Rogue Valley Invitational at Crater High School

2024 — Central Point, OR/US


Abbreviation AParli
Format Debate
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Parliamentary Debate.
13.3.1. Team Size. In this debate form, there are two speakers to a team. The affirmative team is called the
Proposition. The negative team is called the Opposition.
13.3.2. Length and Order of Speeches.
7 minutes 1st Proposition constructive
8 minutes 1st Opposition constructive
8 minutes 2nd Proposition constructive
8 minutes 2nd Opposition constructive
4 minutes Opposition rebuttal (given by 1st Opposition speaker)
5 minutes Proposition rebuttal (given by 1st Proposition speaker)
13.3.3. Resolutions.
(a) There shall be three resolutions per round.
(b) One resolution shall be a policy resolution, one resolution shall be a value resolution and the third
resolution may be either a value or a policy resolution.
(c) The Affirmative team must affirm the resolution.
13.3.4. Topic Draw and Preparation Room Procedures.
(a) Topics shall be drawn, and preparation shall occur in the ParliamentaryDebate Preparation Roomwhen possible.
(b) After examining the three-posted topics, teammates should discuss and prioritize the choices.
(c) When a team’s code number is called, the team may send up one representative topic proctor.
Oregon School Activities Association 2023-2024 Speech Handbook
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(d) The proctor shall ask the Proposition to strike first, then the Opposition. The remaining topic shall be
(e) The Proposition shall deliver the topics to the judge(s) in the competition room.
(f) Teams are to prepare in the Prep Room on the selected topic. Competitors may work with their
partners, but should be reminded to keep their voices down.
(g) The proctor shall dismiss both teams in a match to go to the competition room at the end of the 15-
minute preparation period.
13.3.5. Materials allowed in the Parliamentary Debate Preparation Room and in the round.
(a) Paper
(b) Dictionary. Allowed in Preparation Room ONLY.
(c) Pens or Pencils
(d) Electronic Devices may used in the Preparation room ONLY in alignment to the rules outlined in 12.12.
Electronic devices may be used to access the Internet, find definitions, statistics, or other background
information only.
(e) Pre-written arguments, handbooks, briefs, or outlines are prohibited from the prep room, whether
accessed electronically or present in hard copy form.
(f) No other items are to be used in the round or during preparation. Other people may not be used as
a resource.
13.3.6. Questions and Answers.
(a) In this debate form, there is no formal cross-examination period for the speakers.
(b) Instead, the speakers have the option to ask questions during the opponents’ constructive speeches.
(c) When a question is desired, the questioner will stand and raise a hand to be acknowledged by the
opponent who has two options:
(1) Say "No Thank You" and continue.
(2) Say "Proceed" and answer the question.
(d) Remember that the stopwatch will not stop for a question. Speakers must present their constructive
speeches and answer questions in the allowed time. Questions cannot be asked during the first and
last minute of the opponents’ constructive speeches. There shall be no questions during the rebuttals.

13.3.7. Judge Participation.
(a) The Judge in a Parliamentary Debate is responsible for announcing each speaker and the amount of
time for each speech. Example: "I will now call the second Opposition forward for an eight-minute
speech," etc.
(b) The Judge is also responsible for letting the speakers know when to ask questions during the
constructive by "rapping on the desk" when the speaker is one minute into the constructive and
"rapping" again when one minute is left to speak.
(c) The Judge shall disregard any arguments made over the time limits. The Judge shall disregard new
arguments in rebuttals with the exception of the Proposition’s response to new arguments made in
the 2nd Opposition constructive. New examples, analysis, analogies, etc., which support previously
introduced arguments are permitted in rebuttal speeches.
(d) The Judge shall penalize misrepresentations of opponent’s arguments, personal attacks on opponents
and rudeness by reducing speaker points and factoring such infractions into the decision.
13.3.8. Heckling. No heckling is allowed other than supportive knocking, patting or applause.
13.3.9. Points of Order and Points of Personal Privilege are not allowed.
13.3.10. Other Rules. See General Debate Rules.