Northern South Dakota District Tournament
2022 — SD/US
Brookings High School1
Host: Jake Campbell
Aberdeen Central High School Aberdeen Online Zoom Rooms Brookings High School1Contacts
Kerry KondaGeneral Info
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CSTDebate and IE
to 2/26
Reg Opens
1/22 8:00A
Reg Close
2/17 8:00P
Fees Frozen
2/17 8:00P
Judging Due
2/23 8:00P
Drop online
2/23 8:00P
Penalty fines
2/17 12:00A
Student Congress
Reg Opens
2/10 8:00A
Reg Close
3/9 8:00P
Fees Frozen
3/3 8:00P
Judging Due
3/9 8:00P
Drop online
3/9 8:00P
Penalty fines
3/3 12:00A
Big Question
Reg Opens
2/14 8:00A
Reg Close
3/12 8:00P
Fees Frozen
3/7 8:00P
Judging Due
3/13 8:00P
Drop online
3/13 8:00P
Penalty fines
3/7 12:00A