District V Speech and Debate DISTRICT Tournament
2022 — Pocatello, ID/US
Welcome to the District V Speech and Debate Tournament!
This year's tournament will be held at American Falls High School, 2966 South Frontage Rd., American Falls ID.
Panel Topics
Idaho Panel Topics 2021-22 Was the Black Lives Matter movement of 2020 successful in achieving a lasting impact on American society?
Many Americans see the country as more polarized than ever in history. What can be done to heal the divide?
Should comprehensive sex education be mandatory in secondary schools?
Which innovation or cultural shift brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic will have the most staying power after the Pandemic is over?
How best can the United States of America reform its Prison Industrial Complex?
3:00-3:30 Registration
3:30-4:00 Meetings
4:00 Round 1 Speech
6:00 Round 2 Speech
8:00 Round 3 Speech
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30 Meetings
9:00 Round 1 Debate
11:00 Round 2 Debate
1:00 Round 3 Debate
3:00 Round 4 Debate
5:30 Announcements/Awards