Rim 2 Rim
2023 — Twin Falls High School, ID/US
Entry Fee
Overall Entry Limit
1 competitors per entry
Event Description:
This is a prepared storytelling event following the same rules/norms as NSDA supplemental storytelling. This is in place of Retold.
Storytelling - 5:00 minutes maximum, with a 30 second grace period.
1. Performance: A single published, printed story, anecdote, tale, myth, or legend must be retold without notes or props. Any theme/topic area may be used.
2. Expectations: The delivery must be extempore, not read. No book or script may be used. The story may be delivered standing or seated. Gestures, pantomime, and characterization may be used with restraint but the focus must be on the narrative. The retelling must be true to the original tale. The contestant may not add original material or materially change the content of the story.