00 a.m. of the Tuesday following the tournament.

Drop Fees

Please make drops as soon as you are aware of changes. Changes after 5:00 p.m. on the Monday of regionals week will be charged drop fees. Please consult the OSSAA manual for the fees, which get larger the later the drops are made.



  1. Judges should plan to be the official timekeeper(s).  Please do not ask contestants or audience members to do so. (Judges in extemp: if you are keeping time, please make sure the students understand how you are keeping time and make sure you give clear signals).

  2. Please be sure to bring your prepared copies of scripts  (highlighted with original introductions, transitions, and conclusions typed) and have a copy of original oratories available (a copy of original oratories must be turned in at STATE. At regionals you should have a copy available). The script must be available if any protest is filed.

  3. Please make sure your judges are familiar with the most current rules.

  4.  All questions and protests should be directed to the tournament director.