2020 — Carrollton, TX/US
Spontaneity 42 Virtual
Newman Smith H.S.
September 24-25, 2021
Dear Colleagues and Competitors,
The time has once again arrived to begin thinking about tournament activities. Newman Smith High School cordially invites you to attend Spontaneity 41. Our TFA qualifying Speech and Debate tournament will be held on Friday, September 25th and Saturday, September 26th as we attempt to GO VIRTUAL! All events will use NSDA Campus as the platform for the tournament.
We offer Humorous and Dramatic Interpretation, International, Domestic, and Novice Extemporaneous Speaking; Congressional Debate; Lincoln Douglas, Policy, WSD and Public Forum Debate; Original Oratory; Poetry; Prose , Duet Acting, Duo Interp, POI and Informative Speaking. In addition, four prelim rounds of debate will be offered. Novice divisions are provided in Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum and Policy Debate. Congressional Debate will occur on Friday, and all Individual Speaking Events will occur on Saturday.
Also, all debate events will be administered during the tournament through Registration will also be through this website.
All IE’s will be asynchronous except for extemporaneous speaking.
We do not accept independent entries. A coach or adult must enter, attend, and supervise the students from their school.
Included with this invitation is a tentative schedule and general participatory rules. Please note that to ensure competitive judging quality no entries will be accepted after Friday, September 18.
For any other inquiries about the tournament, please e -mail Chris Agee at
We look forward to hosting what promises to be an outstanding tournament and to “seeing” all of you the last weekend of September. We hope you can be a part of history in the making at Spontaneity 41!
Suhani Jampala
Debate Team President
Robert Martin
I.E. Tab Director
Chris Agee
Debate Tab Director