Claremont Wolfcub Middle School Tournament

2017 — CA/US


Abbreviation LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00 (Plus $50/student)
Entry Limit Per School 8
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Go to the room listed on top of this ballot. * Before the round starts, tell the debaters what prior judging experience you have.

Do not interrupt any speech or give comments before the round is over. * Do not leave the room during the round.

Do not consult with anyone else while making your decision. * Please write down all arguments made by the debaters.



-Computers and printed evidence/materials can be used in round.

-RESOLUTION: Resolved:  Public colleges and universities in the United States ought not restrict any constitutionally protected speech 

-The first speech on each side is a constructive and should be used to present the case for/against the resolution. The Neg should also use its constructive to respond to the Aff case.

-THE LAST TWO SPEECHES SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY NEW ARGUMENTS but instead should be used to make refutations and summarize the round. The very last Aff speech is not allowed any new refutations or arguments unless addressing a new response made by the Neg in their last speech.

-Please Assign speaker points from 24.0 to 30.0 in TENTH point increments using the scale below. DO NOT Tie speakers.