Washington Warrior Invite

2021 — Sioux Falls, SD/US


You are cordially invited to the 2021 Washington Warrior Invite! 

Thank you for your interest in the 2021 Washington Warrior Invite.  As first year Head Coach, I am eager to get this show on the road! My students and I are very excited to welcome you to Washington.  We are pleased to announce that our tournament will be held in person Friday, November 12. We are offering the following events: 

Student Congress, Novice Dramatic Interp, Novice Duo Interp, Novice Extemp, Novice Humorous Interp, Novice Informative, Novice Original Oratory, Oratorical Interpretation (Non-Original Oratory), Poetry, Reader's Theater, Storytelling, Varsity Domestic Extemp, Varsity Dramatic Interp, Varsity Duo Interp, Varsity Humorous Interp, Varsity Informative, Varsity International Extemp, and Varsity Original Oratory.



2:00 – 3:00 – Registration in the Auditorium

3:00 – General Meeting in the Auditorium

3:30 – Round One – Reader’s Theatre

3:45 – Round One of all IE’s (Extemp Draw @ 3:15)

5:00 – Round Two – Reader’s Theatre

5:15 – Round Two of all IE’s (Extemp Draw @ 4:45)

6:45 – Round Three – Reader’s Theatre

7:00 – Round Three of all IE’s (Extemp Draw @ 6:30)

8:45 – Awards in the Auditorium


Participating schools can begin arriving at 2:00 PM – do not arrive any earlier than this time.  Please do not use the Main Entrance of the building.  All teams will need to enter the building via the Faculty Doors (“T” Doors) on the West Side of the School (near the Tennis Courts) and report directly to the Auditorium (adjacent to Faculty Doors) as school is still in session.  There will be restrooms available near the Auditorium area.  Students will not be allowed in other areas of the building until school is dismissed.

After students are dropped off, buses/vans/etc need to leave the parking lots until 3:45 PM to avoid any congestion when school is dismissed at 3:10 PM (a good place to wait would be the overflow parking lot West of the WHS Tennis Courts).  When buses/vans return they can park in the Faculty Parking Lot (West Lot) near the FB Field/Tennis Courts. 


When using rooms, please treat the rooms with respect and stay away from using teacher desks, smart boards, white boards, and any items not designated for use.


            Concessions will be available in the WHS Commons area. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions or concerns. Otherwise, we will see you soon!




Angelica Mercado-Ford + Coaches

Head Debate Coach
