Spat N Squeak

2015 — CA/US

Acceptance Speech

Abbreviation Ac Sp
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Summary: Acceptance Speech is a spontaneous event where competitors are given two minutes of preparation time to give a five minute maximum speech in the style of an awards show acceptance speech. Topics: Each round will compromise one particular awards show. Each contestant should create their own idea of what has won, not use an existing song, movie, etc. (For example, if you draw “Academy Award for Best Director”, you are NOT a real director winning for one of their movies, but you winning for whatever movie you want to create. Use your imagination!) Drawing: Each contestant will draw one award which they have “won”. Preparation: Each contestant will have two minutes of preparation time, beginning when the award is chosen. Notes: Notes may be made on the topic paper and used during the speech.